⌘ The Nenyarina ⌘

Hello, thanks for applying! I'm afraid due to having a history of frequently leaving the server and etiquette that's not quite up to scratch however, I will have to reject. If I notice some improvement in roleplay ability and trustworthiness however, I may reconsider in a couple month's time. For now, I'd like to recommend that you consider the rules on character abilities; a character cannot be proficient in magic, hand-to-hand combat and sickle fighting.
Hello! I think all of the Nenyarina members have roleplayed with you at least once by now, and I definitely have faith in your ability. For this I am going to pre-emptively Approve this application! One thing I have noticed is that you have a fair amount of characters though, so please bare in mind that we require a minimum activity to remain in the group. For now though, find us in-character with Vulren and we'll set up a quick acceptance meeting.
I was applying and then noticed you changed the rule about Skype...legitimately disappointed now ;~; but if you still want to see it here is the app.
IGN: Koajack
Character name: Lloa Nossollei
Character race: Yanar, Altalar Seedling
Character gender: Male
Character age: 22
Character skills: Learning Alchemy, intelligent, expert evergrowth mage (Have not played him as an expert as he isn't approved.)
Is your character against the Emperor? Find Out IC ;3
Character application: It's in the works, not done yet but finishing ASAP
Do you have Skype?: No, my parents won't let me get it. I can give you someone else's Skype who can text me all the stuff if that's maybe okay?
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: (Yes, I am head of House Brosseau, part of House Helethium, a low member of the Storm Crows, though I don't play that character atm, part of the New Sun Dakkar, also don't play the character and this group is very inactive (no offense New Sun guys) and I just started working at the FongCo Haunted Castle.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Yes, I was muted for three days for making a dirty joke in general a while ago, almost 4 months ago. Before that, I had some other stuff
Roleplay references: @Friendly_Gal @AtticCat and @KiddingAround can vouch for both my RP Quality and my OOC personality/trustworthiness.
I now have Skype *shhh don't tell my parents XD*
Hello! You seem to be a part of many groups at present, and I think I have only seen this character played once. Be aware that we require a minimum level of activity, so you may need to sacrifice a bit of time to engage with us with Lloa from time to time. I will however be placing this application on Pending! Please come find one of the leaders in-character either on the surface or in the sewers so we can have a bit more interaction before a decision is met. The best places to find us are the apothecary or the grove.
I may be just blind, but I can't seem to find your application! Would you mind reposting it?
Hello! You seem to be a part of many groups at present, and I think I have only seen this character played once. Be aware that we require a minimum level of activity, so you may need to sacrifice a bit of time to engage with us with Lloa from time to time. I will however be placing this application on Pending! Please come find one of the leaders in-character either on the surface or in the sewers so we can have a bit more interaction before a decision is met. The best places to find us are the apothecary or the grove.

I may be just blind, but I can't seem to find your application! Would you mind reposting it?
Okay, I'm currently working on consolidating my IC groups and such, although most of them are inactive anyway or shelved characters. I plan to main three characters, Alex, Lloa, and an unfinished character, so I should have time to put proper playtime into all of them.
IGN: Optimalfriskies

Character name: Caryarus Umeric

Character race: Avanthar

Character gender: Male

Character age: 28

Character skills:

Character application: Yo, Yo. It's a WIP

Do you have Skype?: Heck yes

Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: The Nenyarina

Have you received any IG punishments?: Nah

Roleplay references: @BrammekeH @MolagBallin @ElderShrub

@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: HelloFroyo
Character name: Ninleyn
Character race: Yanar, Avanthar seedling.
Character gender: Agender, identifies as male
Character age: 24
Character skills: Combat
Character application: bop
Do you have Skype?: Yeup
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: I used to be apart of this one with a different character, but that character was discarded.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope
Roleplay references: @Biggums9001 @littleshep101
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Hello! While we have had you in the Nenyarina before and I trust your roleplay ability, I would like to see a bit more consistent activity first. Come roleplay with us a few times, and then we can see about having an induction. Pending!


☼ Announcement!

In spite of the recent denunciation of Estel, one would find that the Nenyarina is still active and recruiting.
Rumors of the internal workings and goals of the heretical group begin to fly. If they don't worship Estel anymore what could they be doing? Was the proclamation a lie? Who could be running the gang now? There is only one way to find out.
Hello! While we have had you in the Nenyarina before and I trust your roleplay ability, I would like to see a bit more consistent activity first. Come roleplay with us a few times, and then we can see about having an induction. Pending!


☼ Announcement!

In spite of the recent denunciation of Estel, one would find that the Nenyarina is still active and recruiting.
Rumors of the internal workings and goals of the heretical group begin to fly. If they don't worship Estel anymore what could they be doing? Was the proclamation a lie? Who could be running the gang now? There is only one way to find out.
I'm currently in the Grove right now, if you're available for rp.
IGN: SpamanoRelic.
Character name: Zëlindae Agele'Fiyneij
Character race: Saivalthar.
Character gender: Female.
Character age: 17
Character skills: Ghost Grip Magic, and jokes bad enough to kill.
Character application: Here! It's needs currently because I updated the template, but it should be re-approved soon.

A letter found its way to Nina, littered with spelling errors. I dunno how, but. For roleplay convenience-

Befour I beegin, I apallagise for my bad speling. Common is not my best languige. I now my race may mak me seem intrustworthie, but I promise that is not the case. Sevral members of the Nenyarina can confirm my trustworthieniss. I think we have met befour to. Please do considur me tho.
-Zëlindae Agele'Fiyneij
Do you have Skype?: Getting it right now. I'll pm you my name when it's set up.
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: I used to be apart of this one with a different character, but stuff happened, the char turned into a mess, I couldn't get Skype, etc etc. I'm also in L'ordre de Bienveillance with my Blood Mage, and Zellie is in the Performers' Guild- not a gang, but still worth mentioning.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope!
Roleplay references: @Streako @Caverly @Magivore @The Unknown @Seaaaaa

@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: Fiorellaa
Character name: Kai Dar
Character race: Ailor
Character gender: Female
Character age: 27
Character skills: Water magic and Mage level.
Character application: Making one hopefully~
Do you have Skype?: I do but am not super active on it. I just check notifications
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Noble families. Though they probably don't count.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope
Roleplay references: @Optimalfriskies @_Capitalx_ @SofiaZombie @Miss_Confined
@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: Fiorellaa
Character name: Kai Dar
Character race: Avanthar [cut off ears]
Character gender: Female
Character age: 27
Character skills: Water magic and Mage level.
Character application: Making one hopefully~
Do you have Skype?: I do but am not super active on it. I just check notifications
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Noble families. Though they probably don't count.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope
Roleplay references: @Optimalfriskies @_Capitalx_ @SofiaZombie @Miss_Confined
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Avanthar can't be mages, though?
As discussed in-game, this will be put on pending until the Nenyarina have had a group meeting and voted regarding your Saivalthar (within around 3 days). In the meantime, feel free to come down to the grove to try and sway members in your direction. Pending!

Hello! I think I have yet to see this character in roleplay or properly meet you. I'd like to ask that you come seek us out, either on the surface or the sewers, so that the Nenyarinas can get to know your character and your roleplay. Also, as mentioned by @SpamanoRelic , Avanthar cannot cast magic anymore. Be sure to read the lore fully and amend this! Pending!

☼ Important Announcement!

Nadina Haaven has officially stepped down from the Nenyarina.

While I will still be around to help manage things on an OOC level, Nadina has officially stepped down from leader of the Nenyarina. Her position and influence has dropped considerably, and she will now essentially become more like a "retired elder" to the group in order to tend to her new responsibilities in the Black Hand (whilst popping in occasionally to say hello or defend her garden).

From this point onwards, Zaan Haaven is the active leader of the Nenyarina.

For recruitment questions or to request a meeting, please message @Caelamus in-game or via forum conversation!
He is working diligently to improve the Nenyarina for the better, and will continue to work with me on an OOC level to keep the group active and fun. Thankyou to all for such an amazing run!​
Since Vul sadly passed, I'm going to reapply with Not!Vulre
IGN: Ledilote
Character name: Vesstan Tralee
Character race: Yanar, Drowdar Seedling
Character gender: Plant
Character age: 26
Character skills: Javelin and Shield combat.
Character application: Until Arl gets approved or rejected, only in a doc right now.
Do you have Skype?: Already in the chats
Are you part of any other roleplay groups?: Same as in my last application, Isla Fox, Shendar Tribe
Have you received any IG punishments?: Again, same as in my last. A mute once or twice. Jailing a while back too. None are on my record.
Roleplay references: Dunno if I need them, since, already been in the Nenya for a bit.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: Waterstag

Character name:
Burguk Honour-Heart

Character race:

Character gender:

Character age:

Character skills:
Combat heavy due to his former guard status

Character application:
The application is yet to be accepted. I am waiting on this now. https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/burguk-honour-heart.55055/--

Do you have Skype?:
Hell yeah! Its scribblesketcherjeh but I changed the USER to Nick - Waterstag.

Are you part of any other roleplay groups?:
One of my other characters is a member of the Viridian Order. Yeah, I know, I couldn't believe it either. I have also had characters in the past who were guards or parts of other factions like the Blackrose before it was disbanded due to bad RP. But that part was AGES ago.

Have you received any IG punishments?:
No, not really. I have never been banned or placed in jail and I do not intend to in future either. It just wastes my time and Admin time, which could be better used elsewhere.

Roleplay references:
@Faunfire @PosidonX7 @_NPC_God_

Thanks for the read, HAVE A LOVELY DAY! :D
I don't believe I've ever really roleplayed with you before or had much chance to really interact with you. I remember your profile picture from that one group you made some awhile ago under the Black Rose with an edgy Yanar. I also see you're applying with an orc to an elven oriented organization? Interesting, I encourage you to PM me IG and seek me out for a meeting. There is much to discuss especially given you are applying with an unusual race for such an organization. It will also help me get a view of you in roleplay. These applications due count as IC letters so feel free to request an IC meeting on that basis at a set time. For now I will be setting you as Pending!
I don't believe I've ever really roleplayed with you before or had much chance to really interact with you. I remember your profile picture from that one group you made some awhile ago under the Black Rose with an edgy Yanar. I also see you're applying with an orc to an elven oriented organization? Interesting, I encourage you to PM me IG and seek me out for a meeting. There is much to discuss especially given you are applying with an unusual race for such an organization. It will also help me get a view of you in roleplay. These applications due count as IC letters so feel free to request an IC meeting on that basis at a set time. For now I will be setting you as Pending!
Righteo, willing to meet up anytime. Just msg the time and place and I will try to get there!

☼ Important Announcement! ☼
The Nenyarina has been officially closed until further notice and has been ported over into a new organization!

With the recent announcements of both Magic being reworked and the sewers removal in favor of a slums district. The Nenyarina as we know it has been drastically reformed into a totally different organization with a different name. We now aspire to become a charter organization based on the surface. For now, it is assumed the Garden will continue to exist until the Sewers ultimate removal and all of the rules there in the garden will still be in place until otherwise.

If you wish to apply for the new organization that the Nenyarina has been reformed into go Here!
The concept of the new group is primarily based around gardening and surface activies as aforementioned.​