⌘ The Nenyarina ⌘

It was only a matter of time before I was turned, I suppose.
Being around y'all and not being enticed into joining is impossible! Good job!

Character name: Gwegruhn Siulath
Character race:
Yanar, Shendar seedling
Character gender: Male
Character age: 43
Character skills: Evergrowth magic, not quite Expert level. Outwards appearance of innocence and shyness, that he often hides behind. Moderate skill in the use of a long metal-tipped stave.
Character application: Nooo, sorry! I'm considering making one, but there isn't one in progress at the moment.
Do you have skype?: Yes!
Are you part of any other gangs?: Cult of the Shining Dawn, the Usque Galenas. All with different characters, of course.
Any IG punishments?: Nope! None.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
IGN: Heretics
Character name: Amaranthae Eilantria
Character race: Cielothar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 68
Character skills: Expert Beast Magic
Character application: Here
Do you have skype?: Yep!
Are you part of any other gangs?: Not at the moment.
Any IG punishments?: Nope.
@Eccetra @sssomeone
IGN: HoshiChomp12
Character name: Alatariel Telrunya
Character race: Cielothar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 123
Character skills: Caster Gusting Wind, Spear Skills, slight alchemy knowledge.
Character application: Here
Do you have skype?: You got me~
Are you part of any other gangs?: Eghhm, Golden Pages and Non-Ailor Council? Oh! And La Resistenza Viola, but that's a different char.
Any IG punishments?: Nope.
Also, I would want Ala to be part of the Caladir as she wouldn't be hard-core into the Nenyarina's side of the faith.
@Eccetra @ElderShrub
Aaah, I'm so glad to see Rahwon making a comeback! You and I can be the last surviving Nenyarina of the old order. Of course, Accepted!
I remember seeing and hearing about Dahae long ago, when I was still a fresh-from-the-oven roleplayer. She was one of the few "figureheads" for Evergrowth at that time! I'd like to meet Dahae in-character first since she's been inactive for a little while, but I'd have no qualms accepting.
Hiya! Considering you're already in two other gangs - including one you run yourself - we're going to have to reject I'm afraid. I also don't think that we would likely accept Gwegruhn from an IC level, considering they are a Shendar-seedling with a name that translates closely to Betrayal. Suspicioso!
I've seen you around in roleplay quite a few times before, but I think I have yet to meet this character! Seek out Niantha or any other Nenyarina members, and I'll come find you too.
I haven't met this character yet, but I'd have no issues with accepting her as a Caladir! Especially since we already have you in the Heiwynn family and I trust your ettiquette well. Accepted!

Many of the Nenyarina (3/4 Pengolar) are currently in the Coen Castle aiding with the rebellion effort. We will be gaining perms to visit Regalia on spy missions soon, so it will likely be possible to meet us again, but please bare that in mind if you're having trouble finding us! I've relayed a message in Nenyarina chat to look out for you guys though, so roleplaying with any member will still count towards acceptance.
The one remaining Pengolar in Regalia is Asterion Fellmirr / @ElderShrub !

I don't believe that I've ever had the pleasure to roleplay with you neither have I ever been around to witness you roleplay. I've looked over your character application and I've noted that you're rather good at balancing and writing, for now I will write you off as Pending! But by all means, seek either me or Eccetra out in-game! My character to look for will be called Locke!
IGN: Shuikenai
Character name: Daeris Nhil
Character race: Drowdar
Character gender: Maaaan surprisingly.
Character age: 55
Character skills: A skilled alchemist in his own right, though more with surreptitious poisons than any healing aids. Also adept at information gathering.
Character application: My character app is so ridiculous outdated at this point for him, I think it got deleted. I can make another though, as I wanna be active with him and this seemed like fun.
Do you have skype?: Yes'm/sir.
Are you part of any other gangs?: Not strictly speaking. Well, no gangs at all actually.
Any IG punishments?: None that weren't staff friends messing with me, no.

@Caelamus @Eccetra
IGN: Wynoven
Character name: Laleath Heiwynn
Character race: Tigran-seedling Yanar
Character gender: Agender, decided on using female pronouns.
Character age: In her twenties.
Character skills: Combat-- Warrior level in swords.
Character application: it'll come in the future
Do you have skype?: wELL WHADYA THINK
Are you part of any other gangs?: i was a nenyarina a month ago b)
Any IG punishments?: no
@Eccetra @Caelamus
IGN: JarlJade
Character name: Taelihn Nhil
Character race: Drowdar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 71
Character skills: Combat. More specifically, well versed in wielding a Khoptar.
Character application: Not at the moment, although I'll probably write one up soon.
Do you have skype?: Yessiree
Are you part of any other gangs?: No
Any IG punishments?: No
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Going to re-apply again!

IGN: NariTheKamikaze
Character Name: Dahae Faerveren.
Character Race: Elf (Altalar)
Character Gender: Female.
Character age: 76.
Character skills: Gusting Winds, expert. Storm bringer caster. Faith to Estel.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/dahae-faerveren.48656/
Do you have skype?: Yes.
Are you part of any other gangs?: None.
Any IG punishments?: 1 mute, 3 years ago.

Extra Note: I've dulled down Dahae a bit so she isn't so extreme or come off strongly.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
I've seen you enough in roleplay to make a clear asumption, and since your character is sibling to Shui's which I've accepted, I will go ahead and approve you aswell. Accepted!

I appreciate that you wish to join and have applied twice but I am going to have to say no. Dahae has been seen in the company of the Usque far too often and the very fact she was lovers with Suzume is enough to make a lot of the Nenyarina very much so distrust her. The Nenyarina are far more aware and cautious of betrayals since the past incidents involving Llew. For now, unless she does some drastic change to really and sincerely prove her loyalty otherwise. Rejected!
Also, I am currently stuck in iron bars behind the Black Sewer base door. Can someone... help me?

I actually seriously need help. Come and find me, I cant relog and enderpearls dont work... cant type. Someone find me, im in the black sewer base.

Eeeee why does this happen to me so much
/tp roleplay
Character Skills: Uses Evergrowth magic, all ten solurs. Has studied for a loong time. He can wield a dagger with profficiency, if he needs to.
,,I hate being "that person" and I probably look like a jerk for saying this but... Knowing all ten solurs would require you to make a char app as it counts as expert magic, and if he was that experienced then he wouldn't be proficient with any weapon other than a stave. Until he's approved, I would suggest having him know only 6 solurs. Since 7 solurs+ counts as expert and requires an approved character sheet.
I cant type anything.
Make a ticket. Or create a thread in the Help section of the forums.
Please do not spam the thread.
Recruitment apps or responses to them only, please!

Character name:

Character race:

Character gender:

Character age:

Character skills:
Evergrowth magic, Solur 1-6

Character application:
Will work on it.

Do you have skype?:

Are you part of any other gangs?:

Any IG punishments?:
A mute from a while ago, for swearing in general during a restart.

@Eccetra @Caelamus
@ElderShrub hi.
No, the character wouldn't be able to connect the mother solur at all without having Evergrowth magic. The character would however be able to help garden, gardening is a mundane task for the most part. Watering plants, planting new ones etc. If you have anymore questions you can always ask in PM or in Lore Q&A!
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Hiya! You seem like you might be a little new to the lore. If you have any further questions you can make a thread in the Lore Q&A forum for lore staff to answer, or if it's simple I might be able to help you out with a /msg. We haven't seen you in roleplay yet, so I'd like to encourage you to get yourself out there a bit more and learn the ettiquettes of roleplay before applying. You're free to talk to our characters IC and try and bond your way into the Nenyarina if you like! Until then, Rejected.

Hiya! I'd like to see get to know you (and Amaryllis) a little better in roleplay first. Come find us in the sewers or follow the screams of the mother solur. Pending!
IGN: Punktius
Character name: Vehirion Vandiir
Character race: Altalar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 121
Character skills: Lightning Magic (Mage atm, but will be Expert when approved); explosives; fiddle-playing.
Character application: (waiting to be re-reviewed) https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vehirion-vandiir.42909/
Do you have skype?: Ye. You have me.
Are you part of any other gangs?: Yes. The Jin-Tao. Though Wei is on hold for the time being so I can focus on non-Tao stuff for the first time in several months, so I won't really be too involved with that jazz.
Any IG punishments?: I got warned once for saying "Why would I put that in my butt?" in general chat on a dare. But other than that, no.
IGN: Vegemiite
Character name: Kha'xultic Raxtck
Character race: Circci
Character gender: Male
Character age: 21
Character skills: Maestro in Nicoloan Fighting, Warrior with the Mekket Ebhula, Chrysalis Weaver
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/khaxultic-raxtck.49017/
Do you have skype?: Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: No
Any IG punishments?: N/A
@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: Parz1vol
Character name: Joppa Engeram
Character race: Mortdei Ailor
Character gender: Male
Character age: 38
Character skills: Combat, especially mounted.
Character application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/joppa-engeram.46440/
Do you have skype?: Will be given through PM upon acceptance.
Are you part of any other gangs?: None
Any IG punishments?: Nopers

Joppa would have solved the thing via the logic method, even though I'm yet to, haha.

Any information regarding Joppa's affliction (undeadism) is rather difficult to discern at the moment, and one would have to have sharp enough eyes to realize his flesh tones and structure are rather oddly close to a corpse.

Hiya! Sorry about the delay in response, things have been a little turbulent lately and I only just got around to it. Bless that we've finally found the TRUE™ silvert of Liberty and not another betrayal! We trust that nothing will be meta'd in with the Jin-Tao, so gladly Accepted!

Hiya! From an OOC perspective I have no issues accepting you, but due to a Circci's usual distaste for Elves I think it might be difficult for Kha'xultic to be accepted. A Caladir or ally might be possible if he sucks up to Vlu or manages to convince the Nenyarina that he is a good bean though. I see he's already been slurping the resident avocado, so keep at it and we'll see where it goes IC! Pending!

Hiya! Similar to above, I trust in your roleplay ability from an OOC level but I feel like an undead Ailor with limited mobility might have some trouble with acceptance. Come find us IC, perhaps knock on our gate, and we'll see where it takes us. Pending!
slurping the resident avocado

IGN: Shuikenai
Character name: Hrefna Velarsiara
Character race: Yanar
Character gender: Female.
Character age: 25
Character skills: Once I get her character app up off the ground I was going to apply for some magic, but for the moment, she's. Lovely?
Character application: I'm working on one actually!
Do you have skype?: Yessir or ma'am.
Are you part of any other gangs?: No sir or ma'am.
Any IG punishments?: None!
IGN: FlossyBerry
Character name: Renesmee Ashley
Character race: Isldar
Character gender: Female
Character age: 34
Character skills: Tailoring , Light Magic
Character application: W.I.P
Do you have skype?: flossberryjr
Are you part of any other gangs?: BEP
Any IG punishments?: Nope
@Optimalfriskies @Raeris
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IGN: nigtingalesweet
Character name:
Character race: Tigriss.
Character gender: Female.
Character age: Twenty-three.
Character skills: Strong faith in Estel, those big 'ol claws too. She also uses a staff for combat.
Character application: Hopefully to come!
Do you have skype?: Oof. I know it's a major setback but I hope I'm good enough friends with you both to not require it?
Are you part of any other gangs?: nein.
Any IG punishments?: also nein.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
Firstly, we don't really know this character very well and as I recall we have only interacted with them perhaps once when they came in with Brayton, are they also not apart of BEP? Also, I would suggest tagging Eccetra and Me directly in your application! For now I am going to have to write you off as Pending! For now and I advise you try to interact with us more!

Firstly, due to them being a tigran it is likely most of the Nenayarina would see them more as a slave. Given the Nenyarina are a Faith of Estel with elven beliefs. I believe she may be treated more so as that than a member. Secondly, we do not know this character very well. I would suggest instead applying with Dari or even Lamya if you wanted to join they have a much greater chance of being accepted, especially Dari. If I am not mistaken too, Dari is also a botanist is she not? For now. I will have to write this off as Rejected! But feel free to re-apply in the future or with one of your other charries that would be more likely to be accepted!
I understand this'll probably get rejected for a great multitude of reasons but @The Unknown told me to try so I guess I'm trying.
IGN: hetalianpasta
Character name: Juélliae Iôbtájj Llaënecìa
Character race: Avanthar Nelfin, Prosperity Possessed
Character gender: Female
Character age: 73
Character skills: Evergrowth Magic in all ten solurs and minor medical skills.
Character application: boop
Do you have skype?: Sadly, no.
Are you part of any other gangs?: I currently lead Ricchezze di Spirito, and that is my only active gang. I have a cult with my Shendar but it's legit just her and her daughter, barely even considerable as a gang. Hopefully these two gangs won't be too much of a deterrent.. They're small af and don't have much of an impact. However, I know this'll probably be rejected due to that fact combined with the lack of skype, and because you haven't met Julie in rp yet. If you couldn't tell, I've been trying ridiculously hard to get in, and I'm willing to void the existence of my Shendar's cult since it barely exists anyways if that'll get me in. If there is anything, and I repeat anything, that'll get me in despite everything working against me, please say so and I'll do it. Julie isn't in any other gangs ic. Also, as for my amount of characters, almost all are shelved or semi-shelved. My only actively played chars are Julie, Cynny, and Teresa, and Cynny isn't really played that often in comparison to the other two. So hopefully my other characters won't be too much of a deterrent.
Any IG punishments?: None.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
EDIT: The Blood Mage cult's existence is officially voided. (No pun intended) Now I am only in one gang. Hopefully that'll increase my chance of being marked pending or approved rather than being straight up denied.
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IGN: MourningDoves
Character name: Daenalia Orthamann
Character race: Ailor/Altalar Halfbreed
Character gender: Female
Character age: 35
Character skills: Expert Ellon Mage
Character application: Yep!
Do you have skype?: Yeah it's mourningdovesart
Are you part of any other gangs?: None!
Any IG punishments?: 2 or 3 years ago I was banned for ERP, but that has long since been wiped from my /seen.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
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Hiya! You seem to be really enthusiastic about joining the Nenyarina, which we very much appreciate! I don't recall that we ever outright rejected you, but I have set you on pending twice previously and we never heard from you afterwards. I will be willing to set this as pending again. My main worries lie in the fact you've had many characters which end up shelved quite quickly, the same with gangs, so I've never had a chance to meet any previous ones you've applied with. If you stick with it and come find us ingame a couple of times, as with others you'll be accepted. For now, Pending!

Hello! I've actually received quite a few recommendations from other Nenyarinas for your acceptance, so as a roleplayer you seem to be quite popular haha. Congrats! I have no qualms with accepting you from an OOC perspective, but due to being a heretical Ailor/Altalar crossbreed we'd like to meet your character IC first. Come find us around and let's hope it goes well! Pending!

Due to the release of the new sewers, you might find it a little harder than usual to find us. We'll probably be finding a little hovel or corner of the tavern to occupy until the new bases are released, so if you're having trouble feel free to PM any Nenyarina members and we can guide you in the right direction.​
New one is right here in the larger letters!

IGN: Littleshep101
Character name: Elwarin Iaurchanar
Character race: (Elves and Yanar are most easily accepted.)AlTalar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 49
Character Skills (Magic,combat,strong faith etc. Nenyarian magics near guarentee entry) Elwarin is skilled with a tomahawk like axe, the bow and arrow, and a decent knowledge with swords, then again not the best with them. Is not the most faithful to estel but it is Elwarin's religion

Do you have skype?: (Highly preferred, you'll miss out on a lot without it.) Yes Yes
Are you part of any other gangs?: (If so, who?) Nope Nope Nope
Any IG punishments?: (Be honest! We consider your current appearance first.) Yes I mocking someone about their mute resulting in a mute, I didn't mean too but none the less I was muted ;-;

Due to events happening in RP this character will no longer be able to be playable for the position so I will make another one
IGN: Littleshep101
Character name: Ilimaer Faervelchon
Character race: (Elves and Yanar are most easily accepted.) Yanar
Character gender: Male
Character age: 26
Character skills: (Magic, combat, strong faith etc. Nenyarina magics near guarantee entry.) Ilimaer is skilled in herbology to an extent and is also skilled with a sword and weapons with the same fighting type of swords. Faithful to estel and no magics (sad but I am not the best with magics ;-;)
Character application: (Highly preferred but not wholly necessary.) No Sadly :/


@Eccetra @Caelamus
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Due to events happening in RP this character will no longer be able to be playable for the position so I will make another one

Oh well, I was about to set you to pending with that said character. I guess not? I'll be waiting I suppose for your next application?
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