The Azure Order


resident astral asshole
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
wherever the wind takes me
i have no allegiances



◊ Introduction ◊

The Azure Order serves as both an Arcane Law Enforcement chapter, and a research organization. Their purpose is to ensure the lawful defense, arrest, trial, and prosecution of arcane threats to the Empire. They maintain the Library for Common Saints, handle and store arcane contraband in their Headquarters, the Aletta Keep, and pursue directives of the State. Among their ranks are mage-hunters, arcane professors and scholars, and a select amount of white mages. They are privately led by the Grand Vigil, who along with the Lesser Vigils answer only to the Crown and the Scholar's Court, and publically by two of the Lesser Vigils.

The Azure Order processes all Mages, registers them, re-educates them using the Aletta Keep or the Azure Spire, and releases them under oversight, with the exception of Black Mages. Collectively, the Azure Order hunts and processes mages, silven, witchblood, vampires, possessed individuals, demons, vilitatei, vigilante magi groups, and other aberrations to the Empire.

The price for joining the Azure Order, beyond the selective nature of the organization, is that anyone serving within is expected to take on a great deal of responsibility. If they fail in either their aptitude, law breaking, or otherwise fail the Lesser Vigils and those above in the Chain of Command, they are subject to harsh punishments, up to execution. Mages who serve in the Azure Order are usually executed if they fail in their duties in any serious way, making the position a true sacrifice indeed.


◊ Charter Ranks and Roles ◊
The Lesser Vigils
The Lesser Vigils are actually two of several members of the larger Azure Order, tasked with overseeing and advising where necessary. This Lesser Vigils take their orders from the Crown, Grand Vigil, Assembly, and Grand Commissioner in that order. They are entrusted with the leadership of the organization, recruitment, bringing in and screening fresh recruits, maintenance of the aberration registry, and lastly, assigning missions to all members from scholars to field agents. They is assisted in their duties by a Council made up of the most talented and trusted member of each rank below. Each position below has a leader who sits on this council.

The Sentinels

Otherwise known as mage-hunters, these members of the Azure Order are tasked with gathering intel on potential magical threats while tracking down particularly hazardous mages and aberrations and restraining them. They primarily use leather armor to avoid magical complications, with Bluesteel supports for light magical defense. They are the warriors and informants in the city who take in troubled individuals, mage or aberration, and see them processed, usually by being added to the Aberration Registry and taught the correct arcane methods of the Empire. These Mage Hunters are given magic-hunting tools as required, and are placed under intense scrutiny at all times by other organizations.

The Sorcerers
Even fewer than the Mage Hunters are the magic users who are given permission to use their craft to detain particularly dangerous mages and assist in research projects. Often working in tandem with the Mage Hunters, these White Mages are allowed to openly practice their magic on behalf of the Azure Order primarily, and also nobles families of the State through direct contract and Lesser Vigil approval. A select sect of these Sorcerers work as "Seers", Soul Magic users who use Link Shatter and similar spells to combat black and grey mages. Select Sorcerers are known to advance to serve as Court Arcanists. The cost for these positions is the application of a collar around their necks. Unlike the mage collars applied to captured and released Grey and White Mages (Black Mages are executed, so they need not collars), these collars are built in such a way as to drastically weaken the wearer when a certain phrase is uttered, known only to those in State, Crown, and Leadership of the Order.

The Scholars
The Professors of the Azure Order are tasked with researching potential magical threats to the Empire, often working on behalf of the Scholar's Court. They are the scholars, alchemists, secretaries, and mages that keep arcane regulation alive. Novices in any of these skills are never accepted into the Azure Order, only allowing the most competent individuals, resulting in low numbers. Chief among their duties is to keep a registry of all Grey Mages within the Empire, and a list of what Black Mages need to be hunted. They propose solutions to threats or problems based upon their research, while maintaining the public libraries and conducting experiments on behalf the Azure Order. Many of these members are graduates of the School of Alchemy, and strive toward the "Noble Goals" therein. Some also teach a variety of subjects to Citizens of the Empire who can afford the exorbitant cost.


◊ Charter Membership ◊
Lesser Vigils:
  • Doctor Fiske Eberlin
  • Imperial Dame Cecile Ravenstad
Sentinel Supremus:
  • Nyx Richter
  • Khalid Nazari
  • Agnette d'Vaud
  • Hamelin d'Vaud
  • Zoe Stamontia
  • Lena d'Vaud
  • Lyal'amna Mo'liria
  • Benjamin Miramonte
  • Darius Silevon
Sorcerer Arcanus:
  • Edward Estelluanar
  • Valerie Ravenstad
  • Tullion Kearney
  • Masuyo Draylas
  • Imrae Eberlin
  • Meredith Ll'avella
  • Isabella Miramonte


◊ Library for the Common Saints ◊
Various officials raced to preserve Imperium documents, not limited to those fetched from Violet archives, into codex form, and compiled them into rolled parchments which were promptly stored in arched closets. The collection grew to be fairly studded and extended along the room in a long series of upright wooden presses fastened to the stone wall by iron clamps fashioned by the artisans of Lloriesta, where the wood has been sourced from. It was ensured that the archived documents were frequently examined to prevent damage from damp and dust.

The center cloister housed many catalogues chained to various readers, allowing authorized Azure users to find the records needed with ease. The repository of knowledge for the Azure was a well-oiled machine.


Charter Rights
  • The right to openly carry weapons and wear up to cured leather armor in Regalia for all ranks, and Bluesteel supports for the Sentinel Mage Hunters.
  • The right to detain, process, trial, and convict magic users and Aberration-Rank Citizens found in violation of legal directives.
  • The right to handle and store magical contraband.
  • The right to maim/kill only on direct Imperial Order
  • To right to protect Regalia and her citizens from magical threats, and use Aberration-hunting tools on a selective basis.
  • To right to maintain the registry of Grey, Black, and White Mages, Silven, and other potential magical threats, and assist in maintaining the Public Library of Common Saints, and the Aletta Keep as a base of operations. In addition, they hold the right to apply collars for easy mage identification.

◊ Charter Limitations ◊
  • Azure Order members may not simultaneously have employment in any other Law Enforcement Charter.
  • Azure Order members must make a vow of complete loyalty to his Imperial Holiness as the foremost faith and religious power in their lives. They are subject to constant screenings from the Synod throughout their service.
  • Azure Order members must make a vow to never share information, resources, weapons, items, or any tangible good they experience in the Azure Order with those outside the order of State chain of command. To do so and be found guilty can lead to expulsion, if not execution.

◊ Charter Applications ◊
Each member of the Azure Order must apply and be approved by the Grand Commissioner's Office or one of the Lesser Vigils. Once approved, they will be assigned to a role and expected to communicate with the Lesser Vigils for immediate assignment.

IGN: (Your Minecraft Username)
Skype: (Do not put it here, you will need to give this in a pm for Skype communication)
Roleplay Activity: Rated from a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least active.
Approved Character Sheet: Link your character application here.
IG Punishments: Got a less than stellar past? Talk about it. Honesty is valued.
RP strengths: Name your RP strengths here.
RP Weaknesses: Name your RP weaknesses here.
IC letter of application: This should include your reason for joining, desired rank and role, and should also be penned to the Lesser Vigils.

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"Please no," whispered a certain Elemental mage.
IGN: Suzzie
Skype: You have it.
Roleplay Activity: Way too much.
Approved Character Sheet: [x]
IG Punishments: Nah.
RP strengths: I'm active, I have a strong grip on the lore, and I'm experienced. I know what I'm doing.
RP Weaknesses: I tend to AFK a lot when I get distracted doing a lot of things. I also get overwhelmed in fast moving crowded situations.
IC letter of application: Omitted due to an IC meeting.
IGN: Markisbeest
Skype: Got it
Roleplay Activity: like 7
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: None
RP strengths: I feel like I'm a decent background manipulator. I can set things in motion and plot decently, or at least I'd like to think so.
RP Weaknesses: Combat rp, I find it tedious, am decent at it if I really put my mind to it, but overall I tend to avoid it, which might get slightly character breaking sometimes, though not so much with my current character I feel.
IC letter of application:
IC proceedings
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IGN: WaterDruppel
Skype: You got it.
Roleplay Activity: A usual 7, maybe 8.
Approved Character Sheet: Valerie Ravenstad.
IG Punishments: None.
RP strengths: I try to keep it fun for everyone, hoping to give each something to do during roleplay. I'm experienced with the lore.
RP Weaknesses: I'm a slow reader, responding might take a bit too long sometimes.
IC letter of application: Taken care of IC.
IGN: AntonVoron
Skype: Got it
Roleplay Activity: 7
Approved Character Sheet: The guy
IG Punishments: I'm clean
RP strengths: I have a big big vocabulary
RP Weaknesses: I can't roleplay in crowds full of gross white names

IC letter of application:

Addressed to Her Ladyship,
Lesser Vigil Ravenstad,

I write to you today, with solemn ambition, of service. Blessed service to The State, and his Imperial Holiness CEDROMAR I (long may he reign). I have traveled the Realmland of Ithania for the duration of my adult life, served among the Court Mages of Saint-Lume, Haute Puisse, & Saint Shevaix. I have read, and adorned my bookshelves with texts on matters of magus, yet, while I have learned, and served in Courts to entertain my betters, I have never found my talents put to use in manner higher. I wish to be of some help. Though. To remain honest and truthful, I wish not just for this, but to climb the ladder. To no longer be looked upon as a mere caster of novelty. I can aid in finding the rogues you seek. I've an availability of hexes, and tricks, to allow me closer to those who would otherwise suspect false play. Not only this, but a background in dressolini drama, to make my beguiling performance that much more beguiling. All I ask, is that I may be given chance to prove my worth, in manner you deem fitting, Lesser Vigil.

If you should, Your Ladyship, indeed accept me, I would request a place as one of your Court Casters (as I am sure you may have already taken from the matters I have brought to you). In addition, any such matters of scribing your Ladyship finds little time for, I would be more than suited to attend. I have recieved a full education in my youth, and as you can see, my letter writing is adequate. I would pose myself as, Your Ladyships personal assistant. If not to merely show my skills on closer level, to The Madame Ravenstad.

I end, with a sincere, Spirit Blessing,
Until we meet,
Guy Guustave Fitz Lexaundre.
IGN: Battlebrawn
Skype: Already in the group.
Roleplay Activity: 8/10
Approved Character Sheet: Erwald Ravenstad
IG Punishments: None.
RP strengths: Easy-going, good at making contacts, willing to take injury and consequences for IG actions, active and experienced.
RP Weaknesses: I can find it hard to focus sometimes when tons of people are talking, I have a habit of typing too fast and making regular typos.
IC letter of application:

Addressed to Lesser Vigil Ravenstad

Dear Cousin,

I don't believe I mentioned my interest in the organisation to you in person but it is indeed true. Now the family house guard has been incorporated into the Violets, I would like to turn my attentions towards the Azure Order instead. Largely due to the involvement of yourself and my sister, but also as a result of my countless encounters with both the Arken and the foul magic found within the capital.

It would be my desire to make use of these scenarios, my combat ability and my tactician skills against these opponents whilst returning order to our streets where there has not been such in quite some time. Whilst I am only a mere warrior without magical capabilities, I know I would be suitable as a Sentinel due to my contacts within the city and my experience as both a guard and dealing with the individuals the Azure Order is focused around.

Whilst I will need to be taught the correct methods and relevant knowledge when it comes to taking up this position within the Order, I intend to dedicate myself to what is required of me whenever I am in the capital and look forward to the opportunity to serve both his Imperial Holiness and the chain of command.

All the best,
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IGN: Betel_
Skype: Yes.
Roleplay Activity: 7-8?
Approved Character Sheet: Agnette d'Vaud.
IG Punishments: None.
RP strengths: I know the lore and try to be inclusive in the RP I do.
RP Weaknesses: A bit of a slow reader so longer replies may take some time, and large crowds are more difficult.
IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigils Lady Ravenstad and Fiske Eberlin,
I write to you both as for my interests into joining the Azure Order as a Sentinel of the charter. As for guard work I have had experience as a part of the Safeguard Rangers and before and after that sentence, working as a house d'Vaud guard. My training as for physical work has been taken from the School of Turall, which I have been training under now for the past decade of my life. I have known and worked with several mages, and have experience fighting against the arcane in a handful of experiences. I currently as well am a part of the Alchemia Order as only a scholar, our studies on subjects relating to magi, the dragons, the Arken, and beyond. I look forward to hearing back from you, and thank you.

Spirit protect you,
Agnette d'Vaud
IGN: Halsi
Skype: You have it!
Roleplay Activity: A solid 6?
Approved Character Sheet: click
IG Punishments: None!
RP strengths: I go out of my way to ensure that everyone has a good time.
RP Weaknesses: Tardy responses at times.
IC letter of application: Had an interview.
IGN: Suicidium
Skype: Yes.
Roleplay Activity: 6-7?
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: None.
RP strengths: Spurring roleplay for others and roleplay skill in knowledge
RP Weaknesses: I tend to have difficulty roleplaying with multiple people at once, but apart of that, I endeavor to provide roleplay entertainment.

IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigils Lady Ravenstad and Fiske Eberlin,
I write to you both as for my interests into joining the Azure Order as a Sentinel of the charter. As for guard work I have had experience as a part of the Bastion Guard and before and after that sentence, working as a Violet Crown Protector. My training as for physical work has been taken from personal flair in fencing, which I have been training under now for the past few decades of my life. I have known, worked with and hired several mages, and have experience fighting against the arcane in a handful of experiences. Not to mention withstanding experience in having been Principal Secretary and holding positions in government, I believe in the importance of the Azure Order in succeeding in its purpose and will serve in the capacity I am able to.

Spirit Protect,
As we March along the Great Way
General Hamelin d'Vaud
Baron of Linovia, Opper Calem

IGN: Ryria.
Skype: You have it. You often nag me for skins through it.
Roleplay Activity: On this character about a 5.
Approved Character Sheet: The link is in my signature.
IG Punishments: I've had a bit of a short temper in the past when I first joined, but I've matured since then.
RP strengths: I like to believe I often create interesting roleplay scenarios for others to participate in, as well as my ability to whip out a comeback in a split second, pretty proud of that. I also like to think I am very composed with IC character skirmishes.
RP Weaknesses: I can be fairly easy to provoke when certain things are said to me, and I will either snap or end up just ignoring the player.
IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigils; Lady Cecile Ravenstad and Sir Fiske Eberlin.

Good day, evening, afternoon. I'm writing today to hopefully secure myself a place within the Azure Order. I am well versed with magicks, and therefore would like to apply as a Court Caster. I have spoken briefly with Sir Eberlin, and I hope he only has good things to say of me. I would prefer to speak more of my ambitions in person.


Khadija Jouhari.
IGN: norrstrom
Skype: u got it
Roleplay Activity: 7ish
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: uwu
RP strengths: im pretty good at setting the atmosphere and getting "scenes" going, and dramatic scenes or dialogue are my 100_emoji.png
RP Weaknesses: i can find it difficult when rp'ing in large crowds to catch everyone's response or action. i can also get distracted.
IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigil, Doctor Fiske Eberlin,

I write to you on recommendation of yourself after a brief meeting at the Apothecary. I do believe my abilities as a warrior and knowledge as an explorer could benefit the Azure Order, and in turn, the Empire. I am a graduate of the Fonseca Estate as a warrior in Mariposa and an atendee of the Viridian School. Both have offered me opportunities to not only enhance my skill as a bladesman but my character as well. The discipline and virtuitity of the Viridians alongside the fluid and delicate dance of the Mariposa have truly bettered me as a person. Yet, before and between these ventures of the body, I chose to train my mind as well; soul even.

As merchants and seamen, the Ombre have always called the sea their home. My father often took me on his trips across the oceans and we would explore these lands, perhaps known to others, but true mysteries to us. The adventures were often and many, and some of them found us in the most unusual and curious of places. Anceint ruins, sacred temples, and even... Caves! Despite my jest, they were all indeed beyond matters of the mundane. Under guidance of Court Casters and libraries of lore, I began to analyze and theorize on the many discovories over the years. This has granted unto me a great knowledge of the arcane and mystical, knowledge I hope to use to further the Great Way.

It is with this in mind I would like to offer myself to the Azure Order as a Sentinel. I think my skillset could be best utilized as such, unless the Lesser Vigils think otherwise. I can only pray at this point that my own words, and perhaps my actions in the brief time you have known me, prove my own worth rather than those of others.

Spirit guide us all on our Way,
Ser Côme Ombre
IGN: TheDongler
Skype: yee
Roleplay Activity: Can fluctuate between 6 - 8 depending on school workload.
Approved Character Sheet: boop
IG Punishments: I'm a clean bean
RP strengths: I'm motivated, I know what I'm doing, I can handle ooc arguments professionally, I'm inclusive.
RP Weaknesses: I have a busy household and am easily distracted, my sometimes sudden bouts of afkness can break immersion. I'm also a somewhat slow typer.
IC letter of application:

To the lesser vigils,

I had meant to meet with the lesser vigil Ravenstad, however, we could never seem to find each other. Now I write to apply for a position in the newly reformed Azure Order, specifically as a sentinel. I have experience in combat, both against mundane and magical, and have served in charters such as the Bronze Halberds and the the Violet Order before. I believe, with my current affliction, I would do well in an order such as the Azures, given their involvement with the magical forces of Aloria. I think a Phantasma such as myself would certainly fit well into the ranks of the Sentinels, seeing as I can quite literally sniff out and disable aberrations such as mages, silven, vilitatei or vampires with a single touch.

Spirit bless you,
Zoe G. Stamontia
Bane of aberration
and the last heir of the Stamontia family
IGN: Yigit
Skype: sup
Roleplay Activity: 9-10. I am an unemployed antisocial drop-out who spends a majority of his day on Massivecraft. Sad, right?
Approved Character Sheet: Garriken Virmyar
IG Punishments: A year ago, I got jailed for 10 minutes for walking into a RP I was not supposed to walk into.
RP strengths: I am very social and capable of driving roleplay scenes. I naturally take on a leadership role as present through my other character, Edward Jarsdel. Another strength of mine is combat roleplay; I've done lots and lots of combat roleplay throughout my past as a roleplay, not only on Massivecraft but also on other establishments.
RP Weaknesses: I tend to be an anxious bean on an OOC level which tends to affect my decision-making skills in IC.
IC letter of application:
To the lesser Vigils,
My name is Garriken Virmyar, an aged and experienced warrior with knowledge and wits. I believe that I would be able to provide remarkable service within the Azure Order under the act of preventing and punishing magical acts of crime. With four years of private Turall training under my belt, I stand before you as a Warrior Turall, a master swordsman with survivalist skills and relative knowledge in alchemia. With my years of experience as a traveling fighter, and my previous active services within Regalia as a former member of the Grand Commissioner's Mercenary Registry, which I have left in hopes of becoming part of your Charter, I am more than able to suit the needs of the Order. Should I be approved into the establishment, I would like to serve my abilities within The Sentinels as a mage-hunter, for it is best suited to my experiences and capabilities...

Spirit bless,
Garriken Virmyar
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IGN: Yigit
Skype: sup
Roleplay Activity: 9-10. I am an unemployed antisocial drop-out who spends a majority of his day on Massivecraft. Sad, right?
Approved Character Sheet: Garriken Virmyar
IG Punishments: A year ago, I got jailed for 10 minutes for walking into a RP I was not supposed to walk into.
RP strengths: I am very social and capable of driving roleplay scenes. I naturally take on a leadership role as present through my other character, Edward Jarsdel. Another strength of mine is combat roleplay; I've done lots and lots of combat roleplay throughout my past as a roleplay, not only on Massivecraft but also on other establishments.
RP Weaknesses: I tend to be an anxious bean on an OOC level which tends to affect my decision-making skills in IC.
IC letter of application:
To the lesser Vigils,
My name is Garriken Virmyar, an aged and experienced warrior with knowledge and wits. I believe that I would be able to provide remarkable service within the Azure Order under the act of preventing and punishing magical acts of crime. With twenty-seven years of Stealthmark training and four years of private Turall training under my belt, I stand before you as a Champion Stealthmark and Warrior Turall, a master swordsman with survivalist skills and relative knowledge in alchemia. With my years of experience as a traveling fighter, and my previous active services within Regalia as a former member of the Grand Commissioner's Mercenary Registry, which I have left in hopes of becoming part of your Charter, I am more than able to suit the needs of the Order. Should I be approved into the establishment, I would like to serve my abilities within The Sentinels as a mage-hunter, for it is best suited to my experiences and capabilities...

Spirit bless,
Garriken Virmyar
Approved, pending IC Vigil discussion. Please send me your skype through forum PM.
IGN: Narrju.
Skype: Yes!
Roleplay Activity: 7. I have school during the weekdays but I get online everyday. I'm most active on the weekends.
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: About 3 years ago I was muted because I called someone a "stupid nut" in help chat.
RP strengths: Motivation, social/extrovert, and realism.
RP Weaknesses: Impatience, prone to agitation.
IC letter of application:

My nme my name iS vAL

The font changed.

My name is Va'al. I am a beginner mage, and I would like to submit myself as a court caster. I specialize in soul magic. My only spell is Hayvann. My form is useful for spy things. I think can learn another spell. Please let me help.
IGN: ShipIt.
Skype: You have it I think.
Roleplay Activity: 8-9.
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: Nope.
RP strengths: Being able to include others and generally follow instructions, I like to create interesting and entertaining roleplay also.
RP Weaknesses: Sometimes I can get a little distracted if the chat is really busy or something is occurring in another tab.
IC letter of application: Had an interview.
IGN: Narrju.
Skype: Yes!
Roleplay Activity: 7. I have school during the weekdays but I get online everyday. I'm most active on the weekends.
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: About 3 years ago I was muted because I called someone a "stupid nut" in help chat.
RP strengths: Motivation, social/extrovert, and realism.
RP Weaknesses: Impatience, prone to agitation.
IC letter of application:

My nme my name iS vAL

The font changed.

My name is Va'al. I am a beginner mage, and I would like to submit myself as a court caster. I specialize in soul magic. My only spell is Hayvann. My form is useful for spy things. I think can learn another spell. Please let me help.
Pending. Results will be determined by an IC interview with the Vigils.
IGN: ShipIt.
Skype: You have it I think.
Roleplay Activity: 8-9.
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: Nope.
RP strengths: Being able to include others and generally follow instructions, I like to create interesting and entertaining roleplay also.
RP Weaknesses: Sometimes I can get a little distracted if the chat is really busy or something is occurring in another tab.
IC letter of application: Had an interview.
Approved bby.
IGN: Lumiess
Skype: you have me added already
Roleplay Activity: like a 8-9
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: I used hashtags in general chat once. I got muted.
RP strengths: im pretty rad
RP Weaknesses: occasionally not rad. anxiety
IC letter of application: already handled ic
Skype: Already have it
Roleplay Activity: 8
Approved Character Sheet: Link
IG Punishments: Nope
RP strengths: Good Question... (I want to say I'm good at making opportunities for other people to have fun roleplay).
RP Weaknesses: Slipping my own emotions into a character with different emotions.
IC letter of application: Ic Interaction
Skype: Already have it
Roleplay Activity: 8
Approved Character Sheet: Link
IG Punishments: Nope
RP strengths: Good Question... (I want to say I'm good at making opportunities for other people to have fun roleplay).
RP Weaknesses: Slipping my own emotions into a character with different emotions.
IC letter of application: Ic Interaction

IGN: Goldifish.
Skype: You probably have it.
Roleplay Activity: 8.
Approved Character Sheet: Bingo-Bongo.
IG Punishments: Nada.
RP strengths: I'm great at spelling and grammar and pretty good with lore and such. My CRP is decent.
RP Weaknesses: I have slight issues with paying attention, though most of the time I only take a short time to emote.

To the Lesser Vigils,
I am Marie de Ortiz, niece to Edward Estelluanar, and I would be honored to join your ranks among the Sentinels. I've admired your work and wish to help you. I have plenty of combat experience and am no stranger to the ones that I am to find. Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,

IGN: the_iorax
Skype: ( oof )
Roleplay Activity: 7-8
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: I got muted for hashtagging in General in 2014.
RP strengths: Cooperation! I'm pretty happy with anything that happens to Alistair.
RP Weaknesses: CRP. Just what is fighting?
IC letter of application:

Hi Fiske! Or, if not Fiske, hello Lesser Vigils.
My name is Alistair Caheles, and as a Blackmark and slight medical student, I think I could hopefully find some sort of worth while purpose and value, even in the slightest. As I find this to be pretty important, as I think I'm pretty good at getting to know whose who, and I believe I can be a fairly good Sentinel! Besides being able to fight, I will willingly give up anything I have to progress any sort of cause that the Charter upholds gladly. Please let me help.
Alistair Caheles

There's a childish signature on the bottom.

@Percuriam @alchemyluvr352
IGN: HeyoBiggums
Skype: I can pm it, or @Suicidium @Betel_ or @Battlebrawn can add me to the chat if accepted.
Roleplay Activity: As embarrassing as it sounds, I feel as if I have an eight to nine activity rating. I'm online constantly, even during school! I am not online during important classes at school, nor am I online while I sleep. Because, I'm human, believe it or not, and I need sleep.
Approved Character Sheet: Here she is.
IG Punishments: I do not have a stellar past. I'm sorry, I'm no fun.
RP strengths: Playing realistically, and always playing by my character's weaknesses. Not by strengths.
RP Weaknesses: Outside of all of that, I just have one issue, in my opinion, I think I have the tendency to allow my characters over exaggerate. I mean, for this character, this roleplay weakness, is a strength!
IC letter of application: This should include your reason for joining, desired rank and role, and should also be penned to the Lesser Vigils.

To the Lesser Vigils of the Azure Order,

As of late, my productivity has been low, due to my leaving of the Hightowers. They have mistreated me, and abused my desire to improve, by keeping me in the recruit rank, and calling me names, which the superiors did nothing to stop. I took the lead of two investigations in the Hightower Order, which didn't even promote me to the basic cadet rank, I stayed a recruit all throught my Hightower Carrier. I wish to enter this charter, so I can give back to the Empire, like every good Unionist should. I wish to find a place in an organization that will accept me, and give me the work I wish to receive. Please consider me, not by age, but as a soldier.

Spirit bless,
Lena d'Vaud
@Percuriam @alchemyluvr352
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IGN: TheBioverse
Roleplay Activity: Around 7-8
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: Had Trustee Permissions revoked for 4 weeks until recently on account of some OOC behavioural issues, may have been muted once long ago but that's long since been cleared.
RP strengths: Lengthy environment emotes, creating dnd-esque quests, knowledge of Magic & Alchemy Lore.
RP Weaknesses: Get too attached to certain pieces of lore, character personalities tend to be very similar.
IC letter of application: Requesting interview since it'll be more eventful RP-wise. @alchemyluvr352 @Percuriam
IGN: Suzzie
Skype: you have it lol
Roleplay Activity: 7
Approved Character Sheet: [x]
IG Punishments: nah
RP strengths: I'm active, I have a strong grip on the lore, and I'm experienced. I know what I'm doing.
RP Weaknesses: I tend to AFK a lot when I get distracted doing a lot of things. I also get overwhelmed in fast moving crowded situations.
IC letter of application: IC interview blease.
IGN: Waterstag

Will PM you if accepted into this group!

Roleplay Activity:

Approved Character Sheet:

IG Punishments:

RP strengths:
I am experienced, having played for almost three years now, so I know the ropes, rules, and lots of the lore. Other players have also commended me about my usage of Emotes, telling me that that I use them in good detail to explain what my character is doing and at what time to the extend that it is easy to understand for other players.

RP Weaknesses:
Though I do love combat roleplay, and always get involved when appropriate, at times I do find it hard to understand what someone might be doing to fight me, and it will take a good while for me to finally get it. I also have been known to get pretty annoyed when things don't go the way I wanted my character to go. Sometimes it has also been a little confusing when to use the rolling system and when not to.

IC letter of application:

To whomever it may concern,

Greetings and hello! My name is Lyal'amna Mo'liria, a Maraya who has been trained to the rank of Warrior in the Ranger, and Stealthmark schools and I believe in the fairness and justness of this cities law systems, and seek to aid the city, the civilians of the Empire, and the Emperor in whatever way I can. After being turned down from the Vigilant Shield (for unknown, and unexplained reasons) I believe that the next stop in my "quest" to help in this city is within your Order, helping to capture the Arcane enemies of the Emperor and his people across the city. Due to my extensive training within the Rangers and Stealthmark school I am exceedingly stealthy, allowing me to to then be able to sneak up on potential mages as well, which might be an added perk if you seek to aid in the capturing of Mages, without the mage actually seeing, and possibly then going on to endanger others lives from the surprise and fear of seeing a Azure. I also have been known to have a very keen senses, so spotting potential signs of a mages whereabouts, or tracking them down will defiantly be useful. These keen senses can also help in potting mutations which might be caused due to the usage of magic. With these skills in mind I think I would be perfect for the Sentinels, as I think I would be perfect for this role of capturing these criminal or disturbed mages who could do harm to civilians or themselves, in order to help them get back on track, or to stop them from doing any more damage to the world around them permanently, if the need arises and the order is given.
I hope you at least consider letting a Maraya like myself into your most noble of ranks in the future, and allow me to help the city and the Emperor, keeping it safe from some of the most dangerous beings around.

Spirit Guide,
Lyal'amna Mo'liria

P.S I am intrigued to know if you have any lighter sets of armour which I could use to sneak, and move around quicker in if I am accepted into your Order, as it will play to my strong suits nicely, and allow me to work at my peak proficiency.
IGN: ScaledSupremacy
Skype: I'll give it if I am accepted.
Roleplay Activity: 7
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: Muted once for telling Sophie Baver to kill herself in general chat.
RP strengths: Wikia knowledge + Detailed language and environmental emotes.
RP Weaknesses: Combat rp, verbal confrontations. Depending on the situation, I tend to let pressure get to me a lot, causing both of the mentioned weaknesses. Especially when you can't find the emotes for a wall of white text.
IC letter of application:

To the lesser vigils of the Azure Order.

My name is Shen Zhi. I am a chi'en-ji with great knowledge of the arcane. Besides that, I am a Soul and Celestial mage.
I comprehend three Soul spells and four Celestial spells. I was recently collared and documented by Edward Estelluanar whom also recommended me to forward this letter.

I have spent a vast portion of my years observing the demonic forces of the void run rampant in the slums. Innocents are abused by the fiendish void casters and I have done my best to help those affected by it.
I hold an advanced scholary education in the field of Arcane knowledge and have studied in the Artificaurorum in Farah'deen for a portion of my younger years as an apprenticeship.
Additionally I have an advanced understanding of Seraph runes.

If my devotion and any of these abilities could be of any use to the State and the Great way, I would gladly put myself at your disposal.

Spirit's blessings and Star's guidance.
Shen Zhi,
IGN: Moribundity
Skype: I'll send it over PM, should I be accepted.
Roleplay Activity: 8
Approved Character Sheet: The Katster
IG Punishments: Ban record is now clean as a whistle.
RP strengths: Likely combat RP and knowledge of Wiki articles.
RP Weaknesses: Keeping up when RP is fast.
IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigils, Fiske Eberlin and Lady Ravenstad,

I've come to a bit of an impasse in my life. I've found that regular guard work is not for me, and that I would much rather focus on matters of the arcane variety. I am an able combatant in the school of Stealthmark with over twenty years of practise in the field, and am constantly looking for ways to help better myself and the empire. I am hoping that I can put my skills in combat to good use within your charter, should I be accepted into the ranks.

Yours faithfully,

Katrina E. C'Aelrith
IGN: Tracenator1
Skype: Perc has mine.
Roleplay Activity: 8
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: None
RP strengths: Firm grip on lore, CRP, and experience.
RP Weaknesses: Keeping up with fast rp, and tendency to become distracted.
IC letter of application:
Dear Lesser Vigils,
My name is Benjamin Miramonte, and I've interest in your charter. After the disbandment of the Rangers, we were advertised towards your own charter. With this recommendation and need to put forth service to our great empire, I would humbly request to join your ranks amongst the sentinels. I await your response.

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