The Azure Order

IGN: Snugglykittens
Skype: Si
Roleplay Activity: Varying between 6-8 depending on work and days off.
Approved Character Sheet: [Link]
IG Punishments: None.
RP strengths: I tend to respond quickly. I've also been RPing for 7 or so years now, and I like to think I can work my way around the wiki.
RP Weaknesses: I tend to zone out when it comes to general chattering. Group situations (3 or more for example) where nothing too engaging is going on, I'd rather just stand to the side and let other people do their thing.
IC letter of application:

To those, the Lesser Vigils.

I write this letter in hopes of lodging my application to the Azure order in the position of Sentinel.
I've some second hand knowledge of the workings, thanks to my relation to the Ravenstands and my own kin, the d'Vauds, and wish to use this along with my combat training to properly serve your charter.

Currently my time would be divided only between the military and my son. Otherwise, what remains of my personal time would be dedicated to my service under you.

Spirit Bless,

Czylle Ravenstad.
IGN: SpunSugar
Skype: (Do not put it here, you will need to give this in a pm for Skype communication)
Roleplay Activity: 7 - I can always try and make a meeting, provided I don't have staff obligations
Approved Character Sheet: In Signature
IG Punishments: Clean as a whistle
RP strengths: Social and character building RP
RP Weaknesses: CRP. Simply due to lack of practice
IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigils,

I've already had experience with some of your order, but I write to officially offer my services as needed. I am a graduate of the College of History, Pre-Cataclysm track, with a specialty of archeology. While my training does not match any of your specified roles, I would assist with any tasks you may find my training useful.

I also serve the Ministry of Scholars as a clerk, and own Eberlin Cartography and Expeditions. With this letter I send my prayers for your continued success in the Spirit,

Imrae Eberlin
IGN: SpunSugar
Skype: (Do not put it here, you will need to give this in a pm for Skype communication)
Roleplay Activity: 7 - I can always try and make a meeting, provided I don't have staff obligations
Approved Character Sheet: In Signature
IG Punishments: Clean as a whistle
RP strengths: Social and character building RP
RP Weaknesses: CRP. Simply due to lack of practice
IC letter of application:

To the Lesser Vigils,

I've already had experience with some of your order, but I write to officially offer my services as needed. I am a graduate of the College of History, Pre-Cataclysm track, with a specialty of archeology. While my training does not match any of your specified roles, I would assist with any tasks you may find my training useful.

I also serve the Ministry of Scholars as a clerk, and own Eberlin Cartography and Expeditions. With this letter I send my prayers for your continued success in the Spirit,

Imrae Eberlin
Approved, schedule a meeting with Markisbeest in game.
Skype: Ye
Roleplay Activity: 8
Approved Character Sheet: Here
IG Punishments: None
RP strengths: Creating RP situations for others.
RP Weaknesses: Getting Distracted Easily
IC letter of application:
To the Lesser Vigils,
My name is Isabella Miramonte, it was suggested to me that I offer my Scholarly experience to this order. I do not have the specific things that you might look for but I am knowledgeable in Pre-Cataclysm. I'm very curious to help learn where I can, or offer any other skills that could be useful.
Spirit Bless Isabella Miramonte
IGN: Walnoodle
Skype: (Do not put it here, you will need to give this in a pm for Skype communication)
Roleplay Activity: 7ish (Depending upon my work schedule.)
Approved Character Sheet: Boop
IG Punishments: None.
RP strengths: Putting forth interesting rp for others and generally being welcoming to new people.
RP Weaknesses: Rping in large groups, I get lost in the mass text.
IC letter of application:
To the Lesser Vigils,
I'm penning this letter in hopes of joining the Azures as a Sentinel. I'm a Drixon warrior and have had some interaction with mages before, as well as more recently with the Arkens. I'm a quick learner and am quick upon my feet. I'm always willing to learn more. I await you reply.
Spirits Blessings,

Darcie Miramonte
IGN: TheMoistestMan
Skype: Ye
Roleplay Activity: probably 8 ish
Approved Character Sheet:
IG Punishments: Nay
RP strengths: Relatively good at staying active, a pretty firm grip on CRP.
RP Weaknesses: Tend to get a bit distracted from time to time, especially when I'm tired and whatnot.
IC letter of application:
Dear Lesser Vigils
My name is Alexander Donsly, I was formerly a Captian under the Safeguard rangers and was advised to seek employment in the Azure order, I feel my skills could be used rather well in this service to the Empire, as such i would like to request a spot among your sentinels,thank you for reading this letter
-Alexander Donsly
I have this.
Roleplay Activity:
Approved Character Sheet:
Doot Doot [ X ]
IG Punishments:
I am squeaky clean.
RP strengths:
When I have time- it is typically all spent here. I like to think I have decent descriptive ability. I'm otherwise a potato.
RP Weaknesses:
Sometimes I am delayed to respond because I stare at my response for excess time because I don't think it is good enough. I am sometimes drug away from the computer on long days off, without warning too...
IC letter of application:

The envelope left had a single name looped across it: Fiske Eberlin

Please excuse my bias, if this is not Fiske reading... I mean no offense.

Several more people have attempted to talk me into simply accepting what I am able to do-- it is not that easy.
I'm far from accepting to what I have, but at the very least, if I can stop others from doing harm, I would like to do so.
— Amrynn
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IGN: Goldifish.
Skype: You have it already.
Roleplay Activity: 8/10.
Approved Character Sheet:’loe’su-sol.64567/
IG Punishments: Nada.
RP strengths: Descriptive typing and usually my speed at it.
RP Weaknesses: Sort of quiet, not usually eye catching with the subtle character types.
IC letter of application:

So,- The handwriting scribbled out some words, and continued on with chicken scratch - Dearest Azure Keepers,

I'm in need of a collar and a job. Perhaps I can help you study the magical mysteries and you can help me become a lawful citizen. I would be honored to be a scholar in your order, if you should deem it fitting for me.

Mu Sol, Exist Silven who just moved here and definitely needs a collar.