OOC Info
References: @BillyWantHam @Shuikenai
Roleplay Character Applications: None around anymore.
Nobility Experience?: I was very briefely the Patriarch of the VanSherburne family
Activity?: Since a little bit before the first Regalia came about so something like three years? I'm rather active and have gotten on everyday for the past two months almost.
Roleplay strength?: I believe I am rather good at approaching others in roleplay
Roleplay weakness?: my inability to get documents through, procrastination. As well as I have a hard time shifting focus between many players in large groups
Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: All but temp-ban. Mute for starting what is love in general chat. Jail for "Jail party"
Reason for applying? I'm personally interested in getting into the noble scene and I noticed that House Ravenstad was lacking in members. Therefore I figured I'd try applying and if accepted bolster the members of the family.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Nope I'm actually banned from the internet and cannot access teamspeak skype or google.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military lore?: I've been recently studying it fairly extensively and plan to brush myself up on it further.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favourite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: Banana zucchini avocado
IC Info
*Notice! I will accept a character that is custom made and not currently on the family tree, IF it is exceptional and fits near perfectly into the lore!
Character Name: Louis Jacques Ravenstad
Character Age: 21
Physical Description: His face is square yet soft . Trapezium body type, Mesomorph. Louis is healthy, being fit though not overly muscular. (Will build off when I finish writing the app)
Personality: (What are they like? Bullet point list of 6 traits is the minimum requirement.)
calculating- As a tactician Louis is most always calculating the outcomes of different situations. Thinking only of the benefit to his own family and not of the direct effects to bystanders.
Ambitious- Louis has always strives to do great in everything he does. As a student studying war and tactics he always did his best to excel in both his studies and his training.
Gallant- Louis is a man of both definitions of this word. He feels the need to live up to the status of his family name doing his best to act brave in the face of danger.
respectful of women- Louis is also rather polite towards women. Growing up as the youngest child Louis developed a stronger bond with his mother as much of her attention shifted to him. This has given Louis a certain respect for women. (However this sin't to say he believes in equal rights between men and women)
Messy- Many aspects of Louis' life could be seen as messy. While he himself is rather clean his room and his work space are quite opposite as are, at times, his mannerisms.
Fun Loving- His messy lifestyle corresponds much to his cheery outlook on life. He often finds comfort at parties big and small.
Zany- Acts rather strange at times. Having strange tendencies and mannerisms.
Biography: (Short or long snippet of their life up to this point. Can be a link to a google doc, or just written here.)
On a cold crisp night in the year 283 Louis Ravenstad was born to Alexander and Constance Ravenstad. After being born Constance shifted much of her attention to him instead of his two brothers. They developed more of a bond than the other two brothers developed. At age five Louis began being tutored for the military being versed in literacy, geography, and a few of the more well known sciences as well as learning of the glory of the Military as well as the fundamentals of Unionism. At the Age of 15 he began his Higher education. Louis was sent out to
some strategos school (Deciding between L'école de l'esprit féminin Supérieur, and Lutherstadt Kriegsakademie, depending on what fits better). This took anywhere from 5-6 years. After he graduated he quickly went home before sending a letter to his cousin Percy in Regalia requesting board and assistance within the city. (This will be greatly expanded on once I get around to making the character application should I be accepted).