Regalian Businesses

Owner: Errrra
Employees: Errrra, Erraaaa, Kirishark
Desired Properties: Almscourt6, Almscourt5
Business Thread: The business will be a fencing academy/studio. Weekly lessons will be offered to the peerage and high-standing citizens, likely in both Leutz and possibly Dressoloni flavors (epee and saber, respectively), with seasonal tournaments held in a third fashion, foil fighting. The studio will also hold formal sport and honor duels on request, with very strict rules on conduct and sportsmanship in place. Honor duels will be reserved for members of the peerage or their selected champions, and knights.
Promised Open Days & Hours:
- Training - 1x a week, likely Wednesday, 2-3 hour session
- Requested duels - Basically whenever requested
- Seasonal tournaments - 2x a season
- Misc informal/open invitation days throughout the week to fill times outside of training and dueling days. At a minimum, we plan to have the studio open two days a week, 1 week day and 1 weekend day.
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Owner: tarotocol
Employees: Erraaaa (hopefully more soon)
Desired Properties: cornershop1, arenawall3, arenawall8
Business Thread: A tattoo parlor with a gloomier, darker atmosphere, offering tattoos, piercings, body art, and body modifications. They will also sell just art itself and hand-carved wooden jewelry/replicas of existing jewelry.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Variable, likely quite often with notifications in the 'looking for rp channel' each time it opens.
Owner: AWildRhia
Employees: Siosie, MyCatBubbles
Desired Properties: Almscourt1, Arenawall3, Arenawall8
Business Thread: A pet store! Specifically catering to the needs of pets of all kinds, dogs, cats, exotic, etc. ALSO selling animals, providing information on animals, and VET CARE! Medic rp for your pet! Overall catering to everything animal.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Around 4 PM EST most week days, provided time allows.
Owner: Finlaggan
Employees: n/a
Desired Properties: Almscourt5, any of the Willow pub lots
Business Thread: An elven and nautical themed bar/seafood spot. I do good cocktail and food rp. we know this
Promised Open Days & Hours: Usually late night but I like to just sporadically open roughly once a day
Owner: Ashurism
Employees: N/A
Desired Properties: AlmsCourt6, AlmsCourt4,AlmsCourt5 Arenawall3
Business Thread: (thread needs to be updated but Eronidas gym)
Promised Open Days & Hours: Early afternoons/mornings on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Later in the evenings for other days besides sunday
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Owner: Bimbomancy
Employees: none yet
Desired Properties: Almscourt1
Business Thread: none yet. I want to open the Gilded Boughs Inn as an extension of the Golden Willow as a combined pub with the Golden willow as the downstairs and the upstairs portion being rentable rooms for characters to stay in if they are new or don't have a house or something.
Promised Open Days & Hours: At least once a week in prime time. Ideally I would be manning the willow or be in the downstairs portion of the Inn building. I want to apply to have the buildings combined.
Hey guys, I know we haven't accepted anyone in a bit. This was mainly due to the mainstreet rework, which is now largely on its way. We'll do a new business batch by the end of the week. In the meantime, please consider adjusting which regions you're interested in! This mainly applies to the applications snipped below.

Owner: WingedJade.
Employees: n/a
Desired Properties: Almscourt5, Almscourt6, Almscourt4
Business Thread: I want to make a noble lounge for the peerage, close to the Willow/spawn hotspots. By all means if there is a noble lounge planned to be built by World, I don't mind scrapping this idea and stepping aside. For now, I would like to offer a roleplay spot for the peerage in the city that isn't estates.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Thursdays around 8 EST, Sundays around 5 EST for sure. I will probably open other days of the week when I have time, but those are my promised hours at the moment (when I will be around). It will be open like 24/7 for nobles to use as well.
All applications have been processed! Applicants can expect a Discord Ticket to be opened with them either tonight or tomorrow. The Business Registry has also been updated accordingly.
Owner: Nebuobbles
Employees: Nebuobbles, RaiderOW, SirSpark1313
Desired Properties: Mainstreet8
Business Thread: This business will serve as the go to place for anything that is mundanely tech-related, from appliances, prosthetics, and even robotics. In addition to providing repair services, and editing already existing tech, all at a relatively cheap price (hopefully). Aspiring artificers, roboticists, and anyone else interested in the field would also be able to get an apprenticeship, too.
Promised Open Days & Hours: All week, ~20:00-2:00 EST. These are the times that both Raider and I are active, and due to the reactive nature of the business (things are made to order), the business hours are not limited to that only.

Edit: Added one more employee
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