Blue Blood Noble Family House Von Moritz


unenlightened centrist
Jan 22, 2021
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House von Moritz

"A word once spoken cannot be unspoken."

House colors: Green, white and gold (Formerly light blue and dark green)
Culture: Regal
Symbolism: A Black Crow over a green field with a white border, with gold trim at its edges (Formerly a white fox over a dark green pine tree, with a light blue background)
Religion: Dogmatic Unionism
Capital: Moritzberg
Holdings: County of Moritzberg, in Opper Calem
Trade: White fox pelts, pine lumber
Family values: Zealous Imperial loyalism, zealous Unionism, Honor and chivalry
Wealth: Nobility

Family History:
House von Moritz is an Regal family up-and-coming back after two decades of decline. The family itself has Wirtem roots from Hinter Calem, and received aristocratic grace from military success in the waning days of northern conflict with the Skagger Hordes in 179 A.C., under the direction of Leopold I von Moritz, under the rule of Emperor Allemaria.

House von Moritz continued growing its wealth over the next century primarily through the sale of lumber and through military appointments, and later experienced a boom in the early 280s as the Regalian Empire dragged itself out of the Regalian Pessimism period and expanded its navy. Meanwhile, under the direction of Frederick von Moritz in the 270s, the family expanded its trade into white fox pelts.

As the years passed, fate saw the male primogeniture diminish. The former patriarch, Aldobert von Moritz, passed away of cancer without true male heirs. Internal conflict in the realm of Moritzberg resulted in most firstborn sons being sent away, including future patriarch Howland, and the aftermath of the Chrysant War rendered most of the males out of hiding dead.

In 309 AC, Aldobert von Moritz passed away, leaving his title to his firstborn son Heinrich "Howland The Black Crow," who grew up in the Viridian Order not knowing his parentage under the assumption he was a bastard.

After Aldobert passed, Heinrich began a rocky path guiding the house away from its political-right leanings and toward a centrist, Regal interpretation of the ethical theos of the Viridian Order.

House von Moritz prides itself on austerity, honor, and deference to Imperial authority and a jingoist attitude. The house believes in a highly militarized authoritarian state under an intimately involved monarch. The house holds true to more conservative social conduces in public, while allowing more relaxed, yet strict, social interactions in private. House von Moritz leans into Regal fashion and gender roles despite its Wirtem roots.

Political stances:
House von Moritz has publicly taken the following political stances:
  • House von Moritz takes the Hiltfront stance of supporting both restrictions and freedoms for those of Occult nature, so long as it comes at the caveat of service. Additionally, it takes the Preserver stance of supporting restrictions on Magic and the Occult, but are okay with them existing and thriving in society so long as they do not pose a risk, and are unheard and unseen in daily life.
  • House von Moritz adopts the Preserver stance of requiring a great deal of effort for foreigners to integrate into Regalian Society, both paying for it, and proving their loyalty through mandated military/civil service before citizenship
  • House von Moritz pledges to the Statist stance of Jingoism, the idea that foreign nations aren't real, and that only the Regalian Empire's borders count, and the rest is waiting to be pacified or conquered.
  • House von Moritz stands by the Preservers' loyalty to the Monarchy, and want to generally preserve every aspect of it, and sometimes even strengthen it to harken to nostalgic ideas of the past.
  • House von Moritz publicly stands by the Preservers in generally speaking following the laws, because it benefits them. Some are occasionally broken, if the state needs to be protected from itself. However, some would go so far as to accuse the house of adopting the Dictats' ethos of consider their own judgment the "truthful law", and as such may engage in unlawful behavior because they think their morality should be law instead. This is only applicable to respect to the state and Emperor.
Played characters:
  • Fronika von Moritz b. 265 A.C. (Reserved) The embittered dowager-duchess of Moritzberg, mother to the main line.
  • Lord-Protector Heinrich "Howland" von Moritz b. 276 A.C. (Patriarch, played by @Hemingway7) The distant but idealistic Regal Viridian Knight that believes in loyalty to the monarchy at any cost.
  • Brunhilde von Moritz b. 282 A.C. (Played by @RunicScrawl) A stoic Viridian Knight with an eye toward Purity.
  • Petra von Moritz b. 279 A.C. (Played by @Athelois) A bubbly common-born Anglian doctor married into the von Moritz family under dubiously scandalous circumstance.
  • Gabrielle von Moritz b. 287 A.C. (Played by @HeyItzAPotato) A Wirtem Griffer student adopted into the house from House von Falkenreich struggling to find her place in the aristocracy.
  • Frieda von Moritz b. 287 A.C. (Played by @Suzzie) A hardened, brutish Griffer graduate intent to not let anyone fight her own battles.
House Staff:
  • Miss Gertrude: (NOT PLAYED) A 65-year-old House von Moritz staffer who has been missing her teeth for the past fifteen years. She is well-known for preparing exquisite charcuterie boards for estate guests.
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Servant Applications:
Applications to the house staff have very loose rules. I consider servant RP a gateway to noble RP because it's a good way of learning the ropes in an environment where mistakes are often low-risk. We're looking for house guards, a steward and house servants, with and long term opportunities for house guard captains, palestry or even IC adoption. Servant applications are fully evaluated on an IC basis, and may be posted here.
  • IGN/Forums name:
  • Timezone:
  • Character application:
  • IC letter to House von Schwarzkrau petitioning for servant position.
Family Applications:
Applications to the family are considered on a case-by-case basis. I'm looking to grow the family but am hesitant to consider applicants I do not personally know OOC. Please take a look at the family tree, pick out a character and make a pitch of their concept on this thread or over Discord. Family member applications are evaluated on an OOC basis.
  • IGN/Forums name:
  • Noble/Noble-adjacent RP experience:
  • Timezone:
  • Former character applications:
  • Desired character name and playstyle: (Include age, education, personality, tone, politics and religion)
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IGN/Forums name: studentcenter
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
Character application:
IC letter to House von Schwarzkrau petitioning for servant position.

Greetings there. The name is Benjamin, I'm a man of real few words but can say that I've sworn to always serve and protect what is good, honorable, and most importantly the Empire. From my point of view, I'd reckon to say it's not a far stretch that I can pursue this cause through serving House von Schwarzkrau and also get a good sturdy pay. I would appreciate the leap of faith to be considered for a position as a house guard or a servant, fair shake either way but I'd like to pitch that I'll die standing up for the oaths I take.

May he watch over you and your kin,

Knight of the Bloodcast Order,
Ser Benjamin E. Beckett
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IGN: IceResistance
Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
Character Application:
Your Grace,

I am Thaddeus, and I desire to serve your family in a stewardship capacity. I attended the School of Statesman and have education in management. I have no prior experience working in noble servitude, but it may demonstrate that I would be loyal to you solely. I would faithfully execute the duties entrusted to me. It would be a great honor and privilege to work in the service of House von Schwarzkrau.

Thaddeus von Leitner
  • IGN/Forums name: Ampers07
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character application: Boop
  • IC letter to House von Schwarzkrau petitioning for servant position.
A letter would arrive at the Archdukes desk sealed with an orange wax lions head.

Archdude von Schwarzkrau,
After having a conversation with your uncle, Lord Leopold von Schwarzkrau in my search for more employment, I was advised to contact you for a position in your family staff. You see, I'm a medical doctor with well over 50 years of experience including during wartimes in my homeland. I practice traditional and magically oriented medicine and have access to alchemical products from my family back home. I seek a position as Chief Medical Officer within your family staff but I'd be willing to work my way to this position. I look forward to hearing from you Your Grace.

Dr. Azhar Tabib Samake

  • IGN/Forums name: Luxus07
  • Timezone: CET / Berlin time
  • Character application: Elias Breyer
Emperor's Blessing esteemed ducal household,

I would like to petition for an audience over my desire to enter service under the Schwarzkrau Banner as a soldier & house guard, where I would present capabilities, background and skills alike. As I reside in the Crown City, I am available for summons any time.

With respect & Loyalty,
Elias Mathilda Breyer von Lausitz
  • IGN/Forums name: Wolfen_
  • Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
  • Character application: shblamo
  • Grand Duke von Schwarzkrau,
Hello, I am writing in regard to the open position as a servant with hopes to lend my strengths to House von Schwarzkrau and believe my combat experience can best serve you as a House guard. I have no prior experience but am ready and able to give everything in my power to change this and can promise absolute loyalty.

-P. Valeryko
  • Family Application
    IGN/Forums name: ThePear
  • Noble/Noble-adjacent RP experience: Played a wealthy commoner family, who interacted with the nobility often (House Ombre)
  • Timezone: EST
  • Former character applications: ( ( A Work in Progress for the noble I want to play. I originally made this character app for a different house, the Van Hal's, but I was told it is better suited for a different house overall, and was recommended this one (
  • Desired character name and playstyle:
    (Charter name: Christiania Schwarzkrau -One of the Daughters of Theobold von Berger, currently generically labeled Female von Berger-)
    (General Playstyle: I want to play the character like a proud Prussian General, very Wirtem influenced, and extremely military minded, she will do her best to keep up appearances, yet she will still have a soft spot within her.)
    (Age: 27)
    (Education: Highly Educated in military matters)
    (Personality: Militaristic, proper, energetic, Prideful, very ambitious, respectful, and assertive.)
    (Tone: Formal)
    (Politics: Center, right leaning)
    (Religion: Strongly Unionist)