Archived Some Pvp Suggestions I Have Heard That Should Be Considered.

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
Let me start out by saying that massive pvp is not the most fun at the moment, the fights are too short and it doesn't really require much skill at all.

Vampire: The thing that really made vampires over powered back in the day was the +20% damage while in bloodlust, and also the lag made them near impossible to hit. I am suggesting to re add vampires to the game, without the +20%. Why? This adds more variety to fighting, if you are good enough to dodge potions and hits (Hard to do in no lag, I tested) it can be fun to use, but at the same time not over powered. This also adds another aspect instead of just who lands more hits faster, it is about strafing and jumping to where you opponent can't hit you, but also taking care not to get destroyed by wood counter attacks and potions of light.

Make the +50% mcmmo to +20%: Just do /mctop axes. Nuff said. It is allowing people train to extreme levels in no time at all.

God apples:I know this one draws a lot of controversy because of how "over powered" they are in 1.6 and 1.7. The thing is, is that no one really has god apples, everyone got rid of theirs when they were removed. I believe adding a 5 minute cool down in between eating them, and using the plugin to make them regeneration IV instead of regen VI (like they are in 1.6 and 1.7) would make this situation a lot better. Also re adding them would make the economy drastically better, adding a new aspect of gold, which is unobtainable by any other way then mining.

Cannons breaking down walls for 2 minutes when using diamond blocks: This would add new aspects to raiding, and also make it a lot more fun, so people can actually charge into bases and have a fight. Of course it is still possible to hide in a bunker under ground if you don't want to fight.

Archery:If there is a way to make it do more damage, please do it it.. :/ It currently does 1/2 heart with 1,000 archery mcmmo and a power5 flame1 punch 2 bow. It isn't effective for those who's fighting style revolves around it...

If you like something, say below, or if you think something could change or has a problem with it, please post and say.

Well these are my suggestions to make MassiveCraft PvP a bit more fun and requiring skill, hope you guys like them . :)
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I like the golden Appel idea ... Same with the bows I've noticed when I shoot my brother in massive it only dose like half a heart
They have different weights, some might have forgotten that.

Ah, now I've got it. You're talking about medieval armour :P So yeah, steel is lighter than clear iron or diamonds for sure and if we change iron armour into steel it would make way more sense xd
Ah, now I've got it. You're talking about medieval armour :P So yeah, steel is lighter than clear iron or diamonds for sure and if we change iron armour into steel it would make way more sense xd

then you have to consider it's plating, not SOLID armor like in minecraft. Plating is lighter then having it just dumped onto you solid.
I took that as a comparison purely based on a principle: Better protection = Reduced speed

If we go as far as making Massivecraft real then we can call it all off...
We will look at the stuff mentioned here in January earliest. We have the upcoming holidays to think about, most staff members will be out spending time with relatives and friends, and we are currently stocked up on work for the Etosil Isles.

Rest assured, the thread does not go ignored or forgotten, we will spend time on it when we can. (meanwhile some individuals are working on their spare time on things mentioned here, like jared4242 and jp1976. Feel free to work with them)
Might I just mention that I'm fairly not involved on the opinions regarding axes or most of the thing mentioned here....except for the cannons.

I'm sternly against this idea, as not only would cannons breaking walls have someone lining up canons in a row to completely grief a city, it would also prevent people from using canons to defend their own cities-- one of their main purposes right now. You'd have factions that use multiple canons set up just outside of cities, and people would likely claim more next to other factions just to protect their canons, making more work for moderators.
Might I just mention that I'm fairly not involved on the opinions regarding axes or most of the thing mentioned here....except for the cannons.

I'm sternly against this idea, as not only would cannons breaking walls have someone lining up canons in a row to completely grief a city, it would also prevent people from using canons to defend their own cities-- one of their main purposes right now. You'd have factions that use multiple canons set up just outside of cities, and people would likely claim more next to other factions just to protect their canons, making more work for moderators.

The idea is to have the walls regenerate after 1/2 minutes. They wouldn't be gone forever.
The idea is to have the walls regenerate after 1/2 minutes. They wouldn't be gone forever.

I can already see it though. A line of cannons. People fire repeatedly until what is left of the faction they're attacking has been razed to the ground. People wouldn't use this or PVP-- people would use this to completely destroy smaller factions and all of their builds, despite them regenerating every couple of minutes.
I can already see it though. A line of cannons. People fire repeatedly until what is left of the faction they're attacking has been razed to the ground. People wouldn't use this or PVP-- people would use this to completely destroy smaller factions and all of their builds, despite them regenerating every couple of minutes.

Yeah, so? Most factions have underground areas to hide in, be it mines or dark rooms ect. Having the upper buildings destroyed doesn't really matter when they're gonna regenerate in a few minutes. But if you had the factions completely surrounded with cannons, I can see how it would be bad, because they wouldn't even have to come down to PvP, just keep shooting them with cannons.
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