The Red Block Trading Company


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
This feature update brings to those of the Roleplay community a streamlined system integrated through in-game encounters to promote progression through roleplay. The events in which, you, the players starts and ends at the Company facility. This is an in-game organization staff run which is non-intrusive but remains present enough to help players out, whether to flesh out their characters with event participation, or provide avenues for player to player interactions.

Over the past couple of weeks we have released the Creature Compendium & Shops/Businesses listing which can both be discovered HERE.

This final post ties it all in together in full trio of updates for the month. Creatures and flora is submitted to the review thread, shopkeepers and businesses report their contact information on the shop thread, and all of that goes into how we create events for players such as yourselves to engage in and move about Regalia bringing the city further intractability, and potential opportunities in far off never-before seen locations on quests. We can know now who wants an event and provide accordingly with this.

Without further ado, all information regarding the Red Block Trading Company and how it functions!


Where there is always need of help!

Do you need work? Are you an aspiring adventurer? Have spare time and need money? This is the place for you! Whether it's delivering for a local business, or hunting down dangerous creatures, the RB Trading Company hosts a variety of jobs ready for anyone to take up!

All jobs are broken up into categories; Delivery, Trade, Investigation, and Bounty. Once a job is claimed a contract is engaged and only those which have signed on for it must adhere to the agreeance. We host typical work for the average individual to even the few odd jobs you may yet to expect!

*Red Block Trading Company is not at liberty to pay those which break contract, if a contract is broken and property is stolen there may be legal reparations duly owed.


Travel to far off locations! We host occasional work which takes you overseas and to territories as far as even the East outside of the Empire!

When engaging in the RB Trading Company we have a strict policy on summoning a handler to attend you. Upon arrival at our on-sight location within Regalia you must ring the bell once at the front desk.

When arriving at the building you must contact a Lore Staff member via in-game ticket and it must follow as so; "/ti create Requesting Red Block Trading Company staff member" and only if you're there for a job. Please understand there will be off-hours where a Lore Staff member cleared to handle this in-game may not be present, and to be patient as there may also be other jobs already in progress, a queue will be formed if that is the case. For jobs of 5+ you will formally submit on this thread directly a sign-up - formatting as follows;

JOB: (Name of 5+ Job from the Quest Journal Section on the Creature Compendium)
PLAYERS: (List of MC names with linked character sheets)
GROUP NAME: (if applicable)


Compete with friends and adversaries alike on our Leaderboard!

Each job will net a player an amount of points on their performance, time, and outright success or failure. This is mapped by the handlers and will update on the Leaderboard periodically. The jobs listed this month are apart of a Season. Everytime the Season changes all the jobs on the listing rotate out and change, and the Leaderboard top 5 will receive a unique award from the company.

Any questions can be directed in the thread down below, all work shall now commence!

Credits to Bunemma and Bellarmina for their screenshots.
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@Antimreoir Consult with me over discord a time and date that works for everyone and we'll get right to preparing it.
With the Harvest Festival coming up we'll be bringing out a set of exclusive jobs!
Find the Festival job list HERE

(We'll be returning to our regular jobs soon at a brand new location!)