Hit-delay, wings, new arrows, levitation pots, and teleporting fruit are aspects of the update that should not be added to Massive if and when the server decides to update.
Although I can agree about the hit delay, I'm sort of curious about what you have against those other things. To me they seem fairly harmless and might add a bit of variety and help stop the game from getting stale. Wings, although silly, require replacing your chestplate with them, making them inadequate for Pvp, and just a utility item for fast travel and maybe getting over walls.
The new arrows aren't that game changing if we're being honest. All of the potion effects that have timers(Which every debuff does with the exception of harming) has the timer reduced to 1/8th of the time when it's on an arrow as opposed to a potion. Not to mention that crafting them requires Dragon's Breath, an item that wouldn't be on Massivecraft at all since it requires an Ender Dragon to be obtained. Massive won't even have these arrows unless they add a custom recipe, or a way to get Dragon's Breath.
Levitation potions would be terrible, but fortunately they don't exist. Unless once again, Massive creates a custom recipe for them(which they shouldn't) or MCMMO adds them to the alchemy skill or somehing. Levitation only normally occurs if the Shulker mob hits you.
The Chorus Fruit I actually like the idea of, although I'm sure it's very controversial among some people. Granted, I feel it should have a really long cooldown, as in 1-2 minutes, so it's not spammable and reasonably balanced. It would be an unreliable, yet possible method, to get to the people that hide behind doors and walls and in houses, making them not invincible. This will maybe encourage more surrenders, something I know Pvpers complain doesn't happen a lot, simply because factions have no incentive to.