
the fuck jsut happened to the forums looks?! Is it under new management or something???
the fuck jsut happened to the forums looks?! Is it under new management or something???
They changed from Xenforo 1.5 to Xenforo 2.3, comes with new features and stuff, but some stuff is taking longer to implement, which I assume is why there's so much blue and a different logo?
No new management tho, just updates.
Yeah omg I was so confused when I logged on yesterday and it was suddenly BLUE
Yeahhhh. This new layout is strange, especially as it shows all the info underneath the username when you post or reply or anything.
huh, jsut realised that I have been on this forum for a little over 10 years, funny how time flys
Welp. Tbf even just a year and s half ago my grammar and language was SHIT
I recall the last time I ATEMPTED to rp here on the forums, it was ALWAYS insta reply type of rp's, which is something I DO NOT like, cos I like to wright up more then a quick paragraph as a repply, and instant reply's make the rp burn out faster then then longer ones, and for some reason they tended not to like to make OOC chats so the rp thread dosnt get cluttered, which it ended up always getting
That's fairrr. I mean I'm definitely more of a short paragraph person but still, o get what you mean.
am 28, stressed as shit, tired as shit, I have the right to get drunk, unlike little miss baby face over here
do you just have this on hand at all times?
