
when the thread reaches 10000 let's tag beetletoes
When I stand on that bottom step, lantern in one hand and tea in the other, a black void full of horrible things billows out behind me. An ominous feeling sinks over me, knowing that behind me is a darkness that I cannot see.
When I stand on that bottom step, lantern in one hand and tea in the other, a black void full of horrible things billows out behind me. An ominous feeling sinks over me, knowing that behind me is a darkness that I cannot see.
And when the emperor looked upon the girth of his realm of shitpost, he wept. For, there were no more memes to make...
And it was said, whatever man so drive a large car dost be lacking in the nether regions. Told now as ages before, the size of one's shoe certainly equates the size of a man's pride.

Then, it was revealed, that the Clown is mightiest of all. For none shall drive a car more minuscule, or don a shoe as grand as the solemn Clown. Thus, to fear a clown is not phobic, yet sagely.
For what hath be the world we live in?
Who shall look down upon the light of man himself, nie the divine spirit?!? For the blessing if knowledge is too often a curse, a curse that the blind man might sit and watch a whole film, and learn more than those around him that could see. Those, that were attentative, too dismayed by the image itself, to see the film for what it truly was, a disgruntled mess with a poor script, a low budget, bad acting, and, most importantly, a cast that isn't diverse.
I have thought of a brilliant character concept

He has 1 point in every profiency all of them and just be terrible at everything he does