
da cimkin is de mid meet, da torkey and da hose are da gud. U try torkey drum lig, is lik club, is gud
I is noting da wrng, I is kowings da meets da bust, cus I has donez the cimkin raising und da torky raising, da turmky is da butter den da cimken cos cimkin is da mid too commen, da torkey is a du gud, da turkey lig is da club
Da tirkee lig iz nott da klub. Chikin nugits r da klub. Da tirkee iz oevurraitid.
torkey lig is de club is big so iz club, de cuken nangets are mid, is too comnen. Me'd lik te tri some rubut, is supesed ta be gud
u eet dem ur de eet ur huse, de meke babe supid speeez, 1 pere enuff to meke moere din 3000 rin re reyer,da cute is de gud bet de speez uned de nebirz is de nogt
watched deadpool 3 today, and I only have ONE gripe. They didnt add PANDAPOOL THE SPECIES THAT ENDANGER YOU!