The Antagonist's Right-Hand
les jimmies
les jimmies
otter is too smart for us
He should fear it.Do you think that Beetletoes stays away from Stuff. because he too lives in fear of what he has created?
is 'education' a metaphor for something else?
The words "hard" and "Education" are >
no im just not too fond of massivecraft. had a good time for a bit, ultimately it is what got me seriously writing, but i feel my time is best spent elsewhere. this thread is the only massive-related thing i actually care about so i do come back to see what you dudes are doing from time to time. keep doing what you're doing, seeya laterDo you think that Beetletoes stays away from Stuff. because he too lives in fear of what he has created?
10,000th post boyo
h ok