Character Information
Full Name:
Victoria Steel Silverberry
Heritage / Culture:
Imperial Ailor with Regal culture
Birthday: 18 July
Year born: 291
Gender / Pronouns:
Female, She/Her
Straight [ more than willing to be in a relationship ]
Nolvan Godborn
Nolvan is an Ailor Unionist God of war and harshness, of the chaos of inspiration and undefeated warriors and duellists. Nolvan is the twin of the other Dogmatic Unionist God Neall, and the two represent the contrast or duality of the Regalian Empire's ability to both create and destroy, to bring peace or war, and to create beauty or inflict death. Neall is controlled, reserved, and shy, while Nolvan is erratic, affable, and driven. Between the two of them, it is thus Nolvan who is subject to the carnal desires of the flesh among mortals, and who is keen to (ab)use his divine status among the faithful. Nolvan's most recognizable and passing traits, are his ginger/auburn hair, and the golden glowing tattoos that can be found in varying places of his body. He grants a golden-glowing eye-mutation to his children, allowing their sclera to be golden, and/or their irises glowing golden also. He also sometimes grants golden or white feathered wings to his children, which function more like shields, and are incapable of flight.
Nolvan Godborn bear a great deal of expectation from Unionist society, who expect them to become holy warriors, paladins, or defenders of the faith. There is always an unhealthy comparison with Nolvan's inability to lose a single duel, and his great physical prowess. For this reason, many Nolvan Godborn can be found among the Knightly Orders, as well as personal bodyguards of the Unionist Priests.
Character Occupation:
Viridian Order Knight, Tyrian chapter
The Tyrian Chapter is a relatively newcomer when it comes to Viridian Chapters, while its actual membership is tiny in comparison to the other Chapters, yet it is held to the same respect. The Tyrian Chapter was founded when Emperor Cedromar ruled the Regalian Empire, where some Viridians championed the cause to return to the occupation of protecting the Imperial Family in particular, after Cedromar helped the Viridians rebuild following the Deathling Crisis. The Tyrian Chapter takes particular interest in the protection of the Imperial Family and state officials, especially those directly from the Imperial Palace. As a result, the Tyrian Chapter is often considered somewhere in between a Knight Order and the Imperial Guard, with some of the privileges and benefits of the Imperial Guard, without the strictness surrounding them. Tyrian Chapter Knights often don the Imperial Tyrian and blue, instead of the regular Viridian Green, though still use Viridian Shields.
Knight Rank
Rank promotion:
Knight: 17 October 2024
Sargent: Unknown
Captain: Unknown
Major: Unknown
Paladin: Unknown
Character Title:
- Dame
- Lady
Nolvan | Father | Unionist God
Willow Silverberry | Mother
Nova Silverberry | Younger Sister
Amber Norinn | Twin Sister
Court Family
To be Determined
Appearance Information:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
7 ft
Body Type:
Additional Features:
To be Determined
Skill Information:
Hobbies and Talents:
Mystech Technician
Technology Hobby
Technology Hobby covers broadly things done with machines, making robots, or technology. This includes but is not limited to replacing limbs with prosthetics, producing technological solutions for people with disabilities such as hoverchairs for those who are wheelchair bound, require artificial wombs, want to make air conditioning or washing machines, or generally add mechanical parts to daily tasks or the body to create a better standard of living. While MassiveCraft is a mostly fantasy medieval setting, there are options for more modern technology, where appropriate. If this is chosen, players are encouraged to pick one technology branch that determines what their technology looks like. If you want more branches, consider investing in Tech Point Buy.
Medical Hobby
Medical Hobby covers broadly things done to heal, treat, and diagnose people and animals. This includes but is not limited to diagnosing ailments, prescribing medicine, performing check-ups, and other basic medical roleplay. While "realistically" non-magical medical healing is slower, we do not enforce this on players, and can treat people with medicine and technology just as good as you can with magic.
Athletic Hobby
Athletic Hobby cover broadly things involving physical labor. This includes but is not limited to lifting heavy objects, carrying other people around, helping others reach a physical fitness goal of theirs, as well as other basic physical labor or athletic roleplay. This hobby is fairly simple but very open ended, allowing the user to manifest their physical prowess however they see fit. Players are asked to self-moderate with what is reasonable and acceptable in roleplay to all participants.
Mechanic 1: Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
Mechanic 2: Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
Mechanic 3: Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.
Mechanic 4: Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.
Mechanic 5: Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
Mechanic 1: Nolvan Godborn can have 2 distinct Proficiency sets and appearances that they can swap between, featuring different Proficiency Packs, Body Shape, or even Gender Presentation. The idea is that they embody the contrast between the values of Nolvan and Neall, and can swap between these two distinct Forms (Art and War) so long as they are outside of Combat, and do not currently have any Abilities on active Cooldown.
Mechanic 2: Nolvan Godborn can will anyone to not die. They can sustain a person through mortal wounds, and can even reach into their chest to re-start their heart if they have died in the last hour and their soul has not yet passed on (this may not work on Event Characters). Additionally, Nolvan Godborn themselves, if they die in Battle, do not pass on to to the Afterlife, but instead become Burning Choir Undead.
Mechanic 3: Nolvan Godborn gain access to the Solvaan Mist Forms, except they only have two variants, the black with golden glowing Divine Mist Form, and the white with golden glowing Doubt Mist Form. When they are secure in their mission and faith, they can produce a black-golden glowing Mist, but if they waiver from Unionism or their purpose, this Mist is white to indicate their aimlessness.
Tyrian Knights:
Tyrian Knights are permitted to wear armor and weapons at the Imperial Palace, and offer protection to Palace Events or Kades. Additionally they are immune to becoming Afflicted.
Tech Ghost:
Tech Ghost provides unique Roleplay Function for Roboticist flavor. Firstly, Tech Ghost allows the user to produce Automata, which are autonomous programmed robots. If the Automata is Played Separately, see the Mystech page for all rules. If the Automata is strictly an extension of the Technician Character, then the same design guidelines apply, but they do not gain their own Proficiencies (or the Mechanics on the Mystech page), and instead must follow this section's rules. Tech Ghost Automata can be remotely controlled by their creators: they cannot be in the same scene (unless it's no-stakes Social RP), and must have the same Proficiency investments as the creator, ignoring the logic of a robot casting Magic. This does not count as a disguise. If the creator of the Automaton dies in Roleplay, their consciousness is transferred to one of their Automata, and they continue to live as a robot (now becoming Mystech). Tech Ghost is gained for free upon Point Buying any Tech Point Buy Pack.
- Hallow Tech
- Doyentech
- Common
- Sign language
To be Determined
plot hooks:
• Despite being a newly graduated knight, she still came from a family of knights.
• She already found someone she is interested in, a fellow knight that she grew up with while they were squires.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
War: Strength
Art: Intelligence
Defense Stat: 5
War: Constitution
Art: Constitution
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
[ War ]
Strength: 7
- Bruiser Stance [ Stance ]
- During Bruiser Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Shielding Point Buy. While in Bruiser Stance, the user cannot have their Attack reduced by outside forces. Additionally, if the user's attacks would have their damage reduced or ignored by anything (except Block Tokens), the user gains +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) for their next 3 Attack Emotes. Bruiser Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Bruiser Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.
- Bruiser Flurry Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Instant Technique ]
- To disrupt the battlefield, instantly displace all characters within range by 5 blocks backwards. If any Enemies within range had Block Tokens gained by Abilities, remove up to three of them, and grant them to the User instead. Bruiser Flurry has a 1 Hour cooldown.
- Bruiser Tackle Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Instant Technique ]
- To use an enemy as a weapon, target an enemy within range, displace them backwards 5 Blocks and apply the Brittle Status Effect. If the target already has the Brittle Status Effect, deal a guaranteed Attack, and displace them 10 blocks. In either case, if the target hits another character before moving the full distance, also apply Brittle to that character. Bruiser Tackle has a 2 hour cooldown.
- Bruiser Slam Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Movement Technique ]
- To close the distance with a foe, leap in a straight line to an Enemy within Range without triggering Opportunity Attacks. If the Target has Block Tokens, one Block Token is immediately broken and the Brittle Status Effect is applied. If the Target has no Block Tokens, apply both the Prone and Brittle Status Effects. Bruiser Slam as a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Bruiser Agony pack [ Bruiser ] [ Passive Technique ]
- To heal on the edge of defeat, this ability activates automatically when the user is at 6 HP or less. The user's next successful Attack Emote heals the user by +2HP. If the attack upon the Target has a Block Token broken instead of losing HP, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Agony can only trigger once Per Combat.
- Bruiser Feint Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Counter Technique ]
- To interrupt an enemy's attack, as a reaction, Stagger an enemy within range's Basic Attack or Instant Technique usage. Also, gain +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) for the next 2 turns. If the target has any Block Tokens gained from Abilities, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Feint has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Bruiser Parry Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Counter Technique ]
- As a reaction to an Attack from Ranger or Deadeye Stance, the user is able to catch the incoming projectile. If Ranger, reduce the damage to 0, if Deadeye, -1HP. Additionally, the user throws the projectile back at their attacker, applying the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Parry can be used out of turn, does not take an Action, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Steady Body Pack[ Athletic ] [ Counter Technique ]
- The user braces themselves against (or avoids) a single Displacement or Trapped Status Effect, rendering them immune to the Displacement or Trapped Status Effect only. The Ability that would apply it is still used as normal, and any other effects activate. After using this Technique, the user can perform a basic attack directly after. Steady Body has a 3 hour cooldown.
- Building Smash Pack [ Athletic ] [ Counter Technique ] [ Free Pack ]
- This Technique can be used on a building, so long as another person is standing on its roof, or on some higher ledge like a roof trim or balcony or top of a tower. When used, the user smashes into a selected building causing it to shake and destabilize all characters standing on top of it. Anyone standing on a higher ledge of such a building will fall off the building, forward towards the user and causing 1HP of damage unless the user is immune to fall damage. All targets additionally are unable to use Movement Abilities for 10 minutes after landing. Building Smash has a 1 hour cooldown and ignores Displacement Immunity.
Constitution: 5
- Iron Will [ Training ] [ Passive Technique ] [ Free Pack ]
- This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.
- Interception [ Training ] [ Counter Technique ]
- As a reaction to an ally within range becoming the target of a Basic Attack, this Ability forces the user to be the target instead. If the user takes 3 or more damage from this Attack, grant the user 1 Block Token afterwards. Interception has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Status Endure Pack [ Training ] [ Passive Technique ]
- When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.
- Breather Pack [ Training ] [ Passive Technique ]
- When the user would gain Health from any Source, increase it by +1HP, and put this Ability on Cooldown. If the user reaches 4HP, and has not gained any Health, increase their Minimum Defense Dice roll by +2 for the rest of Combat, but prevent this Ability from being used again. Breather has a 20 Minute Cooldown.
- Bulwalk Pack[ Training ] [ Passive Technique ]
- The user counts as an obstruction for enemies, blocking Line of Sight for Enemies within Range. Additionally, when an Enemy takes the Move action within Range, the user can apply the Prone Status Effect to them, without using an Action. This can only be done once per combat.
- Rebound Pack [ Training ] [ Counter Technique ]
- As a reaction to the user being Displaced any number of blocks unwillingly, count the number of Blocks Displaced, and increase the distance of the user's next Move action by that number. Rebound has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
Intelligence: 1
Wardrobe Pack
The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
Charisma: 1
Undisclosed Pack
This Pack has the user trained so well in mental fortitude and obfuscation, that they are immune even to Magical attempts to apply Mind Control, or scry their mind for information. Your Character becomes immune to being mind-controlled, Thralled, having their emotions read, or emotions influenced, and so forth. This does not protect against Illusions, or Memory Alterations, however. You can still submit your Character to these functions if you want to, however, it assumes that by default your Character deters any kind of Mind Control.
[ Art ]
Strength: 0
Constitution: 5
- Iron Will [ Training ] [ Passive Technique ] [ Free Pack ]
- This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.
- Shield Bunker Pack [ Shielding ] [ Instant Technique ]
- In order to increase your defenses at the expense of damage output, enter a defensive stance temporarily. While this Technique is active, the user is immune to Displacements, but cannot take the Move action. Additionally, any damage the User deals is reduced by 1, but they gain 2 Block Tokens. If the user chooses to move, or these Tokens are expended, Shield Bunker goes on a 1 Hour cooldown.
- Shield Phalanx Pack [ Shielding ] [ Instant Technique ]
- In order to protect allies from harm, activate this ability to brace your defenses. For the next 30 minutes, any allies within range have their minimum defense roll raised by 2. If another ally within range also has Shield Phalanx, they are able to immediately activate it without spending a turn. For each additional ally using Shield Phalanx in a line, the minimum defense roll is raised by an additional 2, to a cap of 6. Once ended, Shield Phalanx has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Shield Wall Pack [ Shielding ] [ Instant Technique ]
- The user holds up their defenses, protecting themselves and any character within a 3x3 block area behind them. While active, the user can't perform Basic Attacks, but gains a new action that replaces their Attack. As a reaction to an ally within Shield Wall being targeted by an Attack Emote, the user can use this action to grant them +5 to the minimum result of their defense roll, and if they fail the defense roll, reduce any -HP damage by half (rounded up, minimum 0). If the triggering Basic Attack is a Ranged Emote Attack, this action does not consume the user's action, and they can use it again on a different attack in the same turn. Shield Wall can be held for a maximum of 20 minutes, and once ended has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Shield Cover Pack [ Shielding ] [ Passive Technique ] [ Free Pack ]
- The user passively is able to increase their defenses against Ranged Attacks from Ranger and Deadeye Stance. When a character is targeted with a Ranged Attack Emote, their minimum Defense Roll is raised to 9 for Ranger Stance attacks, and 6 for Deadeye Stance attacks. Shield Cover does not consume an Action, and has no Cooldown.
- Shield Deflect Pack [ Shielding ] [ Counter Technique ]
- To delay an enemy, use this ability as a reaction to an enemy within Range making an Attack. If the attack hits the user, reduce the damage by -1HP (never to 0). If the attack misses the user, gain +1 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) for the next two Attacks made against the user only. Shield Deflect has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Shield Block Pack [ Shielding ] [ Counter Technique ]
- In order to last longer in melee combat, use this Ability reactively to instantly reduce Damage from a single Melee Attack by -2, which can be to 0. This does not consume an Action. Shield Block has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
Intelligence: 7
- Tech Auto Pack [ Tech ] [ Instant Technique ]
- To increase reliability, the user raises the minimum result on Attack rolls to 5 for the next 3 turns. During this time, the user's damage from Attack rolls are reduced to 1 HP. Once ended, Tech Auto goes on a 30 minute cooldown.
- Tech Charge Pack [ Tech ] [ Instant Technique ]
- To empower an ally, grant a character within range +2 (breaks cap up to 11/9) to either their Attack or Defense for the next 30 minutes. For as long as Tech Charge is active, the user takes -2 from Attack or Defense (can go into negatives), depending on what was chosen. Tech Charge does not stack, and once ended, goes on a 1 Hour Cooldown.
- Tech Exhaust Pack [ Tech ] [ Instant Technique ]
- When the user is affected by a Status Effect that would negatively affect them (disables an Ability, Action, or movement that the character has), use this ability to set that Status Effect's duration to 30 Minutes, and prevent its removal except by this ability. The user gains 1 Block Token Instantly, and sets their Movement Speed to 15 Blocks. Additionally, for the user's Attack and Defense Rolls, their minimum roll is now 2, instead of 1. Tech Exhaust goes on cooldown once ended, and can only be used Once Per Combat.
- Tech Resist Pack [ Tech ] [ Instant Technique ]
- To specialize against a specific attack, choose either Melee, or Ranged and Deadeye. For the next 30 minutes, the user takes 1 HP less damage from the chosen attack type (never to 0), but deals 1HP less damage on their Attacks. Once ended, Tech Resist goes on a 2 hour cooldown.
- Tech Assimilate Pack [ Tech ] [ Counter Technique ]
- To protect the user from harm, the user sets their maximum HP to 2 and gains 6 Block Tokens which exceed the limit. For the duration of this ability, any instances of 1HP damage caused by other characters is reduced to 0, unless that damage was already reduced by another source, and the user cannot benefit from HP threshold mechanics while active. If the user were to take -1HP damage, it does not ignore Block Tokens, and instead breaks a Block Token. Tech Assimilate ends when the last Block Token is Broken, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
- Tech Exchange Pack [ Tech ] [ Movement Technique ]
- To reposition an ally, target an ally within range to trade positions with them. This movement can be used through other characters, does not trigger Opportunity Attacks, but the user is given the Trapped Status Effect for the next turn. Tech Exchange has a 1 hour cooldown.
- Hook Shot Pack [ Tech ] [ Movement Technique ]
- To get around quickly, the user instantly fires a grappling hook to propel themselves to anywhere within range, Horizontally or Vertically, with limits. This can be shot upwards whilst directly beneath a block, allowing the user to climb to the top of it. Additionally, this can be shot across a horizontal gap to establish a zip-line that can be slid down to cross to the other side. Hook Shot has a 4 hour cooldown. If Hook Shot is used outside of Combat, it has a Range of Emote Range.
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
Charisma: 1
Undisclosed Pack
This Pack has the user trained so well in mental fortitude and obfuscation, that they are immune even to Magical attempts to apply Mind Control, or scry their mind for information. Your Character becomes immune to being mind-controlled, Thralled, having their emotions read, or emotions influenced, and so forth. This does not protect against Illusions, or Memory Alterations, however. You can still submit your Character to these functions if you want to, however, it assumes that by default your Character deters any kind of Mind Control.
Found Family:
- Amida Chojin - RaiderOW
- Amida Chojin - RaiderOW
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