Regalian Businesses

Owner: Fruit_Lups
Employees: Khrizanthema, Plumcrazycat, AnxiousChild
Desired Properties: Mainstreet7
Business Thread: Bombing Bakery, a new bakery by Vartan Paeozana from a new spark of ambition. This shop would be a fusion between practiced alchemy and the mundane sweets of the area. He strives to mix the two to perform a better business than the last.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Every other day, Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun.
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Owner: Ilyrana (Killia Daou)
Employees: MoreGuac, and myself Ilyrana.
Desired Properties: Arenawall4, Almscourt1, or mainstreet3
Business Thread: The Living Stone | A sculpture shop where craftmanship meets imagination. Where sculptures made of stone, gems, and clay can be bought in all different shapes, sizes, and appropriate styles. Some of the sculptures take inspiration from history, legendary heroes, and tales of mythical beings & creatures. We do take custom orders to help bring your creative visions to life. Why not embrace the history and wonderful mythical tales of our world, and adorn your home, or workshops with wonderful works of art?

Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, evenings U.S. EST and PST timezones.
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Owner: Aesukimx
Employees: Daniel2stay
Desired Properties: foodcourt7 (foodcourt8, foodcourt5 and mainstreet3 as secondary)
Business Thread: Blaue Blume Cafe. This cafe is filled with sweet treats and even sweeter drinks, it's light for those wanting a small break from the busy and bustle of everyday life. It lacks any sort of alcohol so it's safe for all ages.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Open 5+ hours when I'm online (Can't give exact times because my sleep schedule is wack) though it's mostly dependent on customers.
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Owner: Faith_Bug
Employees: _Pebs
Desired Properties: Arenawall3, Almscourt2, or Foodcourt3
Business Thread: The Wildflower Bakery and Cafe, filled with many different sweets and some drinks to go along with them! From cakes, to cookies, to muffins, there will be a lot of different food items, and some will have a combination of magic/alchemy infused into them, to add an extra touch. We will also do custom orders! This will also be plant/flower themed.
Promised Open Days & Hours: My schedule is a bit whack with having a job and a horrible sleep schedule, but I can promise it to be open every day for some time! (The days I do have work, which changes each week, it'll be open for some time before 3pm CST and then after 11pm CST, and on the days I have off, it'll be open a lot of the time throughout the day)
Owner: ChapterDeath
Employees: Varied - KitchenRefugee, Fruit_Lups, NoRezForYou, kirishark, Reading5993
Desired Properties: I run this out of rental regions. I rent currently both charityroad3 with planned expansion into charityroad2. I was hoping to get or form some sort of agreement that would allow for some holes to be punched in the wall to connect the two properties.
Business Thread: No thread. It is a bar called the Crooked Crow run by mages and demons directly to the left of /tp Crookback. General social hub/hotspot.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Late afternoon/evening hours US timezones.
Note from Chapter: I don't need a new region, nor do I need any decoration work done. If possible I would just like a few holes punched in the wall between charityroad2 (planned expansion) and charityroad3 (current location). I am not sure if this is the correct place to apply or request this, or if this is even possible. I would additionally like to keep this as a rental region if that is something that is possible as well.
Owner: cucumber_honey

-more tbd! I've a whole other list of names to be confirmed soon

Desired Properties: in order of preference
-Arenawall 3 (Despite focusing less on it, this multi-service business will serve food and drink (so I understand the passing of this), though I still list it because the space/layout involved would give plenty of room for the non food/drink related services. (gift shop, gambling/cigar den, tarot reading, etc))
-Foodcourt 3 (Pretty! I'm a big fan of this one, extremely content with the size and location, and I'm sure I can work with the floors to still provide all the other features.)

Business Thread: LINK (This will be updated soon, new vibe, different season, more lounge-oriented than like a cafe) This is a returning business, It was fairly active before I decided to take a break from massive while I moved states.

Promised Open Days & Hours: I'm online every night or so, and when I'm not, at least 2 of the employees listed are. Operating hours would generally be after 7:30pm EST. It's likely that the store would be opened at least every other night.

Note: I will be sure to update the forums post asap to better fit how the business will be rebranded/restructured. Thank you! :3
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Owner: httpRiver
Employees: httpRiver, Hutydan, AnxiousChild, CocoaCherry, open to more!
Desired Property: arenawall5, arenawall12, almscourt2
Business Thread: Ahuatzi Garden is a flower and plant shop for anyone's botanical needs, whether that be a custom-made flower bouquet, pre-potted plants for inside your home, or seeds for all the fruits and vegetables you can think of. The owner is Maquixtl, and thus has great knowledge on all of the plants in stock, which will change depending on the season. We also plan to have a cozy kaffee bar for our patrons to purchase from.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Generally PST evening times, with focus on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends.
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Owner: uwuMaple
Employees: WildSages, ceilidhe, KitchenRefugee, Yusuf12323, bogthisle, PlateEnthusiast, Mystiluu, LotusTwist
Desired Properties: arenawall3
Business Thread: The Sacred Winds Medical Clinic, funded by the Mecatl family. Providing free, top notch mundane and magical medical care, and fairly priced supplies.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Most Weekdays, 8-10pm CST, Saturday/Sunday early afternoons, pending IRL commitments.
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Owner: Jouster.
Employees: Currently: alianon, Jouster, Stellarrix, xX_OliverOnly_Xx.
Desired Properties: Arena Wall 3 (It looks vacant. Is it? This would be preferred), Arena Shop 1.
Business Thread: A speakeasy/gambling hall/contracting establishment all in one, although the feature that separates it from other similar establishments is that it caters towards fraternizing with patrons in marked sections where you aren't meant to know one another's identities unless personally revealed.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Primarily weekends (Saturday & Sunday) and sporadic hours throughout the weekdays varying due to college schedules. Activity can be promised.​

Edit: Desired Properties.
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Owner: CastorN0va
Employees: @Sasspai @Jouster @victoriYUH_
Desired Properties: Arenawall3, Mainstreet3 (I've been told the owner is looking to close shop), Almscourt2
Business Thread: The Winds of Change - I currently run the business from a Crookback rental, with a decent amount of interaction- however with the difficulty to find the location combined with the desire for many of my potential customers to not want to come anywhere near Crookback has me feeling the need to relocate out into a business plot in the city proper!
Promised Open Days & Hours: Weekdays after 8pm EST, Weekends after 4pm EST
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Owner: Ceilidhe
Employees: IGutTheMidasTuch
Desired Properties: Anywhere within Arenawall, Arenashop, Mainstreet or Almscourt.
Business Thread: A shop that offers all materials Sihai, such as traditional tailoring, armor, weapons, masks, sculptures and more. A cozy place where anyone can visit for a drink and chat. Skins would be made by me and/or other people who work there.
Promised Open Days & Hours: At least twice a week midday or night PST timezone. Will wax and wane depending on obligations, but should be pretty consistent on the weekend.
Owner: mochha
Employees: @libelyl , @Jareth
Desired Properties: Arenashop5, Arenawall5, foodcourt8. (bolded are the most desirable options.)
(I apologize for changing this around so much, we're trying to see what building would fit this concept the best for ideal results. However, this should be the final edit.)
Business Thread: Fideos de Fuego is an eccentric spice-oriented restaurant dedicated to flaunting differing tiers of spicy foods. Bland, semi-seasoned, and OH MY GOD GET ME A MEDIC. (Menu is a TBD)
Promised Open Days & Hours:
Primarily Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sat/Sun 4-8PM EST. Or any time one of us are on. College & Work schedules get confusing sometimes!
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Owner: Lizmun
Employees: None
Desired Properties: Arenawall 12
Business Thread: No thread made yet. Sun Clan Earthenware and Jadecraft is a small single-woman business run by Sun Heishan. She makes and sell premade and custom made earthenware and jadecraft.
Promised Open Days & Hours: At least once a week. My schedule is too hectic right now and my rp time a little too limited to promise specific dates and times but I am aiming to open at least once a week (preferably during primetime)
Messtro, Aibori, and LofiCloud as Co-Owners


Aibori, LofiCloud

Desired Properties:

Mainstreet2, Arenawall5, Mainstreet4, Arenawall3

Business Thread:
The Floating Lotus is an export shop and lounge made to bring a variety of Suvial based goodies and other items sponsored by the Mehlai House. Chai, spices, and luxury goods will be the main focus alongside a lounge section in the shop to let folks try drinks and spices.

Promised Open Days & Hours:
Tuesday 7pm EST to 10pm EST.
Wednesday 7pm EST to Thursday 2am EST.
Thursday 7pm EST to 9pm EST.
Friday 5pm EST to 7pm EST.
Saturday 4pm EST to 7pm EST or maybe longer.
Sunday 4pm EST to 8pm EST and even later into the night.

Some nights are liable to change given myself works late so I get home late so I can open it rather late in the evening as in 2am EST and such.
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Owner: Rowet.
Employees: Barium_V9 & more to come.
Desired Properties: greenshop1 (most preferred), cornershop1. Properties that are only in Crookback.
Business Thread: Art shop - similar if not exact vibes to a shop Neokarr owned in the past, Ink & Splashes. We'd be strictly sticking to all forms of arts & crafts, and I think offering what was on the old menu (with lots of tweaks) is super neat!
Promised Open Days & Hours: 5pm CST - 10pm CST. Hours might be adjusted when I start college - and in the case of that I'll make a ticket (if accepted).
Owner: NebulousFilms
Jack_Castle MidnightRey (More to come)
Desired Properties: Arenawall 7 (Most Preferred, due to an already present alchemy decor) Or Mainstreet 4 due to it's Location. Preferrably plenty of space, but aside from that, anywhere in the city proper would work.
Business Thread: The Blue Moon is an Antique/Arcane Store. Housing Alchemical, Magical, and Really Really old book needs.
Promised Open Days & Hours: 6pm EST - 9pm EST. Possibly Closed On Saturdays (only Occasionally)
Owner: Arsenal_X
Employees: Arsenal_X and MightyElf90
Desired Properties: Mainstreet2(Preferred) [Arenawall10] [Arenawall 3
Business Thread: The forged Armory: Is an Armory run by a Isldar who is a apart of a long line of blacksmiths and a Kathar who has two decades of experience in smithing and engineering. The Armory is dedicated to provide weapons to all who need them including Firearms. As well as custom items for special orders.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and thursday (8pm-9pm Est)
Owner: SuperKamiWarlock
Desired Properties: Mainstreet 4 (Most preferred due to reasons to making store)
Business Thread: Dagwyn Defenders: This store would have a variety of different goods and services one might want. With it so close to Crookback, it'll serve as a guard and buffer to stop vampires and cultists from crossing over. But to help keep it running, one can hire our services to serve as rental protectors as they travel the roads. Beyond that, one can also commission a variety of arctech goods, from appliances to arms to protect oneself.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Multiple times a week, but right now with getting ready to enter a job at a firm, need to figure that to make a concrete schedule for here.
Owner: CelestialBoba
Employees: Seoulmate, AColorfulPigeon, Renajaka, SmolCreacher, and more to come...
Desired Properties: Mainstreet4 or Mainstreet3
Business Thread: The name is the Civic Center. This place will be the center of charities, free goods, and partial housing. We avoid going through the government to provide the necessary services to the people in need whether it is physical or mental as we have staff that can provide therapy and medications.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Anytime, mostly evenings around 5-7pm est to 8-11pm est.
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Owner: AlienDark12
Employees: bahmboozled, GRIST_, TeaRoses, Gabisnailll, OneDinoBOI, sneakylinguine, 5eaweed.
Desired Properties: mainstreet4 preferred, if not anywhere else is fine. Wherever staff would prefer us be.
Business Thread: The Kamora Pickle Enterprise. A convenience store that pickles and sells pickle related products. Products such as the Pickle Jar Opener, fried Pickles, pickle-juice Vodka, Beetroot Salads to-go, and all other pickle related food products.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays after 7:00 PM EST.
Owner: HeyItzAPotato
Employees: kampferin, Faith_Bug, ellereller, PantryRefugee
Desired Properties: Preferably something on Mainstreet if it opens up prior to us submitting (I'm not sure when businesses go up for re-evaluation). If nothing in Mainstreet is available:
Choice 1: arenawall3
Choice 2: arenawall8
Choice 3: arenawall6
Business Concept:
Bass Pro Shop meets // Name TBD
- Hunting/Fishing store that sells various equipment.
- Promotes and executes monthly (hopefully) hunting trips that are either strictly aristocracy only or open to the public.
- Also sells a small selection of baked goods/fudge, because it's a bass pro shop.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Occasionally weekends. 6pm EST and forward.


The Regalian Business Registry exists to keep track player business regions. There many regions, each with a different theme and location. Applicants will be chosen based on multiple factors such as average activity, roleplay etiquette, and the success or failure of previous businesses.

Main Street properties are properties located near /tp Roleplay. This includes Alms Court, Arena Shop, Arena Wall, Commerce Street, and Food Court properties. New Crookback properties are located in the New Crookback Emporium.

ā€¢ Regalian Business Registry
ā€¢ Build Assistance Requests
ā€¢ Rental Rules

Application Requirements
  • Applications are not on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • Your prospective business must have a minimum of 2 employees (including yourself).
  • You are expected to upkeep activity within the property.
  • You are expected to adhere to your promised open days and hours.
  • Failure to upkeep activity will be met with eviction after the first warning.
  • Food and Drink based businesses are limited to the locations available in Foodcourt or may be a part of the Willow Staff with their own menus.
Owner: Your Minecraft username.
Employees: The Minecraft username(s) of current employees.
Desired Properties: Your desired properties in order of preference.
Business Thread: Link your existing business thread or describe your business concept.
Promised Open Days & Hours: You are expected to adhere to your promised open days and hours.

For any exterior edit requests you apply here for staff decoration if you're accepted.​
Name of business: The Steel Stitch
Owner: Coldestkiller
Employees: Coldestkiller, francisparadis, chalkxprince
Desired Properties: arena wall6, arena wall 8, arena wall 3
Business Thread: Metalsmiths and metallurgy workers coming together to make all different types of Cutlery, armor, weapons, jewelry
Promised Open Days & Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 4-9
My Discord: xavistired. (With the . at the end)
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Owner: AlphaInsomnia
Employees: LadyLekku, alianon
Desired Properties: arenashop3, but anything along the main drag is fine. Arenashop3 is the smallest I could find, as we really don't need much more than an office.
Business Thread: Essentially a law firm, consultation on working with the state, and arbitration via contract law.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, at least an hour anywhere between 1900 and 0000 EST. Weekends are wide open.
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Owner: Gwyndo
Employees: NebulousFilms (More of a Co-Owner)
Desired Properties: Cornershop1

Business Concept: A relatively humdrum, almost completely mundane corner-shop. Like a medieval Spar or 7-Eleven. The comical juxtaposition of the magical and hectic Crookback right outside the door, with an ex-adventurer vibing behind the counter just trying to work his 9 to 5.

In terms of what they'd sell, it'd be an array of beverages, snacks, everyday essentials, groceries, and the odd low-magic enchanted or clockwork item (like a heated blanket, or a mug that stirs itself).

This is the place "Kronnoskarr The Mighty Kathar Death Knight" goes to get eggs and milk.

Promised Open Days & Hours:
- Definitely open Thursday and Sunday, closed Friday and Saturday, and then sometimes open Monday-Wednesday.
- Hours I'm not entirely sure. After 9pm GMT for at least an hour or two, ideally more. If accepted I'd like to use the grace period to further hash out the exact open-close times.
Owner: AtticCat
Employees: AtticCat ...
Desired Properties: ArenaWall11
Business Thread: "Verdure Toma" | Small stall run by a tender of the Gloomfolk Guild with the reason of selling and bartering with ingredients foraged in Gloomrot, as well as goods made from said ingredients. These ingredients could stem from mundane medicinal herbs to culinary spices and decorative or ornamental goods.
Promised Open Days & Hours: At least once a week, although I have an incredibly hectic schedule and can't guarantee a specific day.
Owner: Nolla
Employees: Just myself for now!
Desired Properties: Mainstreet6(Preferred), or Arenashop3
Business Thread: Nolla's Nook a small and welcoming cafƩ catering to occasional morning roleplay as well as more commonly late evening roleplay. A place for people to unwind and banter while they are tended to.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Occasionally open early mornings around 8-10pm Est, open almost daily 11pm- 12:30pm EST.
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Owner: ChapterDeath

Employees: Saaber, HoldinG, Mystiluu, Faith_Bug, Siosie, _Pebs, More to Come/Be Added

Desired Properties: mainstreet2

Business Thread: Suvial Food restaurant with an attic room for plotting evil.

Promised Open Days & Hours: 5CST to 8 CST. More flexible on Weekends.
Owner: Ilyrana
Employees: Will be looking to hire more incharacter!
Desired Properties: ArenaShop3, Mainstreet6
Business Thread: Floral Delights Bakery. A nature Cottagecore themed bakery where many treats are made. From breads to cakes. Even non-baked goods, and drinks. Allowing a pleasant sit and dine in experience. Perfect for dates, little lunches, and dinner gatherings. Also perfect spot to read and enjoy a snack.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Open throughout the week.
We're re-opening business applications as of the announcement in the Community Discord. We will be reviewing all new applications below this post on Sunday, and will disregard any previously posted applications that have not yet been accepted. Please re-post your application if you would still like to apply for a Business Region.
Owner: ChapterDeath

Employees: Saaber, Mystiluu, Faith_Bug, Siosie, _Pebs, Rowet, WingedJade, Spectriel, nearmyth, Errrra, Trepidity, Annie_Short, PantryRefugee | More to Come/Be Added (Thread will be edited here)

Desired Properties: mainstreet2

Business Thread: Suvial Food restaurant, thread WIP

Promised Open Days & Hours: Variable evening hours CST, More flexible on Weekends.
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Owner: Ilyrana
Employees: Will be looking to hire more incharacter!
Desired Properties: Almscourt1, Mainstreet6
Business Thread: Floral Delights Bakery. A nature Cottagecore themed bakery where many treats are made. From breads to cakes. Even non-baked goods, and drinks. Allowing a pleasant sit and dine in experience. Perfect for dates, little lunches, and dinner gatherings. Also perfect spot to read and enjoy a snack.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Open throughout the week.
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Owner: Siosie
Employees: MyCatBubbles, Jareth, & Jaehaerys (Recruiting more in-character!)
Desired Properties: Greenshop1
Business Thread: We're getting into the business of pawning.. an overly-filled space with weapons displayed behind the counter, jewelry sitting in glass cases, and other similar vibes. Just a fun place where anyone can come to sell, buy, or pawn items that're mundane, magical, alchemical, cheap, valuable or anything else really!
Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays!
Owner: Gwyndo

Employees: NebulousFilms, will recruit more IC

Desired Properties: mainstreet2, or similarly sized venue ideally on mainstreet

Business Concept: A luxury mini hotel / Bed and Breakfast where characters can lounge and get a room to rest. Optionally a little bath or spa area if the venue is big enough, but the focus would be on the theme of a BnB.

Promised Open Days & Hours: Variable hours GMT, at least one hour a day on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays ,
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Owner: AlphaInsomnia
Employees: alianon
Desired Properties: arenashop3, but anything along the main drag is fine. Arenashop3 is the smallest I could find, as we really don't need much more than an office.
Business Thread: Essentially a law firm, consultation on working with the state, and arbitration via contract law.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, at least an hour anywhere between 1900 and 0000 EST. Weekends are wide open.
Owner: Nebulous_Films (Old Man Arvost)

Employees: Myself and @Jouster @SilentRuination

Desired Properties: Mainstreet 6, Mainstreet 1

Business Thread: Old Man Arvost's Enchanted Emporium
A shop filled with magical nicknacks and enchanted items, as well as exorcism services and alchemy. The end all, be all, to magical shopping within crookback. The idea is to have an affordable shop for those native to the area. It also serves as a distinctly magical antique store. It is also Lathan/Lanlath themed in nature

Promised Open Days & Hours: Sun-Thurs: 6-8pm if people show, and Fri-Sat: 12pm-8pm depending on attendance of people, we will stay open longer
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Owner: HeyItzAPotato//Possato
Employees: kampferin, Faith_Bug, ellereller, PantryRefugee
Desired Properties: Preferably something on Mainstreet (Mainstreet 3). If nothing in Mainstreet is available:
Choice 1: arenawall8
Choice 2: arenawall7
Business Concept:
Bass Pro Shop meets // Name TBD
- Hunting/Fishing store that sells various equipment.
- Promotes and executes monthly (hopefully) hunting trips that are either strictly aristocracy only or open to the public.
- Also sells a small selection of baked goods/fudge/ice cream, because it's a bass pro shop.​
Promised Open Days & Hours: Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Occasionally weekends. 6pm EST and forward.
Owner: Jouster
Employees: Jouster, Doopelganger, xX_OliverOnly_Xx, CainsTedTalk
Desired Properties: arenashop1
Business Thread: Located under the streets of the arena court, The Lucky Lounge is a gambling den and lounge that appeals to any type of crowd; both nobility and shadier sorts are welcome here, so long as they have coin to spend.
Promised Open Days & Hours: Weekday evenings (EST).​
We'll be going over the applications tonight and send out responses either today or tomorrow. We'll review any more applications under this post next week!
Owner: Saaber
Employee(s): KitchenRefugee (More will be recruited IC.)
Desired Properties: MainStreet3
Business Thread: The Arcane Affinity (Thread needs an update though.)
Promised Days and Hours: Any day except Tuesdays and Thursdays past 5pm EST. Activity will be dependent on my school workload and my work schedule for the week.
Owner: Annie_Short
Employee(s): @Local_Schnom @ShipIt & @Mystiluu
Desired Properties: MainStreet8
Business Thread: Atelier Artique or Artique Atelier (Thread soon tm) but it is a studio and gallery for artists to showcase their works and host classes in their respected fields
Promised Days and Hours: Can't promise days but I plan to be open 3 days a week depending on schoolwork from around 5:30-8:30pm. Hopefully, other employees will also help and I plan to host some events here!
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