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Played Character Blatodeus Silpe, the Everwatch's Strongest Cockroach

This character is actively played.
Apr 3, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Blatodeus Silpe

  • Heritage / Culture: Unionist Caan Godborn Narim / Breizh Cultured.

  • Age: 84

  • Gender / Pronouns: He / Him

  • Religion: Unionism.

  • Attuned: Mage (God Magic)

  • Character Occupation: Aelrrigan Knight
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Blinding Golden.

  • Skin Color: A golden carapace.

  • Hair: None.

  • Height: Tall

  • Body Type: Toned.

  • Additional Features: On top of having a small second abdomen, Blatodeus has a second set of arms, antenna -as well as dark glasses over her eyes. His four arms are seemingly composed of God-Aligned Magic.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Athletic, Cleric.

  • Mechanics:
    • Narim:
      • Narim can attempt to sense a discordant note from a deep gestalt consciousness with the living, when they focus on an Event/DM Character, to learn if they have dark/evil/immoral intentions.

      • Narim have night vision and are able to see in perfect (mundane) darkness, never needing a light or some other sight implemented in the sewers or at night.

      • Narim can manifest (or have) Wings (of specifically insectoid design), which while not in Combat, allow (Elytra) flight (including the use of Rockets). Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight

      • Narim can revert to a larval stage (not child-like, but grub-like) shedding their body, for 3 days. They can then change their arthropod species, and recover any lost limbs or remove scarring.
    • Caan Godborn:
      • Caan Godborn can use a form of Magic sonar that floods an area with tiny magical particles that create an outline that they can see despite their blindness or difficulty of seeing. Objects and people that are anti-Magic repel this effect and appear like a void, while incredibly powerful people or artifacts are almost intolerably bright.

      • Caan Godborn must sacrifice one Heritage Trait Mechanic of their own, which becomes a commutable Mechanic. Caan Godborn can then align with any other Heritage and choose one Mechanic from their Heritage Traits. This does not change their Design appearance, but can change the appearance of their mutated Arms to bear the aesthetics, symbols, or colors associated with the aligned Heritage.
        • Ephemer Mechanic III: Ephemer Homunculi cannot be killed, if their body is destroyed, even a single drop of blood will re-manifest their body within an hour. They also regain lost limbs in matters of seconds.
      • Caan Godborn can supercharge the glowing light in their eyes, removing any eye cover or goggles they were wearing to dampen its effect, and use the glow from their eyes as a (laser) weapon. This does not change any Combat Mechanics or Styles, it is purely for the aesthetic flair of Emotes. Additionally, Caan Godborn cannot be blindfolded or blinded by having their eyes covered, since they see through Magic.
    • Aelrrigan Order: Laoch Lasrach
      • Laoch Lasrach Mechanic: Laoch Lasrach Knights can choose one Mechanic from the Evolism Religious Mechanics, and take it for their own.
        • All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ravaal. They can bless their weapons in the Glacial March, becoming ghostly and see-through. Any would-be lethal wounds they inflict will not kill, instead when if expire, they fall into a glacial coma, a Curse requiring 3 Mages with 7 Proficiency in Magic to break to awaken. Secondly, she grants Evolists the means to produce Soul-shards, which are small ice-like crystals in which they can capture the souls of those that they do end up killing, where they can choose to keep them, or let them pass on without the Malefica getting close.
  • Languages: Common, Breizh.

The child of Caan and a particularly devout Narim, Blatodeus was both blessed with great power, and yet, alineated from the world- Due to his blindness as Caanborn, and his Gestalt abilities, he hardly could ever truly know others, at most gathering their general features, and some of their intentions, but nothing beyond that. Still, by his late twenties, insisted by his mortal father, he joined the Aelrrigan Order, and finally, his abilities were finally able to grant him recognition. His ability with the Gestalt, aided him in guessing the intents of renegade mages, while his magical sonar granted him the skill to detect magic in others and objects.

After the Aelrrigan July Coup, he has moved to Regalian chapter, to better aid the Order in their objectives.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities:

Attack Stat:

Defense Stat: 15

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Point Buy:
      • Bruiser Slam [To close the distance with a foe, leap in a straight line to an Enemy within Range without triggering Opportunity Attacks. If the Target has Block Tokens, one Block Token is immediately broken and the Brittle Status Effect is applied. If the Target has no Block Tokens, apply both the Prone and Brittle Status Effects. Bruiser Slam as a 1 Hour Cooldown.]​
      • Bruiser Flurry [To disrupt the battlefield, instantly displace all characters within range by 5 blocks backwards. If any Enemies within range had Block Tokens gained by Abilities, remove up to three of them, and grant them to the User instead. Bruiser Flurry has a 1 Hour cooldown.]​
      • Bruiser Agony [To heal on the edge of defeat, this ability activates automatically when the user is at 6 HP or less. The user's next successful Attack Emote heals the user by +2HP. If the attack upon the Target has a Block Token broken instead of losing HP, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Agony can only trigger once Per Combat.]​
      • Bruiser Rampage [To keep the violence going, this Ability is always passively active once combat begins. For each successful attack the user lands upon a target, gain +1 Attack that breaks cap up to a maximum of 11 until they fail an Attack Roll, in which case the bonus resets to 0. Staggers do not count as failing an Attack Roll, and instead count as a successful attack for the purpose of this Ability. If the user breaks a Block Token, gain +2 Attack instead. This effect can stack as many times as they are successful in landing hits.]​
      • Bruiser Feint [To interrupt an enemy's attack, as a reaction, Stagger an enemy within range's Basic Attack or Instant Technique usage. Also, gain +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) for the next 2 turns. If the target has any Block Tokens gained from Abilities, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Feint has a 2 Hour Cooldown.]​
      • Bruiser Tackle [To use an enemy as a weapon, target an enemy within range, displace them backwards 5 Blocks and apply the Brittle Status Effect. If the target already has the Brittle Status Effect, deal a guaranteed Attack, and displace them 10 blocks. In either case, if the target hits another character before moving the full distance, also apply Brittle to that character. Bruiser Tackle has a 2 hour cooldown.]
    • Melee Point Buy:
      • Technique Parry [To defend against an attack, use this Ability as a reaction to protect the user only from the effects of an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy. Technique parry does not use an Action. Technique Parry has a 1 Hour Cooldown.]​
      • Careful Fighter (Free) [To gain a benefit from restraint, when the user would make an Opportunity Attack on an enemy, instead choose between two options. Either make the attack as normal, or do not make the attack, and gain 1 Block Token instead. Careful Fighter goes on Cooldown if either option is chosen. Careful Fighter has a 1 Hour Cooldown.]​
  • Constitution: 2
    • Training Point Buy:
      • Breather [When the user would gain Health from any Source, increase it by +1HP, and put this Ability on Cooldown. If the user reaches 4HP, and has not gained any Health, increase their Minimum Defense Dice roll by +2 for the rest of Combat, but prevent this Ability from being used again. Breather has a 20 Minute Cooldown.]​
      • Iron Will [This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.]​
      • Status Endure (Narim Heritage Pack 2) [When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.]​
  • Intelligence: 0

  • Wisdom: 0

  • Dexterity: 0

  • Faith: 0

  • Magic: 5
    • Magic Point Buy:
      • Magic Isolate [To isolate an Enemy from their Allies and Buffs, target an enemy within Range, and Link Break the most recently applied Link Power. Additionally, if they have any Block Tokens (from Abilities, not from Armor), remove 1 Block Token. Magic Isolate has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Break 2 Link Powers, and if the enemy has no Link Powers and no Block Tokens, instead apply the Marked Status.]​
      • Magic Cleanse [To protect Self or an Ally from a harmful Status Effect, instantly remove one Status Effect (choose one, if multiple) from Self or an Ally within Range. Magic Cleanse has a 2 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Instead of removing the Status Effect, transfer it to an Enemy within Emote Range.]​
      • Magic Resist [To reduce the damage the user or an ally takes, target Self or an Ally within Range as a reaction to taking any Damage. Reduce that Damage by 1 HP, but never to 0. Magic Resist can be used out of Turn. Magic Resist has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage: Also deal 1 HP Damage to whoever applied the Damage.]​
      • Magic Bolster [To empower oneself with Magic, grant +2 Attack Stat, or +2 Defense Stat. Alternatively, grant the user +1, and an Ally within Range +1 too. Either way, the +Stat lasts for 20 Minutes, after which Magic Bolster's cooldown begins. Magic Bolster does not Stack, and has a 1 Hour Cooldown. Sinistral Usage:Can no longer grant Stats to Ally, but instead grants +2 Attack and +2 Defense at the same time, that break cap up to 11/9.]​
    • Invoke Point Buy
      • Monstrous Invocation Due to his unwavering devotion to Unionism, and the Everwatch, Blatodeus has recieved a powerful boon, the Golden Cicada form, which allows him to devastate his enemies.​
      • Duelist Invocation
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