⚖ The Vigilant Shield Guard Chapter ⚖


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
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Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.






The Vigilant Shield is an organisation not unfamiliar to the Regalian Crown Isle in recent years. Founded after the collapse of the first Violet Order by William Howlester, the Vigilant Shield maintained dominance for some time over City Law Enforcement in the capital until the Charter Dissolvement order in late 304AC with the formation of a more congregated Regalian Law Enforcement Organisation which brought an end to the organisation. Nowadays, after its re-establishment in October of 305AC by William Howlester's son, Rodderick Howlester, the Vigilant Shield has once again become one of the pillar stones of Regalian Law Enforcement under the leadership of Ania Howlester. With charters now against recently dissolved, the Vigilant Shield has been absorbed within the revitalised Violet Order as the Vigilant Chapter, identifiable by their noble blue sash and regal stature. The Vigilants aim to uphold the law to the best of their ability, striking down corruption and serving the Regalian Government faithfully and honourably.



The Vigilant Shield acts and operates as an alternative law enforcement chapter to the various other chapters available to be applied for. What sets the Vigilant Shield apart from the others, is that it has a history of exclusively operating as the Regalian Governments protector and investigation unit, that cracks down on supposed uprisings and criminal organisations that threaten the rights of the Regalian Noble Peerage and the Government as a whole. The Vigilant Shield accepts recruits of all races and gender, focusing on ensuring that race aside, the city remains wholly secure. The Vigilant Shield operates out of the Red Citadel found at /tp Prison, and shares the holding with the other various Regalian Law Chapters under the Violet Order.

The Shield utilises Discord to stay in contact, using the various channels to keep track of arrests, warrants and general communication. All reports are handled through GoogleSheets and we promote activity and reward through our tracked merit and reward system.

The Vigilant Shield requires all of its guardsmen to wear armor on duty, in lieu of the policies set by the Violet Order.



Applying to the Vigilant Shield is simple. All that is required is that you use the below application template and make the application here on this thread! As said, all are welcome to apply, and in the case of a rejection, there is a two week minimum waiting period before we allow another repeat application.
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Character's Experience or Martial Skill:
Link to Character app (If applicable):
In Character Letter to Commander William Arnyn:

Last edited:
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Character Age: 23.
Character Race: Ailor, Northerne, Balltarc.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Skagger, Champion.
Link to Character app (If applicable): x.
IGN: JennaLikesCoffee.
Character Name: Inkeri Årud.
Character Age: 23.
Character Race: Ailor, Northerne, Balltarc.
Character Gender: Female.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Skagger, Champion.
Link to Character app (If applicable): x.


~Character Name~
Annabeth Johanna-Aurum Talbot

~Character Age~


~Character Race~
Anglian Ailor

~Character Gender~

~Character's Combat Experience~

Fighter of the School of Tenpenny

~Link to Character's application~

Not quite approved yet!

~Letter to the Esteemed Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Sjkor~
To the esteemed Rodderick Howlester

Greetings. I, whom are Annabeth Talbot, trained under the school of Tenpenny until I could continue no longer within the skill of a fighter. I wish to participate and serve under the Vigilant Shield Order. To serve the city as their sword and shield along with those whom else fight beside me. As a young girl, I trained under the Tenpenny School in hopes it could provide revenue to join organizations that seek the wellbeing of the Crown City, once I reached a certain level I could not continue due to the requirements I had to serve at the time, after of which I personally practiced to refrain myself from becoming "rusty", and that I have successively done. I now wish to use what I have learned for its purpose.

From: Annabeth Talbot


: Ferrochrome
Character Name: Elizabeth Celyreos
Character Age: 23
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior, Turall
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A as of now (currently in trial for the family; if that goes well I'll submit an official application)
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Lord Howlester:

I am Elizabeth of House Celyreos. Lucky, I was, to be permitted to pursue this position. I wish to free myself from the bonds my family has traditionally placed upon its noblewomen.

Do not underestimate me. I have trained in the School of Turall for seven years and I continue to study to this day.

If I am allowed this opportunity to serve the city as a member of its Vigilant Shield, I humbly swear I will not let you down.

Elizabeth Celyreos


: Ferrochrome
Character Name: Elizabeth Celyreos
Character Age: 23
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior, Turall
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A as of now (currently in trial for the family; if that goes well I'll submit an official application)
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Lord Howlester:

I am Elizabeth of House Celyreos. Lucky, I was, to be permitted to pursue this position. I wish to free myself from the bonds my family has traditionally placed upon its noblewomen.

Do not underestimate me. I have trained in the School of Turall for seven years and I continue to study to this day.

If I am allowed this opportunity to serve the city as a member of its Vigilant Shield, I humbly swear I will not let you down.

Elizabeth Celyreos


~Character Name~
Annabeth Johanna-Aurum Talbot

~Character Age~


~Character Race~
Anglian Ailor

~Character Gender~

~Character's Combat Experience~

Fighter of the School of Tenpenny

~Link to Character's application~

Not quite approved yet!

~Letter to the Esteemed Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Sjkor~
To the esteemed Rodderick Howlester

Greetings. I, whom are Annabeth Talbot, trained under the school of Tenpenny until I could continue no longer within the skill of a fighter. I wish to participate and serve under the Vigilant Shield Order. To serve the city as their sword and shield along with those whom else fight beside me. As a young girl, I trained under the Tenpenny School in hopes it could provide revenue to join organizations that seek the wellbeing of the Crown City, once I reached a certain level I could not continue due to the requirements I had to serve at the time, after of which I personally practiced to refrain myself from becoming "rusty", and that I have successively done. I now wish to use what I have learned for its purpose.

From: Annabeth Talbot
IGN: SkullScrub
Character Name: Barrulf Blackmyre
Character Age: 39
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Stealthmark, Warrior
Link to Character app (If applicable): will be released shortly
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:
Lord Howlester
I, Barrulf Blackmyre, House guard to the D'vauds and former member of the OpperCalem Armies, Wish to offer my services and expertise in battle and justice, to not only yourselves, but the Citizens of our dear Holy City. As a Guard, I have had experience with protecting, Escorting and following the orders of the D'vaud family, and have more than 12 years combat experience under my belt.
I hope you will consider my Reqeuest
Accepted, please forward me your skype details over PM if I have not already got you on skype.
IGN: HashtagFlow
Character Name: Elios Hansen
Character Age: 28
Character Race: Halfbreed (Ailor/Elf)
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Basic combat training by father.
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A as of now
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Lord Howlester:

My name is Elios Hansen. I have heard of this order and wrote to you this evening for a request. With my basic training I wish to join these men in the mission to reclaim and protect the citizens of Regalia. Being the cross between human and elf you can Imagine I've had my fair share of scrapes with lowlives that would call me a freak as well as others like me. Though we refuse to allow evil to keep us down. This world is full of injustice and the vigilant shield is the ticket to turning the tide in our city.
Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely.
IGN: Hexanone
Character Name: Alphonse Renalts
Character Age: 19
Character Race: Alt-Anglian Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Fighter Viridian
Link to Character app (If applicable): Not approved yet, but here it is: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/alphonse-renalts.60918/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:
Lord Howlester,
My name is Alphonse Renalts, I write to you to apply to become a member of the Vigilant's shield. I caught wind of the Order through the words of my Mentor, Lord Harald Drache. I wish to join your chapter to put my capabilities to use, and to progress myself and my training whilst being a benefit to our Holy City. I offer nothing but my best to your order.

With Regards,
Alphonse Renalts.
Lord Howlester,
My name is Alphonse Renalts, I write to you to apply to become a member of the Vigilant's shield. I caught wind of the Order through the words of my Mentor, Lord Harald Drache. I wish to join your chapter to put my capabilities to use, and to progress myself and my training whilst being a benefit to our Holy City. I offer nothing but my best to your order.

With Regards,
Alphonse Renalts.
To the Knight Renalts,

The Lord Howlester is presently unable to communicate so I will be doing so in his stead. Consider your application to the Vigilants approved, I look forward to our meeting.

Skjor Blackhammer
Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield

Lord Howlester:

My name is Elios Hansen. I have heard of this order and wrote to you this evening for a request. With my basic training I wish to join these men in the mission to reclaim and protect the citizens of Regalia. Being the cross between human and elf you can Imagine I've had my fair share of scrapes with lowlives that would call me a freak as well as others like me. Though we refuse to allow evil to keep us down. This world is full of injustice and the vigilant shield is the ticket to turning the tide in our city.
Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely.
To the Inexperienced Mister Hansen,

While I find your determination inspiring, I am unable to approve someone with little semblance of formal combat training. Perhaps this drive of yours will lead you to seek out a mentor so that you may refine your skills before applying in future.

Skjor Blackhammer
Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield

IGN: MrChadington
Character Name: Yariel Kearney
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Claith Ailor with Qadir mix
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior of Griffer
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/yariel-kearney.57734/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester:

IGN: Mid_Wolf
Character Name: Adeline Celyreos
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Alior, Ithanian
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Mariposa, Warrior, also trained with a rapier.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/adeline-celyreos.60807/ - Review in progress.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Dear lord Howlester,

Bonjour, I am Adeline Celyreos a cousin of Natasha Celyreos. I wish to join The Vigilant Shield to ensure the protection of others and loved ones of all. I was privately trained by a Mariposa tutor. I am willing to give my life to those I serve and bring peace across our city to better it and give everyone hope.

~ Yours sincerely, Adeline Celyreos
IGN: KrombopulousNari.
Character Name: Taegen.
Character Age: 30.
Character Race: Avanthar.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Avant and Ularenn. (Both warrior level.)
Link to Character app (If applicable): None at the moment, but will have it written up soon.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skijor:

I don't have anywhere else to use my skills. My skills are horseback riding, horseback archery, and fighting with two axes. It is a dance of death. I've been told what is different about this charter. I also don't give out blind loyalty to anyone, but give time. Should I find the fighters here worth sharing companionship, know that you lot will have a strong fighter, and a loyal friend, for life.

- Taegen.
IGN: Mid_Wolf
Character Name: Adeline Celyreos
Character Age: 20
Character Race: Alior, Ithanian
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Mariposa, Warrior, also trained with a rapier.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/adeline-celyreos.60807/ - Review in progress.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Dear lord Howlester,

Bonjour, I am Adeline Celyreos a cousin of Natasha Celyreos. I wish to join The Vigilant Shield to ensure the protection of others and loved ones of all. I was privately trained by a Mariposa tutor. I am willing to give my life to those I serve and bring peace across our city to better it and give everyone hope.

~ Yours sincerely, Adeline Celyreos
To the Lady Celyreos,

The Lord Howlester is presently unable to respond to letters, so I am doing so in his stead. I welcome you to join us as we endeavor to see our great city restored to its greatest heights. Welcome aboard.

Skjor Blackhammer
Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield

IGN: KrombopulousNari.
Character Name: Taegen.
Character Age: 30.
Character Race: Avanthar.
Character Gender: Male.
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Avant and Ularenn. (Both warrior level.)
Link to Character app (If applicable): None at the moment, but will have it written up soon.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skijor:

I don't have anywhere else to use my skills. My skills are horseback riding, horseback archery, and fighting with two axes. It is a dance of death. I've been told what is different about this charter. I also don't give out blind loyalty to anyone, but give time. Should I find the fighters here worth sharing companionship, know that you lot will have a strong fighter, and a loyal friend, for life.

- Taegen.
To the Seemingly Misinformed Taegan,

It would seem you misunderstand what the Vigilants strive for. This is no last resort for warriors seeking a place to earn glory, nor hall of glory. It is a gathering for those who seek to ensure the longevity of our city and our empire. Perhaps after you reevaluate your reasons for applying to this organization, you will find that your drive may take you elsewhere or maybe it will lead you back to us again.

Skjor Blackhammer
Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield​
IGN: MrChadington
Character Name: Yariel Kearney
Character Age: 29
Character Race: Claith Ailor with Qadir mix
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior of Griffer
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/yariel-kearney.57734/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester:

To the Griffer Kearney,

I apologize for the delay in our response, consider yourself approved to join us in our endeavors. We can always use more driven citizens willing to lay it on the line should the need arise.

Skjor Blackhammer
Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield

p.s. Sorry for the delay, forgot to reply!
IGN: NathanMC14
Character Name: Bastien Celyreos
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Ithanian/Luetz-Vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Current Captain of the Stormborn (Celyreos House Guard), Former Nordmark member, Trained warrior and guardsman. Combat school: None. His training had a lot of Tenpenny and Lecgaen influence though. Weapons favourited: Bastard Sword and Heater Shield.
Link to Character app (If applicable): N/A May create one soon though.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor

"Salutations! I am aware that my family has good relations with the Howlesters and a few of them are joining the Vigilant Shield. I would like to join the Shield if possible. After the fall of the Nordmark I've been needing a new city guard force to call home. The Bluesteels which are now the Violet Order still don't impress me entirely. The Shield seems like the best fit for me.

- Spirit's blessings, Bastien Celyreos"
"Salutations! I am aware that my family has good relations with the Howlesters and a few of them are joining the Vigilant Shield. I would like to join the Shield if possible. After the fall of the Nordmark I've been needing a new city guard force to call home. The Bluesteels which are now the Violet Order still don't impress me entirely. The Shield seems like the best fit for me.

- Spirit's blessings, Bastien Celyreos"
To the First Male Celyreos I've Heard Of,

I would like to accept your application, but given the troubled history of the Nordmark I am hesitant. I will meet with you in person to discuss your interest in the Vigilants.

Skjor Blackhammer
Lord Commander of the Vigilant Shield

IGN: randomthechosen
Character Name: Lazaruz Lupenzi
Character Age: 26
Character Race: ailorian
Character Gender: male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: was Wachterflotte guard.
Link to Character app (If applicable): -
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

*The handwriting in the letter would be slightly messy, yet clearly had time put into it, a smudge here and there on the crisp paper..*

"Dear Lord Commander,

I'd like to aid the order, and help maintain peace in the city.
For the longest time, I've not provided the people with enough service than a man
should and see this as an opportunity to do so..

I understand, I'm not from a noble household, or have a name that might mean anything to you
as of yet, Lord Commander.. But allow me to show you my worth?

Humble regards,
Lazaruz Lupenzi"
IGN: HashtagFlow
Character Name: O'Rourke Ulster
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Orc.
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior of Bloodcast. (Graduated from the School of Bloodcast)
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/orourke-ulster-the-bastard.61047/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Dear Lord Commander
I've caught wind of your order and I seek to aid you in your efforts to keep our city safe. I've known what it feels like to be under the boot of a power corrupted, evil. I've graduated as a warrior of Bloodcast and seek to defend those who cannot defend themselves in times of crisis. This opportunity shall give me the chance to not only prove myself to my father, but to the people of Regalia that an Orc and a bastard can rise above it as others have in the past.
You may look at this letter and cast judgement. I only hope it is one of great thought.

Your's Sincerely,
O'Rourke Ulster.
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Eugenio Leocanio
Character Age: 19
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: (Fighter of Tenpenny) Sword and shield combat from working with the Violet order, and sword combat.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eugenio-jake-leocadio.56290/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:
Dear Lord Commander,
I was an original member of the Violet order but I left in order for a better future and to further my career as a Guard and protector of Regalia. The reason I left is because Eric Liolen told me about this great order. I hope me being part of another Guard order doesn't scare you away. I worked as a guard for a couple of months in fact so I am not new by any means. May the Spirit Bless.


"Dear Lord Commander,

I'd like to aid the order, and help maintain peace in the city.
For the longest time, I've not provided the people with enough service than a man
should and see this as an opportunity to do so..

I understand, I'm not from a noble household, or have a name that might mean anything to you
as of yet, Lord Commander.. But allow me to show you my worth?

Humble regards,
Lazaruz Lupenzi"

"To the Mister Lazaruz Lupenzi,

The Lord Commander and I have discussed your letter and application, I'm afraid to say that you are unknown to us and we've not heard anything of you. However, we admire your drive to prove yourself and the drive to serve the Regalian Citizenry. As such we'd like you to arrange a meeting with either myself, or Lord Commander Blackhammer to further proceed. We hope to hear from you soon.

Spirit's Blessings,
Valentius Decimar,
Captain of the Vigilant Shield."
(This app is marked as pending, PM @Walrusaur_ or myself to set up an IC interview)

Dear Lord Commander
I've caught wind of your order and I seek to aid you in your efforts to keep our city safe. I've known what it feels like to be under the boot of a power corrupted, evil. I've graduated as a warrior of Bloodcast and seek to defend those who cannot defend themselves in times of crisis. This opportunity shall give me the chance to not only prove myself to my father, but to the people of Regalia that an Orc and a bastard can rise above it as others have in the past.
You may look at this letter and cast judgement. I only hope it is one of great thought.

Your's Sincerely,
O'Rourke Ulster.

"To the Orc O'Rourke Ulster,

The Lord Commander and I have reviewed and discussed your letter extensively, though we feel you are lacking and that our Order is not the place for you. As a fellow Bloodcast and non-Human I sympathize with your plight to aid the citizenry and prove yourself, though I feel you should start small. The Vigilant Shield requires great dedication is more than just about proving that a bastard Orc can be useful. Perhaps start off with another order or someone's House Guard and go from there. At this time, we cannot accept you.

Spirit guide your steps,
Valentius Decimar,
Captain of the Vigilant Shield."
(This app is mark as rejected, you may re-apply at another time, but we recommend getting out there a bit more and trying other things so we can see your progress from an OOC standpoint)

Dear Lord Commander,
I was an original member of the Violet order but I left in order for a better future and to further my career as a Guard and protector of Regalia. The reason I left is because Eric Liolen told me about this great order. I hope me being part of another Guard order doesn't scare you away. I worked as a guard for a couple of months in fact so I am not new by any means. May the Spirit Bless.


"To the rather misguided Elf, Eugenio Leocanio,

The Lord Commander and I have discussed your application, however we're very much aware of your previous deeds and employment. We do not believe you fit the standards of a member of the Vigilant Shield, your attitude has been seen as appalling, lazy, and your punishments for misdeeds is known to us. There have been many complaints and we do not see you adequate to protect and serve the citizenry with what we know. Perhaps someday you will redeem yourself and show to us that you're competent, but until then we cannot accept you into the order.

Spirit judge you kindly,
Valentius Decimar,
Captain of the Vigilant Shield."
(This app is marked as rejected, you may re-apply at another time, though we feel that Eugenio needs to prove himself further and improve to show he's capable ICly)
For further applications, be sure to tag @Walrusaur_ or myself (or both of us) for good measure. That way we'll be able to get to it as quickly as we can.
"To the Mister Lazaruz Lupenzi,

The Lord Commander and I have discussed your letter and application, I'm afraid to say that you are unknown to us and we've not heard anything of you. However, we admire your drive to prove yourself and the drive to serve the Regalian Citizenry. As such we'd like you to arrange a meeting with either myself, or Lord Commander Blackhammer to further proceed. We hope to hear from you soon.

Spirit's Blessings,
Valentius Decimar,
Captain of the Vigilant Shield."
(This app is marked as pending, PM @Walrusaur_ or myself to set up an IC interview)

"To the Orc O'Rourke Ulster,

The Lord Commander and I have reviewed and discussed your letter extensively, though we feel you are lacking and that our Order is not the place for you. As a fellow Bloodcast and non-Human I sympathize with your plight to aid the citizenry and prove yourself, though I feel you should start small. The Vigilant Shield requires great dedication is more than just about proving that a bastard Orc can be useful. Perhaps start off with another order or someone's House Guard and go from there. At this time, we cannot accept you.

Spirit guide your steps,
Valentius Decimar,
Captain of the Vigilant Shield."
(This app is mark as rejected, you may re-apply at another time, but we recommend getting out there a bit more and trying other things so we can see your progress from an OOC standpoint)

"To the rather misguided Elf, Eugenio Leocanio,

The Lord Commander and I have discussed your application, however we're very much aware of your previous deeds and employment. We do not believe you fit the standards of a member of the Vigilant Shield, your attitude has been seen as appalling, lazy, and your punishments for misdeeds is known to us. There have been many complaints and we do not see you adequate to protect and serve the citizenry with what we know. Perhaps someday you will redeem yourself and show to us that you're competent, but until then we cannot accept you into the order.

Spirit judge you kindly,
Valentius Decimar,
Captain of the Vigilant Shield."
(This app is marked as rejected, you may re-apply at another time, though we feel that Eugenio needs to prove himself further and improve to show he's capable ICly)
Will pm you two.
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Eugenio Leocanio
Character Age: 19
Character Race: Altalar
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: (Fighter of Tenpenny) Sword and shield combat from working with the Violet order, and sword combat.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eugenio-jake-leocadio.56290/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:
Dear Lord Commander,
I was an original member of the Violet order but I left in order for a better future and to further my career as a Guard and protector of Regalia. The reason I left is because Eric Liolen told me about this great order. I hope me being part of another Guard order doesn't scare you away. I worked as a guard for a couple of months in fact so I am not new by any means. May the Spirit Bless.


Rodderick Howlester is overiding the decision made by Captain Decimar and instead approving this application grounded on personal viewing of this particular applicant. Accepted, please pm me your skype details and I'll get you added.
IGN: Nudibronch
Character Name: Jamie Rosendahl
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Skilled in fencing + Prior guard
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/jamie-theodulf-rosendahl.42110/

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Lord Howlester,

I once patrolled the streets of the capital as a member of the Vigilant Shield and wish to return to the order to continue serving and protecting the Crown Isle. While my combative skills may be lacking in comparison to other candidates, I've served a number of law enforcement orders during my time in Regalia and have significant experience which I believe will serve the Shield well.

Jamie T. Rosendahl
IGN: Nudibronch
Character Name: Jamie Rosendahl
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Skilled in fencing + Prior guard
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/jamie-theodulf-rosendahl.42110/

In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Lord Howlester,

I once patrolled the streets of the capital as a member of the Vigilant Shield and wish to return to the order to continue serving and protecting the Crown Isle. While my combative skills may be lacking in comparison to other candidates, I've served a number of law enforcement orders during my time in Regalia and have significant experience which I believe will serve the Shield well.

Jamie T. Rosendahl
IGN: PosidonX7
Character Name: Tyllilyn Kylaenieth
Character Age: 44
Character Race: Shendar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior School of Esa-Ajo
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Forth unto Lord Howlester,

hath recently lost employment in the Celyreos House guard due to their loss of nobility. Tis a shame since I had just received a promotion for apprehending two subjects whomst hath ambushed another guardsman. My skills in combat are dual wielding of the Khoptar in style of Esa-Ajo, and I hath put such skills to use many a time. Do not judge me by my ancestors, but rather by my fighting spirit of Unionism, for I was born and raised in Regalia. I did, however, have to travel elsewhere for my combat training, but never visited Drowda. Now that I have found myself without a way to help and keep the strength of the empire whole, I have turned to you in requestence of me being allowed to stand aside those that are so Vigilant. My loyalty goes to no end, and I shalt not disappoint.

Sincerely and With the Highest of Regards,
Tyllilyn Kylaenieth
IGN: PosidonX7
Character Name: Tyllilyn Kylaenieth
Character Age: 44
Character Race: Shendar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Warrior School of Esa-Ajo
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Skjor:

Forth unto Lord Howlester,

hath recently lost employment in the Celyreos House guard due to their loss of nobility. Tis a shame since I had just received a promotion for apprehending two subjects whomst hath ambushed another guardsman. My skills in combat are dual wielding of the Khoptar in style of Esa-Ajo, and I hath put such skills to use many a time. Do not judge me by my ancestors, but rather by my fighting spirit of Unionism, for I was born and raised in Regalia. I did, however, have to travel elsewhere for my combat training, but never visited Drowda. Now that I have found myself without a way to help and keep the strength of the empire whole, I have turned to you in requestence of me being allowed to stand aside those that are so Vigilant. My loyalty goes to no end, and I shalt not disappoint.

Sincerely and With the Highest of Regards,
Tyllilyn Kylaenieth
Accepted, please pm your skype details to me and I'll get you all set up
IGN: Ferrochrome
Character Name: John Darkrose ((it used to be Glenwood but that's retconned to have always been Darkrose))
Character Age: 40
Character Race: Half-Altalar, Half-Daendroque Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Champion Stealthmark; former Vigilant Shield in an old iteration
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

To whom it may concern:

Please inform the Lord Commander that John Darkrose wishes to regain his post, albeit humble, in the Vigilant Shield, now that it is being reborn. Champion Stealthmark, as I was before.

(The closing phrase is written in Daendroque.)
For the Empire,
IGN: BirthMother
Character Name: Aldrick Reinard
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ex-Warrior Bloodcast turned fighter due to lacking of upkeep, but slowly climbing back up.
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP due to him only been around a week or so.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

Ser Howlester,

I would like the offer to assist you in keeping our city clean and clear of those who only possess Ill-willed intentions. I am a Bloodcast Knight but due to my calling for business to support my self and my family, my skill in steel has lowered I must admit, but if offered the chance, I would like to return to my previous glory as I assist keeping the street clear of filth, and defend our city within the confines of the war.
I await to heed your response

Spirits bless,
Aldrick Reinard.

IGN: Ferrochrome
Character Name: John Darkrose ((it used to be Glenwood but that's retconned to have always been Darkrose))
Character Age: 40
Character Race: Half-Altalar, Half-Daendroque Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Champion Stealthmark; former Vigilant Shield in an old iteration
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

To whom it may concern:

Please inform the Lord Commander that John Darkrose wishes to regain his post, albeit humble, in the Vigilant Shield, now that it is being reborn. Champion Stealthmark, as I was before.

(The closing phrase is written in Daendroque.)
For the Empire,
IGN: BirthMother
Character Name: Aldrick Reinard
Character Age: 25
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Ex-Warrior Bloodcast turned fighter due to lacking of upkeep, but slowly climbing back up.
Link to Character app (If applicable): WIP due to him only been around a week or so.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

Ser Howlester,

I would like the offer to assist you in keeping our city clean and clear of those who only possess Ill-willed intentions. I am a Bloodcast Knight but due to my calling for business to support my self and my family, my skill in steel has lowered I must admit, but if offered the chance, I would like to return to my previous glory as I assist keeping the street clear of filth, and defend our city within the confines of the war.
I await to heed your response

Spirits bless,
Aldrick Reinard.
Accepted, @NoRezForYou please forum pm me your skype username and ill add you to the relevant chats
IGN: JokerLupus
Character Name: Joasaie Lloablen
Character Age: 41
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Atraves Warrior, Houseguard to the d'Vaud family
Link to Character app (If applicable): Pine tree
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

To the Esteemed Lord Howlester

I, Joasaie, write to you in hopes that I may serve the Regalian citizenship well, by applying to join the Vigilant Shield guard charter. I hope that by offering my services and protection to the city and fellow guards, I can hope to come closer to Humanum.

I have received extensive teachings in the School of Atraves and have worked within the Vindicator guards of the D'vaud family, ensuring their continued protection and well being. I would be honoured to be considered for a role as a guard, and I hope that you might take my offer of service into account.

Spirit's Blessing,
Joasaie Lloablen C'Aelrith
IGN: JokerLupus
Character Name: Joasaie Lloablen
Character Age: 41
Character Race: Yanar
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: School of Atraves Warrior, Houseguard to the d'Vaud family
Link to Character app (If applicable): Pine tree
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

To the Esteemed Lord Howlester

I, Joasaie, write to you in hopes that I may serve the Regalian citizenship well, by applying to join the Vigilant Shield guard charter. I hope that by offering my services and protection to the city and fellow guards, I can hope to come closer to Humanum.

I have received extensive teachings in the School of Atraves and have worked within the Vindicator guards of the D'vaud family, ensuring their continued protection and well being. I would be honoured to be considered for a role as a guard, and I hope that you might take my offer of service into account.

Spirit's Blessing,
Joasaie Lloablen C'Aelrith
Pending IC meeting with either the Lord Commander or Rodderick Howlester. Pm me if you see me about online.
IGN: IGutTheMidasTuch
Character Name: Amelia Rosendahl
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Leutz-vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Blackmark- Warrior level + Prior Crown Protector + Field officer.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

In Regards to Lord Howlester,
Before the change in command, I, Amelia Rosendahl, did my duty as a Crown Protector for the Regalian guard. I am Requesting to help once more in keeping the streets of regalia safe and secure from criminals and trouble makers. I would be much obliged if you could let me do so.
Thank you for your time.
Amelia Rosendahl.
IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Huguelin Von Tulgast
Character Age: Twenty-Two
Character Race: Half Ailor, Half Qadir. Leutz-Vixe
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: La Mariposa Bailarina, Warrior.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/huguelin-von-tulgast.61297/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

Lord Howlester

It is often a little nerve-wracking, writing to somebody I've not even seen the face of. So I'll hope you'll forgive the sloppiness of the text. I've had no prior experience with enforcing the law, though I hold a conviction to serve and protect the citizens of our Empire, so I feel this is a good place to start. If you'll have me.

With Crossed fingers,
Huguelin Von Tulgast.
IGN: IGutTheMidasTuch
Character Name: Amelia Rosendahl
Character Age: 26
Character Race: Leutz-vixe Ailor
Character Gender: Female
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Blackmark- Warrior level + Prior Crown Protector + Field officer.
Link to Character app (If applicable): Here
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

In Regards to Lord Howlester,
Before the change in command, I, Amelia Rosendahl, did my duty as a Crown Protector for the Regalian guard. I am Requesting to help once more in keeping the streets of regalia safe and secure from criminals and trouble makers. I would be much obliged if you could let me do so.
Thank you for your time.
Amelia Rosendahl.

Insert letter of acceptance.

IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Huguelin Von Tulgast
Character Age: Twenty-Two
Character Race: Half Ailor, Half Qadir. Leutz-Vixe
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: La Mariposa Bailarina, Warrior.
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/huguelin-von-tulgast.61297/
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

Lord Howlester

It is often a little nerve-wracking, writing to somebody I've not even seen the face of. So I'll hope you'll forgive the sloppiness of the text. I've had no prior experience with enforcing the law, though I hold a conviction to serve and protect the citizens of our Empire, so I feel this is a good place to start. If you'll have me.

With Crossed fingers,
Huguelin Von Tulgast.

Insert letter of acceptance.

Please PM me your skype details and I'll get you added to the chat!
IGN: Stewyblue
Character Name: Stewy King
Character Age: 19
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Scildar Bloodcast under a man named Gunnulf.
Link to Character app (If applicable): I dont have one but i will make one soon.
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

Dear Lord Howlester,

I have recently been dismissed in the Celyreos House guard due to their disband. My skills in combat are One handed sword, Long sword, sword and heater shield, and dagger. I am a BloodCast Scildar and am going to become a warrior soon. I need a way to help and protect so I think that the shield is the perfect place for me. I have sent you this letter to ask you if i can join. My loyalty is to the guard and I wont disappoint you.
Last edited:
IGN: Tenmaku
Character Name: Brydon Howlester
Character Age: 27
Character Race: Ailor
Character Gender: Male
Character's Experience or Martial Skill: Basic fighting Experience
Link to Character app (If applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/brydon-hroth-howlester.60436/#post-746830
In Character Letter to Rodderick Howlester/Lord Commander Elgar:

I applaud you for your newfound leadership over this charter. I see a lot of your father in you, and I know you will help lead this new group forward with you commanding. Although I only know basic fighting, I will support and join in every way I can.

Captain Brydon Howlester​