Regalian Businesses


Staff member
Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score


The Regalian Business Registry exists to keep track player business regions. There many regions, each with a different theme and location. Applicants will be chosen based on multiple factors such as average activity, roleplay etiquette, and the success or failure of previous businesses.

Main Street properties are properties located near /tp Roleplay. This includes Alms Court, Arena Shop, Arena Wall, Commerce Street, and Food Court properties. New Crookback properties are located in the New Crookback Emporium.

Regalian Business Registry

Application Requirements
  • Applications are not on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Your prospective business must have a minimum of 2 employees (including yourself).
  • You are expected to upkeep activity within the property.
  • You are expected to adhere to your promised open days and hours.
  • Failure to upkeep activity will be met with eviction after the first warning.
  • Food and Drink based businesses are limited to the locations available in Foodcourt or may be a part of the Willow Staff with their own menus.
Owner: Your Minecraft username.
Employees: The Minecraft username(s) of current employees.
Desired Properties: Your desired properties in order of preference.
Business Thread: Link your existing business thread or describe your business concept.
Promised Open Days & Hours: You are expected to adhere to your promised open days and hours.

For any exterior edit requests you apply here for staff decoration if you're accepted.​
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Employees: FatDumplingGrace and BlooShrooms
-Still hiring constantly
Desired Properties: Arenawall 7, Arenawall 8, Arenawall2 (Any Arenawall that is open), if not I would like to keep FoodCourt8
Business Thread: A bar and restaurant that sells custom items, deliveries, and more
Promised Open Days & Hours: We are open almost every single day during early morning hours as well as after 5pm. There will be a constant attempt to try and at least do business in the Serval Den as well.
Exterior Edits: A single sign that says Servals Den.
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Owner: Annie_Short
Employees: @cosmoons @Hautee (also one of my friends may be joining us)
Desired Properties: mainstreet6 (as it already has our interior)
Business Thread: Basically an antique store where I switch out cultures often to keep stock alternating! I have been thinking and may also add some beauty products and such making it more like a boutique than an antique store so there is more rp offered! (Maybe add some chairs to cut hair & ill offer free reshaded heads) and things like that
Promised Open Days & Hours: Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, around 12-4 and if later 6-9
Exterior Edits: Just need the signed readded and that's it!
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Owner: TheHitchHyker

Employees: Yoggery, will most likely get more folks as time goes on

Desired Properties:
FoodCourt5, Or any of the other foodcourt locations other than the stalls.

Really I'll take anywhere but crookback, as that'd defeat the purpose of me having selected husk <3

Business Thread:

Promised Open Days & Hours: Tuesday mornings-afternoons, Wednesday evenings. All other days will be open intermittently
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Owner: HeyoBiggums
Employees: Ampers07, Iyyiushi, Renajaka, HuskyLeader, LordArs3nalXYT
Desired Properties: Arenawall5 (Center Forge Property)
Business Thread: Because I don't have a thread, I'll be taking over the local forge of Regalia, providing armor, weapons, and other crafting goods to the lovely citizens of the city.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Given my school and work schedule are a bit wack. I can guarantee MY activity on all evenings (10pm CST -- 1 am CST) but I do not speak for the staff! I'd like to have them aim for peek hours (4pm CST--8pm everyday!) Though, allow me a week or so to settle in with classes and work, and solidify a schedule, since everything's really up in the air at the moment, and I'm adjusting. I'll be able to give concrete times at a later date.
Exterior Edits: N/A
Owner: HereticTakao
Employees: BritishAnimaLove, WingedJade
Desired Properties: Huge preference for darkemporium8, but I am fine with any dark emporium property big enough for a fighting pit.
Business Thread: "Pandemonium" (name may or may not change) will be a bar, fight club, and occasional venue for debauched parties hosted by none other than Kabili Drulviirn.
Promised Open Days & Hours: My schedule is subject to change due to work, however, I'm usually free SUNDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY from the hours 4:oopm CST to 9:00pm CST.
Exterior Edits: Just having the sign changed to say the business' name in lieu of what was there before.
Owner: CelestialMochi
Employees: MyCatBubbles, Sasspai, Ghirko, Ceilidhe, Wildsages, & Kitchenrefugee
Desired Properties: Mainstreet2,
Business Thread:
It would be two businesses stacked onto each other to use room and promote diverse RP with active times

First business:
Shop Name: Ivory Trade House. A business that sells and makes luxury items, flowers, fancy kaffee blends, fancy tea blends, spirits, spiritual readings, alchemy, and providing enchantments of feelings and hexes to said items or people's existing items. Basically a luxury shop that provides every need for every type of person. Trades even outside of Regalia for special goods. This shop would be on top with the cafe part on the bottom with the clinic.

Second buisness:
The Sacred Winds. Previously existing Thread- In addition to the Clinic and Dispensary, a Cafe geared towards healthy foods and beverages, and recovering the ailed.

Promised Open Days & Hours: At least once every other day of the week during evenings starting at 2PM CST. Lasting for a minium of one hour at LEAST.
Exterior Edits: Changed signs, side part where the carriage is to some sitting areas with a side entrance to the cafe area.
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Owner: NoRezForYou
Employees: LubriciousScrib
Desired Properties: Preference towards DarkEmporium4 but DarkEmporium3, DarkEmporium2 are fine.
Business Thread: "Palace of the Flesh" will be orientated around giving tattoos & body modifications both of the mundane, mechanical, alchemical & arcane kinds. A limited supply of jewelry will be sold alongside other miscellaneous items to keep the torches lit.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Monday/Wednsday 10pm EST - 12 EST. Sometimes will be open longer & similar hours are expected/possible all through the week but not guaranteed due to life/Work commitments.
Exterior Edits: Just sign changed
Owner: RaggedyGrace
Employees: GamingLeopurred, Stellarrix, & Joglak
Desired Properties: ArenaWall8 orArenaWall2
Business Thread:
A relatively opened clinic that operates out of Arenacourt, being easily accessible to fighters and any other ongoers that roam around the court. The business takes in walk-ins and sells medicine & other alchemy products, providing mundane and magical healing depending on the patient's preference. As well as providing a system for on-call supports or healers for situations when they are needed.
Promised Open Days & Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The times being after 5 pm EST besides Monday which will be after 6 pm EST.
Exterior Edits: Nothing besides a name change to the sign outside.
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Owner: WillTheSeaSpirit
Employees: Ewdrawings
Desired Properties: Foodcourt2
Business Thread:
I want the Foodcourt streetside property with the red and yellow tenting to serve Daendroque street food
Promised Open Days and Hours: Weekends after 11am EST. May also have time during the week as well, depending on work/life commitments.
Exterior Edits: Just the signage out front, more light weighted pressure plates to be used as plates, and some more tables and chairs as well.
Owner: Apictos.
Employees: @jono_98 @kampferin @Krauze
Desired Property: Arena Shop 3.
Business Description: A merchant shop where we definitely don't try to upsell inexpensive nicknacks from all around Aloria. We also operate as an import and export company, meaning if you want to send something to your Aunt Germina back in Ithania, we can ship it there. Or if you want a specific perfume from Daendroc that reminds you of your youth, we can also get it for you.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Open at for a majority of the night EST those days.
Exterior Edits: A sign, some pirate decorations, red and black, maybe a little podium for shouting deals.
Owner: SunPie
Employees: @AnxiousChild
Desired Property: Arena Shop 3 or Mainstreet5
Business Description: A speakeasy settled within the stairs of The High Willow. Operating as a small bakery above, with a devious underground bar, coupled with gambling for all. Beneath the floors lies roulette, billiards, and poker tables for all to play, with the house supporting the funds. Few fear there's a darker side to all of this, but the sweats are nice enough up top to forget about all that.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday. Evenings in EST
Exterior Edit Requests: I'm not sure if this is possible, but with the proposed shop I'd need 2 floors and there's only 1 in the build itself
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Owner: canaaa :)
Employees: CocoaCherry WildRoze Indiana_Allie sadsoda Rowet erzly (and guest appearances when people feel like it)
Desired Properties: i would like the cute little property w/ the rose garden right next to friendship bridge please :)
Business Thread: La Belle Vie will be a "beauty" store where the product being sold is beauty itself. We want to have purist-friendly and mage-friendly options to satisfy the whole spectrum because this should be a place where everyone can come. This comes in a myriad of forms:

❥ Cosmetic changes for characters (hair dye, makeup application, haircuts, etc.). I know how to recolor skins pretty easily once they've been made. It'll be a neat IC way for people to say they got something done!
❥ Perfume, makeup supplies (lipstick, blush, Galena powder, eyebrow pencils, etc.), hairbrushes, hand compacts, luxury soaps, and other personal care items. Think of your traditional makeup counter experience. The attending employee will administer "samples" and "swatches" and other "try before you buy" methods, much like how current beauty stores have tester products on display.

❥ Probably going to be a rotating stock so people have reason to come back for new things, with classic "mainstay" items as well.
❥ Cute trinkets. Some might be magic. Some might not be. They could be beautiful objects in themselves or tools to help a person live a more "beautiful" life (waking up on time, self-care, timekeeping, etc).
❥ Advice on beauty, fashion, art, or other aesthetic topics.
❥ Fans.
❥ Display pieces so that people can come in and have conversations about it. Is it beautiful? Is it ugly? Why? I am planning to add a lounge area where people can come drink and sit and talk. (I think it would be cool if World Staff would come in and swap out our funky display with a new one sometimes, but I realize this is a lot of work to request. If it's possible, we'd love for this to happen, and if not, we'll make it work ourselves!)

❥ Displays will range from, like, bust statues to food/liquor samplings to dresses on display. It'll be cute.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Friday and Saturday 7pm EST to 9pm EST. I plan on more than this, and so do our employees, but this is what I can guarantee right now.
Exterior Edits: I'd like the storefront to be more white/red in theme since I think that's the color theme we'll end up going for to make things gender-neutral in the shop. Right now, the building doesn't stand out a whole ton- if it's possible to change that, I'd love that. We're (somewhat) Ithanian! There should be an oomph! I also like the idea of a fairy lights aesthetic, and flowers out front somehow. I'd like the windows to be red stained glass either at the top or the bottom, with a little ombre effect to white/clear at the other end. For the sign, I'd like the text to be this:

・ 。゚: *. ☾ .* :゚.・
La Belle Vie
Beauty Store
・ 。゚: *. ☾ .* :゚.・
I checked the symbols in a single-player world and they show up correctly in our resource pack. I'd also like for our sign to be pink on a white/light-colored background and hit with glow ink so it's highlighted.

This is what it looks like in unicode w/ glow ink and pink.
This is what it looks like with the regular texture pack font, glow ink, and pink.
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Owner: Ailethi / m1lfthunted (primarily going to run on m1lfthunted)
Employees: Vegemiite, Nirnro0t
Desired Properties: Arenawall7
Business Thread: N/A for the thread but here's the run down! The business is affectionately named "Two Scoops' after the twins who run it. The business is set to be an ice cream parlor & partial bakery with puns on the various Knight Orders and Constables of the city.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Sunday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from around 5 PM EST to 8 PM EST. Earlier hours vary for the weekends!
Exterior Edits: Just the sign edit to the business name!
Owner: @Hutydan & @Starliate
Employees: @Nahinn @Hierophant_ @Mystiluu @heavenlyhojicha
Desired Properties:SherburnePlaza shop
Business Thread: The Mothcrow Spiritual Parlor is a place where you can request spiritual insight and purchase incense, charms, and more (drugs!) . We offer Fortune telling, Life & Death readings, and matchmaking! You can also look into services relating to post-death protocols, burials, and therapy.
Promised Open Days & Hours: At least three times a week! Days can vary. Going to shoot for Wednesdays, Fridays, and Thursdays
Exterior Edits: Sign. Curtains around entrance
Owner: Rowet.

  • SneakyLinguine
  • War_pig (Side character)
  • SoulInu
  • Erzly
  • Yui_Drax
  • FatDumplingGrace
Desired Properties: almscourt3, which is heavily preferred but we're willing to settle with something else if it's not available! (We are also willing to go with a Food Court region)
Business Concept:

  • A Minute of Luxury: This is a nail salon & a bar, providing the most expensive & well-tasting alcohol & cocktails, whilst having a variety of selections for manicures & paint for nails. Also options for eyebrows, eyelashes, & makeovers entirely (which is more expensive)! Nothing to do with haircuts or feet, though. Just makeup, manicures, etc.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Preferably every day, past 4pm CST. Will try to have the business open during prime time & especially on weekends.
Exterior Edits: None :3c
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Owner: RRedRRacc8n
Employees: TheBonaparte, Inchodmoin, Spiritlaw, and WillowButMinecra
Desired Properties: Almscourt3 is highly wanted, if not then mainstreet7 is ok; but I highly prefer almscourt3
Business Concept:

"The People's Voice" Printing Studio and Postal Service - A service where not only can you buy newspapers and report news stories; but where you can sign up for daily newspapers! As well as this; we will deliver letters and packages all over Regalia for those who do not have bird companions!​

Promised Open Days & Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday; 8 EST onwards for about an hour or two! (We also can open when DMed if anyone is available due to the amount of staff!)
Exterior Edits: Just a sign change! :>
Owner: OmiCat- Elvira Felwinter Grey

ZombieChimera- Merrick Felwinter Grey
Bi0Tracked- Leiven
Ghostified__- Daemones'dulyn
AllyBoy- Dion Mallory
Mikheal - Galah of Glad Tidings - Mikheal

Business Name: Grey Winter Sanctuary

Business Thread: Business App

Promised Open Days & Hours:
(All days are available As long as you ping one of the Employees or Owner for rp!)

Exterior Edits: Exterior and Locations
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Ostwin Werner's Library Business Application

Owner: soggytoenails

Employees: (users would not need to be added to the region, if business application is approved)
- BRZhatka
- bwmwags3
- CocoaCherry
- FatDumplingGrace
- kampferin
- Lizehrd
- Senpah
- SoulInu
- teayok
- TinyyDinoo
- sensiblegh0st

Desired Properties: I'm unsure where all these properties are but I've taken photos of regions that I didn't see listed in the business spreadsheet or IG activity board.
1. Almscourt3
2. Almscourt2
3. Arenashop1
4. Arenashop2


Business Thread:
Ostwin Werner's Library
We are currently using /tp Scholar Academy but it's such a big building and not exactly ideal for the kind of RP we want to get into. Looking for something smaller, more niche. We'd like to do some library RP, book-loaning, IC discussions, some IC writing/reading circles yada yada. Scholar research blah blah. Maybe some progression work idk yet about this. Generally a book place to vibe. Good entry level for new players. Forest green and deep ocean abyss colors, candles and tea, warm reading couches and study spaces, a hardy stone brick fireplace. Outside rainy weather. Reception desk for reception RP things. Ladders with wheels lining the walls. Book shelves as high as the ceiling. Fern plants on top of shelves. Enough dust to cake your fingers in. That's the aesthetic. Dark academia. Organization aligns with Ostwald Circle ideology. No decorating would be needed on staff end. I can do it, if business app is approved.

Promised Open Days & Hours: My work schedule is incredibly whacky and some days it'll be Mon-Wed. Other days maybe Fri-Sun. Sometimes it'll be the middle of the night and other days it will be early morning. Unfortunately, I can't give direct promised times but I can say that we will be active several days of the week for a few hours. (My goal is to build it up to Burning Bridges level activity in the future). I would get in touch with staff once a more confirmed schedule is drafted, if this business application is approved.

Exterior Edits:
Changing any exteriors to green and blue wool if needed. Changing the block the signs hang from to a lectern with a book.
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Owner: MidnightRey - Zadicus Luthar


BurnedDrake - Lyst Phyrelian
Chui_ - Saurian Boskovic
Sasspai - Aisha Ihsan
Jcboi5 - stray
Lizehrd - Naviri Ag Renai
Desired Properties:
1: Arenashop2
2: Arenashop1
3: Almscourt2
Business Concept: The Pale Orchid Clinic will be a Clinic that can handle all kinds of ailments. Having a group of trained Exorcists, healers (both Mundane and Magical), and curers. However, in the events of curing the afflicted and or performing Exorcisms, such will always be reported to the Constables for re-evaluation. My character and others as of late found themselves doing all their healing in Greygate, but this isn't really ideal given Greygate doesn't look very nice. As it's meant to be a place where criminals and such get treated, not the regular everyday citizen. We want to aim for something more cozy, with the inside of the building being made up of warm, bright, and welcoming colors. Consisting of an alchemy lab, medical bay with beds/cots, recipient desk, and a couched corner with a fireplace, candles, etc. The clinic will also double as a place to buy medical supplies/alchemy.

[WIP Clinic Forum Page]

[WIP medicine/herbs list the clinic will sell/use]

Promised Open Days & Hours: At least two-three times a week, with testing and everything going on as of late in everyone's lives. Schedules are a bit all over the place, but we were thinking anywhere from 6 - PM to 9/10 PM CST in that timeframe. Depending on if it's a weekend or not,
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Owner: essentialess
Employees: @teayok , Archangel_Avacyn (@Finlaggan )

Desired Properties: arenawall7, almscourt2 or 3

Business Concept: An Iyles-Brand subsidary, Prilla's (Human-Owned) Paw Society is an open-door animal shelter equipped with a fully functioning vet clinic and front-side store to sell pet products, pet food, mechpets, and mechpet accessories. Additional services include: pet grooming, dog training, and boarding (pet sitting!).

Currently the store operates inside of the Al-Saeti Bazaar, but I thought it'd be better to move to a location that has a more fitting setting/interior for this type of roleplay. All of the mechanical pet toys, accessories, and clinic equipment run on either steamtech or teslatech. Might change the name later.

Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Tuesdays guaranteed for atleast 2-3 hours after 5PM MST.
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Owner | Snoreb [ Verlaine as a Physician]
Employees | FutureTeller [ Leskensia as a Physician], Plumcrazycat [ Alstandel as a Physician], BurnedDrake [ Asp as a Prosthetist], BrammekeH [ Sihn-Aurn as a Bouncer] Starliate [ Emile as an on-hand Mortician ]
Desired Properties | greenshop1, greenshop2, or greenshop3
Business Concept | I want to go for a shady hospital aesthetic, one of those creepy clinics that don't do refunds and won't accept insurance. We'll take the patients that can't safely go into newtown, be them afflicted or criminal, and we'll cover a couple different bases with medically based artificers, technicians, thaumaturgists and mages. Ex: doing operations to install addiotics / biotics, procuring medicinal herbs and medicines overall, bringing injured Crookbackers to the clinic for healing, and we'll do some cool under-the-table transactional stuff such as- for example- treating Vampires with Blood Incantation rather than curing them or in-house corpse disposal.
Promised Open Days & Hours | Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Sporadically available between 4pm-6am EST every other day of the week.
Owner: Valentina_xoxo
Employees: Valentina_xoxo, AnxiousChild
Desired Properties: Almscourt1 (prefered) or Arenashop2
Business Thread:
Promised Open Days & Hours: Possible each day. Atleast 2 to 3 times a week open. Mostly in the evenings.
Exterior Edits: Changing the sign to the companys name "Prismatic Cosmetics", if possible pink/purple glowing and linked to the forum post.
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Employees: SmolCreacher and Faith_Bug

Desired Properties: Mainstreet3, Foodcourt7, Almscourt2

Business Thread:
Business Thread

Promised Open Days & Hours: Saturdays 8pm+ EST and Sundays 8pm+ EST. Tues and Thurs 7pm+ EST
Owner: Sujitation
@joglak (NPC)
@Saaber (NPC)
@soggytoenails (NPC)
@Snoreb (NPC)
More to be added, once established.​
Desired Properties: Almscourt2, Mainstreet4, Arenashop3
Business Thread: Construction Company
Promised Open Days & Hours: (For myself at least)
Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays; 3:00 to 8:00 PM HST
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; 5:00 to 10:00 PM HST​
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Owner | Snoreb.
Employees | Snoreb & BrammekeH.
Desired Properties | Arenashop3
Business Concept | Sha-Harran's Antiques [Restoration & Repairs] would be a family-owned business which primarily focuses on selling and restoring antiques and curio. The on-hand engineer will repair older antiques for those less-equipped to repair their dearest family heirlooms themselves, while the shop keep will not-so-subtly try to extort customers into spending some coin on some of the collections for sale by regaling the history behind each treasure- with a bit of an extravagant twist to really win them over!
TLDR; Antique shop that carefully convinces the money to leave peoples pockets with cool storyteller rp. I also want an excuse to start giving away some of my old lore items that have been hogging up space in my backpack for a while.
Promised Open Days & Hours | Weekends guaranteed! Weekdays fluctuating between 1pm - 8pm EST!
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Owner: RookieMelody



Desired Properties: foodcourt7

Name of Business: Mana's Bounty Café

Business Thread: A Floral themed Cafe made to give people good food but also a place to relax from the world.

Promised Open Days & Hours: Fridays and Saturdays

Colors: Floral/Fantasy Forest Aesthetics
Symbols: A cup with a Mana Tree on it

-A place open to all to eat and drink together, regardless of political or magical alignment.

To provide a relaxing place for the People of Regalia to have a nice cup of tea or coffee


No fighting among the premises.
Bartenders have every right to decline, ignore, or refuse service for any individual.
Magic is permitted as long as it doesn't disrupt or harm individuals.


Regular Tea- 1Reg

Coffee- 2Reg

Hot Cocoa- 2Reg

(Special) Honeycomb Hazel Tea- 3Reg

Carmel Butterscotch Latte- 3Reg

Lavender Honey Puff- 5Reg

(Special) Cinnamon Butterscotch Pie- 4Reg per slice (16Reg for Full Pie)

Chocolate Hazel Muffin - 4Reg
Owner | IsopodsIG
@IsopodsIG (Haggler)
@Brit<3 (Haggler)
@NoRezForYou (Haggler)

@Nahinn (Designated Bouncer - Potential Haggler)
Desired Properties: Greenshop1 (CrookBack)
Business Thread:

>[The HPQ] Magic Shop! [ The Hanged, Pawned, and Quartered Magic Shop.]
An enchanted pawn shop based on selling and haggling with other players. Item selection is based on what is bought and sold. The on-hand haggler would introduce more craft and trade to Crookback's main street, as well as encourage players into sharing stories, information, and Arcane texts, be it illegal or otherwise. More under the table operations would be available for things like, blood collection, enchanted/occult item trading, potential bounties for characters to take up, and etc.
>[Symbol -] A Copper Pawn with a red streak running vertically down it, slightly off-center.
>[Current Stock]
(Items I've bought through pilot versions of this shop in Sewer stalls.)
Dark-Metal Servo-Golem
|| 30R
Void Corrupted Jewelry Box || 30R
Jalidtech Sewing Machine (Exist) || 30R
Magical Tinted Glasses || 25R
Promised Open Days & Hours:
Usually around the Prime times of these days, and sporadically available throughout the week.
Fridays || 6:00-9:00 PM EST
Sundays || 5:00 - 8:00 PM EST
Tuesdays || 6:00-9:00 PM EST
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Owner: IGutTheMidasTuch
Employees: FrostedDewDrop, GadgetPunk
Desired Properties: Greenshop2, Greenshop3
Business Thread:

Promised Open Days & Hours: (these are just my active hours, not including employees)
Thurs - 7:30 pm - 4am CST
Fri - 7:30 pm - 4am CST
Sat - 7:30 pm - 4am CST
Sun - 7:30 pm - 4am CST
Mon - 7:30 pm - 4am CST
Owner: Lotustwist
Employees: StarriEyedMan
Desired Properties: ArenaShop3, if not getable arenashop1
Business Thread: Bubbly Cauldron, a place to get non magic means of solutions to your problems. With a big center cauldron and plenty of regents for fellow brewers. An exciting place for players to have alchemy made or purchased.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Various Random Times, but I should be able to RP almost nightly except saturday night around 11PM EST. Hours will change if I fix my sleep schedule and get an idea for when any new hires will be on to play.
Owner: meowrauder/slurmancer
Employees: ETrees, FutureTeller
Desired Properties: mainstreet4 only.
Business Thread: The Gatehead Ward. Clinic. Curings, exorcisms, healing, prosthetics, etc.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Weekdays, late prime-time. 6-8p EST and onward. Focus will be on catering to the wildy bridge PvP crowds, so may adjust on demand.
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Owner: _Chui
Employees: @screaminbenshee @KasterBestBoppin @LunaeVenus @Depressed_Bean
Desired Properties:
Any available Arena court location.

Business Thread:
The L'Roox Collection is a boutique that offers the latest fashion of Regalia.

Our services include costume fits, for both clothing and accessories of all kinds. We accept both walkins and reservations.

Promised Open Days & Hours (CST):
Sunday: Reservations Only
Monday: 4PM - 10PM
Tuesday: Reservations Only
Wednesday: 4PM - 10PM
Thursday: Reservations Only
Friday: 4PM - 10PM
Saturday: 4PM - 10PM
Owner - Ameritriot
Employees - @Renajaka @AnxiousChild @Quickshooter @Maeovika @Plumcrazycat @yuomr/jason @five_gum
Desire Property - mainstreet2
Business Idea - Hagen's Alcove; Hagen's Alcove, established by Lady Ellisif Vikstrom, is a business that attempts to fund discovery of technology and alchemy, creating money by selling inventions. This business is basically an engineer and alchemy shop, where all sorts of wares will be sold from prosthetic limbs to glowing hair dye. Though, the themes are that of pursuing science while also having and Old Gods undertone, studying the nature of the world and reality. I'd like to host some science-based experiments or even a Battle Bots tournament after I get established.
Promised Hours Tues & Thurs from 12:00 - 3:00, Weekends, varied but at least two hours a day
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Owner - LunaeVenus
Employees - HuskyLeader, KasterBestBoppin, _Chui
Desire Property - mainstreet6 as primary choice, mainstreet3 and mainstreet7 as secondary
Business Idea - The Moonlight Apothecary, owned by Jacerion Roox, is an establishment focused on bringing alchemical herbs, salves, and potions to the masses. Not only that but magical tomes, wands, staves, and other magical and/or alchemical products to all law abiding citizens and the peerage within Regalia.
Promised Hours: Mon & Wed 4:00pm-8:00pm EST, Wed, Thurs, Friday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST, Weekends vary
Owner: MoreGuac
Employees: Ilyrana, Peachi, MoreGuac, always open to more!!!
Desired Properties: AlmsCourt1, Mainstreet 6 (second choice)
Business Thread: The Roasting Oasis. A bathhouse and sauna dedicated to giving people a comfortable spot to clean off, lay back, relax and socialize. The Oasis offers relaxing massages, healing physical therapy, spa treatments, and of course a public bath and sauna. We promptly ask that customers stay clothed whether that's the clothes they're wearing or a swimsuit while in the Oasis. Additionally, in the scenario that there is no one to man the counter, the Oasis would like to have memberships and keys to be given to loyal customers who would like to use the bath after or before hours.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, evenings U.S. Timezones. No current set hours. But Ilyrana and myself, MoreGuac, are on quite frequently within the week. Separately, we hope the bathhouse can be a place people can visit without needing someone at the counter at all times.

!! Updated with new employees, and other details !!
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Owner: RookieMelody
Employees: RookieMelody (Awa), THE_RAT_KING17

Desired Properties: Foodcourt8 or Arenawall3

Business Thread: The Deep Blue is a night club ran by Awa Sayu for people to come and enjoy the nightlife with a few drinks and fun music.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Whenever Awa is alive (Mostly Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday (in the evenings))

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Owner: StarriEyedMan
Employees: Lizehrd, Ghirko, Mippymoo
Desired Properties: mainstreet2, mainstreet7
Business Thread: The Shadow Playhouse- An Allar traditional theatre in the style of Wayang Kulit shadow puppetry. We would put on plays once a week in the evenings (EST). Potentially we could be an Allar culture store other days out of the week (negotiable). The plays would be in Common.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Saturdays after 6:00 EST.
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