⌘ The Nenyarina ⌘

I have not seen you much in rp, from what I gather you did say you hadn't rped in a long time. Hopefully this will raise up your interests in pursuing RP again? I don't see why not so, I will set you as Pending! for the time being.
I've considered having Whitlock join a couple of times but I've been busy. So. I'll use this as a Reserved spot, just so you know.
When you are trying to interact with Nenyarina so you can go from pending to approved and everyone is afk of offline ;-;
When you are trying to interact with Nenyarina so you can go from pending to approved and everyone is afk of offline ;-;
Give us some time! Usually acceptation is as easy as coming up to the garden base and expressing your interest in-character, but since we don't have a base at the moment it's a bit trickier.

Try looking around near the sewer tavern for green armour and interact with the Nenyarinas you come across. You don't need to roleplay with me or Caelamus to be accepted! Once we've ensured your roleplay etiquette is up to scratch, from direct roleplay or reports from our members, we'll then seek you out to give you the confirmation of acceptance.

As a general rule, I wont be responding to specific RP requests through PM right now. @Caelamus will respond when he can. We're quite busy and so all interactions will be spontaneous, on-the-scene things when we're not under attack or attending a meeting. I hope this doesn't make things too incredibly difficult, and I'm sorry for the trouble! Once sewer rents are open it will be much smoother.

Best of luck!
Hey, It's me again!
IGN: Speedybattlebug
Character Name: Alak'aer Iethos
Character Race: Isldar Yanar Seedling
Character Gender: Male, but he can be pretty feminine sometimes.
Character Age: 54
Character Skills: He's an expert in Evergrowth Magic, all solurs except the 8th. (At least, he's going to be Expert. For now, He has Solurs 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10.) He can use a stave in combat if he has to, and he has a general, around average knowledge of herbs and medicines. He is faithful to Estel and all that, as well.
I don't know if puns are a skill, but he has lots of them.
Character App: Yep! It isn't approved yet, but it's up: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/alakaer-nessus-iethos-edited.50640/
Skype: Yes! My username is SpearMinty.
Other Gangs: He has a bitty part in the Regalian Freedom Cell. He plans to be kinda background in that though, he doesn't want to be arrested.
IG Punishments: None that I know of, I once accidentally spammed a command and got banned for a minute. It didn't show up in my /seen however.

Note: C-can we please just forget about all that other stuff? I mean only good things for you guys, I promise ^^

@Eccetra @Caelamus

Thank you so, so much!

Love and puns,
Speedy :D
IGN: Emkalou
Character name:
Ra'ilia Yinvi
Char Race: Yanar, Rashaq seedling
Char Gender: Female
Char Age: 24
Char Skills: She's good at archery, full of energy, and she's witty (and once it's approved my char will be a light mage)
Char App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/railia-yinvi.49331/ It needs to be re-approved since I added the light magic stuff, but it was approved before
Skype: Not yet, but I may have it in the near future, and I have a friend (Speedy, who applied above) who might help keep me updated until I do
Gangs: Not officially, but she's heard of and silently supports the Regalian Freedom Cell
IG Punishments: Nope
:P Let me know if you want me to add any details!
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After speaking to you regarding the application in PM, Accepted! Just find us in-game to express your character's interest and you will be accepted as promised. You'll be added to the skype group afterwards.
I understand that you are applying alongside speedybattlebug, so I really do want to accept you as well. However none of us are very familiar with your character or roleplay etiquette just yet, so we're going to put you on pending until we've interacted with you a little more. Hopefully this shouldn't be too much trouble? Pending!
After speaking to you regarding the application in PM, Accepted! Just find us in-game to express your character's interest and you will be accepted as promised. You'll be added to the skype group afterwards.

I understand that you are applying alongside speedybattlebug, so I really do want to accept you as well. However none of us are very familiar with your character or roleplay etiquette just yet, so we're going to put you on pending until we've interacted with you a little more. Hopefully this shouldn't be too much trouble? Pending!
:D cOOL! I'd be happy to start rping with you guys, but I warn you, I am far from familiar with it. It's likely I'll accidentally do some non-lore compliant stuff sometimes, so I'm especially grateful you guys are so nice about it!
IGN: SpinSpinDizzy
Character name: Cyran Lagashi
Character race: Atalar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 95
Character skills: A practitioner in lightning magic, and fully serves Estale to the best of his ability.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/cyran-lagashi-the-storming-elf.51280 (In Review)
Do you have skype?: I will disclose such over private messaging.
Are you part of any other gangs?: No.
Any IG punishments?: I don't have any, and hope to never receive any.
Hiya! Sorry for the slow response, I've been fairly busy lately. I don't believe I've ever seen you in roleplay before, so for now I am going to set you on pending. @Caelamus will arrange a time to conveniently meet you in game so that we can get to know you. I'm not very active in the sewers right now, so it may be best to contact him instead of me if you need any help. Pending!
I've always wanted to join a plant gang
Then you should.
IGN: Punktius
Character name: Ilias Caiwë
Character race: Yanar (Qadir Seedling)
Character gender: Male
Character age: 41
Character skills: Skilled archer (Arcol Bow) and acrobat; decently skilled in alchemy, particularly poisons and such.
Character application: Not yet
Do you have skype?:
Are you part of any other gangs?: Yes, you know who, but my character for that gang is now an NPC.
Any IG punishments?: No
@Eccetra I realized I wasn't active in the guild, and I give my deepest and earnest apologies to you for being such a brick on the ankle. I wanted to be in the guild I just wasn't active with my character, and I didn't get much updates on what was going on at the time, or I was just inactive on skype. I hope I can apply again, giving it my all. Again, do accept my deepest apologies.
IGN: MysticFenyck
Character name: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Doesn't identify himself a gender
Character age: 42
Character skills: Expert Evergrowth Mage, all but the 4th and 9th Solurs
Character application: Voila
Do you have skype?: redmysterygamer
Are you part of any other gangs?: It's more of an operation than gang, but he is apart of G.R.R.
Any IG punishments?: Nope; lil' ol angel.
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I hope its 0kay if I reapply
IGN: HelloFroyo
Character name: Joquil Camellia Edelweiss
Character race: Yanar. Altalar seedling.
Character gender: Identifies as female.
Character age: 19
Character skills: She is an excellent artist and she is a trainee in Evergrowth magic.
Character application: Link
Do you have skype?: Yes, you already have me c:
Are you part of any other gangs?: Nope
Any IG punishments?: N/A
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Thankyou for your applications! For various reasons however , we will not be accepting any more members at this time.
If there comes a period where we decide to recruit again, I will tag you both so that you can reapply if you'd like.

☼ Nenyarina recruitment is, for the time being, CLOSED! ☼
Tell me when it opens again as well please :)
When the applications are open, can I apply my slithering snake into dis shiet

Nenyarina recruitment is open once more!

Our goals have changed somewhat, so be sure to re-read the first page before applying! The group is now more research and magic-based, with basis in the Virtue worship and Doomsday avoidance. There is less religious fervor and gang-like activity overall to be noted. Some things have been left intentionally vague or questionable in the main post to be found out in-character.

Those watching the Nenyarina may have noticed the following over the past 3 months (IC knowledge):

  • The Nenyarina have become quieter and more subdued. There have been less reports of religious extremism and Yanar brutality amongst guard circles and sewer-goers.​
  • The group's hand in aiding Regalian loyalists in defeating Deathling usurper Freya Lo has left many questioning their loyalties.​
  • Known Nenyarina members and assumed heretics have been seen spotted on the surface amongst regular civilians, with oddly little harassment from Bluesteel guards.​
  • On rare occasions, leaders of the Nenyarina have even been spotted at Unionist mass or praising the Spirit.​
I was applying and then noticed you changed the rule about Skype...legitimately disappointed now ;~; but if you still want to see it here is the app.
IGN: Koajack
Character name: Lloa Nossollei
Character race: Yanar, Altalar Seedling
Character gender: Male
Character age: 22
Character skills: Learning Alchemy, intelligent, expert evergrowth mage (Have not played him as an expert as he isn't approved.)
Is your character against the Emperor? Find Out IC ;3
Character application: It's in the works, not done yet but finishing ASAP
Do you have Skype?: No, my parents won't let me get it. I can give you someone else's Skype who can text me all the stuff if that's maybe okay?
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: (Yes, I am head of House Brosseau, part of House Helethium, a low member of the Storm Crows, though I don't play that character atm, part of the New Sun Dakkar, also don't play the character and this group is very inactive (no offense New Sun guys) and I just started working at the FongCo Haunted Castle.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Yes, I was muted for three days for making a dirty joke in general a while ago, almost 4 months ago. Before that, I had some other stuff
Roleplay references: @Friendly_Gal @AtticCat and @KiddingAround can vouch for both my RP Quality and my OOC personality/trustworthiness.
IGN: Enkiduu
Character name: Eikos, Estyne
Character race: Altalar Yanar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 20
Character skills: Botanist, healer
Is your character against the Emperor? No.
Character application: It's in the future. I don't have direct access. Yet. You can take a look at her grandmother's character application, though it's probably outdated or some such.
Do you have Skype?: Yes, I have one "Skype".
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Sometimes I play on a roleplay Minecraft server called Massivecraft. Not sure if that counts.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Not that I'm aware of.
Roleplay references: Not now.
@Eccetra @Caelamus

Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Oh, no, wait, you said "other". Well.. No, not really.

Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Oh, wait. You meant in-character groups, right? Well, then... Still no.

Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Wait, yes I am. But it's probably been disbanded a while ago or something. I mean, yes, I was. Well, guess that doesn't count then.
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IGN: MysticFenyck
Character name: Ke'wince "The Giver" Gavenmore
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Feminine features; Masculine tendencies
Character age: 46
Character skills: Magic; Evergrowth, Expert
Is your character against the Emperor?: Neither for nor against
Character application: Ke'wince Gavenmore
Do you have Skype?: RedMysteryGamer
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Sort of. Ke' is apart of G.R.R., though not a huge influence in it.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Non
Roleplay references: N/A
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Hello, thankyou for your application! Unfortunately, while we have tried to accommodate members without Skype before, the amount of communication necessary for our group has left such members out of the loop and without much influence. So for that I will have to reject your application. You are still free to roleplay in the Grove and get involved with the Nenyarina that way, however!
Approved! It's great to see you back Enki, and I can't wait to get you involved. Come find Niantha or another Nenyarina member in character to get initiated! I'm pretty sure Ni will still remember Estyne.
Hello! While I have seen you around a few times before, I don't think I have ever had the chance to properly meet Ke'wince or see your roleplay in action. Come find myself, Caelamus, or any other Nenyarina member in-character to express your interest and we'll take it from there. Pending!
Hello! While I have seen you around a few times before, I don't think I have ever had the chance to properly meet Ke'wince or see your roleplay in action. Come find myself, Caelamus, or any other Nenyarina member in-character to express your interest and we'll take it from there. Pending!
Is there a general spot/area the members usually appear?
Character name
Kamaya Banerjee.
Character race
Character gender
Character age
Character skills
She's skilled in light magic healing, as well as using her brute strength to her advantage in fights.
Is your character against the Emperor?
Kamaya is indifferent either way, though she leans however slightly for him.
Character application
Working on one!
Do you have Skype?
Yep, I think you have it still.
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?
I'm in a few but as an observer at best, Kamaya isn't in any herself.
Have you received any IG punishments?
Any punishments I may have had have been pardoned by the staff administration.
Roleplay references
@MolagBallin @Nesstro @Belgrade @Dekuras

@Eccetra @Caelamus

Hello Scaf! I've taken the time to review over your application and I know you well enough to make my own judgement prior so I'll go ahead and start with, Approved! I encourage you to seek out the members of the Nenyarina in the grove itself in the sewers or you may arrange a specific time with me to have an in-character meeting.
hoo boy time to embarrass myself

Character name
Akkar Elwynn, though, he/she goes by Vulmir.
Character race
Yanar, Altalar Seedling, with Avanthar proportions.
Character gender
Agender, doesn't really care what gender he/she is called by.
Character age
Fifty eight
Character skills
Light Mage, Mage level in healing and cutting light
(A bit of a warning, when in intense emotional situations, Akkar's magic has been known to "fizzle" or cause violent reactions)
Is your character against the Emperor?
Akkar is loyal to the emperor, and would've been a unionist if not for his parents.
Character application
Working on one.
Do you have Skype?
You betcha
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?
Order of Isla Fox, Stormcrows and sorta working on a Shendar Tribe.
Have you received any IG punishments?
I was muted a long while back on my first day, for calling someone a b***h in general chat who definitely didn't deserve it. About a few months later, I was jailed for avoiding guard rp. That was three years ago.
Roleplay References:
Sadly wasn't able to dredge up anyone to vouch for me. Though if asked I can search a bit harder.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Hello! Due to already being in two, possibly three other rival groups, I'm afraid I'm going to have to reject this application. Also as an aside, an Altalar Yanar cannot under any circumstances have Avanthar proportions, as both Altalar and Yanar are incredibly weak. If at any point you become a bit less swamped, feel free to reapply!
IGN: BrammekeH
Character name: Bram Nevallaent'e
Character race: Altalar
Character gender: Male
Character age: Fourty-Six.
Character skills: Mage level Barrier and Healing Light, ability to use the Supreme Form, Divine Being. Also enjoys swinging his Lightseeker around like it's some sort of nuclear weapon of destruction.
Is your character against the Emperor? Neither with or against him.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/bram-eversnow-reworked.44153/
Do you have Skype?: Yep!
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: None that I'm aware of, no.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope, clean slate.
Roleplay references: @KeysReborn @Rhuyne @LlamaDelBae
@Eccetra @Caelamus
IGN: Seaaaaa
Character name: Katthe Djilla
Character race: Ailor
Character gender: Female
Character age: Sixteen
Character skills: Ethereal magic and Ghost grip magic
Is your character against the Emperor? um,,
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/katthe-djilla.45519/
Do you have Skype?: Yeah.
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: i am. it's called the nenyarina
Have you received any IG punishments?: Clean!
Roleplay references: uwu
@Eccetra @Caelamus
also a lil letter would be sent to the two leaders in Elvish
Dear Niantha & Zaos Heiwynn,
Apologies for my previous rash actions.I wish to amend my mistakes and start on a new slate especially with the people I trust. Of course I will understand your reasoning if you do not accept me. Thank you.
- Kattherine Loaea Ailemer/Djilla/Lhoril (whatever my name is.)
{A doodle of herself would be left underneath.}
{and in common, it would read, in messy handwriting..}

can u aso teeth me how too rite in ve com on
Hello! Sorry for the delayed response, I completely forgot that I hadn't replied to this. I have good faith in your roleplay ability and see no issues with the character, so for this you are provisionally Accepted! Please come find the Nenyarina on the surface or in the sewers for an initiation.
For obvious reasons (due to having a history between our characters), I think this is a response best done in-character. Niantha and Zaos will have received the letter. ;) Pending!
IGN: Jacobcraft04
Character name: Naya flowerblade
Character race: allar Yanar
Character gender: none, identifies as female
Character age: 67
Character skills: mage, hand to hand combat, sickle fighting
Is your character against the Emperor? No, she does not really care.
Character application: not right now.
Do you have Skype?: Yes.
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: If you mean on this server, yes.
Have you received any IG punishments?: jailed once.
Roleplay references: No, none now.
(Cleared up my groups a bit, and clarified that Arl is the only character of mine in a group, so, I'm reapplying with a different, approved, character)
IGN: Ledilote
Character name: Vulre Tralee
Character race: Drowdar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 35
Character skills: Bladesmanship, Survival
Is your character against the Emperor? Nope. Vulre is loyal to the Emperor. Just. Not unionist.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vulre-tralee.54077/ boop

Do you have Skype?: Yep.
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Currently a part of the Order of Isla Fox and Colère De L'ombre, both with the same char, Arl Faerie (L'ombre doesn't usually have any scheduled stuff)
Have you received any IG punishments?: Muted once, Jailed once, both are not on my record, due to being three years old
Roleplay references: @Emperor_E @Zytus
lowkey just commenting to watch this and remind myself to join in the case my parents let me get skype

EDIT: I think I'm getting it. Reserved for an application.
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