Preserved Sheet Cyran Lagashi The Storming Elf

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Ithanian, Candlehead, and Gold-Eye.
Jan 20, 2017
Reaction score
Probably the Moon
  • Full Name: Cyran Jint Lagashi
  • Age: 95
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Atalar
  • Main Ambition: Power, as to become the strongest lightning mage to live. More than any mage.
  • Special Permission: Expert Lightning Mage
Skill Information
  • School: Magnetic Bend and Lightning Shock.
  • Level: Expert in Magnetic Bend and Lightning shock.
  • Source Up until Mage, his Father, after that, several tomes and sought information from other lightning mages.
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Dark Green.
  • Hair Color: A sandy or muddy blonde.
  • Hair Style: Shoulder length haircut, a simple Bob cut.
  • Skin Color: Pale, white skin.
  • Clothing: Lose fitting robes with belts tightening any necessary places.
  • Height: 6'1 ft.
  • Weight: 117 pounds.
  • Body Build: Lanky and thin built.
  • Weapon of Choice: Lightning Shock, often used in quick, pin pointed bursts, aiming to debilitate. In Magnetic bend, manipulating his two metal poles, that are sharpened on both ends.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits
  • Cruel: Cyran has no room for sympathy or empathy. Cyran is a cruel individual, nearly incapable of making a decision out of mercy. He finds sympathy and empathy un-needed, and a weakness above anything else. He finds those who are too merciful pathetic, or weak.
  • Arrogant: Cyran, in his own mind is the best at everything, and those who argue are simply babbling fools. Cyran, since a child has always seen himself as above the rest. He speaks down to nearly anyone, and about anyone, save Estale herself. He often is aliennated because of this huge amount of ego.
  • Impulsive: Cyran finds it hard to not do the first thing that pops to his head. His impulsiveness combined with his arrogance is terrible, as he often thinks his first thought is a work of genius. Cyran also has given no effort to stop this behavior of his, and usually is controlled by his first thoughts. Cyran has been this way since a child, and believes it's a good trait.
  • Stubborn: Cyran is always right, you're wrong. Cyran will hold on to his beliefs, even if it would mean his own death. Cyran often engages in large arugments because of this, and has recieved his fair share of broken bones and bruises. Cyran hasn't always been this way, but after a falling out with his father, he became stubborn.
  • Selfish: Cyran finds it hard to give his care to anyone else but himself. Cyrus always puts his needs before most others, with the exception of some religious matters. Cyrus is so selfish, in fact, that he openly slanders those who show care for others in public. He sees it as a weakness, the more people you care about, the more people that are going to get hurt because of you.
  • Straight-Forward: Cyran has always been a fan of getting to the point as soon as possible. Cyran finds chit-chat and silver-tonguing not needed for any conversation. He believes that social conversations should be social, and business conversations be business. This makes him hard to bribe or charm, as he is constantly urging you to finish.
  • Experienced: Living to near a century, Cyran finds himself used to many fighting situations. He is in no means good at fighting situations. Though, he often sees every fight having some sort of similar nature to one in his long life.
  • Focused: Like the very lightning he controls, Cyran is an individual who excels at focus. It is some sort of double-sided blade though, as he finds himself so focused sometimes, he isn't aware at anything else. Still, at one task at a time, he is sure to beat less focused individuals.
  • Preserving: Cyran, as a mage, has to be very careful with how the manage their energy. Thankfully, Cyran excells at such. Cyran is always careful when fighting, and can use very low amounts of energy in a fight, in very creative ways, so that he can last longer.
  • Overly Confident: Despite many years with combat, Cyran has always had one weakness. He's very confident. Cyran constantly over estimates himself. This makes him extremely vulnerable.
  • Social Interactions: Cyran doesn't like to be social, he finds it a waste of both parties' time. Cyran also can get very anxious in large groups, which he tends to stay out of. It's not as bad in a silent, one on one conversation, but more than that he's overwhelmed.
  • Clumsy: Outside of magic, Cyran is constantly tripping and falling. He was never very good with his long lanky body, and as such, is constantly falling. This frustrates him as, he's supposed to appear better than most.
  • Half-Blind: Cyran cannot see out of his left eye, this is attributed to a fight where he earned himself a rather dangerously close knife to his face, which unfortunately, left him half blind. This cripples his depth perception, and makes him prone to missing enemies at certain distances, taking him a longer time to line up a shot. Cyran absolutely cannot find a way to fix this, which leaves him upset. However, he would never let that show.

Life Story

Cyran was born to a semi-wealthy family in Lustis, by no means was it fancy living, but he was well taken care of enough to focus on other things. Cyran's father, from a young age started to introduce him to lightning magic, and did his best to teach him. Cyran wasn't the best student, but he didn't lack determination. Every day he read, and begged his father to teach him further. At the age of 8, he was already a student. He continued to study with his father. Other than this, Cyran lacked a social life, or much of one. His interactions were limited to a butcher's son, Ty. Cyran found Ty amusing, and decided to befriend him. This was his best, and only friend.

Cyran eventually grew obsessed with the study of magic, pulling his Father away from work at times, in craving of the Mage level of magic. His Father hesitantly agreed, though could go no farther, as his father was only a mage himself. Cyran pushed away Ty, and his own mother, studying any waking moment, forgetting to eat for days at a time. Eventually Cyran found his parents served no use to him, after he was a mage. At this, Cyran wandered about the entirety of Daendroque, in search for knowledge. Every lightning mage he encountered, he pestered about all the information they knew. It was clear for him, that magic was the only thing that fueled him. He eventually left Daendroque and found himself among the sands with a traveling group of Qadirs. He learned from them, on how to reach the highest level, though they refused to give him the tomes. That night, he stole the tomes and isolated himself back in Lustis, studying and testing until he reached the next level.
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  • You mention Cyran to be Stubborn in his personality traits, leading him to numerous broken bones and injuries, and yet you claim that one of his strengths is how reasonability - these two traits clash pretty openly, and as such I'd suggest keeping one or the other.
  • With two expert level magics directed towards combat, I'd like to see one more physically debilitating weakness that hinders Cyran's combat, aside from 'clumsy'. After all, you've mentioned how he's been beaten and injured in the past, and as such, this weakness could be anything between a badly healed arm, leg, or perhaps a weak scar on his body. Something to emphasise the punishment he's taken in the past in accordance to his nature.

Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @SpinSpinDizzy !~

  • You mention Cyran to be Stubborn in his personality traits, leading him to numerous broken bones and injuries, and yet you claim that one of his strengths is how reasonability - these two traits clash pretty openly, and as such I'd suggest keeping one or the other.
  • With two expert level magics directed towards combat, I'd like to see one more physically debilitating weakness that hinders Cyran's combat, aside from 'clumsy'. After all, you've mentioned how he's been beaten and injured in the past, and as such, this weakness could be anything between a badly healed arm, leg, or perhaps a weak scar on his body. Something to emphasise the punishment he's taken in the past in accordance to his nature.
Tag me once the necessary edits have been made in a different colour, and feel free to ask me any questions pertaining to the review here, @SpinSpinDizzy !~
I have no arguments with the combat weakness, but I feel as if the way I used Reasonable doesn't conflict with Stubborn. As the way I use it means he doesn't try to get in to unnecessary fights.
> Cyran is always right, you're wrong. Cyran will hold on to his beliefs, even if it would mean his own death. Cyran often engages in large arguments because of this.

> He is always one willing to negotiate if you're alright with being scammed.

Someone who is willing to be passive and negotiate past any harm can't also always feel like they're right to the point of death itself. It's a very heavy confliction from the way I see it.
