Preserved Sheet Sylvi Ellajo'el

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Sleeping Extraordinaire
Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score
Full Name: Solveig "Sylvi" Ellajo'el
Race: Shenathar Kathar (through Dread Binding)
True Race: Velheim Ailor​
Age: 30
Sex: Female
Gender: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eye Color: Icy Blue

  • Sylvi is a firm believer of the Old Gods, yet she has fallen off in some of its teachings, following the concepts of her religion, as well as belief in the Pantheon, but has come to forget some details in regards to the Herrehem.
  • Sylvi is a jovial, free spirited, and mischievous woman who was trained as a Darkmark mercenary and is now an ex-criminal, who has developed long since those hardened days to living her life with a grin on her face, full of cracking jokes and causing trouble all in good fun.

Total Used Points: 50
  • 15 Sword Combat (+10 Points +5 Racial Boost)
  • 10 Dagger Combat (+5 Points +5 Racial Ability)
  • 4 Light Ranged Combat
  • 4 Fist Combat
  • 5 Hunting Art (+5 Hobby)
  • 5 Leatherwork Art (+5 Hobby)
  • 5 Dancing Art
  • 5 Circus Art
  • 10 Theatre Art
  • 1 Drawing Art
  • 3 Instrument Art
  • 3 Linguistics
  • Shrewd Insight
  • Omniaware
  • Honed Skill 2
  • Common (Free)
  • Skodje (Parents)
  • Katharic (Linguistics)
  • Sylvi is missing her ring finger on her right hand.
  • Sylvi is 5'8 with an athletic body type, but on the slimmer side appearing like a broomstick with her lack of curves and a small chest. Her hair is snowy white and wildly curly that tends to look unkempt.
  • Solveig (pronounced Sool-vie "Sylvi" Valendal was born on November 16th, 279 AC in Valen, a raiding village settled within a Valley opening up to the sea in the Midtenna of Nordskag. Born to her father, Halstein Valendal, an active raider for their village, and his Bond Wife.
  • Growing up, Sylvi was a rambunctious child who played with her many sisters and brothers. However, after having a horrible quarrel with her father over being caught stealing on a dare, she decided to run away in her childish spite and join a traveling minstrel group. She learned many plays and the skills of acting before taking interest in the blade due to the group's bodyguard, an Anglian Darkmark. Amused by the youth, she gives her some training before directing her towards Drachenwald.

Early Adulthood
  • Traveling to the mercenary keep, she learns what it takes to become a Darkmark, ignoring much of her traditions and concepts of honor and Soldi as a rebellious young adult. Enduring many losses and the hardships of being a mercenary, she develops a jokey outer shell of faux friendliness, hiding her stress and sadness with laughter and snarky jokes.
  • After years of work and training, she sets her eyes on an adventure in another land, the bustling city of Regalia.

Advanced Years
  • After living for years in the sewers, Sylvi was opened a hand to the surface with work as a house guard, starting her path to life out of the slums. She works many jobs, skirting between house guard jobs before eventually landing work as a guard for the city, taking part in many duties such as the charge on Saint Helena against Rikkiras dragon cultists and even detaining citizens in Fort loyalty. Eventually after years of service, she leaves her work as a guard as a better off member of society, briefly owning the Nook and Cranny before moving on to more adventures.

Solveig (pronounced Sool-vie) "Sylvi" Valendal is born on November 16th, 279 AC in Valen, a raiding village placed within a Valley opening up to the sea in the Midtenna of Nordskag. Born to Halstein Valendal, an active raider for their village, and his Bond Wife.

Despite not being born from her father's Sol-Kvinne, Sylvi was treated as a favorite of her father for her bold personality and rowdy nature, always getting into fights with her numerous brothers and sisters, and particularly winning. Her and her father shared a strong bond through her childhood years, and he often took her with him as he hunted, despite her age.

❁(9) Sylvi gets caught stealing after being dared by one of her siblings, and is scolded very harshly from her father. Becoming the breaking point after a string of bullying from her siblings, in her childish rage she she runs away, and is found by a nearby traveling minstrel group.


❁(9-13) Allowed into the group by the kinder-hearted members of the traveling group, Sylvi is assigned the job of being an all-around helper. When introduced to their performances of music, dance, and acts of old Velheim tales, the little Velheim caught on naturally. Mimicking the acting and happy dances in her free time, some of the members caught eye of her talent, and decided to allow her to perform in parts from time to time. Teaching her proper acting. Sylvi became quite fond of the spotlight and the smiles she helped create.

Along their travels, Sylvi would continue to steal from time to time in vindictiveness, abusing her childlike charm. Clearly not having learned from her scolding, she would lurk about the remains of any crowd the group would be performing for, and pick pocket from any unlucky or drunkenly passed out Velheimer. Due to inexperience, she'd often times get caught, earning a well deserved swat over the head. To her disliking, she earns the nickname "Sticky" for her sticky fingers, and for her eager enjoyment for eating syrup covered Svele with her hands.

❁(14) The years pass, and her acting and dancing performances become a usual in their shows. Becoming a well appreciated member of the group, as well as Sylvi considering them akin to family. While her pickpocketing ways faded over the years, she'd always be a bit of a kleptomaniac, and tended to grow rather fond of snatching the prized silver jewelry from wealthier, and far more unconscious Velheimer. Earning her the new nickname "Silver", or in their language, "Sølv", also sounding very similar to her proper name, Solveig.

Later that same year, the group decides to hire a bodyguard as they sought to travel further between landmarks for more regals. As well as having grown rather sick of whenever a drunken Velheim would angrily request another song, or simply general drunken harassment. Only having enough to able afford an odd, Anglian Darkmark by the name of Daline Becker. Silver suddenly takes a new interest in the skills presented by the guard.

❁(14-16 ) Having taken notice to the the attention garnered from Silver, the Anglian takes a fondness to her energy, and decides to teach her the basics of her discipline.

Teen-Young Adult:

❁(17) Silver grows a yearning to learn more. Fascinated by these alternative, dirtier tactics, and having grown an excitement for flirting with danger. To which some of the members of the minstrel group didn't exactly approve of. Daline however, was pleased to hear, and directed her to Linvel Keep if she truly wanted to know the discipline more properly. Gathering a sum of money that she had saved over the years, as well as a donation from her group, they wave her goodbye as she travels to Drachenwald.

❁(17-24) The keep and training was no less than harsh, far more than what she expected in naive hope. The years wear her in among often mockery of her culture and learning the skills and mindset of the discipline. Eventually taking contracts with a group of other members. Losses became somewhat frequent in the form of mistakes or mishaps, causing Silver to become closed off towards each new member or group she found herself in. Hiding stress with laughter and snarky jokes.

❁(24) After years of work and training, she sets her eyes on another adventure to another land, Regalia. Hoping to land a job for more money than the jobs found around Drachenwald.

Young Adult-Adult:

❁(24-27) In her time spent in Regalia, Silver finds herself coerced into the sewers. Getting into all kinds of trouble and mischief. Among these years, she took to a false last name, became a vampire, joined a coven, and even dyed her hair white to cover her identity. Originally being disgusted to be seen as an Isldar, the color eventually grew on her.

❁(27-28) Along the way, she slowly absolves into a new group to which she meets a lifelong friend. Teaching her how to me more open, and impacting her greatly. Eventually, Silver migrates away from the slum life with the promising new job of a house guard. Paving the way for plenty more stories to tell in her future within the city

Since then, Sylvi has...

Co-led, then fully led a coven called the Scarlet Seas.
Worked for the de Santigo's at the Rose & Crown.
Was apart of the Nordmark Rebellion.

Became apart of the Violet guard, then the Hightowers.
Was apart of the Charge on Saint Helena against Rikkira's Dragon Cultists.
Got into The Regalian Tribune.
Helped detain citizens in Fort Loyalty.
Started going by her real name.
Joined the Wardens before resigning.
Became a house guard for house Winslough, De Letoirneau, and Peirgarten.
Joined the Crimson Lions before resigning.
Became the Owner of the Nestled Nook Inn, before changing its name to the Nook & Cranny.
Started appearing as a Kathar through Dread Binding

(OOC NOTE: All of these descriptions come completely from Sylvi's views, As such, she can often times obscure things with how she see others, which may not be particularly true to their character. Each name is placed in order of meeting. Happy reading!)

Blu Ellajo'elstonn'la(@The_DarkKnight_)"The most wonderful soul you will ever meet. If you stay on his good side~"
Sylvi's lover, fiance, and her closest friend. Having first met him in Drachenwald and a second in Regalia, the pair have known each other for so long, and have always been unusually inseparable, even when distant from one another. There is absolutely nothing in the world she wouldn't do for him. He is among one of those who bring her genuine happiness, she will always enjoy being around him, no matter the situation, as to actively tease, joke with, drink with, and love to time to spend with, grinning with joy. After long trials between them as once ex-lovers previously engaged, she finally allowed herself to confess her long buried feelings for the man, leading to a new blossoming relationship between them on the road to marriage.
(:A timeless classic between the two, as you know, we always imagined them waltzing together to this song, as well as plenty of others. Yet, I believe this was the first, making it super, uber special. Sniffle, so sad, yet so hopeful, how melancholic, and SYMBOLIC. I'm not crying, you're crying.)
(: SCREE )

Alphonse Kaymen(@badluckpanther ) "He's a genius, like, a super genius!"
No matter the way Alphonse treats her with his insults and ego, she will always be so so fond of that silly genius, as she is just as close, and oddly trusting towards. While on the outside it may seem she is simply fond of him for her enjoyment of pulling pranks upon, and easiness to drag him to the tavern for drinks, it goes much deeper, as she treasures his company, and worries very much about his well-being, and wouldn't wait for a single moment to jump into action to protect him if she could.

Luz Kasai(@Cirenety )"Her cheeks are quite squishable, you know."
While she mostly ponders where her little lantern went, there will never be a person that experienced much outwards affection from silver, as she avidly misses the times where she could hug her, pet her, treat her like a prized possession to protect, and dote on.
(: Ahh, yes, come on Eileen, I felt this was perfect for how often Sylvi would try to drag Luz into something, especially something fun, or Luz warming up to something around Sylvi before they are both just laughing and having fun. Awe.)

M'ia Whiskers(@zomgsevey)"The cutest little furball... hehehe."
The true furry daughter of Sylvi She still had a small pouch of crumbs for her in time she encounters the funny little scamp once more.
(: Adorable song for an even more adorable relationship. Makes me think of Sylvi and M'ia giggling, doing stupid adorable shit together.)

Ike Mordekae(@Gartono)"He smell bad."
Amongst one of the individuals that Sylvi will actually show real respect for, as he has oftentimes been there for her, and offered her wise words to think on that she would oddly listen to. Whilst she openly jokes with the Al-Url and takes his comments on her weirdness, she still holds a high amount of admiration for him, even if she may not show it. Aside from frequent purchases of turtles for him. Yet, Sylvi still ponders on the past of her mysterious friend, still hoping to still learn more about the turtle loving creature, despite them knowing each other for quite some time.
(:Why the elevator music, you might ask? I imagine this is the song going through Ikaiko and Silver's head when they are just zoning out, like if silver is looking at his tail, and is just like, woah, that's a tail. And Ikaiko just looking at her white hair, and being dissapointed.)

Merril Audhild(@uhgly) "She's my mom!"
Despite the two of them not being related by blood in the slightest, Sylvi sees Merril akin to a mother, and hers at that. As Sylvi is frequently on the receiving end of Merril's scolding, she appreciates her worry, and further respects Merril for often times guiding her out of trouble (when she happened to listen, that is), and for being the one to actually call Sylvi out on her bad decisions, often times forcing Sylvi to truly stop and think about her circumstances. Yet, no matter what, Silver feels that she will never be able to owe up to the amount of times Merril has aided her.. oh well, guess she will have to have Merril's back for as long as she lives!

Triston Bones(@badluckpanther)"Oh, oh! Call him "Cupid of the Sea", he loves it! Haha!"
Along the ranks of Sylvi's favorite drinking buddies, she holds memories their adventures and antics rather close to her heart. Sylvi often smiles as she imagines what the seafarer is up to nowadays, probably stealing all the women's hearts and finding all the treasure in the world. If she ever sees him again, he will likely be jumped with a grand old hug.
(:I always imagined Triston relaxing at the docks, and then hearing a bunch of yelling and things falling over nearby, and when he grudgingly goes to investigate he sees Silver fighting with some people. But, before he can turn and walk the other way she notices him, and rushes at him, dragging him into the fight as they fight off the others with their blades, and running around the docks and boats before accidentally setting one on fire, and somehow barely escaping. And of course, the song end with them realizing they aren't dead, and with Triston running after her in anger as she laughs like a nutso, hehe.)

Maria Valnet(@Nixces) "She's a softy underneath all that bite."
Having known Maria since the times when they shared a coven, she found a fondness for the young girl she met long ago, and that fondness still holds true till this day. Seeming to meet up after long periods of time apart, she is always overjoyed to meet her all over again when she gets to spend time with the spicy red-head. Adoring her sparky attitude and affection that she tends to receive. Perhaps finding her more cute than furious, Sylvi would do plenty to support Maria in any time of need.

Lucille de Monette (@falcvns) "Bit of a nutter, but at least she's fun!"
Sharing snippets of the past with one another, to the times they both were in the sewers under other names, and introduced to one another from a mutual friend, Sylvi has taken to enjoy the woman bubbly, fun, and lust for life personality. When around the woman, Sylvi finds herself easily swayed by her excitement, getting caught up in the fun whether for better or for worse. However, as times changed, Sylvi has placed an inch of distance between the two, finding her unusually unpredictable and catastrophic. Hoovering around the outside, she hopes she can simply have some fun with the woman in the form of evening drinking and sharing gossip.

Nouveau Tempete(@SasuNaru2016) "Oh, don't let her size fool you, she'll knock your teeth clean out! Hah!"
Over the times of knowing one another through trials and tribulations, Sylvi has definitely, in her mind, grown closer to Neu. Regardless of her relationship to her Kathar friend, Sylvi mightily respects the woman for her whit and courage, yet it often confused as to why she pushes her self so hard. While Sylvi has rather given up trying to convince Neu out of her occasionally frantic ways, she finds solace with her as they speak, and, well, mostly gossip about the world surrounding them, trading stories, usually on a dirtier subject, and laughing like mad in return. Neu is a very interesting woman to Sylvi, and truly a lovely soul to know. Even if they don't see head to head from time to time, and can butt heads quite fiercely.

Ally Eikhreid(@NZ_Phoenix)"Like a ship traveling free upon Aloria's seas.. aye?"
Started as an odd flirty encounter, like most Sylvi encounters, has now grown into quite an important relationship to Sylvi. Although, through plenty of their interactions, she feels she would cause too much stress upon the poor Ally, if their relationship furthered, aiming to keep it to a close friendship, hoping to support her as she has supported Sylvi in the past. Sylvi cares for Ally very, very closely, and tends to stick to admiring her from afar. And as a person who knows Sylvi far too well, and tends to give her a taste of truth and reality to her own actions, sometimes they can be very brittle. But, even with such, Sylvi will never stop caring for the woman, as they have shared so many times of happiness, and tears, Ally is like a rare gemstone to the Velheim. Precious and irreplaceable.

Vedrfolnir Berdalfsson(@A_r_e_s "One of the only good men left, if you ask me."
A man whom Sylvi greatly respects, and will always hold a warm fondness to. She always loves to share a good chat and a drink with the Skagger, and worries very deeply for his mental and physical well being. While she still feels guilty for what she did to him, she still considers him a dear and special friend, and aims to keep him very much alive in any way she can muster.
(:From our talk on skyrim music and Ved themes, I found this one to be the most fitting, and I happened to listen to it on repeat when they interact one on one, muahaha. With its calming, hopeful vibes, I feel it sums them up rather well.)

Avilda Ignaard (@CRASHIR ) "My kin has been through much. Avilda is proof of our strength."
Having known the fellow Northern woman for a large amount of time in Regalia, Sylvi looks up to her like an elder sister. Heavily respecting her, and often joining in with whatever antics she has in mind. Learning to let her bold, Northern nature shine and relax to remember how to have fun. As time has passed, Sylvi has come to worry for her dear friend, and strives to keep tabs on how she is doing whenever she can. Above all, she is one of the only people Sylvi will accept advice from, and will protect and care for earnestly.

Inkeri Arud(@JennaLikesCoffee) "So Strong, yet, so sad."
From boisterous laughter whilst they tease each other, to serious talks on life matters, Sylvi is never happier to be there for the woman. Sylvi has grown to very much enjoy Inkeri's company, finding solace in having a friend from the same heritage, and to share similar rambunctious behaviors. For such reasons, Sylvi feels at ease around the woman, and considers her a rather dear friend, aiming to help guide her the right way with advice, even if she doesn't think Inkeri should perhaps listen to her words plenty of the time. Yet, she sees Inkeri as rather disorientated in other aspects of her life, as sturdy and tough as she may seem. Sylvi hopes to help her friend on such matters, and give her plenty of hugs. And advice. And drinks.

Enzo Celyreos(@RandomTheChosen) "He'll make a fine drunkard yet!"
While at first a fun form of entertainment for his drinking endeavors, Sylvi definitely has come to enjoy being in the Ithanie's company, finding the Celery a bit on the softer side in comparison to his brothers. Although, from a recent drunk escapade, she has found herself acting as an odd protector to Enzo. While this hardly means she holds back on teasing, far from it actually, Sylvi tends to look out for him when she can. Although, if there's a chance to trick him into doing something hilarious, oh, then she will certainly not stop it.

Joasaie Lloblen(@JokerLupus) "Mischevious Furu.."
One of the only people to make Sylvi truly open up about herself, Joasaie is one of the most important people in the world to the Velheim, trusting her deeply, and caring for her even more. As the yanar has always been there for Sylvi, Sylvi will always stand the same, and respects her for her overwhelming cleverness and empathy. While the two have shared an interesting past, Sylvi decided to never let it alter her close relationship with the yanar, and will always hold her close to her heart, no matter what. She will also always hold a certain fondness for the devious pine, as Joa could probably get whatever she wanted with a smile and a sweet compliment towards a flustered Sylvi. Alas, Joa is a person Sylvi will never forget, and will always treasure.

Gideon Hackett(@RedSentinel) "Don't get too close to that one, it bites."
With the flip of a coin, Sylvi will either despise this man with every ounce of her being, or her consider him interesting and tolerable to be around, if not a man who often gets on her nerves, and as she does to his. While they first met as a kind little friendship, their relationship grew ever complicated with realizations of just how similar they were. While Sylvi tends to pick and choose when she will be there for the man, she would never admit her keen interest to always return to bothering him. Finding his crude behavior and mad thinking to be quite fun, and often times enjoys poking fun at the redhead as such. Alas, through their days torturing one another, they have oddly become rather close. Yet, neither would admit to caring for the other, oh no, never, ghastly!
(I still see this song as so fitting, the fact that it's instrumental, and that just sounds like something is stirring.. slowly getting worse and worse, much akin to most of their interactions, haha.)

Shane Marth (@DolittleGuy) "He's not as bad as they say he is."
After the turbulent up and downs of their relationship, Sylvi still respects the man after all they have been through. Happy to spend time with the Ériunin, she hopes they can remain close, as well as find the time to drink together when she can catch him.

Cieli Le'vilja

Poppy Cuffburt (@Mandyy_ ) "If I could grow her in a pot in my house. I would."
Finding the little lady beyond cute and full of charm, Sylvi has become incredibly fond of Poppy, Owning an incredible soft spot for her. As she is easily able to quell any upset the Velheim could be enduring. Drawn to her dorky and carefree nature, Sylvi always enjoys spending time with the unusual woman.

Mateo Silva (@MrH_ ) "What a weird man. Weird is a compliment, of course"
With his smiles and friendly demeanor on one hand, and his darker personality on the other, Sylvi finds the Daen man incredibly intriguing. Discovering Mateo to be quite enjoyable to share banter with, she plenty appreciates his company when they get the chance to meet up. Underneath her own smiles, she hopes to learn more about Silva, as well as to aid him with any more "deals" that may arise in the future. finding a certain trust in him with their shared, hidden nature.

Ki (@nath_n ) "Eternally annoying..."
A friendship first formed out of distrust, full of strained grins, as time went on, Sylvi came to discover more about the Sihai and began to rather enjoy the mans company. Having spent a good time racking up his bartab, she used to like bothering him when she could. Nowadays, she feels the man has changed, and consistently. Not knowing just where he's going, she feels as if she only gets bits and pieces, furiously curious, and furiously jealous of others who seem to be getting more details on him than her.

Stanley Conagra Sidaige (@Ded Jok ) "That man has been through something. And it wasn't a bite from a dog. I think Regalia took a chunk out of him instead."
When they first met, Sylvi found the man oddly curious. A fresh faced, scared cook with a broom smack in middle of something he shouldn't be. As she found herself around him more, however, she grew to rather like him, fond of showing him tricks or teasing him. Although, after their relationship grew a divide after turning the man down, she'd watch him from afar. Since then, she feels such a seat has taken its turn for the worse, as she now hardly recognizes the man she once thought she knew. Nowadays, she aims to figure it out, and become closer like the older, happier days. Just what happened to Stanley Conagra?

Fen'nan Solveira (@Atraxia) "To describe her as hotheaded is an understatement, she's volcano-headed. Yes, that's a term."
If it wasn't for that fiery hair and those sad eyes, Sylvi doesn't know what their relationship would've turned out to be otherwise. Since encountering her in a dire state at the hands of a shared hatred, she felt a strong kinship with the woman, and sternly aimed to help and keep her safe. Yet, as times changed, Sylvi found it harder to look out for the woman, feeling pushed away and even spited, unsure of how to fix their relationship. As things grew for the worse, things turned away from familiar, and into professional, leading Sylvi to decisions she regrets towards the independent Altalar. Nowadays, she feels a line has been passed, and hopes she doesn't have to see her face anytime soon...

Milo Shinseki

Liao Zhiji Jing



Denzel Waywood (@Ded Jok) "KEEP HIM and his SPARKLES away from ME."
Not knowing much beyond the extravagant entertainer beyond his flashy personality and tricks, Sylvi feels as if she would enjoy his company, if not for being afraid of his ability to spray magical forms of glitter in her direction. Annoying and scaring her to such a degree, she may just be too spooked to get to close to him! Oh that Denzel Waywood.





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Because an aspirant hasn't claimed it and I need something to fill my time. Also silver = gr8.
Tone that body build down a bit! An Ombratore wouldn't have Sinewy levels of muscle, as that'd imply they can actually fight. Which, go to off the physical characteristics and trivia on the page, they can't.
Stubborn and Blunt are more personality traits than weaknesses. Since you only have three strengths, you can remove or replace.
I really like the reasoning behind the name change. A lot of people just pick names that are words to be edgy, though Silver itself having a double meaning in the fact that it's similar to Sylvie, and that she stole items, like silver, is actually pretty cool. Good on you.
White hair dye is pretty expensive. And for a character in the slums or sewers, it'd come off easily.
Claimed for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within 48 hours.
Because an aspirant hasn't claimed it and I need something to fill my time. Also silver = gr8.
Tone that body build down a bit! An Ombratore wouldn't have Sinewy levels of muscle, as that'd imply they can actually fight. Which, go to off the physical characteristics and trivia on the page, they can't.
Stubborn and Blunt are more personality traits than weaknesses. Since you only have three strengths, you can remove or replace.
I really like the reasoning behind the name change. A lot of people just pick names that are words to be edgy, though Silver itself having a double meaning in the fact that it's similar to Sylvie, and that she stole items, like silver, is actually pretty cool. Good on you.
White hair dye is pretty expensive. And for a character in the slums or sewers, it'd come off easily.
Thank you so much for your review! And I have taken her body build into consideration based on your advice. I will also be putting more thought into Stubborn and Blunt, you prove a good point. In regards to the hair dye, she has recently taken up a bar-tending job, as well as spending most of her time up top in normal regalia, so hopefully that would be enough for the expenses, and to decrease situations where it might become removed, but perhaps in the future if she loses the job, or scurries back to the sewers, it might go back to its blonde hue. Also thank you for the comment on her name, since I have had hopes of people realizing that there is a reason for her 2edge name, hehe, but yes, thank you again!
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Skill Information

She would not have regressed in her studies, but will be weaker at her level.
Lore Story
10 years old is far too young to embark on proper studies, I would suggest starting at fourteen years of age at the least.

Apart from that, it's a well-done character application. Rectify these problems I raised in red! and tag me.

@Suicidium Changed a large amount of her backstory as well as her original name due to the new Northerne/Velheim rewrite.
@Suicidium Tagged for re-review! Here's what happened: Silver has been taking Goleanon's Elixir for a while, which has now prompted the changing of some parts of her app. I changed her body build from Skinny to Sinewy, (She has been training quite heavily, and if she hasn't reached this build yet, I imagine she is working towards it). I also removed her Physically Weak trait from the Weaknesses section, since that applied to her typical Ombratore self, but I reckon it isn't as existent as a weakness now that she is ingesting the elixir. (Although, if she stops taking the elixer, I will rp her with the physical weakness as always with the Ombratore failure to strike and parry effectively, but through removing it, this also makes it more easier in the case if she gets cured, so that I don't have to remove the trait in the future). (I am also very willing to add another weakness as a replacement, but of course I'd like to see your take on it beforehand). I also reckon that she now has to frequently travel into the slums with a neat disguise to obtain said Elixir, and that she would have enough regals to keep obtaining it through her job as a house guard. Well, that's all! Hopefully the changes are alright!
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*Falls from the ceiling and FLOPS onto page* So this is what the lovely one's app looks like, I rate 10/10
@Suicidium Tagged for another re-review! Here's what has been changed:
  • Switched her military school from Griffer to Stealthmark, feeling that an Ithanie school would be a bit unfitting for a Velheim, as well as to my own thoughts, thinking that Stealthmark suited her a bit better.
  • Parts of her backstory in regards to the military school change.
  • Rewrote her second paragraph, thinking it needed a major update. Hopefully it's still worthy!

All changes have also been made in blue to make life easier! I will probably switch it all back to black when everything is sorted.
(:A timeless classic between the two, as you know, we always imagined them waltzing together to this song, as well as plenty of others. Yet, I believe this was the first, making it super, uber special. Sniffle, so sad, yet so hopeful, how melancholic, and SYMBOLIC. I'm not crying, you're crying.)
When I was listening to this I found it a bit hard to breathe, it's so fitting and so pretty.
@Suicidium Tagged once more for a re-review, yes indeed. All changes have been made in red!

  • Changed body build from sinewy to athletic. (The body build she would have if not for being an Ombratore).
  • Switched out a weakness for superstitious. (Been meaning to do it for ages).
  • Added another weakness. (Was a mentality she attained from being Ombratore and wanted to keep it).
  • Re-wrote her second paragraph.
  • Changed a bit of her backstory for curing, might as well mention.
  • And while his is among the Visual Information expansion, I added that her canines would just barely be a bit more sharper/longer than a normal persons. While this will be 100% aesthetic and not give her any extra effect if she bites anyone for whatever reason, I just thought I'd mention it to make sure it's a-ok. As she was a Vampire for quite a while, I think it would be interesting to add to her, and for her to reveal to other characters about herself and how her past has effected her, like her scars. (I've also seen how other characters effected by the Void and Magic go through some body changes, perhaps this could be something similar to that? Which is why I thought this would be a little neat).
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I will be taking this for Rereview

For what you have added for the Second Personality and Abilities paragraph, in what form do they experience doubt? What abilities do they possess that they are doubtful in? Just some clarification on that point to round out the paragraph and to better understand the character.

Make that edit and tag myself once completed @skullpanda90
@Staff Roleplay need a reviewer for re-review! Finally updated since the proficiency change, wowza. Hopefully everything is up to snuff!
Harald chugs mead from his horn for the health of this person in the very Void itself.
Peer Review:
  • Basic Information
    • Main ambition is no longer apart of the character application template. You should remove it.
  • Visual Information
    • Remove weapon of choice. As this is no longer apart of the character application template.
  • Personality And Abilities
    • What is her 'trickster ways' elaborate on this a tad bit perhaps?
Those are the only issues I could find in the application. Well done!
Peer Review:
  • Basic Information
    • Main ambition is no longer apart of the character application template. You should remove it.
  • Visual Information
    • Remove weapon of choice. As this is no longer apart of the character application template.
  • Personality And Abilities
    • What is her 'trickster ways' elaborate on this a tad bit perhaps?
Those are the only issues I could find in the application. Well done!

Thanks for the peer review dear Delta ^^ They are both now removed! As for her "trickster ways" the sentence beforehand I think covers what she gets up to, just to keep things on the shorter side from over explaining, hehe. And again, thank you ^^