House Ravenstad

Hello @Ivygreenstem, and thank you for applying to House Ravenstad! While you have an amazingly positive OOC attitude, I'm afraid I don't feel too comfortable with admitting someone who would be very new to nobility. Especially into a High Noble family. However, I'd be willing to offer you a staff position for an Ailor, Ch'ien-Ji, Nelfin, or half-breed of the formers, character, of your choosing. Message me on the forums privately if you'd like to discuss that. If not, I recommend applying for one of the low noble families, and interacting with the Ravenstads, so I may observe your progress over time.

Your Status: Rejected, offered staff position, re applicable for family slot in a month's time.

Hello @Jacobcraft04. I cannot tell if this is a troll post, or serious. Either way, I shouldn't have to say why this is rejected.

Your Status: Rejected
OOC Info
@BillyWantHam @Shuikenai
Roleplay Character Applications: None around anymore.
Nobility Experience?: I was very briefely the Patriarch of the VanSherburne family
Activity?: Since a little bit before the first Regalia came about so something like three years? I'm rather active and have gotten on everyday for the past two months almost.
Roleplay strength?: I believe I am rather good at approaching others in roleplay
Roleplay weakness?: my inability to get documents through, procrastination. As well as I have a hard time shifting focus between many players in large groups
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: All but temp-ban. Mute for starting what is love in general chat. Jail for "Jail party"
Reason for applying? I'm personally interested in getting into the noble scene and I noticed that House Ravenstad was lacking in members. Therefore I figured I'd try applying and if accepted bolster the members of the family.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Nope I'm actually banned from the internet and cannot access teamspeak skype or google.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: I've been recently studying it fairly extensively and plan to brush myself up on it further.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: Banana zucchini avocado
IC Info
*Notice! I will accept a character that is custom made and not currently on the family tree, IF it is exceptional and fits near perfectly into the lore!
Character Name:
Louis Jacques Ravenstad
Character Age: 21
Physical Description: His face is square yet soft . Trapezium body type, Mesomorph. Louis is healthy, being fit though not overly muscular. (Will build off when I finish writing the app)
Personality: (What are they like? Bullet point list of 6 traits is the minimum requirement.)
calculating- As a tactician Louis is most always calculating the outcomes of different situations. Thinking only of the benefit to his own family and not of the direct effects to bystanders.
Ambitious- Louis has always strives to do great in everything he does. As a student studying war and tactics he always did his best to excel in both his studies and his training.
Gallant- Louis is a man of both definitions of this word. He feels the need to live up to the status of his family name doing his best to act brave in the face of danger.
respectful of women- Louis is also rather polite towards women. Growing up as the youngest child Louis developed a stronger bond with his mother as much of her attention shifted to him. This has given Louis a certain respect for women. (However this sin't to say he believes in equal rights between men and women)
Messy- Many aspects of Louis' life could be seen as messy. While he himself is rather clean his room and his work space are quite opposite as are, at times, his mannerisms.
Fun Loving- His messy lifestyle corresponds much to his cheery outlook on life. He often finds comfort at parties big and small.
Zany- Acts rather strange at times. Having strange tendencies and mannerisms.

Biography: (Short or long snippet of their life up to this point. Can be a link to a google doc, or just written here.)
On a cold crisp night in the year 283 Louis Ravenstad was born to Alexander and Constance Ravenstad. After being born Constance shifted much of her attention to him instead of his two brothers. They developed more of a bond than the other two brothers developed. At age five Louis began being tutored for the military being versed in literacy, geography, and a few of the more well known sciences as well as learning of the glory of the Military as well as the fundamentals of Unionism. At the Age of 15 he began his Higher education. Louis was sent out to some strategos school (Deciding between L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur, and Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie, depending on what fits better). This took anywhere from 5-6 years. After he graduated he quickly went home before sending a letter to his cousin Percy in Regalia requesting board and assistance within the city. (This will be greatly expanded on once I get around to making the character application should I be accepted).
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Heya @Jadex224! Let's look into things.

Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?)
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?)
You seemed to have forgotten these two points. Please add those in for me.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Nope I'm actually banned from the internet and cannot access teamspeak skype or google.
I understand you access Mithril TS through a potato and a limited edition Pikachu GameBoy Advance. No worries.
Gallant- Louis is a man of both definitions of this word. He feels the need to live up to the status of his family name doing his best to act brave in the face of danger.
Gallant- Louis is also rather polite towards women. Growing up as the youngest child Louis developed a stronger bond with his mother as much of her attention shifted to him. This has given Louis a certain respect for women. (However this sin't to say he believes in equal rights between men and women)
You what? I assume the second Gallant is Polite or something?
Deciding between L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur, and Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie, depending on what fits better
Considering the first option is an all-girls' university, I'd assume Lutherstadt makes the most sense. Just understand the latter creates less talented tacticians who make up for it in physical prowess.

Brush up on what I request here, then pop a message back in here saying you handled it. For now...

Your Status: Under Review!
Heya @Jadex224! Let's look into things.

You seemed to have forgotten these two points. Please add those in for me.

I understand you access Mithril TS through a potato and a limited edition Pikachu GameBoy Advance. No worries.

You what? I assume the second Gallant is Polite or something?

Considering the first option is an all-girls' university, I'd assume Lutherstadt makes the most sense. Just understand the latter creates less talented tacticians who make up for it in physical prowess.

Brush up on what I request here, then pop a message back in here saying you handled it. For now...

Your Status: Under Review!
I fixed the two points, my bad forgot to add them.

Yes I have hot wired a limited edition gameboy to a potato with science.

gal·lant- brave; heroic
gal·lant- giving special attention and respect to women; chivalrous.

Though for understanding sake I'll change its name.
  • L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur: Positioned in the heart of the Loiree lands in Vixhall, is technically a mixed gender school though practically no boys go to it. The school is known to be incredibly misandrist, though is also known to feature practically one of the best venues for tactical and strategical education. The full course lasts for five years and allows one to become an extremely skilled tactician. Unfortunately, women are banned from the army due to a recent law, requiring the women who finish this education to use a male shadow tactician in battle. This academy teaches particularly high-end, state of the art military tactics, formations, and battle strategies.

    I am however looking through the different choices for the character ot see which best suits him. I have not decided yet
Righteo. Went over it, plus we spoke OOC, and with a bit of work and help from good ol' Mithril Clique, we'll make you less of a heretic Old Gods worshipper.

Your Status: Approved; Don't fail me boy.


@TotallyNotRose, @Soopermanatee, @JoyShake, @SimplyRice, @_ladybird_

Roleplay Character Applications: I got two of these! One approved and the app that still needs to be approved

Nobility Experience?: I worked as a bodyguard for the Tzavaras a while back and more recently as the Steward and Herald of the Heinrich family.

Activity?: I have been playing massive for 3 years as of these last few days and roleplaying for at least a full 2 years of that. I run on Australian Eastern Standard Time or UTC+10. Generally, I'm available from (awfully wacky sleep schedule yes) around 4am or possibly much earlier if I wake up earlier to 7:30am in the mornings. And I'm generally on around 3:30 to whenever the hell i decide to go to sleep in the afternoon. Weekends, I'm generally on all day unless I have something planned for me, aka my forced social life. Might be worth it to point out that my Saturday's are the usual friday in most countries ;).

Roleplay strength?: I am rather good at capturing and maintaining the personality of my characters regardless of the situation. I am good at painting a colourful and mostly detailed picture when it comes to my character's actions in emotes. I like to think I can write sort of ok.

Roleplay weakness?: Sometimes, I tend to get a little over the top with how much detail I put into my actions. And occasionally I am dragged away from the computer without warning so I can be prone to disappearing from activity during a rp occasionally. Ah, the pains of timezones. I tend to be a bit of a grammar and spelling nazi, but I am not sure whether that would be a strength or a weakness so I'll place it in here anyways.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: None whatsoever!

Reason for applying?: I tend to struggle with finding roleplay and forcing myself out there with new people. I want to get out there a little more with roleplay, possibly befriend some new peeps and y'know, generally just not have my character be homeless and jobless. Gotta climb the social ladder somehow, hehe.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I have both Skype and Teamspeak, though I am not always available to talk in Skype calls or Teamspeak. Texting is usually almost a certainty for me to reply to.

Position you're applying for: Strategist/Tactician. Or perhaps a scribe. Whatever is more in need. Tactician as a job would be preferred though as it is my character's main talent.​
Heya @ContestedSnow! I'd prefer to roleplay with your character before hiring him as a tactician, and that sort of job would scare be used regardless. I can however offer you something such as a scribe, steward, etc. that can advise Percy on things. Shoot me a PM with what you want to do.

Your Status: Accepted!
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Taking you in on a 1-2 week trial period. You will be added to the skype chat we never use for communication purposes, and we will further discuss the character soon.

Your Status: Accepted for Trial
I've reviewed you over the course of the week, and then some. There are a few outstanding problems, which I can explain to you in private as I won't really place them on a public thread. In summary, I just don't feel you're quite ready for High Nobility. Skill is all there, but just maybe experiment more with playing noble chars in maybe a low noble family first, get to know the system more before placing yourself in a high-tier family. After you think you've improved enough, try reapplying. We'll keep that custom character on the backburner for you if we end up bringing you back in.

Your Status: Failed Trial; applicable for reapply in a month's time.
I always think his middle name is cashmere and I laugh bc clothes makers
First off, tagging @MonMarty @babayonce @Whoever can fix this. I need the High Noble tag added back to the Family Thread. Did my edits, and it took it away like usual. Please and thank you.
  • @Pebbles__ has been added to the family, as Leonard Ravenstad.
  • I've added some cool pictures and extra lore to the family page. Plus the family theme, being The Raven's Call by @Missmaggy2u.
  • Other random touch ups.
Staff Application

References: @Amb @HobblingHobbit @Kihle @VanCeryneia

Roleplay Character Applications:
- Rei Kanter
- Maciel Castanara
- Dahae Faerveren
- Kalei
- Reinhold Schlieffen
- Adalbrecht Lichter
- Carter Kilmer

Nobility Experience?: Yes, I worked with the Coen's before as liebegarde to William Coen. A few years ago, I played as a VanSherburn of a noble family.

Activity?: 3 years. I can be online for at least 5 hours a day. If you request for more activity, it can be done!

Roleplay strength?: I'm best at wiggling myself into role-play and being the life of it, talking and starting conversations. I am fluent with my grammar and spelling, along with being an extremely fast typer. It's hard for me to be offended now, compared to how I was a year or two ago. OOC, I'm trying my best to put on a friendly face for everyone.

Roleplay weakness?: Impatience and unable to keep up with a flood of conversations. My eyes easily confuse letters and text, sometimes my fingers type faster than my brain.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Misusing help chat. This mute was from 2 years ago.

Reason for applying?: I want to further immerse myself into role-play and dive straight into the heart of noble role-play. Ravenstads look like a good house that I can serve IC. I'm extremely into guard role-play and guarding people, a hobby that started when I was 11 to 12. Fenic needs a job badly and is capable of being a guard, well-experienced with battles and defending.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes.

Position you're applying for: House guard, possibly a liebegarde.
I see no issues with this. We still need to put together a Guard Skin, nevertheless, this is all good. We'll hold on the Liebegarde for now, as I'd rather that be a thing be brought up IC after some time working as a guard and getting better acquainted with the Fam.

Your Status: Approved for Guard!

References: @SofiaZombie @Coolkillerbob22 @IriCrescent @supahcute
Roleplay Character Applications: Most of my house applications were rejected or there trials canceled because they don't love me. But i was accepted into the Heinrich house.
Nobility Experience?: I have experience in the House Heinrich and in two lower noble houses. I have been rping nobles for a good three months. But i could really use more experience.
Activity?: I have played since late October of 2015. In the past i haven't had much time due to sports but for a good four and a half months i have been playing every day on the dot, especially more recently. I currently spend 6-7 days on massivecraft full time and that wont change for a long time.
Roleplay strength?: My strength is the heart and soul i put into the charcters i play. When i play them all my emotions are real and i use it to my advantage to make others feel the same.
Roleplay weakness?: With my strength i have the issue of getting a bit to powerful in my roleplay. Though i have gotten increasingly better at containing the power and being a real human BEAN.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Ban for ERP. My reason is that back then i was a bit to air headed and crazy. So i broke the rules like a fool. I suffered my consequence but Massivecraft is my life and since the encounter i have taken therapy and i have medications to make sure i don't do such awful things again. Though some people see that it is funny to spread rumors about me, i can assure you that my days of being an edgy rule breaker are over.
Reason for applying?: I have been interesting in the Ravenstad Family far before i was even a noble. Though at first i was very spiteful to the house over a course of a few months i have thought it over and seen the light to the true beauty of the Ravenstad family. They are a very strong and extravagant family and they remind me much of my own family roots.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Both. I don't know if i need to tell them here or now.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: Very firm grasp.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: Zinfandel Grapes, Zuccini, at the scale of 6.
IC Info

This young woman will be an Original charcter, not a pre-made one. She will be heavily into all things military and fashion. Fighting in poofy dresses.~
Character Name: Montserrat Ravenstad
Character Age: 15
Physical Description: Like most of the women of her family she has long and rather beautiful orange curls. Her body has a slimmed down pear shape with a slightly strong form, though her jawline is sleek. Her eyes are a bright sea-foam green with long , darker eyelashes. She has a small scar over her left temple that has no extremeness to it, as well as a larger scar on the pit of her elbow from Ulysse (Percy's puppu) from play fighting.
Personality: HAPPY: She is a very happy young woman who often seeks out to make others happy as well. Her wide smile and open arms welcome most others but she can be very weary of strangers. Her happiness stems from her mother.
STUBBORN: To some she could remind them Merida (chick from brave) as she can be a very stubborn woman to her friends and siblings. Often her mind cannot be changed if she is set on a goal. Though she does often respect her elders and and she does not turn her family into bears like Merida.
STRONG: She takes it upon herself to keep her head held high in every situation, no matter what the issue or threat.
CALM: Though her happiness is her strongest personality she can be very calm, though very easily excited. She can remain in a very peaceful state in certain situations.
GREGARIOUS: She often indulges in the company of her friends and spends her time in Regalian hot spots. As she does not favor being alone.
DILIGENT: She does not take her work lightly. If she is given a worthy task she will not sleep until said task is finished and perfected to the core.
ACTIVE: She enjoys keeping her body in peak condition for any threats that might occur against her. She particularly enjoys arm wrestling. Not as sport but as a test of strength against her fellow man.
Biography: This is rather short to some people but here.
Montserrat was born in Machellon into the Ravenstad House. Through most of her younger years in the Vieux-Provence she was kept inside, as her mother taught her of the fashion industry and which silks imported silks look best with gold lace. As her father often spoiled her with treats and taught her how to hold a sword. At the age of ten she first entered the outside world and often went on walks with her mother to go feed ducks at the park, one of her favorite memories. By the time she reached fourteen she knew every import route around the world of Aloria, as well as how to shoot a bow without hitting her father. By this time her parents began to teach her the darker ways of the world. War, poverty, crime, all the fixings. They began to ready her for her new life in the Grand, Holy city of Regalia.. Thoroughly teaching her how to defend herself, as she had already been taught all the mannerisms of a young Noble woman. When it was time to leave her mother gave her a necklace that she will refuse to this day to ever take off. On the boat ride she immediately got home sick but she stayed strong, and when she arrived she held her head high. Now taking it upon herself to design dresses and create make-up products for the women of regalia, and wearing them for herself.. As a sort of evolution in the Regalian Fashion Industry.

I do hope that this gets a response soon because no matter the verdict it is still very exciting to see myself in such a rich-in-lore and different family.

(P.S. The picture i have sent is reference for what she will look like. Not an exact replica however, as her eyes are not brown. This is a more cartoonish version of Alexandra, Princess of Wales. As this woman is what seems like a close representation of Montserrat, figure wise.)


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Hello @VanCeryneia, and thank you for applying to House Ravenstad! I've reviewed your application, and spoken to some reliable sources, and have concluded that we are not ready to accept you. I would enjoy to see you work more in the noble system, as you said you are a Heinrich, and practice how it all works. After a month's time, if you feel you are capable, you are welcome to reapply, and we will revisit!

Your Status: Rejected; Applicable for reapply in a month's time.


OOC Info

References: @PonyoWantHam @VanCeryneia @Samfari @_Vegemite @HobblingHobbit @Amb
Roleplay Character Applications:
- Approved Sheet Reinhold Schlieffen
- Approved Sheet Fenic Salcedo
- Approved Sheet Rei Kanter
- Approved Sheet Adalbrecht Lichter
- Approved Sheet Carter Kilmer
- Approved Sheet Kalei
- Approved Sheet Dahae Faerveren

Nobility Experience?: Yes, I've played a noble character once.
Activity?: I get on at least everyday, more than several hours.
Roleplay strength?: Grammar, ability to engage into role-play in any situation, not being an awkward anti-social wallflower. Good spelling.
Roleplay weakness?: Unable to keep up with fast-paced chats, impatience.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Muted once for misusing help chat.
Reason for applying?: I believe I can contribute further to the family and help Ponyo become Queen B, or Queen Zed.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: Yes.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: On the scale of carrots and cucumbers, I would be a 7. My favorite letter is B, because Queen B. :^)

IC Info

Character Name: Juliet Ravenstad.
Character Age: 22.
Physical Description: Juliet has a lithe, thin body build. She doesn't bother with any athletic activities and spends most of her time indoors or just going on a lovely walk through festivals. Her jawline is sleek and overall she powders her face slightly to make herself look more aesthetic. Her clothing often changes since she is a avid fashionista, always following along with the noble trends in clothing. Her hair is a mixture of ginger and red, her hair is luscious and flows down her back slightly.
- Snobby.
- Spoiled.
- Educated.
- Impatient.
- Egotistical.
- Racist.
- Feminine.
Biography: Juliet is the first daughter of Clement and Violette. From a young age, she was spoiled with the luxuries of being a Ravenstad, often being able to wear fancy dresses made from silk. She grew up to be extremely spoiled and snobby with a lack of manners towards commoners, though she was taught to have certain etiquettes. Now in Regalia, Juliet wishes to explore more in fashion and clothing, along with a chance of hoping to earn more money and possibly to further the bloodline.
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OOC Info

References: @PonyoWantHam @VanCeryneia @Samfari @_Vegemite @HobblingHobbit @Amb
Roleplay Character Applications:
- Approved Sheet Reinhold Schlieffen
- Approved Sheet Fenic Salcedo
- Approved Sheet Rei Kanter
- Approved Sheet Adalbrecht Lichter
- Approved Sheet Carter Kilmer
- Approved Sheet Kalei
- Approved Sheet Dahae Faerveren

Nobility Experience?: Yes, I've played a noble character once.
Activity?: I get on at least everyday, more than several hours.
Roleplay strength?: Grammar, ability to engage into role-play in any situation, not being an awkward anti-social wallflower. Good spelling.
Roleplay weakness?: Unable to keep up with fast-paced chats, impatience.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Muted once for misusing help chat.
Reason for applying?: I believe I can contribute further to the family and help Ponyo become Queen B, or Queen Zed.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: (Self explanatory)
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: On the scale of carrots and cucumbers, I would be a 7. My favorite letter is B, because Queen B. :^)

IC Info

Character Name: Juliet Ravenstad.
Character Age: 22.
Physical Description: Juliet has a lithe, thin body build. She doesn't bother with any athletic activities and spends most of her time indoors or just going on a lovely walk through festivals. Her jawline is sleek and overall she powders her face slightly to make herself look more aesthetic. Her clothing often changes since she is a avid fashionista, always following along with the noble trends in clothing. Her hair is a mixture of ginger and red, her hair is luscious and flows down her back slightly.
- Snobby.
- Spoiled.
- Educated.
- Impatient.
- Egotistical.
- Racist.
- Feminine.
Biography: Juliet is the first daughter of Clement and Violette. From a young age, she was spoiled with the luxuries of being a Ravenstad, often being able to wear fancy dresses made from silk. She grew up to be extremely spoiled and snobby with a lack of manners towards commoners, though she was taught to have certain etiquettes. Now in Regalia, Juliet wishes to explore more in fashion and clothing, along with a chance of hoping to earn more money and possibly to further the bloodline.
Hey there @unhappylobster! Thank you for applying for a family slot in House Ravenstad. First I want to commend you on the neatness and presentation of your application, as you made it incredibly easy to read and judge. You seem qualified for the position, and from speaking to you OOC I know you have the right sort of attitude to fit in with us. While I don't personally condone Ponyo's ascention to anything besides being my tumor (bless), I suppose we all need goals. Consider yourself accepted, but do understand this is a very important character you chose, and I'll be observing your progress closely.

Your Status: Approved!

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~-~ After some thought, I have come to the conclusion to close family recruitment publically. We've had a large influx of applicants and new members, and taking on new Ravenstads is going to be put on hold, at least here. I'll still perhaps add a person or two, but it will be personal invitations from myself until further notice. Thank you for the interest in the family, and if you're still vying for a spot here, keep your head up. You may still apply to the thread, but I will not be reviewing the apps until the family slots are reopened. As of now, staff positons are still readily open. Feel free to approach Percy IC or me OOC, or just apply on here, if you are still interested in a job in the House. ~-~


~-~ Some new things for people to know, let's get into it kids! ~-~
  • Anton Ravenstad has been awaded the County of Ettrenach for his service the family previously. @AntonVoron
  • Henri Ravenstad has been awarded the County of Clairvauss for him to garner political experience. @Melol
  • Cecile Ravenstad has been effectively disowned for IC reasons. R.I.P @PonyoWantHam, she's been amazing, and we wish her the best for her future endevours!
  • I am reopening recruitment for up to THREE FEMALE members of the house.
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OOC Info
References: @
Lord_Immortal, @Kihle, @Amb,
Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience?: Basil Tzavaras, Colette de Blouscheur
Activity?: About 3 years or so? (On an alternate account @Tbug) and I'm on about everyday for at least an hour or more.
Roleplay strength?: My best strength is probably my realism in roleplay. I tend to try and think as the character as much as possible and do more for ic gain than ooc gain.
Roleplay weakness?: My attention span (Which was already spoken about in pm) along with my hesitant roleplay. I do tend to sway away from some of the higher-ups in roleplay due to a bit of anxiety on an ooc level. (This is being improved on, though. Trying to gain some confidence.)
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: Muted for using a hashtag in global chat.
Reason for applying?: I feel the family isn't as obvious as it should be. I feel it needs a sort of a wider spectrum of family members. Also, I would like to take a step forwards in my own roleplay and get into more serious rp.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes and yes!
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: Not at the moment, but If approved I would definately read it a few times over.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: Vanilla-Sasquatch. Shoe.

IC Info
Character Name:
Morgan Vivienne Ravenstad
Character Age: 17
Physical Description:
Morgan is a thinner girl standing at 5'6-7" and weighing around 135lbs. She has a doll-ish frame free of any definitive curves due to her young age, though she is generally sleek she does in fact have a small amount of muscle on her from various physical activities. Her hair is straight and cropped above her shoulders with side-parted bangs hanging over her right brow, it also has a reddish-blonde hue. Her hair is usually tucked behind her ears, and it isn't uncommon to find a bow either on the side or back of her hair.
Morgans face is also quite circular, though also has a pointed chin and jaw, accompanied by a small mouth with plumped lips. She has a small nose, which is upturned and defined. Her eyes are large and blue, and at times have a small amount of purple below them. Her face is usually free from any blemishes and scarring, save for a small amount of freckles on her cheekbones.
Morgan is always up and about, usually finding no time to sit down or rest. She enjoys many activities involving the outdoors, and loves to play games.
Fashionista- Even though she does spend most of her time outside, Morgan does find the time to observe the dress of the other women and even design a few things of her own. Her outfits tend to be unique, and usually of her own making.
Clingy- Once she likes someone. She always will. It's hard to get her to leave someone she enjoys alone, and she tends to hover a bit too much, especially when unneeded.
Social- A bit of a butterfly in the sense, she tends to congregate around large numbers of people and she loves to have many friends. Morgan is also quite the talker, and enjoys to have conversations with even random people.
Vain/Opinionated- Morgan tends to think higher of herself than others. Even if it's ever so slightly, she thinks her opinion is better than others, and will try to sway others to think the same.
Strong Willed- Like many other Ravenstads, Morgan is very ambitious and headstrong. Once her mind is set to a goal she aims to complete it to the very peak of her ability.


Within an estate on the Hinterlands soil, a child was born to Clément and Violette Ravenstad in the year 287 AC, a blue-eyed reddish blonde haired girl whom was then named Morgan Vivienne Ravenstad. Morgan was the youngest of four children; and of three sisters. Growing up, she was close with her siblings, despite the age gaps, and looked up to them as role-models. Her younger years consisted of her childish creativity going wild, designing clothing for not only herself and others, but her dolls. Even from a young age, she knew fashion would be her future career.
As she reached her late childhood, Morgan was brought into classes to aid in her love of design, as well as typical Dame school. Her love for the art of fashion only grew, and she began making her own dresses and the like (Albeit they weren't high-quality thanks to her still very young mind). Her personality became more daring and outgoing as she shamelessly modeled her own clothing lines about her casual everyday life, and even to important events.
As her teenage years rolled on, her confidence only grew. She began going to more friendly events, mainly aimed towards youth, and forwarding herself on a social-scale. She tried to distance herself from the typical Ravenstad bruttishness and became a bit of a social butterfly, not minding a conversation with anyone; though, it wasn't an uncommon sight to see her being scolded for giving her own two-cents to someone she shouldn't have.
During the summer of her seventeenth year, Morgan was relocated to the Regalian Archipelago to follow her sister. Mainly due to a raise in nobility, and the chance to find a suitor relative to her age, she was sent off to help further her own family. And thus, currently lives in Regalia.
Hey @Rochelle_, and thank you for applying for a family slot in House Ravenstad! I've looken over your app, and I only have a few small problems. One is that I hate the name Morgan, and I'd like you pick something more on the French side of names. Another is that you've chosen a member of the Ithanian Cousin Line, which implies that they're based in Ithania. You only need to understand she would have been born in Corvus Hall, which is spoken about in the "Assets" section of the family page. Other than that, the app works. I have a few misconceptions regarding some of your traits out of character, though we'll see how you do.

Your Status: Approved for 2 Week Trial!


This page will require a huge update due to alterations in the system the nobles run by. Anyone looking to apply please hold until further notice, and current members standby for my updates. I'll be sure to have them done when I have all my information in a timely and organized manner. Thank you for the patience.
I'm returning with Percy to roleplay, however, the House Ravenstad's current list of players will be removed. I am not considering adding anyone to the family, if I ever decide to, I will approach you. I'll consider staff, but my need of them is quite minimal so therefore do not expect much to do if accepted for such. This thread will continue to exist for questions, updates, staff applications, and anything else I deem necessary. Thank you for the compliance.

  • Family Applications are closed.
  • Staff Applications remain open yet limited.
I think I can safely say now everything is in order. The entire page has been updated, revamped, etc. Things will continue to update as needed, but as it stands now all is perfect. You can check the "Announcements" section on the first page, the post under the main one, for the specific changes. There has been no change in family recruitment, though with the creation of our Country Estate, a staff member or two will be looked into perhaps.

I've decided to open up the applications after some thinking. I'm interested to see what people come up with, though notice I will be extremely harsh and strict with this. Do not apply unless you really think you have what it takes to be an interesting, captivating, and independent noble character to help drive the noble scene. Good luck boys.
Updated as of 11/21/2016

Page has been updated to current lore that the Ravenstads have always held the Lordship of the Hinterlands, rather than the Duchy, due to the OOC title upgrades. This will most likely continue for each upgrade should it be rewarded.

I've decided to open up the applications after some thinking. I'm interested to see what people come up with, though notice I will be extremely harsh and strict with this. Do not apply unless you really think you have what it takes to be an interesting, captivating, and independent noble character to help drive the noble scene. Good luck boys.
Not to add to the spam, Wicked excited to see new Ravenstad players!
OOC Info
@puglsy10 @Biggums9001 @Martyr_321 @Eyrok
Roleplay Character Applications: Shelved: Elethia Makari, Clover Ca'pree, Sujimari Okaui. Not too sure if he's shelved: Nikolaus Artiemus.
Nobility Experience?: Yes, I have played Peter Beaumont, Nikolaus Artiemus, and currently I am playing EllaRose D'Nath.
Activity?: I've been playing on Massivecraft for about a year and a half, I tend to be fairly active.
Roleplay strength?: In my opinion I feel that I really can develop a character's personality very well the more that I play as them. An aspect of my personality is somewhat contributed into my characters. This is not a lie, sometimes I do things that my character would not do that I would do. However I have been trying to not do this, since it wouldn't be something they would do.
Roleplay weakness?: If I am being attacked by many people at the same time it can be hard for me to keep up with what is happening. I may lose track of what is going on or accidentally skip over something that was typed. However I have gotten better over the past couple months with keeping track of what is going on during combat roleplay.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: No.
Reason for applying?: I've been playing a lot of 'minor noble characters' or nobles that aren't really 'out there' in the noble scene. And frankly I'd like to get myself out there in the world of roleplay. As of late I've just been playing nobles who aren't fairly known and don't have much of a reputation to support them. Joining House Ravenstad would be a lot of fun and I know it would give me the opportunity to become known not just in the Regalian noble scene but throughout Regalian roleplay in general.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I have skype.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: I believe so, yes.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favorite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: 5, Watermelon! Pickle potato green beans. (Like duh...)

IC Info
Character Name:
Juliet Ravenstad
Character Age: May I change her age to 25?
Physical Description: Juliet has fairly high cheekbones and well defined eyebrows that give her a very mature and slight elvish look. Her hair is a nice ginger color while her eyes shimmer a vibrant hazel. Her body has a few curves here and there, and her legs are fairly skinny.
Girly: Juliet would never wear pants, it's just who she is. She enjoys wearing dresses and heels and other things of that sort. She also doesn't really like mud and such, however dirt is a different story. She loves rolling through fields and meadows. Juliet also really hates violence, she enjoys things to be peaceful.

Gossipy: Juliet loves to gossip, it's just another sort of 'girly' trait she has. She often gossips with other noblewoman. Sometimes she'll head to the tavern and talk to the bartenders and ask them for any gossip they might have heard. All in all she's addicted to it. However she doesn't really like gossip about her family.

Calm: Juliet is a very calm and 'down to aloria' person. She tends to not get ahead of herself and stay calm in troublesome situations. When she was little she used to panic about every last thing, though as she got older she lost those traits. Juliet ended up maturing into a relatively calm woman.

Colorful: Juliet is just bustling with unique characteristics. She seems to be a little bit of everything, she also tries to do a little bit of everything. Juliet enjoys the things that make people unique.

Forgiving: Juilet tends to forgive very easily. She isn't one to hold a grudge and she won't judge people based off of one mistake. Though this can vary depending on the deed the person had done.

Cowardly: Juliet isn't one who enjoys violence. She tends to stay away from dangerous situations and cower when she ends up being involved in one. Juliet also isn't the strongest, and she's a bit self conscious about this. That is another reason why she tends to cower in some situations.

Note: I tried to add in her personality traits to the story, so tell me if you would like to me to remove some parts/change them.

A breeze blew past Corvus Hall on the 15th of April, 277 A.C. as Violette Ravenstad gave birth to a small, ginger-haired girl later named Juliet Chantal Ravenstad. Juliet as a child was shy, and timid, staying to herself most of the time. As she got older Juliet took an interest in things like chess, reading, and learning about her family's silk trade business. She seemed to want to do a bit of everything. As an adolescent she started to open up a lot more and become a bit more social. Around this time she started to gossip with her friends, she became a lot more girly and open around this time as well. Growing up she learned how to use a sword and bow, even though she loathes violence and is a somewhat a cowardly person.
When Juliet was around the age of twenty she was in a very big argument with a friend of hers. Juliet was trying to be calm about the whole ordeal, though her friend was not. However in the end they both ended up forgiving each other and they still see each other to this day. In recent years she's been living in Regalia, sort of staying in the shadow of her family's noble responsibilities and duties. However she wants to become more connected to her family, so she has decided to step up and help her family with their noble duties and such.
Hello @Chaenath_! Thank you for your application. After reading it through a few times, and observing the examples of characters you provided, I've come to the conclusion I will be rejecting this application. I'm not a fan of the concept, as well as I do not think you're quite ready for the caliber House Ravenstad is requiring at the moment. You're welcome to reapply in a month's time, if you feel you've improved enough to do so.