Character Information
Full Name: Bruce Lútair
Heritage: Ailor/Fin'ullen.
Culture: Lowland Gallovian.
Age: 35.
Gender: Male.
Occult: None.
Occupation: Hohenfels Viridian.
Appearance Information
Eye Colour: Slate grey.
Skin Colour: Pale.
Body Type: Stocky and broad.
Full Name: Bruce Lútair
Heritage: Ailor/Fin'ullen.
Culture: Lowland Gallovian.
Age: 35.
Gender: Male.
Pronouns: He/him.
Religion: Unionist.Occult: None.
Occupation: Hohenfels Viridian.
Appearance Information
Eye Colour: Slate grey.
Skin Colour: Pale.
Colour: Ginger.
Style: Grown into a full beard on the face, but shaven on the head.
Height: 6'4 or 193cm.Style: Grown into a full beard on the face, but shaven on the head.
Body Type: Stocky and broad.
Character Lore
Bruce is a Gallovian Viridian of the Hohenfels chapter, spending the last twenty-one years of his life in service to the Order, as much at home as on the frontlines. He might well be known by other Viridians of a similar age, or by veterans of Regalia's more recent wars.
Bruce has served on the frontlines; he has fought in every major Regalian conflict, including the Elven Wars, both Songaskian Wars, and the Ranger Crisis, though the latter not as a graduated knight.
Bruce is a half-Elf of Fin'ullen descent, but seems in all other aspects to be completely human, and maintains beliefs and opinions that match that. -
Bruce Lútair was born in lowland Gallovia, near Kinwry, in 277AC. His parents were of modest wealth, propped up by his Fin'ullen father's shipping and trade business, though they were still resolutely Gallovian-- and therefore Regalian-- in identity. Bruce grew up with a number of siblings, but aspired to membership within the Viridian Order above all other goals in life. He joined the Order at 14, to some resistance from his extended family who believed that his leaving for Calemberg was an abandonment of the traditions and rules of his Gallovian culture, and spent the next ten years in various stages of training, deployment, and study, forming a sturdy grasp on the tenets of valour, conduct, and honour that he believes should define any Viridian.
As a Viridian, Bruce has served in each major Regalian conflict, missing the Chrysant Wars by a matter of weeks but then serving as a squire in the Ranger Crisis, as a fully graduated knight in each Songaskian War, both Elven Wars, and the larger war in Sendras, gaining some measure of veterancy as a warrior and as a Viridian, each time testing his own resolve and skill.
In-Game Abilities
Attack: Strength.
Defense: Constitution.
Strength: 7
VeteranConstitution: 7
Veteran Antimagi
Veteran Impurity
Veteran Tri-Slash
Veteran Swiftstrike
Veteran Parry
Steady Body
ShieldingIntelligence: 0
Shield Slam
Shield Taunt
Shield Snare
Shield Cover
Iron Will
Wisdom: 1
ChemDexterity: 0
Technique Parry
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
Understand any insult, even if made in an unknown language.
Be treated preferentially in matters of Nobility, Government, or Palatial decisionmaking.
Worship up to 3 Gods with Syncretic faith, gaining the Mechanic of the secondary religion, or gain +1 Attack against syncretists when following only one faith.
Choose 1 free pack from any category. If magical, choose any alignment.
Choose 1 free pack from Mounted or Training Point Buy.
Veteran Stance | Raise Attack cap to 8 and Defense cap to 6, but disable any Magic and Cleric Point Buy abilities. Additionally, set the range of any Veteran Point Buy ability to 6 Blocks instead of its normal range once per Combat Scene. This can be maintained indefinitely, but goes on 20 min cooldown when ended by the user.
Veteran Antimagi | Apply Silenced for 2 Turns to an Enemy within 2 Blocks who uses an Ability from Magic, Cleric, Theurgy, Shaman, or Paladin Point Buy, and increase minimum Attack to 5 on the next Attack made on that target after Silenced has ended, then go on cooldown. While not on cooldown, passively gain +1 Attack. 1hr cooldown.
Veteran Impurity | Apply Weakened to an Enemy within 2 Blocks who uses an Ability from Puretek Point Buy, and decrease target's Attack or Defense by -1 for their next 3 rolls of that type, then go on cooldown. While not on cooldown, passively gain +1 Defense. 1hr cooldown.
Veteran Tri-Slash | Target an Enemy within 2 blocks and make an Attack emote. Roll 3 times, choosing the highest result as the final result. If 2 of the rolls were above 15 without post-roll modifiers, do 3HP damage on that Attack. If 3 of the rolls were above 15 without post-roll modifiers, the Attack is unable to be Staggered, Avoided, or Countered, does 4HP damage, and applies Prone. 2hr cooldown.
Veteran Swiftstrike | Target all Enemies within 2 Blocks and displace them 3 Blocks backwards. Target one Enemy affected by this and teleport next to them without using a Move Action or triggering an Opportunity Attack, then Attack them with +2 Attack (breaking cap up to 11) for that emote only. 2hr cooldown.
Veteran Parry | If targeted by an Attack Emote, Stagger the attack and take -1HP, but increase minimum Attack to 5 for the next Attack roll, then go on cooldown. If instead targeted by a Technique, Stagger the Technique and increase minimum Defense to 5, and heal 1HP if the Target uses the same Technique on the next turn, then go on cooldown. 2hr cooldown. -
Building Smash | Approach a building with characters on top of it and attack it, knocking them off the building and towards the user, dealing 1HP damage unless fall immune. This ignores Displacement Immunity. Additionally, make the target/s unable to use Movement Abilities for 10 minutes. 1hr cooldown.
Steady Body | Become immune to one Displacement or Trapped Status Effect, but not to the other effects of the Ability that applied the Status Effect, and immediately make a basic attack. 3hr cooldown. -
Shield Wall | Create a 3x3 Block zone behind the user. While active, disable Basic Attacks. Instead, grant a single Ally in the zone +5 to their minimum Defense roll per turn when targeted by an Attack. If the roll fails, halve any damage taken, rounded up. If the Attack is Ranged, this action can be used again on a different Attack in the same turn. Remain active for 20 minutes or until broken by user. 1hr cooldown.
Shield Slam | Charge up to 10 Blocks in a chosen direction, then choose any Target within 2 Blocks and displace them backwards by 5 Blocks, as well as applying Prone. 2hr cooldown.
Shield Taunt | Apply Warned to all Enemies within 2 Blocks. While Warned, Enemies must attack the user or become Marked. If an Enemy cannot attack the user, Shield Taunt fails on them. 1hr cooldown.
Shield Snare | When targeted by a Ranged Attack, reduce damage to 0 when targeted by Ranger Stance, and reduce damage by -1 when targeted by Deadeye Stance. Additionally, force attacking Enemy to roll Defense, dealing 1HP damage if successful. Can be used out of turn, but consumes an Action. 1hr cooldown.
Shield Cover | When targeted by a Ranged Attack, increase minimum Defense to 9 when targeted by Ranger Stance, and increase minimum Defense to 6 when targeted by Deadeye Stance. This does not consume an Action, and has no cooldown.
Shield Block | Reduce damage from a single Melee Attack by 2 instantly without consuming an Action. 1hr cooldown. -
Breather | When gaining HP from any source, increase the HP gained by 1 and go on 20min cooldown. Additionally, when falling to 4HP or lower without being healed, add +2 to the minimum Defense roll, but disable this Ability for the rest of Combat.
Bulwark | Block Line of Sight for enemies within 5 Blocks. Additionally, once per Combat, when an Enemy makes a Move action within 5 Blocks, apply Prone without using an Action.
Iron Will | When at 6HP or below, re-roll a failed Defense roll and use the new result. If the roll still fails, set cooldown to one Action. If the roll succeeds, go on cooldown for 1hr. - Technique Parry | When targeted by an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Cutthroat, or Veteran Point Buy, become immune to the effects of that Ability of the user only for that turn. 1hr cooldown.
Veteran Stance | Raise Attack cap to 8 and Defense cap to 6, but disable any Magic and Cleric Point Buy abilities. Additionally, set the range of any Veteran Point Buy ability to 6 Blocks instead of its normal range once per Combat Scene. This can be maintained indefinitely, but goes on 20 min cooldown when ended by the user.
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