Tia - The Young Thief

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by ThePear, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Basic Information

    Full name: Tia Theomar
    Gender: Female
    Race: Ailor (Lineage: Olean)
    Culture: Ithanian
    Sexuality: Find out IC UwU

    Burglary Pack: 3
    Sleight of Hand Pack: 3
    Wall Climb 3: 3
    Rogue Gift 1: 3
    Dagger Combat: 5

    Theatre Art: 5
    Dancing Art(Hobby): 5

    Vocal Voice: 5
    Baking Art: 5
    Drawing Art(Hobby): 5

    18 Free Points

    Body Stats
    Physical Stat: 5
    Body Shape: Slim
    Body Fat: Below Average

    Common(Learned from Childhood)
    d'Ithanie (Taught it in the orphanage because it was her cultural background)

    Visual Information
    Eye color: Green
    Hair Color: Brown
    Hair Style: Not much attention is put on their hair.. it is normally kept somewhat short, just slightly coming over the neck.
    Skin Color: Barely Tan
    Clothing: She Wears whatever she can find, her clothing is never revealing(Normally), she overall does not put much attention in her clothing.
    Height: 5'1

    Character Alignment: Neutral Chaotic

    Personality Type: Assertive Entrepreneur (ESTP-A)

    Religion: She accepts that there is some type of greater being, but besides that, she finds it boring

    Milôt Bloodline (Active)
    Information here: https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Vampirism

    Life Story

    No one quite knows who gave birth to Tia, she was found in a basket on the streets of Regalia with a small piece of paper labeled 'Tia.' Most people passed the basket, she nearly starved to death before an orphanage worker found her. The Orphanage unable to find the original parent's last name decided to give her the first name of Tia(Due to the piece of paper) and the last name of Theomar (After the first Regalian Emperor, which the Unionist Orphanage was loosely based on.) From a young age she was seen as a rebellious child, she found the orphanages unionist teachings to be boring and Due to the Orphanage being understaffed most of the time she was left unsupervised. During these times unsupervised she would find herself being extremely boarded only being given Unionist Books to read. When unsupervised she would begin sneaking around the Orphanage, one day she was able to sneak into the kitchen at night, she was excited to see all the treats and bisects that are normally passed around for the whole orphanage all in one place, she would gobble a ton of them till she was all full after which and question would pop up in her mind 'How are these made?' She would attempt to make one, although it failed, nearly burning the kitchen down in the process, She snuck out just as the elders were running in a panic with buckets of water, lucky for her they were to focus on the fire to notice may of the bisects were gone, although after that whole incident she began commonly sneaking into the kitchen at night, this would cause a string of fire incidents at first, most of the elders were puzzled on why it kept happening, although as she got better the incidents died down. She grew a small love for cooking, but mostly baking. Sometimes the Elders would notice her trying to sneak in at night, but they would just send her back to be whenever she was caught, so slowly got better and better at sneaking into the kitchen, although one day when she snuck into the kitchen she found that the ingredients were missing. For one reason or another, they forgot to buy ingredients today. She was very upset by this.. she thought for a moment, and then thought of a genius plan, she occupationally looked out the windows of the Orphanage and she knew there was a bakery right next to the place. She even saw Unionist Staff going in and out of it, that store was where they bought all the ingredients. Therefore, what she must do is sneak into the store, steal the ingredients, this way she can spend the night baking treats for herself in the morning, all without arousing suspicion. She climbed through the window in the kitchen sneaking across the street. Going to the back of the closed Bakery, and then going through an open window, and what she found inside the bakery amazed her. A massive collection of baking goods, and cooking supplies, 10 fold that of the orphanage. She yelled out a "YES" In joy, and then the Janitor who was cleaning the bakery at night walked in. She was forced to have a long lecture about how the spirit does not want her to steal from the bakery, most of the lecture she had to pretend she was paying attention, while she was daydreaming about breaking into the bakery again the next night. When night fell again she would go to the back door again, this time seeing the window closed, although she came prepared, and a more devious orphan at the orphanage had told her how to lock pick doors the day before, and she had brought a small pin with her, after about 30 minutes of trying the door when *Click* and slowly swung open. She would tippy-toe in, looking around the place making sure there was no snitching Janitor. Once seeing the place was clear, she would quietly begin baking, she made a cake, and 6 cupcakes, before sneaking back into the orphanage and going to sleep. She would repeat the process of sneaking in and out of the bakery over and over again. The bakery would find it odd when a bunch of baked goods was just sitting in the kitchen in the morning, but they assumed it was a worker on overtime or something, plus, it only meant more to sell. While in the daylight she could not just sneak and bake, although she found a keen fascination for drawing, she would often pickpocket Pens and Pencils from staff members to spend hours on end drawing picture after picture. She would hide all her works under her bed, therefore no prying eyes might steal or damage them. During her drawing sprees, she would look at people in close detail to draw them in the future, and she would notice something, many of the staff members had diamond rings, why? She would grow a small fascination about the diamond rings that the staff had, when she asked they said it was a symbol of something called marriage, which in her eyes did not answer her question. Whatever the reason for them, she wanted to draw one, close up. So, logically, what she had to do is steal one from the headmaster of the orphanage. The headmaster had the biggest ring of them all, so if she stole it, drew it, and then returned it, she would be able to always have the pretty ring with the drawing. So, late at night, when most people were asleep, she would sneak leave her bed, sneak into the headmaster's office, use the lockpicking trick she used on the bakery a million times, and then slowly sneak in the headmaster's office, but what she found, was no diamond ring. Odd... She thought they just kept it in the office.. but, she was in the office anyway, so she might as well take something to draw. She snuck around the office, before finding an entire shelf full of papers with words on them... She shrugged and flipped through a couple of the papers, all about other orphans, before stumbling on her name in one of the papers. She picked up a basic skill to read while being forced to read unionist books, so she went on reading about her document. It would state 'Tia, was found in a basket in the middle of the streets, whoever previously raised her likely saw her as too much of a hassle to take care of, and likely did not want her, please put extra attention onto the orphan otherwise she might Chaos in this orphanage.' Tia would read the paper slowly blinking... before thinking 'Am I not wanted...' this very thought brought distress to her, she never had a parenting figure, but the orphanage said that her parents cared greatly about her, and they had just simply died, like all the other orphan's parents. But, according to this her parents are still alive, and simply did not want her.. 'It has to be my fault right...' She was traumatized by the whole document.. her sadness would quickly turn into childish anger, and the headmaster would find his entire office destroyed, with document after document ripped to shreds, and a crying Tia, in the middle of it. She was quickly kicked out of the Orphanage for being "Too much of a hassle to take care of" and at the age of 12, she was stuck on the streets, left to fend for herself. Being left with no one to feed her anymore she solved her issues just like how she got everything she needed back in the Almshouse, she pickpocketed and broke into homes occupationally. She was able to steal enough to jump from motel to motel with the little money she got from stealing. She would often steal baking supplies and drawing supplies from bakeries and art studios, although she would find herself often wandering the streets aimlessly. Although she would one day pass a small theater, she passed this place many times, although this time, she would see people in beautiful dresses, and costumes walkout. She found it all mesmerizing, whatever was going on in that theater she wanted to know, and the next day, she pickpocketed a ticket inside the theater. She enjoyed the show greatly, wanting to do the same thing as the people on stage, and her solution to this problem was sneak into to the theatre in the dark, whenever left, and proceed to act out some of the things she saw on stage. She could not fit into most of the dresses and such, but she still tried to, and she thought, perhaps if she begums a big shot actorness, then maybe her parents who left her will just happen to see her on stage, all happy and fun, and then maybe they will bring her back into their lives and take care of her. She had begun to daydream about seeing her parents again, maybe if she does something great she will be wanted again by them, and so the cycle started, stealing in the day, and sneaking in the Theatre, bakery, or just draw, at night. Maybe if she became a master baker or something, perhaps a great performer, or even a talented painter, then maybe her parents, whoever they are, will want her. Then one day, when she was 18, during one of her sessions singing to herself in an empty theatre, there was a great and sudden rumble, she was startled, running to look out the one open window in the theatre, she was horrified to see crowds of people running, from, something, she would run and hide into a closet, afraid of whatever was going on, the clicker crisis has begun, all the places she once snuck into for entertainment had closed down due to it. In just a week she felt all her dreams were crushed. She would never become something great if all the places are closed, she would never get her parents' attention.. she would never be wanted... She would begin feeling more and more depressed.. she would once again wander the now destroyed streets of Regalia.. till one day she found a small kitty alone on the streets. She slowly approached it, and it hissed at her, before bitting her right on the arm, although.. she did not scream in pain and run away, she would persist. Before-after an couple of minutes she was able to tame the stray cat, stroking its back. She would feel happy.. after spending an lot of time with the cat, she would feel loved by it, and she would love the cat. Brought out of her depressive state from the cat. During her times stealing to survive in the tattered and destroyed Regalia she had begun seeing stealing as not something that she had to do, but something that was fun, she would find great pleasure when she stole something from someone, and even greater when guards started actively chasing her, but she still got away, her cat often distracted her victims allowing her to take what was in their pocket, although she begun to spend much of her time being an dirty thief, she still loved to paint, bake, and act, spending her free time doing so. She would be very happy now, plus, her 19th birthday had just come up, 19 is a fun number!, Anything can happen to her this year, and she is excited to see what it holds!
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    #1 ThePear, Feb 15, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2022
  2. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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    Hello! I'll be taking this application for review, expect a response shortly. @ThePear
  3. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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    Here's my review! @ThePear

    Basic Information

    Please note Ailor culture in your racial information.
    Skill Information
    You've currently only spent 15 of your available 24 proficiency points, please note the remaining nine as unused, or invest them.
    Please note what Point pools your investments in Burglary and Theatre Arts come from.
    This statline seems far too lopsided, and doesn't lend itself to providing much of a character to roleplay with beyond stealing from others. I would recommend lowering some of these investments and putting them into other skills such as hobbies or other skills.
    Special Traits
    Visual Information
    Everything looks good here.
    Everything looks good here.
    Life Story
    Tia seems far too skilled in Burgling and rogue-like activities for a self-taught child with little more of an education beyond what a little Unionist almshouse could provide her with, there is little more to this character other than stealing. Please elaborate on some hobbies or other occupations the character has entertained themselves with, this seems very flat as-is.

    Once you make the requested edits I'll be glad to mark you as approved!
  4. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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  5. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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    To receive the Racial Boost in proficiency, a minimum of 5 Points is required to be invested. Besides that, lovely edits, I'll approve this once this last change is made! @ThePear
  6. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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  7. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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    All good. Approved.
  8. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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  9. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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  10. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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  11. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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  12. ThePear

    ThePear Pear

    Mar 3, 2020
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  13. Antimreoir

    Antimreoir Refugee

    Jun 26, 2018
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