The Lancierron Sentinels | Violet Guard Chapter


Mar 3, 2017
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Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn




Basic Information

The Lancierron Sentinels was founded in 306 AC by Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire after receiving its stamp of approval by Lord-Commander William Howlester. The Lancierron Sentinels are commonly referred to as just 'The Sentinels' for simplicity when patrolling the city. The Chapter's Commander is also the Commandant Premier of the de Letoirneau House Guard which has played a large role in supplying The Sentinels with already trained guardsmen.

Being a Chapter of the Violet Order, the Lancierrom Sentinels adhere to all Violet conduct and are responsible for meeting all Chapter requirements. As well as this, they are granted the necessary Violet Guard permits, and are expected to uphold Regalian Law.



The Sentinels strictly enforce a hierarchical pyramid system. Falling out of line or expressing little care or respect for authorities on and off duty in the Sentinels may result in a swift demotion or removal from the Guard.

Commander of the Lancierron Sentinels - The Commander is the head figure of the Sentinels, responsible for all Chapter affairs. They report to the Lord Commander and are charged with keeping their respective Chapters in check.

Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire - @Nathan

Captains - The Captains are the deputy force of the Sentinels. They report directly to the Commander and hold authority over all below them in the Sentinels. They often fill the Commander's role in many situations when they're away, and act as the Commander's right hand. This rank is often held by one individual.


Officers - These are the experienced guardsmen that have proven themselves capable of taking command. Officers are often tasked with drilling Cadets and regularly leading patrols around the city. Officers report to the Captains and Commander.


Sentinels - Sentinels are the main bulk of the Chapter and are a part of the Guardsmen tier. Sentinels are able to patrol alone and lead small patrols with fellow Sentinels and Cadets.


Cadets - The Cadets are the newer members of the Chapter, a part of the Guardsmen tier. Yet, Cadets aren't granted as many privileges as the base Sentinels. Cadets are required to patrol with at least one other member of the Chapter ranked Sentinel or higher.



Charter Rights

The Lancierron Sentinels hold the standard Violet Charter rights. The basic Arrest, Patrol, and Imprison in order to uphold Regalian Law.
  • The Right to Patrol the streets of Regalia with Weapons and Armour equipped.
  • The Right to Arrest those who violate Regalian Law and Detain those suspected.
  • The Right to Imprison those found guilty, and to question and investigate those suspected.

How to Apply

The Application shouldn't be too difficult, but is essential for all interested. In order for your character to join the Lancierron Sentinels it is required that you have an Approved Character Application for them, and have at least 15 Points in Combat if Male, and 20 if Female. Your character may not be a Brood, Sanguine, Silven, or Witchblood. And in most cases, the Lancierron Sentinels will not accept Kathars either.
In Game Character Name:
Posted Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?:

What Timezone are you in?:
Do you have Discord?:

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Last edited:
IGN: R_O_B_E_rt
In Game Character Name: Lambert
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: oui........
Do you have Discord?: u kno me

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
The handwriting on the letter was quite awful.

Dear Cypri,

It's been a while since I was in the city guard. I've had my time off and well deserved rest after the Sanguine Crisis, and I wish to get back into action. I was the Captain of the Hammers, and its stand-in commander during that crisis. You know of my combat skill already and my experience speaks for itself. I need not list all of my achievements and accolades, as you already know of some. I look forward to your response.

Ser Lambert of Emprizais du Lion and Castellajoux.
IGN: ZiggyStarDusted
In Game Character Name: Enzo de Letoirneau-Celyreos
Approved Character Application: HERE

Is your /seen clean?: Mhm..

Do you have Discord?: You've got it.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
"Dear cousin,

Though we spoke in private over the matter of my entrance to the Sentinels, I figured it best I sent this formally alongside it.

I've got the required knowledge with the blade to be able to meet the requirements for entry, and of course, my years in diplomacy will be of use I should imagine.

Anyhow, I felt it was about time I put myself to good work for the city if you'd be willing to have me.

Yours sincerely,

Enzo de Letoirneau-Celyreos.
IGN: R_O_B_E_rt
In Game Character Name: Lambert
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: oui........
Do you have Discord?: u kno me

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
The handwriting on the letter was quite awful.

Dear Cypri,

It's been a while since I was in the city guard. I've had my time off and well deserved rest after the Sanguine Crisis, and I wish to get back into action. I was the Captain of the Hammers, and its stand-in commander during that crisis. You know of my combat skill already and my experience speaks for itself. I need not list all of my achievements and accolades, as you already know of some. I look forward to your response.

Ser Lambert of Emprizais du Lion and Castellajoux.

IGN: ZiggyStarDusted
In Game Character Name: Enzo de Letoirneau-Celyreos
Approved Character Application: HERE

Is your /seen clean?: Mhm..

Do you have Discord?: You've got it.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
"Dear cousin,

Though we spoke in private over the matter of my entrance to the Sentinels, I figured it best I sent this formally alongside it.

I've got the required knowledge with the blade to be able to meet the requirements for entry, and of course, my years in diplomacy will be of use I should imagine.

Anyhow, I felt it was about time I put myself to good work for the city if you'd be willing to have me.

Yours sincerely,

Enzo de Letoirneau-Celyreos.
IGN: Nidakk
In Game Character Name: Astrid Hadraga
Approved Character Application: Here ya go

Is your /seen clean?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: You know it

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Hello, Commander Cyprien I'm Astrid Hadraga and as you can imagine, I need a job. Although I'm not a Skagger I was trained by a Skagger for complicated reasons that would take more than this letter to explain. I promise you though, I am a great fighter and have been doing it my entire life. I have a boat as well if that is of any interest to you, I'm sure we can schedule a meeting and talk about it there. Thanks for reading.
IGN: Nidakk
In Game Character Name: Astrid Hadraga
Approved Character Application: Here ya go

Is your /seen clean?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: You know it

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Hello, Commander Cyprien I'm Astrid Hadraga and as you can imagine, I need a job. Although I'm not a Skagger I was trained by a Skagger for complicated reasons that would take more than this letter to explain. I promise you though, I am a great fighter and have been doing it my entire life. I have a boat as well if that is of any interest to you, I'm sure we can schedule a meeting and talk about it there. Thanks for reading.
IGN: Hellathiccc
In Game Character Name: Hector Chappelle
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Aye

Do you have Discord?: You have it B

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Greetings friend, I wish to join this chapter of yours. Fight the evils in regalia and fight alongside you once again. So please accept my poorly written letter. If you want we could always chat over an ale or something

Hector Chappelle
IGN: Hellathiccc
In Game Character Name: Hector Chappelle
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Aye
Do you have Discord?: You have it B

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Greetings friend, I wish to join this chapter of yours. Fight the evils in regalia and fight alongside you once again. So please accept my poorly written letter. If you want we could always chat over an ale or something

Hector Chappelle
IGN: Osowiec
In Game Character Name: William Montenegro (Charles de Nodier)
Approved Character Application: (Once Hydra gets back on it, it'll be re-instated.)

Is your /seen clean?: Yub yub
Do you have Discord?: Yub Yub

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear, Cyprien de Letorineau-Alaire.

I have written to you on this day in hopes of gaining rank in the Lancierron Sentinels. I've got a good head on my shoulders, and I'm willing to follow you into battle if need be. I'm well-versed on leading men and now my way around explosive siege weaponry. Some might even say I invented the grenade! Ha - anyhow, I hope to serve the city faithfully with a position in this chapter, and pray that we may meet soon as brothers-in-arms.

Fairest wishes,
William Montenegro​
IGN: Osowiec
In Game Character Name: William Montenegro (Charles de Nodier)
Approved Character Application: (Once Hydra gets back on it, it'll be re-instated.)

Is your /seen clean?: Yub yub
Do you have Discord?: Yub Yub

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear, Cyprien de Letorineau-Alaire.

I have written to you on this day in hopes of gaining rank in the Lancierron Sentinels. I've got a good head on my shoulders, and I'm willing to follow you into battle if need be. I'm well-versed on leading men and now my way around explosive siege weaponry. Some might even say I invented the grenade! Ha - anyhow, I hope to serve the city faithfully with a position in this chapter, and pray that we may meet soon as brothers-in-arms.

Fairest wishes,
William Montenegro​
Seeing that you are required to have an Approved Character Application before applying, I'm afraid I must Reject this Application.

Character Name:
Falik Gavriel Nilayn

Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?:

Do you have discord?: You have it so I'd assume I do

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau:

Dear Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,

I'm writing to you this fine day due to my interest in joining the Sentinels to aid in the protection of the Regalian Empire. I realize I've been a mercenary for the pay year and you look down upon those who are me mercenaries. I will cease my mercenary activities of if I'm accepted. As for the problem of my race. I realize I'm a kathar and those who are Kathar are usually seen as vile and evil though I wish to overcome this stereotype and prove those wrong through service to my home. I'm a war veteran fighting as a foot soldier in the Chrysant War, and both Somgaskian War. I offer my blade and life to fight alongside you fine men and women to protect the City.
Falik Nilayn
IGN: ContestedSnow
In Game Character Name: Philippe du Langelier
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Yepyep
Do you have Discord?: You already have me (:

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commander,

I've worked as a Captain of yours and her Ladyship's within the Regiment de Tonnerre, and I feel you know me rather well now. I'd like to complete the shift to joining the Lancierron's under your command, and to apologise for my less than stellar activity in the past few weeks. I'd like if you could consider my participation in the demon battle not long ago as my proper return to active service.

Spirit Bless,
Your loyal guardsman, Philippe du Langelier.
IGN: ContestedSnow
In Game Character Name: Philippe du Langelier
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Yepyep
Do you have Discord?:
You already have me (:

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commander,

I've worked as a Captain of yours and her Ladyship's within the Regiment de Tonnerre, and I feel you know me rather well now. I'd like to complete the shift to joining the Lancierron's under your command, and to apologise for my less than stellar activity in the past few weeks. I'd like if you could consider my participation in the demon battle not long ago as my proper return to active service.

Spirit Bless,
Your loyal guardsman, Philippe du Langelier.

Character Name:
Falik Gavriel Nilayn

Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?:

Do you have discord?: You have it so I'd assume I do

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau:

Dear Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,

I'm writing to you this fine day due to my interest in joining the Sentinels to aid in the protection of the Regalian Empire. I realize I've been a mercenary for the pay year and you look down upon those who are me mercenaries. I will cease my mercenary activities of if I'm accepted. As for the problem of my race. I realize I'm a kathar and those who are Kathar are usually seen as vile and evil though I wish to overcome this stereotype and prove those wrong through service to my home. I'm a war veteran fighting as a foot soldier in the Chrysant War, and both Somgaskian War. I offer my blade and life to fight alongside you fine men and women to protect the City.
Falik Nilayn
On the condition that you always wear a helmet when on duty, regardless of rank, you are Accepted.
Cadet Falik Nilayn is hereby entirely stripped of his rank, booted, and barred from the Lancierron Sentinels.

Commander de Letoirneau urges respectable organizations and especially City and House Guard Commanders to bar this Kathar from employment.

IGN: Vivamente
Character Name & Sheet: Rosseau de Letoirneau

Is your /seen clean?: To my knowledge, yes.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

'Cyprien, with each day I spend in this city I feel more and more useless. I have no job beyond being some glorified House Guard for my own family, I need this more than you know.

As for my abilities, I am disciplined, able to give and take commands and can fight until my last breath if that is what is required of me.

With Love & Due Respect,
Your favourite cousin,
Rosseau Bissette de Letoirneau-Alaire.'
IGN: Vivamente
Character Name & Sheet:
Rosseau de Letoirneau

Is your /seen clean?: To my knowledge, yes.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

'Cyprien, with each day I spend in this city I feel more and more useless. I have no job beyond being some glorified House Guard for my own family, I need this more than you know.

As for my abilities, I am disciplined, able to give and take commands and can fight until my last breath if that is what is required of me.

With Love & Due Respect,
Your favourite cousin,
Rosseau Bissette de Letoirneau-Alaire.'
IGN: Tankplaysmc
In Game Character Name: Samuel Cross
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Si Senor

Do you have Discord?: Mhm, you know this.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cypri,
You know me as a de Letoirneau House Guard. You have seen me spar, and have seen me show myself willing to assist others. I hope that I can continue to do so, and I hope that I can amplify this in the Sentinels. I wish to further prove my skills and abilities under the banner of the Sentinels and under you.
From, Samuel Cross
IGN: Tankplaysmc
In Game Character Name: Samuel Cross
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Si Senor

Do you have Discord?: Mhm, you know this.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cypri,
You know me as a de Letoirneau House Guard. You have seen me spar, and have seen me show myself willing to assist others. I hope that I can continue to do so, and I hope that I can amplify this in the Sentinels. I wish to further prove my skills and abilities under the banner of the Sentinels and under you.
From, Samuel Cross
In Game Character Name: Vrastone
Approved Character Application: o

Is your /seen clean?: Yes

Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: On my recent promotion from recruit to house guard, I would like to serve you with greater honor protecting all that deserve it. If allowed I will serve you further with all my pride and honor.

In Game Character Name: Vrastone
Approved Character Application: o

Is your /seen clean?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire: On my recent promotion from recruit to house guard, I would like to serve you with greater honor protecting all that deserve it. If allowed I will serve you further with all my pride and honor.

IGN: Ringo0310
In Game Character Name: Sinclair Alaire
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Yes?

Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Great Cousin, I write to you for reentry into the Sentinals. I already sent my resignation letter to the Rams Guard seeing the Chaos and disorder within the Family and the Guard itself. I request that you look at my application and wish to accept me.
Sincerely Sinclair.
IGN: Ringo0310
In Game Character Name: Sinclair Alaire
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Yes?

Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Great Cousin, I write to you for reentry into the Sentinals. I already sent my resignation letter to the Rams Guard seeing the Chaos and disorder within the Family and the Guard itself. I request that you look at my application and wish to accept me.
Sincerely Sinclair.
Sinclair will need to take on a different surname before he can rejoin the City Guard in the Lancierron Sentinels' Chapter. Cyprien doesn't wish to stop Sinclair from serving the City, yet Sinclair must first cease calling himself an Alaire or de Letoirneau, as it signifies he is of a Noble House, which he is not. Rejected until these changes are made, then Sinclair may reapply.
IGN: Ringo0310
In Game Character Name: Eugenio Leocadio
Approved Character Application: In the process of being reviewed

Is your /seen clean?: Yes

Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Lord Commander Cyprien, I was once apart of the Rams Guard, but once I entered after a few short months I began to see disorganization and fighting among there ranks. I left right away as soon as I heard about the Sentinels, for I was approached by an ex-member by the name of Sinclair telling me to apply, so I write you this letter. May the Spirit Bless you, and your Kin.
IGN: Ringo0310
In Game Character Name: Eugenio Leocadio
Approved Character Application: In the process of being reviewed

Is your /seen clean?: Yes

Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Lord Commander Cyprien, I was once apart of the Rams Guard, but once I entered after a few short months I began to see disorganization and fighting among there ranks. I left right away as soon as I heard about the Sentinels, for I was approached by an ex-member by the name of Sinclair telling me to apply, so I write you this letter. May the Spirit Bless you, and your Kin.
Though you hold fantastic combat proficiency, sadly I cannot accept this Application until your documents are completely in order (Character Application must be Approved). After it is, feel free to reapply.
IGN: SouthernComfort_
In Game Character Name: Clara de Letoirneau​
Approved Character Application: Approved Application
Is your /seen clean?: Yes.​
Do you have Discord?: Yes, you have it already
IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Bonjour, Cousin. I suppose I could have just talked to you about this in person but this is easier than trying to find you. I want to serve this city, and it's people. Perhaps you would give me the chance to do as much? You'll find that I'm a keen bladeswoman and I would do this charter a good service.

Au Revoir,
IGN: SouthernComfort_
In Game Character Name: Clara de Letoirneau
Approved Character Application: Approved Application
Is your /seen clean?: Yes.
Do you have Discord?: Yes, you have it already
IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Bonjour, Cousin. I suppose I could have just talked to you about this in person but this is easier than trying to find you. I want to serve this city, and it's people. Perhaps you would give me the chance to do as much? You'll find that I'm a keen bladeswoman and I would do this charter a good service.

Au Revoir,
IGN: Nano_Kay
In Game Character Name: Wilhelm von Dietrich
Approved Character Application:
Is your /seen clean?: Yep.

Do you have Discord?:
Yep, you have it.
IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Written to Commander de Letorineu-Alaire of the Lancierron Sentinels,

I write this in correspondence to the commander of the Lancierron Sentinels to apply and enter this chapter under the Violet Order. With overwhelming experience using a blade in real battle, I have trained my own family to fight and withstand an army and create military stock and siege weapons for other families. With my expertise and skill, I believe I can input a lot into the chapter and protect Regalia against the biggest of felons.

With overdue respect,
Wilhelm von Dietrich

IGN: Nano_Kay
In Game Character Name: Wilhelm von Dietrich
Approved Character Application:
Is your /seen clean?: Yep.

Do you have Discord?:
Yep, you have it.
IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Written to Commander de Letorineu-Alaire of the Lancierron Sentinels,

I write this in correspondence to the commander of the Lancierron Sentinels to apply and enter this chapter under the Violet Order. With overwhelming experience using a blade in real battle, I have trained my own family to fight and withstand an army and create military stock and siege weapons for other families. With my expertise and skill, I believe I can input a lot into the chapter and protect Regalia against the biggest of felons.

With overdue respect,
Wilhelm von Dietrich
Accepted. Though, Cyprien would like to meet with Wilhelm at his earliest convenience to discuss cultural matters.
IGN: DominicMorgen
In Game Character Name: Ma'zaka Jahir
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Clean as when we first met, so many months ago.
Do you have Discord?: Aye, I do.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Hello, Cyprien. My name is Ma'zaka Jahir, and I'm a Varran warrior. Lately, I've been itching to get back into the field, and so I figured I'd take up guard work. I'm a very adept fistfighter, and even though I'm growing older, I'm quick on my feet.
I hope you'll accept me,
IGN: DominicMorgen
In Game Character Name: Ma'zaka Jahir
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Clean as when we first met, so many months ago.
Do you have Discord?: Aye, I do.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Hello, Cyprien. My name is Ma'zaka Jahir, and I'm a Varran warrior. Lately, I've been itching to get back into the field, and so I figured I'd take up guard work. I'm a very adept fistfighter, and even though I'm growing older, I'm quick on my feet.
I hope you'll accept me,
Activity Updates
Theodore von Bruhl abandoned his duty as a Violet Guardsman and has been removed from the Lancierron Sentinels. @Zombiel3ait
Astrid Hadraga abandoned her duty as a Violet Guardswoman and has been removed from the Lancierron Sentinels. @Nidakk
Leonardo Oliveira abandoned his duty as a Violet Guardsman and has been removed from the Lancierron Sentinels. @Greencolts
IGN: Ailethi

In Game Character Name: Camilla Caladwen

Approved Character Application: Currently being updated. Probably will be approved shortly.

Is your /seen clean?: Yep!

Do you have Discord?: Yep! Ailethi#1178

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To whom it may concern,

Greetings. My name is Camilla Caladwen, a former member of the short lived Helerian guard. I have come seeking a new opportunity to guard the Holy City once again, in newer ways than just the Reverands. My skills vary from sword, crossbow, hand to hand, and verbal. Perhaps you may consider me? Either way, thank you for the time you took.

Camilla Caladwen​
IGN: Ailethi

In Game Character Name: Camilla Caladwen

Approved Character Application: Currently being updated. Probably will be approved shortly.

Is your /seen clean?: Yep!

Do you have Discord?: Yep! Ailethi#1178

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To whom it may concern,

Greetings. My name is Camilla Caladwen, a former member of the short lived Helerian guard. I have come seeking a new opportunity to guard the Holy City once again, in newer ways than just the Reverands. My skills vary from sword, crossbow, hand to hand, and verbal. Perhaps you may consider me? Either way, thank you for the time you took.

Camilla Caladwen​
................................................................................................. Well, if you get approved, we will once more be working together.
IGN: Ailethi

In Game Character Name: Camilla Caladwen

Approved Character Application: Currently being updated. Probably will be approved shortly.

Is your /seen clean?: Yep!

Do you have Discord?: Yep! Ailethi#1178

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To whom it may concern,

Greetings. My name is Camilla Caladwen, a former member of the short lived Helerian guard. I have come seeking a new opportunity to guard the Holy City once again, in newer ways than just the Reverands. My skills vary from sword, crossbow, hand to hand, and verbal. Perhaps you may consider me? Either way, thank you for the time you took.

Camilla Caladwen​
I found and overlooked your character application, which is currently a rejected sheet. It looks to me that you have your proficiency points and languages still needing updating. I will Accept this application, but cannot see you distributed your armour and allow you to go on duty until your character application is updated to the new system, and approved.

In Game Character Name:
Ser Benjamin Syldove

Approved Character Application: Here

Is your /seen clean?: I have one Jail by MonMarty and Mute by Percuriam

Do you have Discord?: You have it

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau,

I am Ser Benjamin Syldove, the new Banner Lord of your wonderful House Guard. I am willing to extend myself into the Sentinels with the hope of having more control over helping the family.

Spirit Bless
Ser Benjamin Syldove
IGN: MrOof1
In Game Character Name: Ser Benjamin Syldove
Approved Character Application: Here

Is your /seen clean?: I have one Jail by MonMarty and Mute by Percuriam
Do you have Discord?: You have it

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau,

I am Ser Benjamin Syldove, the new Banner Lord of your wonderful House Guard. I am willing to extend myself into the Sentinels with the hope of having more control over helping the family.

Spirit Bless
Ser Benjamin Syldove
IGN: Ludicro
In Game Character Name: Jacques Martyn
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Bonjour Ser Cyprien de Letoieneau,
I am finally submitting my application to the Sentinels. While I will be focused on leading the Regiment for House de Letoirneau, the rest of my spare time will be dedicated to the Sentinels. If needed I can also used the Regiment for any issues that arise for the Sentinels.

IGN: Ludicro
In Game Character Name: Jacques Martyn
Approved Character Application:

Is your /seen clean?: Yes
Do you have Discord?: Yes

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Bonjour Ser Cyprien de Letoieneau,
I am finally submitting my application to the Sentinels. While I will be focused on leading the Regiment for House de Letoirneau, the rest of my spare time will be dedicated to the Sentinels. If needed I can also used the Regiment for any issues that arise for the Sentinels.
IGN: HeyoBiggums
In Game Character Name:
Fiona the Url
Approved Character Application: Boop Not approved, but... Posted!
Is your /seen clean?: It is.
Do you have Discord?: You have it.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To the great Lord Commander de Letoirneau,

This is Fiona. Uh, we don't know each other as much as I do the other Lord Commanders... So, I'm an excellent combatant, and if needed, you may contact the heads of the Wardens, and Vigilant Shield. I am a perfect asset to any Law Enforcement force. However, this isn't a team game, we all are working for one pure reason, to enforce the law, and that is my goal in life as of now. Find my devotion an additional incentive to having me join your force.

Bless, Fiona the Url
Last edited:
IGN: HeyoBiggums
In Game Character Name:
Fiona the Url
Approved Character Application: Boop Not approved, but... Posted!
Is your /seen clean?: It is.
Do you have Discord?: You have it.

IC Letter to Commander Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To the great Lord Commander de Letoirneau,

This is Fiona. Uh, we don't know each other as much as I do the other Lord Commanders... So, I'm an excellent combatant, and if needed, you may contact the heads of the Wardens, and Vigilant Shield. I am a perfect asset to any Law Enforcement force. However, this isn't a team game, we all are working for one pure reason, to enforce the law, and that is my goal in life as of now. Find my devotion an additional incentive to having me join your force.

Bless, Fiona the Url