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The Regalian Almshouse


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
「 ʀᴇɢᴀʟɪᴀɴ ᴀʟᴍSʜᴏᴜsᴇ 」

Homely Aesthetic.webp

Now Open And Under New Management!
While Regalia is terrorized by demons and the internal divisions of the city grow wider than ever, many innocents still suffer and are forced to live every day in desperate need of food and shelter. From now and so forth, the Almshouse opens its doors once more to provide comfort to the poor and assist in relief efforts both local and national.

Located just across the bridge from Imperial Isle, in Dragon Bend Number 16, the house shall serve daily meals, as well as bequeathing blankets and warm clothes from donations. Those who are interested in assisting with staffing the charity should volunteer either in writing or through discussion with the heads of the house.

++ Services Offered ++

✜ Food Dispensary
"A daily food dispensary, offering free food and drink so long as the counter is manned."

✜ Goodwill Donations
"The Almshouse both accepts and hands-out donations received, ranging from clothing, blankets, to basic medicine and household necessities."

✜ Limited Lodging
"Several beds prepared with basic amenities included, offered up for those who are without a home or work and require aid to get back on their feet."

✜ Tutoring and Work Opportunities
"Staff at the Almshouse are available on-call for help in tutoring on mundane subjects, as well as locating work opportunities based on skill-set."

✜ Daycare Services
"Available for working parents, the Almshouse offers child-care services. Overnight child-care is also available in case of emergency."

✜ Emergency Aid Relief
"Almshouse resources and staff may be dedicated to providing immediate humanitarian relief in an emergency situation, or for long term recovery efforts for those affected by a crisis such as the Clickers."

✜ Counseling and Therapy
"They say that talking about your problems is the best way to overcome them, and the Almshouse wants to make sure that you always have someone to talk to. If you feel like the world is overwhelming you, if you've experienced loss or recent suffering, or just have insecurities about your life, the Almshouse is here to listen*."

++ Policies and Application ++

The Regalian Almshouse is now looking for volunteer staff to work a number of jobs including but not limited to cooking, cleaning, child-care, tutoring and translators; if you're interested in applying for any position, write a letter to either Ibrahim Batunoglu or one of the House Heads! Those unable to write (and can't find a scribe to write for them) may substitute the letter with a meeting.
  • We will not deny applications based on race, though Kathar applicants will face greater scrutiny; they must not be open Void practitioners and they must be clean of all Mutations or Afflictions.
  • Magical or Ritualist abilities not approved by the State for explicit use are forbidden from being used in the Almshouse, including applied Mutations.
Volunteer Application:

Character Name/App:
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none):
IC Letter:

(Formatting for Almshouse done with permission of @Chief)
(*Disclaimer: IC counseling is not likely being done by RL professionals or those with counseling experience, and in no way is meant to be a substitute or stand-in for RL therapy. It is simply there to allow characters to have therapeutic aid with any issues they face IC.)
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IGN: SevenBirds
Character Name/App: Alasdair Lachlan
Preferred Job: Emergency aid, general work, tutoring
Discord: Phantasmal#8832
IC Letter:

To Ibrahim Batunoglu,

Greetings and blessings to you, and many thanks for your charity.
I used to volunteer with the Almshouse some time ago before all of this started and am pleased to hear that it is being reopened to help people again. If possible, I would like to volunteer some of my time after my duties to help you - in specific, I have experience working with animals and some small experience with hunting, if such skills would be useful to anyone. Beyond that, I am willing to help with general and emergency work as well when I have the time.
Good health to you, and safe travels.
IGN: SevenBirds
Character Name/App: Alasdair Lachlan
Preferred Job: Emergency aid, general work, tutoring
Discord: Phantasmal#8832
IC Letter:

To Ibrahim Batunoglu,

Greetings and blessings to you, and many thanks for your charity.
I used to volunteer with the Almshouse some time ago before all of this started and am pleased to hear that it is being reopened to help people again. If possible, I would like to volunteer some of my time after my duties to help you - in specific, I have experience working with animals and some small experience with hunting, if such skills would be useful to anyone. Beyond that, I am willing to help with general and emergency work as well when I have the time.
Good health to you, and safe travels.

IGN: sadsoda
Character Name/App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/natalia-mei-shí-ombre.70303/
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none): cooking/general aide work
Discord: u got it
IC Letter:

Ser Batunoglu,

It was delightful to see you in the jousting tournament, and I was reminded of my need to write you. I find myself with time that could be better spent helping others; and thus, wish to do so at the almshouse.

I wish to hear from you soon,
Nat Mei-Shi Ombre
IGN: midnightlady
Character Name/App: Eleanor Fitzroy
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none): None
Discord: amy#8407
IC Letter:

Dearest Mr. Batunoglu,

I'm a recent arrival to Regalia, and I've rarely any ambition excepting my own and other's happiness. After hearing of the Almshouse via word of mouth, I have decided to write to you regarding my hopes of becoming a volunteer. I have many abilities regardless of my apparent youth, and believe I would be a helpful addition to your workforce! Therefore, I hope we can become acquainted in the near future, as I'm quite excited to improve the welfare of those around me.

Sincerely, Eleanor C. Fitzroy
IGN: sadsoda
Character Name/App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/natalia-mei-shí-ombre.70303/
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none): cooking/general aide work
Discord: u got it
IC Letter:

Ser Batunoglu,

It was delightful to see you in the jousting tournament, and I was reminded of my need to write you. I find myself with time that could be better spent helping others; and thus, wish to do so at the almshouse.

I wish to hear from you soon,
Nat Mei-Shi Ombre
IGN: midnightlady
Character Name/App: Eleanor Fitzroy
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none): None
Discord: amy#8407
IC Letter:

Dearest Mr. Batunoglu,

I'm a recent arrival to Regalia, and I've rarely any ambition excepting my own and other's happiness. After hearing of the Almshouse via word of mouth, I have decided to write to you regarding my hopes of becoming a volunteer. I have many abilities regardless of my apparent youth, and believe I would be a helpful addition to your workforce! Therefore, I hope we can become acquainted in the near future, as I'm quite excited to improve the welfare of those around me.

Sincerely, Eleanor C. Fitzroy

IGN: mickdude2
Character Name: Ruadann Iamhach
Preferred Job: Any
Discord: mickdude#3406
IC Letter:

Sir Batunoglu,

Yours is a noble goal! I, a man of both faith and honor, applaud your effort. In your worthy journey, I wish to lend my aid. I am a man of diligence and integrity, having worked multiple off jobs throughout the city in the past 20 years.

Sincerely yours, Ruadann Iamhach
IGN: mickdude2
Character Name: Ruadann Iamhach
Preferred Job: Any
Discord: mickdude#3406
IC Letter:

Sir Batunoglu,

Yours is a noble goal! I, a man of both faith and honor, applaud your effort. In your worthy journey, I wish to lend my aid. I am a man of diligence and integrity, having worked multiple off jobs throughout the city in the past 20 years.

Sincerely yours, Ruadann Iamhach

Still popping?

IGN: AtticCat
Character Name/App: Ramona Marie
Preferred Job: Childcare, Tutoring, and general assistance (Although no cooking)
Discord: attic#1612
IC Letter:

To whomever it concerns,

Hello! I am Sister Ramona Marie and saw only recently that there was still an Almshouse in operation within Regalia. I would love to help as much as I can, and believe I would be best of help within departments concerning the children. Being brought up a Bragacao, I grew up taught how to care for children and was often a neighborhood babysitter before I went away to Basta. Of course, I also learned compassion and such during my schooling, as you might expect.

Please consider my offer of assistance and thank you for the charity that you do.

Spirit Guide,
Sister Ramona Marie
Still popping?

IGN: AtticCat
Character Name/App: Ramona Marie
Preferred Job: Childcare, Tutoring, and general assistance (Although no cooking)
Discord: attic#1612
IC Letter:

To whomever it concerns,

Hello! I am Sister Ramona Marie and saw only recently that there was still an Almshouse in operation within Regalia. I would love to help as much as I can, and believe I would be best of help within departments concerning the children. Being brought up a Bragacao, I grew up taught how to care for children and was often a neighborhood babysitter before I went away to Basta. Of course, I also learned compassion and such during my schooling, as you might expect.

Please consider my offer of assistance and thank you for the charity that you do.

Spirit Guide,
Sister Ramona Marie

IGN: _Owlet
Character Name/App: Fleur Latimer
Preferred Job: Tutoring (Writing/Reading/Arithmetic/Burdicalic Language)
Discord: My name is a tad glitchy so I'd have to add you, if accepted shoot me a pm
IC Letter:

To whom it may concerns,

I am writing to you to offer my skillset as a tutor within your Almshouse, I wish to help those less fortunate function more at ease within society by aiding them in the written tongue of common amongst other menial subjects such as reading and other literacy components. I already run my own tutoring business that's sponsored by the kind and admirable Dame Humaira Reinard. It was suggested I offered my help to your organisation, I require no coffers. I am merely trying to help make a difference and support those in need.

IGN: _Owlet
Character Name/App: Fleur Latimer
Preferred Job: Tutoring (Writing/Reading/Arithmetic/Burdicalic Language)
Discord: My name is a tad glitchy so I'd have to add you, if accepted shoot me a pm
IC Letter:

To whom it may concerns,

I am writing to you to offer my skillset as a tutor within your Almshouse, I wish to help those less fortunate function more at ease within society by aiding them in the written tongue of common amongst other menial subjects such as reading and other literacy components. I already run my own tutoring business that's sponsored by the kind and admirable Dame Humaira Reinard. It was suggested I offered my help to your organisation, I require no coffers. I am merely trying to help make a difference and support those in need.


We are actively hiring once more, looking for healers and medical workers who can help with humanitarian missions or just taking care of the wounded!
Volunteer Application:

IGN: Jouster.
Character Name/App: Khayri El-Amin.
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none): None.
Discord: Jouster#5240.
IC Letter:

[ A letter comes in an envelope that is closed with the help of some adhesive. The actual handwriting in the letter itself is sloppy and swirly. ]
To Ibrahim Batunoglu,
I am interested in lending my set of hands to help those unfortunate. If you have any further inquiries, I am certain we can discuss such in person.
Thank you for your efforts,
Khayri El-Amin
Volunteer Application:

IGN: Jouster.
Character Name/App: Khayri El-Amin.
Preferred Job (cooking, cleaning, tutoring, etc., or put "None" if none): None.
Discord: Jouster#5240.
IC Letter:

[ A letter comes in an envelope that is closed with the help of some adhesive. The actual handwriting in the letter itself is sloppy and swirly. ]
To Ibrahim Batunoglu,
I am interested in lending my set of hands to help those unfortunate. If you have any further inquiries, I am certain we can discuss such in person.
Thank you for your efforts,
Khayri El-Amin

IGN: Bwmwags3
Character Name/App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/james-treji-larkson-the-pagan.81373/
Preferred Job: Mentoring, Snaguine/werebeast checks, and Security
Discord: bwmwags#1271
IC Letter:

Dear Ibrahim Batunoglu,
I will be straightforward with you Ibrahim as a Url who serves a Goddess of Nurture and Family adoption is something I firmly believe in. I have adopted around eight people into my clan in a less than a year in this city. I have experience caring for those currently infected or recovering from infection of the Shatter and Sanguine curses, caring for babies and young children (having a few month old and five year old at home), mentoring wayward or searching souls (grab a few people off the street likely they'll know me), I also have experience with Addiction and depression (having experienced both myself) which has allowed me to help people try to sober up like myself. I also offer relationship and grief counseling (experience and religiously based.

My main work is serving as a House Guard for the Howlsters which I believe should demonstrate my ability to secure a place such as the almshouse.
James Treji Larkson
P.S. It was an honor to fight in the Black Tournament with you. You are exceptionally skilled.
IGN: Bwmwags3
Character Name/App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/james-treji-larkson-the-pagan.81373/
Preferred Job: Mentoring, Snaguine/werebeast checks, and Security
Discord: bwmwags#1271
IC Letter:

Dear Ibrahim Batunoglu,
I will be straightforward with you Ibrahim as a Url who serves a Goddess of Nurture and Family adoption is something I firmly believe in. I have adopted around eight people into my clan in a less than a year in this city. I have experience caring for those currently infected or recovering from infection of the Shatter and Sanguine curses, caring for babies and young children (having a few month old and five year old at home), mentoring wayward or searching souls (grab a few people off the street likely they'll know me), I also have experience with Addiction and depression (having experienced both myself) which has allowed me to help people try to sober up like myself. I also offer relationship and grief counseling (experience and religiously based.

My main work is serving as a House Guard for the Howlsters which I believe should demonstrate my ability to secure a place such as the almshouse.
James Treji Larkson
P.S. It was an honor to fight in the Black Tournament with you. You are exceptionally skilled.

IGN: Proudbucket
Character Name/App: Imra (app in progress)
Preferred Job: occasional resident and troublemaker
Discord: Proudbucket
IC Letter:
As the Almshouse staff would arrive they would find some valuables (some silverware or coins) and food missing. Exhausted candles and a rag with a red dye would be found in the trash bin. A bed was apparently used and tidied up but defaced with a knife. The carving reads on plains elven script "Firefly searching. Beware the Kathar. Aug 308".

OOC: Imra was introduced by James to the Almshouse and left there when she fell asleep. She left taking what she could but might return latter to do more shenanigans.
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IGN: _e_money_
Character Name/App: Gwendoline Ombre
Preferred Job: Baking, tutoring, and possibly counseling
Discord: E-Money#1581
{The letter was written in neat and even, but distinctly feminine, handwriting on cleanly pressed parchment.}
To all those concerned,
I am a 25-year-old looking to do good in this city. I have heard wonderful things about this charity from my cousin, Natalia, who has volunteered at this almshouse before. Your mission is inspirational, and I hope to assist you in it.
I have some experience making sweets, but I believe I would be best suited as a tutor. I am well-educated in over ten languages, as well as the arts of painting, writing, and playing the organ. I am also equipped to give religious counsel, though I understand if you wish for this organization to be secular. Of course, if I am only needed as an extra set of hands, I would still be honored to spend my time helping others.
I hope to hear back soon, and I am grateful for this opportunity.
Gwendoline Ombre
IGN: _e_money_
Character Name/App: Gwendoline Ombre
Preferred Job: Baking, tutoring, and possibly counseling
Discord: E-Money#1581
{The letter was written in neat and even, but distinctly feminine, handwriting on cleanly pressed parchment.}
To all those concerned,
I am a 25-year-old looking to do good in this city. I have heard wonderful things about this charity from my cousin, Natalia, who has volunteered at this almshouse before. Your mission is inspirational, and I hope to assist you in it.
I have some experience making sweets, but I believe I would be best suited as a tutor. I am well-educated in over ten languages, as well as the arts of painting, writing, and playing the organ. I am also equipped to give religious counsel, though I understand if you wish for this organization to be secular. Of course, if I am only needed as an extra set of hands, I would still be honored to spend my time helping others.
I hope to hear back soon, and I am grateful for this opportunity.
Gwendoline Ombre


[The letter was clean, with neat hand writing. Though few of the words were scribbled out]

"To those concerned.

My name is Nathasi Cananis. You may call me Nathan. A well done practiced skilled

I have heard good things about this charity and I wish to volunteer to finally do what I swore to do. To Heal, and to help.

I have experience working as a medical practitioner. I also am well practiced with Husbandry, if that may help. With the added ability to sow, and repair/make clothing out of cloth. I hope to join as volunteer, and continue in the good work to help the city community.

I apologize for common, as I not the most proficient. Though I am fluent.
I also know how to speak Daen, if that may be help.

With regards,
Nathasi Cananis.

IGN: Silver_Ag47
Character Name/Sheet: Nathasi Cananis
Preferred Job: Doctor/Medic, Sewist, and General Help (No Cooking, unless you want poison)

Discord: Silver-Ag#5181