House Ravenstad

OOC Info
References: @Markisbeest @Icaruscien
Roleplay Character Applications: Too many. All approved, of course (unless I had them rejected myself).
Nobility Experience?: Tons.
Activity?: I've played for over a year now. I'm on at least everyday, unless I have other activities.
Roleplay strength?: I'm good at various things in roleplay. I can type fast and well, and am decent with combat RP.
Roleplay weakness?: I find it hard to differentiate my character's feelings with my own. I get caught up in it. I also can get distracted, or take a bit of time to think of a response.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None.
Reason for applying?: I'm hoping to find a noble I like to play.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes and yes.
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: Yes.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favorite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: 69 A's out of 420 Tomatoes.

IC Info
Character Name: Adelis d'Virionna.
Character Age: 20-30 range. Able to change.
Physical Description: Adelis is fair skinned, short, and has endless frizzy curls of carrot-top to match her bubbly personality. She sports an Average-Toned body build. Her face is lean and muscular.
Personality: (Subject to change if it's too much)
  • Sweet. (+) Adelis is very nice- Don't let the rest of her personality fool you. While outspoken and unafraid, she's not against helping those in need or even those who have crossed her previously. She believes that people can change with time.
  • Gluttonous. (-) Adelis likes to eat when she can. Beggars can't be choosy!
  • Fierce. (+) Never afraid to speak her mind, Adelis can never be quieted. She believes what she believes, and will most definitely tell other people that. Stranger or not, Adelis sure will leave an impression.
  • Sarcastic. (-) Adelis has a sort of dry humor that only a poor whelp can have. She has an oddly cynical lense she views the world from. Far from raised with riches, and with too many responsibilities on her shoulders growing up, they could pardon a few ill-placed jokes, right? Adelis is not rebellious, though.
  • Religious. (+/-) Adelis is an avid acolyte of Unionism.
  • Unplanned. (+/-) Adelis prefers a more sporatic way to life, rather than everything being arranged. Sometimes, though, she will relax and go with the flow of whatever has been planned for her.
  • Born from the local dock's corner worker, Adelis was thrust into a family of complete bastards from various sailors. Her older siblings didn't seem to care about the state of the younger ones once they were older, nor did their mother care either. Adelis, at the age of eight, took care of several half-siblings at a time.
  • Upon her sixteenth birthday, Adelis' MIA mother recalled the graphic story of Adelis' father, a 'Master of Ships' for the navy. A few days later, her mother died to unknown causes.
  • Adelis, still caring for the poor unfortunate children, began a new plan of attack for life. She began to settle the younger kids with orphanages and find the older ones jobs. Adelis herself became a working woman, the stout woman offering to lift crates and such onboard ships. Of course, Adelis wasn't very strong and suffered from malnutrition. Instead, she found work more fit for a woman of her shape as a clothes worker. She was a fine tailor, and kept with the skill until the present.
  • A drunken sailor who worked underneath Rolf Dalfin Ravenstad spotted Adelis, and began to regale her with how she looked a lot like her mother who got a tad too close to his man. Upon learning the last name of her father, Adelis had an epiphany. Should she track this man down? Could he be alive? He has a lot to answer to.

Hello, @Goldifish! Thank you for your interest into House Ravenstad.

Overall, I like the application and the backstory is very creative and explores a very unseen niche within the family. Of course due to the character you are demanding the requirements are significantly lower however I will analyse this like any other application for consistency.

  • On the physical description, I'd say Ravenstads tend to be taller.
  • Personality wise, I enjoy the traits you have thus far. Devout and Unplanned seem very realistic. I would say Sweet is an odd one especially aligned with Fierce and Sarcastic, considering changing it to something specific such as "A soft spot for children." A hark to her work caring for younger siblings.
  • Backstory wise, the story is unique and definitely brings more light to an underplayed aspect of House Ravenstad. As for career-wise would it be better if you focused on one thing, tailoring or lifting crates?
  • Due to the unusual character scenario and backstory, this isn't a bog-standard Ravenstad or even a Noble so I'd like if we spend a moment or two discussing your character options in Discord whenever suits you. Just spend a quick message and we'll chat.
I will be placing you on a month trial starting after our discussion is complete and will review this on the 10th of March.

Your Status; Accepted for a Month Trial!
February Update (Ongoing)

Massive age-up implemented into the house for a number of reasons.

  • Various problems in consistency were pointed out and are now solved.
  • Other age ups caused others needing to follow suit so 40 year old women aren't giving birth.
  • Age gaps shortened.
Some small issues fixed.

More updates to be made this month, but the age up was important enough to make a relevant announcement about.

OOC Info
References: Plenty of people can vouch I'm sure. No one around to ask at the time of posting however.
Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience?: Ran house Amaya, briefly ran house Desidario, played Gregor Typhonus
Activity?: 4. My ability to be on MassiveCraft depends on if I am working or if my attention needy SO wants me off the computer.
Roleplay strength?: Possibly my ability to instigate fun mini roleplay instances and events which provide for those involved. I like to allow development with a character, which is something I strive for.
Roleplay weakness?: Activity and motivation. I have a full time job outside of MassiveCraft as well as build projects inside, so roleplay is something I do maybe a few times a week or less.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: No
Reason for applying?: I want to join the Ravenstads because I have friends in the family I would like to roleplay with more often. I also want to be a supporting role in a great house.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes but pretty sure you mean discord these days
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favorite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: boi

IC Info
Character Name: Vincent Ravenstad-Krier
Character Age: 53
Physical Description: Older features, graying ginger hair, wears military garbs with Ravenstad colours.

Vincent is an older man, perceived as bitter and irritable. He has been known to be indifferent and brash with those around him. He believes himself to be a family man, doing nothing without consideration on how it will affect his liege lords, who he shows utmost loyalty to. His confidences are mostly in naval matters and his rule of the Ravenstad-Kriers. He tends to steer away from the courts, keeping his interests out of the affairs of the Ravenstads. And though he serves others he is cynical, tending to focus on the betterment of himself. He believes himself a natural born leader, and when given a seat of command can get things done and pridefully lead the way.

  • Born to Martin and Priscilla Krier in 253AC
  • At age 12 he is placed in a naval academy to begin study admiralty.
  • Studies until 282AC where House Krier was absorbed into the House Ravenstad. He takes on the name Ravenstad-Krier as his brother does. He almost immediately returned to study, all while becoming more suited to his Ravenstad ties.
  • Participates in the Chrysant War
  • Gets his third admiralty commission at age 50.
  • He mourns the loss of his brother Rolf, who is killed in a skirmish with Varran pirates. He inherits the title of Master of Ships and becomes the head of Ravenstad-Krier. He commands Ravenstad ships in a number of battles in the years to come and begins focusing on his own cadet house.
  • He is summoned to Regalia in 306AC to help with the war effort.
hittin you up with a staff app!

References: @MadamAries @brooketheloser @DockedRelic
Roleplay Character Applications: Eldewis Heilen ; Lea Aalders ; Riressil Delosseth ; Juliette Ta'ren ; Isabella Godfrey
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?) Yes, I do! My characters Juliette Ta'ren and Lea Aalders are both (coincidentally) bastard nobles. I don't know why, either. But, Lea is a guard for the Heinrichs, and so I do have experience in guarding nobles and being one.
Activity?: Well, in four-ish months, I will have been on Massivecraft for three years! man im unhealthy
Roleplay strength?: I think that I'm pretty good at portraying emotion into my characters, or my fighting emotes. im a fighty bugger
Roleplay weakness?: Pretty sure that my biggest roleplay weakness is going AFK for long periods of time and forgetting to tell people.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Zip
Reason for applying?: My character Eldewis was personally referred to the family by her brother, so that she could work closer to her family.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I have both Skype and Teamspeak! And, I have Discord if it's needed.
Position you're applying for: Footman

Hello, @Greenie! Thank you for your interest in House Ravenstad.

Vincent is one of those characters within the family that has a very unique and experienced flavour to him and I believe you can fulfil that role due to your experience within the Noble System. We have expressed some points that you tend to get easily bored and drop characters and as for that, we would have to warrant a discussion on Discord on what to do to make Vincent as enjoyable, for both you and the family, as much as possible. Anyway, HMU.

Your Status; Accepted for a Month Trial!

Hello, @katieisNOTdecent! Thank you for your interest in House Ravenstad's staff.

After our brief conversation it was clear that your intention was to join the Crows Guard and that I accept. Add Tibertastic#3845 on Discord so that you may be added to relevant chats.

Your Status; Accepted!
Hello, @Goldifish.

After a brief conversation towards the latter end of your trial and an agreement, it's been clear that your trial hasn't been successful due to inactivity and a lack of character motivation. Best of luck everywhere and elsewhere!

Your Status; Trial failed.
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References: @Vivamente @Nudibronch @AntiquePicker
Roleplay Character Applications: I don't have any because I wasn't active on the forums as much until now.
Nobility Experience?: None but I'd really love to RP as a member of the Ravenstad Family. I'm really excited to start and roleplay as a noble character, I think it would be a ton of fun!
Activity?: I've played MassiveCraft for 3 years now, and each day I love it even more! Im online a lot during the entire week. (I LOVE to RP!)
Roleplay strength?: My roleplay strength is that I have a wide variety of vocabulary so I can say things in a nobler way and that would help me RP as a noble character. Another strength is that I am a really good typer so I can say and do a lot like a real person but in a game.
Roleplay weakness?: My roleplay weakness would be that I have a busy week schedule so I may miss a couple days of the week but not too many. I try to get on as much as possible.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Yes I have had penalties in the game and I'm not ashamed to say it, I was really immature when I first started roleplaying but I think that over time I have begun to mature and change my attitude in the game.
Reason for applying?: I really want to have a noble character and I think with the Ravenstad Family I can have the best experience roleplaying!
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favorite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: A is for Apples! :) (lol, no idea)

Character Information
Character Name: Aurora Ravenstad
Character Age: 23
Physical Description: Aurora is a very pretty young woman, she has light orangish curly hair with a braid down the center and she always has a flower lying on her ear. She has blue eyes and a warming smile with dimples. She is fairly skinny and is around 5'7, she stands tall and keeps her hands held together sometimes in front and sometimes behind her. Her face is very pretty and her hair is always pushed to her back.
Personality: Aurora has many traits, but it all depends on her mood at the time or what type of discussion she is engaged in. (If one of her traits needs to be changed, I don't mind at all)
Kind Hearted/Shy- Depending on the conversation, Aurora can be very nice and kind to others trying to make them more happy. Though she often keeps her opinion to herself as to not embarrass her. She is very kind and gentle toward her family and her closest friends. Though she is shy, she is not afraid to help a stranger in need, she will always keep trying to help others.
Intelligent- Many nights, Aurora will try and better improve her knowledge about the world around her, she is very meticulous and she must know the facts before engaging herself in any conversation about something she doesn't know. Due to her intellegence, Aurora finds herself studying many different subjects, one of her strongest being mathematics. This complex skill she has mastered she finds herself engaging about the financial situation in the family, trying to help the family when they are in need of assistance.
Humorous- (depends on the situation) Aurora will often try and make funny remarks to try and make others laugh and feel happy. She sometimes will laugh at herself for making a mistake or doing something amusing to herself. Though she tries to make funny comments some of them are not funny at all and she gets very shy afterwards. She tends to be very sarcastic around her closest friends and family but when meeting a new person she will always be respectful.
Respectful- Aurora is very respectful to someone she just met, she always will show her utmost respect and she will have proper etiquette and manners. She even does so around her family when she is trying to be nice and a big trait of hers is that she is always trying to impress others and improve herself.
Empathetic- Aurora, although sometimes humorous, will never try and be funy around someone who is sad. She will always try and comfort those who are not in the best mood. She will even tend to walk up to a complete stranger and make sure they are okay.
Artistic- Aurora loves to draw and paint, she oftend finds small times throughout the day to draw flowers, birds and anything apart of nature. She loves to learn and express her feeling while holding a pencil or paintbrush in her hand.

Aurora, when she was younger was had very enthusiastic and boisterous personality. She grew up though with a strict family so she always had to better improve herself and still tries to at her current age. When facing adversity, Aurora will always hold a small pendant her father gave her in her hand. She grew up with siblings who loved her and were by her side. Aurora did not have a rough childhood at all. Though her parents were strict, they still showed love towards Aurora. Aurora had to be set under a very advanced teaching program because her parents wanted her to be smart and to be a woman with stature. She has a very wide vocabulary and is able to explain things to others with exacting detail. She grew up with many lessons provided by her parents to better improve her knowledge about the world around her. Thus, why Aurora must know every detail of an event before talking about it to others. Now, after a strict yet easy childhood, Aurora loves to spend time with her family and her friends. Aurora lately has lost sight of her childhood and she is trying to find out what she wants to do in life. She enjoys thinking of her future, though its a distraction to her. In the end, Aurora will always remain like her childhood self, though she may have thought her parents were strict, she knows they would want the best for her so she decides to defer to their judgement instead of her own.​
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Hello, @Fqteless! Thank you for showing an interest in House Ravenstad.

While I appreciate the uplifting and attitude and your character design seems interesting, House Ravenstad usually recruits candidates with experience within the Noble Scene and an understanding of the Family Lore. I do not think you are quite ready and experienced within the system to play a character in this family, I would challenge you to take a role within our staff in order to prove me wrong. This would provide an insight into the noble scene and also more interaction with us, and that definitely improves your chances when applying next!

The Crows.

Your Status; Rejected, directed to the staff corps.
Application for staff position: @Tiber_

References: @MomAries @DockedRelic @Dardy @ElderShrub @KingBrooke @HeyoBiggums
Roleplay Character Applications: Nevarth J. Heilen
Nobility Experience?: I have played a servant for a noble house before, but never a noble myself. Never really played an Ailor before even.
Activity?: I've played on Massive for a bit over two years now. I am not online every single day, but most days out of the week.
Roleplay strength?: I'd say I'm pretty good at speech roleplay and can carry roleplay conversation for a long time. I think through a lot of what I want my character to say and add in that flavor of character personality and archetype into nearly everything that comes from their mouths. I am proficient at showcasing state of mind of my characters.
Roleplay weakness?: Because I put a lot of thought into what my characters say, sometimes it takes a while for me to respond. If something is happening really fast, I may drop all of that previously mentioned flavor just so I can keep up.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: Never
Reason for applying?: Figured since the nobility of House Ravenstad are very active and make use of their staff plenty, I should hop in! My character also has a family member working for the Ravenstads as a Crow. At least he's got a foot in the door. @KingBrooke
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I have a Skype and can message it to you. I'm far more comfortable on Discord, but can make the exception.
Position you're applying for: Butler/Servant with proficiency enough to work as a scribe.
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~Staff Application @Tiber_ ~

~Those of Referential Assistance~

@PuffyPigeon @KingBrooke @MomAries

~Applicant's Application~
Ven Heilen is an oof

~Nobility Knowledge~
Fairly little, I've affiliated with the noble scene very little, but feel I've done well in times I have done so.

On for about most of the week. In some weeks I am on for most of the in said week days.

~Rolplay Strengths~
I find myself rather strong in the more casual roleplay scenes I suppose? I find myself rather proficient in making rather well-constructed text, doing especially well in a pinch. I am as well rather versed in the lore (mostly in things such as void/exist, races, alchemy, but not so much historical events). I would imagine I am strong at other things, but I am more self-aware of weaknesses.

~Where I falter~
My Roleplay weaknesses are mostly CRP related. Meanwhile I am not the worst in the world, but I have difficulty in strategizing my character's attack, and I can't really keep up the CRP for long, before long my mind will just bog out and eventually lose the CRP due to lack of good attack emotes. Something short-lived I could do with average proficiency. My second weakness is really just the deterioration of roleplay quality as the time gets later in the hours.

~Punishments via /seen~
The slate I bear is clean.

~Reason of Application~
Ravenstads have been a personal favorite of mine when it comes to nobility, to me they pose to me as being iconic and really entertaining to Roleplay with. I haven't roleplayed with a Ravenstad and not walk away pleased with the experience I have had during. I feel getting involved would help me improve my Roleplay substantially with such a well-versed cast of family members... Also litterally the entire Heilen family is in here so HEILEN DOMINATION UNDERWAY!

~Bearing Skype/Teamspeak?~
I have both. Meanwhile I prefer using skype over teamspeak, I favor Discord vastly more due to the ease of use. Though, I shall blow the dust off of Skype.exe if needed.

~Category of Labor~
Venkalth excels in the making of weapons/armors and clothing. So a Blacksmith position would suffice, however, if Tailors are needed he may fulfill that position.
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House Ravenstad has been approved to fully participate again in the nobility. The family remains under the control of Percival Ravenstad at this time. Some new members are joining the ranks, and some old ones are reprising past roles.

Returning Players

@WaterDruppel [Valerie Ravenstad]
@Battlebrawn [Erwald Ravenstad]
@Greenie [Unnamed Ravenstad]
New Faces
@TyrolleanEagle [Frederick Ravenstad]
@FireFan96 [Auguste Ravenstad]

This also means all recruitment has been opened up again. We are not currently looking for anyone in particular, but people are welcome to apply regardless.
OOC Info
References: @Battlebrawn , @Katiesc , @WaterDruppel
Roleplay Character Applications: click and click and click
Nobility Experience?: I've familiarized myself with the noble scene as a member of House Howlester before.
Activity?: Activity during weekdays can be limited depending on how occupied I am that week, though weekends should mostly be free with enough time for roleplay.
Roleplay strength?: I'm mature, can play a wide range of characters and am very descriptive in my emotes. Not only do I want to enjoy roleplay myself, but I often go out of my way to ensure that everyone involved is having an enjoyable time as well.
Roleplay weakness?: Roleplaying in larger groups than four proves difficult for me. It usually results with me going silent throughout the entire conversation.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & reason?: None!
Reason for applying?: I've been wanting to join the noble scene again and get engaged with another side of the community. The Ravenstad niche fitted the character's personality I had in mind perfectly and I've always enjoyed my interactions with its members.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I mean, I'm much more on Discord like everybody else I assume.
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: Certainly.
On a scale of 1-10, 7 being the best, what is your favorite letter of the alphabet, using fruits and veggies to explain your answer?: Ranked at an apparent 5.5, the letter S is my favorite just because I really enjoy the savory taste of strawberries.

IC Info

Character Name: Hanae Hiltrude Ravenstad
Character Age: Twenty.
Physical Description: As the result of a vain personality and endless staring at her own reflection in the mirror, Hanae's appearance is cautiously looked after and continuously polished to achieve the desired image she has engraved in her mind - Something that she can frustrate herself on to a great extent. The young Ravenstad's avid admiration for cosmetics and high couture shapes her to a nearly perfect image to the expectations of a respected aristocrat, dressing herself with profligate garments that hug and compliment her 5'8" ft. tall silhouette. Locks of light ginger hair are ensured to be pinned up and out of her face, avoiding the horrendous image she might put out to the public with unkempt hair.
Personality and biography:
  • Self-centered: Born in the lap of luxury and utterly spoiled with Regalia's most finest commodities, Hanae portrays the worrying traits of an overindulged woman who expects the entire world to adhere her wishes. Although knowledgeable of courtly etiquette and couth mannerisms for the public eye, her annoyingly egocentric behavior typically beams prominent amongst kin and friends.
  • Stoic: Having it rigorously beaten into her system from a feeble age, Hanae favors to harbor a countenance of sheer apathy on her face amongst strangers and the proletariat to circumvent unfavorable impressions and opinions from them.
  • Meticulous: In fear of jeopardizing her own success, Hanae is cautious in her approach and favors to think twice rather than to act from impulse - Which commonly makes her overthink a majority of things that ultimately causes another burden.
  • Gauche: The isolation she grew up in for nearly her entire life estranged Hanae from socially acceptable behavior, which results in a typically awkward encounter if she notices a hint of disapproval from others in their conversation.
  • Vindictive: Everyone who decides to take a blow on her self-image are met with grating hostility and retaliation. It's a self-defense mechanism that unfortunately grew into a habit for Hanae.
  • Blunt: A trait that's more prominent amongst her family members, Hanae can unapologetically share her opinion with an occasionally audacious tone in her speech - Even to her kin and favored companions.
  • Ambitious: Hanae's driven to achieve sometimes unfeasible goals to outdo herself, but chiefly her family. Success of other Ravenstads is often received with bitter jealousy that encourages the young woman to outperform her kin.
  • Sophisticated: Cultivated and taught courtly etiquette from the stewards back in Brissiaud, Hanae knows how to properly behave the part befit to a noblewoman of her stance.
  • Witty: Hanae can occasionally uncover somewhat more of a humerous personality around family and friends with quick verbal humour merely to entertain those around her, a trait that occasionally goes brilliantly hand in hand with her blunt personality.
  • Ebullient: Beneath the face of sheer stoicism that she displays in public unveils a boisterous young girl in private who still craves for the thrill of life in the most smallest things she finds.
Hanae's upbringing was substantially spent in isolation and estranged from the majority of other Ravenstads due to the reclusive nature of the girl's demure personality, spending more time on her own fascinating over other things than the more militaristic or diplomatic goals of her cousins. Indoctrinated with the steadfast beliefs of the pragmatic Leutz culture and the Ravenstad values, Hanae's desire to forge a life of her own outside of the Ravenstad keep in Brissiaud diminished by the day. She was taught and educated by stewards who cultivated her with couth mannerisms and formal etiquette, forging her to a paragon of the court - Even if little of her time was spent in it anyway. Her education weaved a keen intrigue for the literary arts, becoming an enthusiast for poetry and melodramatic stage play performances that the young girl was eager to attend every time along with her parents. Life looked good for the young Hanae and she seemingly had nothing short, being showered with commodities that kept her satisfied until she desired for something else.

The tragedic incident in Ithania of the Bone Horror invasion that costed the life of her father and aunt took its toll on the girl's mind, leaving behind a scar that remained eternally prevalent in Hanae's life. She isolated herself further in the deepest nooks of the Ravenstad keep and secluded herself from social interaction, coping with the loss of her father in solitude. Hanae sought comfort in her mother and grandparents, who each influenced the feeble Ravenstad in a different way with their knowledge and advice.

Nearing adulthood, Hanae harbored regret for spending a majority of her lifetime in the confinements of the Ravenstad keep - It felt like an entire waste of her adolescence. After the convincement of her grandfather Albaer, Hanae was set for the Crown City to indulge in its rich environment and staple a name of prominence to her person.
Hanae Hiltrude Ravenstad
Accepted. @Halsi

I'm not going to put you on a trial. However, you have become slightly infamous for picking up characters simply to become inactive on them later. I do not think a trial would inspire you to be active, but I will be very forward with you about that I expect you to drop the character, and hope you work to reverse my expectations. Your application also reminded me how outdated our app template was, so I've fixed that.
References: @BeashSlap @Battlebrawn @HydraLana @prem_ (Belgrade) @Anarchizm
Roleplay Character Applications: Konrad, Hansen Viduggla/Peirgarten, Nace of Kinverla (more if needed).
Nobility Experience?: I started out within the Regalian nobility when I began to play Massivecraft about five or so years ago, and since I've always had at least one noble or politically-active character.
Activity?: Around five years I've been wasting my time on this server, and I'm usually on anywhere from 5-9 PM EST, later on weekends. Also, I participate in some sports within my high school which takes up some of my time.
Roleplay strength?: I'd say I can be a dynamic part of a conversation within any roleplay, actively trying to influence excitement through descriptive chatlines and emotes which usually boosts morale from a rather stale conversation to something rather interesting.
Roleplay weakness?: AFK'ing, and time management. I do understand a lot of commitment comes with joining a noble house, but I also have responsibilities outside of Massivecraft that do come before anything Minecraft related.
Mutes, Jails, Bans, & Reason?: I'm clean.
Reason for Applying?: I had a good character idea, I thought why not?
Able to use Discord?: You've got it.
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: I do, I keep up to date with anything and everything lore related.

IC Info

Character Name: Joseph Benedikt Ravenstad.
Nicknames: Joey, Joe.
Character Age: Forty-two. (Request an age down to about thirty-six.)
Physical Description: The Ravenstad's features are very gritty, obviously untamed in comparison to his relatives. His head sports short strawberry-ginger hair adorned with light blue eyes which contrast to his rather tan skin tone given his countless hours in the open sun. His facial structure is very rigid and statue-like, meaning he has very symmetrical facial features which is rather apparent after all the weathered cuts and bruises have healed from his ventures outdoors. Though in comparison to the Ravenstad's body, Joseph's arms and legs have been vigorously sculpted through his years as a sailor and spear-fisherman, and well his torso isn't out of shape by any means he is noticeably sleeker by design and has truly built up the perfect body for being on the water.

Proficiency Points:
Total Proficiency: 36.

  • +15 Pole Combat Skill
  • +10 Sailing Knowledge
  • +8 Unarmed Fighting
  • +3 Athletic Training
Personality: Joseph started out as a studious person, seeking knowledge within the political aspects of his family instead of taking up a sword and training to fight alongside his peers. He was a quiet young man who kept to himself, training himself truly portray the image of a noble in hopes to be sent to Regalia with his nephews to help on advisory terms. Though Joseph grew and his aspirations for joining his cousins in Regalia swiftly capsized within his teenage years. Instead of the young introvert, the Ravenstad made himself to be, Joseph grew into a more outgoing character with a calm, modest demeanor that utterly befuddled the rest of the family. Still today, after all these years Joseph has held onto his larger than life attitude.
Biography: Joseph Benedikt Ravenstad was born unexpectantly within Castle Machellon on the Leutz-Brissauid holiday of Croissenpâtidag, July 21, 270 A.C which would be a story carried on by many of house Ravenstad. Joseph was a quiet boy unlike some of his brothers the young man found his joy in fantasy novels and detailed epics from foreign lands. Soon this fascination rolled into more historical texts, wars and political struggles jotted down in the forms of books, the same fascination would be illustrated in many young scholars or young political advisors. But, as Joseph grew into his teenage years the idea of serving his family in any matter diminished. In Joseph's late teens he began cutting through waves on handmade sailboats, teaching himself how to dive and fish underwater, training himself not only to earn his place on the ocean- but also earning him a place as an outcast of sorts within the house. Once he reached a mature enough age Joseph was lent a small number of funds to go buy land within Daendroque, his parents and siblings practically begging for him to get as far away as possible. And it wasn't before long did the Ravenstad secure himself suitable enough housing within the coast of Daendroque. Only has Joseph ever returned on occasion for family emergencies or required attendance events. Now, the young man wishes to travel to Regalia to visit his nephews and nieces, but more so out of the child within him that yearns for knowledge and the older man that resides within Joseph who doesn't tame his curiosity.

(I'd like to go more in-depth, but I kept it contained for an application, so there is just some highlights in there.)
Joseph Benedikt Ravenstad
Your position as Hansen Peirgarten (Or Viduggla, I'm not certain.) complicates issues. Typically, we don't allow people to join who are currently active in another noble family. Do you still play as Hansen, or have intentions to continue with Houses Peirgarten and/or Viduggla?
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Your position as Hansen Peirgarten (Or Viduggla, I'm not certain.) complicates issues. Typically, we do allow people to join who are currently active in another noble family. Do you still play as Hansen, or have intentions to continue with Houses Peirgarten and/or Viduggla?
There is going to be a break with Hansen, I'm looking for something different, which I have explained to seoulmate, I wont be getting rid of Hansen, but I won't be politically active as him any longer. He's going to be a side character for important family events and when I'm bored, other that.. I'd be playing someone else.
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Apologies. I had meant "don't allow". Edited it above. - I'll need to go over some things. It'd be abnormal for us to allow someone who has another noble character into the family, as it's directly against the rules. Nevertheless, I'm going to look into some things and get back to this. @WrongChat
Joseph Benedikt Ravenstad
Final Review.

After hearing from you, I've decided it'd be pointless to reject you on a technicality. As long as Hansen would not take precedence over a Ravenstad, there wouldn't be a problem. Considering your near inactivity with him, I doubt this would grow into an issue. Moving on, though:

In the past, you've been a bit flimsy with new characters. I've experienced this when you played Johann Wulf, as well as other characters I personally roleplayed with. This has also been something told to me of you, so obviously it has some meat to it. On the other hand, I've seen the opposite with you severe dedication to up-keeping Nace and Hansen respectively. I believe you have the capacity to be very active and eager to be involved with the family, but I worry about you in the long run.

I've decided to provisionally accept this application. In knowing what expectations you are up against, I hope it ends with you not slowing down and quitting after your initial burst of interest inevitably fades. If you can prove my and others' expectations wrong, then I think you might have a very longstanding place in House Ravenstad.

I'm playing a character outside of House Ravenstad, a white collar criminal for hire, whom is versed in Espionage and Forgery amongst other skills and having a large number of criminal contacts throughout Regalia. ( Would any living and active members of this house possibly endorse and maintain connections with a trained and organized criminal?
Important Update:

The title of patriarch for House Ravenstad has been passed onto Erwald Ravenstad (myself), following Percival's departure for Brissaud. The family still remains active and plans to be very involved in upcoming court politics and event activities.

With that, we are currently recruiting for new members of House Ravenstad.

However, I would ask that one of your references be from an existing player in the family that can vouch for you or that you have had roleplay experience with myself so I know what to expect from you.
OOC Info

References: (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first. These are not required, but heavily recommended. A good recommendation could make or break your chances!) @Lumi @Emkaloua@Antartican

Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.) I did have a application for "Amelie Drache" but after retiring from my position, that application was portrayed as rejected.

Nobility Experience?: (Ever played a noble character? Any experiences with the nobility?) I have been in House Drache and more in the past, but I forgot the names due to time. (Please PM me if you need more information on these nobility house and I will gladly try and find more information.)

Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) I have been roleplaying on massive for about 4 years. My weekly activity is 1-4 hours per day, but sometimes I am not online due to personal reasons. I would be a very active Ravenstad because I have a lot of free-time.

Roleplay Description: (Describe how you approach roleplay. Give me a summary of what to expect from you, the good and bad, when you roleplay a character.) I usually play young characters so I could develop their life and their personality. I am willing to play older, more developed characters though. Usually, my characters are somewhat rude to really kind to others. Social characters are my go to for a better roleplaying experience. In roleplay, I like to play noble characters due to the interesting lifestyle they have. The bad thing about when I roleplay is that I sometimes turn a character flawless and I'm working on moving away from that.

Any Punishments/Infractions: (Mutes, Jails, Bans, etc. Explain them if so, either privately to me or here.) Nope.

Reason for Applying?: (Why do you want to be a part of House Ravenstad? Be honest, even if selfish.) I'd like to apply to House Ravenstad mainly because of the political roleplay. In the past I have not experience turn political roleplay and I think it would be enjoyable to experience that since Ravenstad is built on politics and military. I'd really enjoy the experience even if it meant moving out of my comfort zone just for the role. I really want to learn a lot from Ravenstad about politics and the military since it seems just so interesting.

Able to use Discord?: (We heavily recommend Discord usage.) Yep. I'll send my discord if I get accepted and/or if you would like to privately speak to me about my application.

Are you Community Active?: (Do you talk to people OOC, hang around on discords, forums, etc.? Or just roleplay mostly?) I do. I have a faction where I made very good friends who I am close to IG an I frequently talk to them over discord.

Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: (Self explanatory) Yep and I am willing to learn anything that I missed out on.

IC Info

*Notice! I will accept a character that is custom made and not currently on the family tree, IF it is exceptional and fits in perfectly into the lore!

Character Name: (Name of the Character you have chosen to play, or a custom name.) Priscella Augusta Ravenstad née Vaardenwood (Unless you think that another character will suit my roleplay style more.)

Character Age: (How old is this character?) Forty-Four

Physical Description: (Facial structure, body build, et cetera.) For Priscella facial structure, she had a basic diamond face shape. Her skin tone fairly tan, but moving towards fair with a few wrinkles in the forehead and the cheeks. Moving down, he ginger-orange hair is usually in a tight, elegant bun that usually has a strand of curled hair hanging over her forehead and eye. Priscella have creases on her forehead from raising her eyebrows. Her eyebrows are fairly thick and slightly hairy that sit a little higher than usual. Her eyes are an ocean blue. Her nose is very slim with some freckles place on top. Her lips are fairly slim with a red tint from lip stains that she enjoys wearing. Her chin is wider than the usual heart faced woman. Her body structure is an apple shape with broad shoulders and a thin waist. With exceptional muscle, she has a lot of experience in Unarmed Combat and some experience in Hunting.

Proficiency Points: (Follow the current Proficiency Outlines.)

+10 Threads Knowledge

+ 4 Body Care Training

+6 Unarmed Combat Skill

+3 Hunting Knowledge

+2 Historical Knowledge

+4 Religious Knowledge

Total Points: 29

(Tell me if I need to change anything :D)

Personality: (What are they like?)

(+) Strict: Priscella is very strict to the younger generation and gets angry when they do something dumb. Especially with her family, she is extra strict. She is not afraid to stand up to someone who is doing something stupid.

(+) Social: Since Priscella lives a more feminine life than the other women in her family, she is very social. She wants to maintain her reputation as a Ravenstand and personally.

(-/+) Honest: Aside from being strict, Priscella is also very honest which makes her a good role-model to the younger generation. This is also good for people who want her opinion or for people who NEED her opinion. This is somewhat bad because sometimes she could give her opinion when it is not needed. This could offend some.

(-) Judgmental- Priscella is very judgmental towards others. You would rarely find her pleased by something you do or wear. Usually, she would whisper to her friend or family member nearby about someone in the room or someone who just left the room. This is a problem because sometimes she will say it to their face if it wasn't so fatal.

(-) Inpatient- Priscella is beyond inpatient. When she asks for something, she wants it at that second. This could be a problem because if she is waiting for a reply from an official, she may constantly as about the situation. This character trait mainly comes from her year of having quick servants in her household, so she always expects things at that second.

(+)Elegant- Priscella is very elegant when it comes to formal events and any events really. She can always be seen by anyone, but by her close friends she can be a little comfortable. She knows when and when not to be formal. Priscella can also dance.. decently. She tries to stay away from the dance floor, but when she is asked, she has to accept.

(+/-) Curious- Priscella has always been so curious, even for her age. She wants to know everything that everyone is talking about. This is good because it can lead her to good situation and always learning more and more. This can be bad if she is too noisy on a conversation or an event she wasn't invited to.

Biography: (Short or long snippet of their life up to this point. Can be a link to a google doc, or just written here.) From child to adult, Priscella has always been taught to be the perfect woman, but she didn't want to be. Her mother always tried to teach her new things and Priscella usually enjoyed these activities such as sewing, drawing, and sometimes dance. Priscella wasn't all interested in what her mom wanted to teacher her, she was more curious about what her father and male cousins were doing with politics and the military. As she grew older, she became more wiser as she still followed her parents' many rules and orders to become the woman she is today.

Sorry about the Biography I was really tired.
OOC Info

References: (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first. These are not required, but heavily recommended. A good recommendation could make or break your chances!) @Lumi @Emkaloua@Antartican

Thank you for showing interest, although I did request that one of the references be from somebody already in the family. I have decided to deny you based on our lack of experience with you but suggest that you look to some other houses to gain some experience with the new system. Sorry for the delay in replying.
OOC Info

References: @Battlebrawn @WaterDruppel

Roleplay Character Applications: [x]

Nobility Experience?: The first and practically only noble I've played was a Baron Wodenstaff as my second character on Massive, so I'm not experienced in a recent sense.
Activity?: I've played on Massive for 3 years as of 2019. I try to log on daily for a fair amount of time, usually between 5-10 EST, longer on Fridays and Saturdays.
Roleplay Description: I find it easy to get involved and dedicate myself to a character and participate OOCLY and ICLY to create roleplay for others. I can get discouraged over roleplay if I'm dealing with something that I've convinced myself is "out of my league," but that's changed as of late.

Any Punishments/Infractions: N/A.

Reason for Applying?: Noble RP is a side of Massive that I don't think I've delved into strong enough, and this is a way for me to branch out in a new way, especially when the Noble scene is as active as it is currently. I want to tackle a new niche and it'd be great to do that with the Ravenstads since I have a few friends within the family already!

Able to use Discord?: Yes, and you have mine!

Are you Community Active?: I'm considerably community active and involved in several Discords in addition to my own.

Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: I'd appreciate a refresher on anything crucial!


IC Info

Character Name: Lirienne Cerise Isabeau Ravenstad.

Character Age: Twenty-six.

Physical Description: A lithe, fair-skinned woman standing at 5'7 with glassy blue eyes, tousled ginger hair, and immaculate posture. Her features are typically lax aside from the crows feet and faint smile lines indicative of her age, and feminine bar her high, angular cheekbones and jutted chin. Lirienne clearly takes pride in her presentation and often sports fitted gowns of her own creation that are occasionally in the house Ravenstad colors.

Proficiency Points:

  • +20 Threads Arts (+10 from Points, +10 from Leutz-Vixe Culture.)
  • +5 Religious Knowledge (+5 from Points.)
  • +6 Bodycare Training (+6 from Points.)
  • +5 Statesman Knowledge (+5 from Points.)
Lirienne is a meticulous and sometimes fussy individual that can strike others as wholly unapproachable. This, combined with the grandiose way she holds herself often leaves others with a first impression that distracts from her tenderhearted side, which is far more true to character. Internally she is creative soul, expressing this through the exploration of foreign concepts, especially in fashion. She is also extremely family-oriented, a characteristic apparent in the undying loyalty she shows to her kin, at times overly trusting and far too forgiving for her own good. She considers the connection she has to her family to be a great source of pride, and one of the most important aspects of her life.


Messy life snippets until I write her app.*

  • Born year 276 A.C. in Brissaud, the sixth child to Albaer and Violette Ravenstad.Lirienne is a quiet child, easily lost within the boisterous crowd of her siblings.
  • At the age of five Lirienne develops a concerning obsession with various different textures of fabric, her favorite being satin.
  • Learns the significance of her family's name at around the age of ten, spiralling into an inflated sense of pride and a great interest in her family history.
  • Is taught by her mother to sew, soon taking up the hobby of creating clothing for her siblings.
  • Picks up religious studies with her tutor for a more scholarly edge at the age of fourteen. Is interested in learning what goes on outside of Unionism.
  • Also discovers that she has a knack for mathematics.
  • Though a large chunk of her life is spent in leisure, she does begin tailoring for profit in Ithania during her later years. After the Bone Horror Crisis, she returns to Brissaud to be closer to her parents in mourning of the death of her brother and sister. Gradually the deaths of her siblingss make her realize her dissatisfaction in life. She searches for a new lease on life in Regalia, pursuing business and hoping to unite with more of her family.
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Accepted, @essentialess

I'm going to put you on a trial but considering I know you and your RP well already, this'll be very informal and more so just to see if you settle into the noble scene within the next month or so. Feel free to continue with the app in the meantime and thank you for your interest!
OOC Info

References: @Battlebrawn @ShipIt
Roleplay Character Applications: Miriam von Duerr | Deirdre Byrne
Nobility Experience?: I've been roleplaying as a noble on massive for a few months now, but have quite a lot of nobility experience from a previous server.
Activity?: I've been on massive for about 4-5 months now, but have many, many years of roleplaying experience. I am online most evenings and on my days off work.
Roleplay Description: I am looking for a more relaxed, social experience with this character. I want to enjoy my time without feeling stressed out from familial responsibilities or extra jobs. I have a great deal of confidence in my abilities but I also want to make sure I'm not overburdening myself.
Any Punishments/Infractions: None.
Reason for Applying?: I have a wonderful rp history with Battle, and I really enjoy the company of Mia, Ess, and Emma. I really feel like the Ravenstad family is a good fit for me, and what I'm looking for in roleplay right now.
Able to use Discord?: Yes
Are you Community Active?: Yes
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: Yes

IC Info

Character Name: Elise Henriette Renée Ravenstad
Character Age: 15
Physical Description: Elise is a young teenage girl with a small frame, but a few extra pounds on her. She is rather short, being young still, and hasn't seemed to have quite lost her baby fat. She has the typical red Ravenstad locks, and blue eyes. Her face is dusted with a splattering of freckles, and her skin is fair and burns easily in the sun. She has a heart shaped face, and typically wears her hair pulled up and back, with a few locks in the front hanging down to frame her features.
Proficiency Points:
+10 Thread Knowledge (Leutz-Vixe Culture Boost)
+10 Nature Care Sciences
+5 Body Care Training
Personality: Elise is shy and self conscious, always trying hard to stay under the radar and fit in at the same time. Being as young as she is, she finds herself rather inexperienced in the world of the court, so she tends to intently listen and watch, then mimic what she sees. She looks up to her elder relatives, seeking them for guidance and support, and thus much of what she can become will eventually be determined by them, and the people they expose Elise to. When in the company of those she is comfortable around, she is excitable and energetic, taking great care and passion in her hobbies and past times (namely taking care of her many pets) and can usually be found carrying some little friend with her. She's an exceptionally kind and caring young lady, often going out of her way to help others in need.
  • Born in 292 ac to Abraham and Dimorae, making her their youngest daughter as the couple tried for a son. Her birth was a disappointment to their father, who became resigned to only having daughters.
  • She was the baby of the household, with two elder sisters, Mirielle and Hanae, both quite older than her. Neither sister wanted much to do with the young girl growing up, so she resigned herself to her toys and the many animals that roamed their estate.
  • Elise took to her studies well, but was not a good student. She'd often sneak in snacks, animals, or other means of entertainment to her lessons, much to the vexation of her tutors.
  • With little responsibility, and her sisters off on their own, she spends much of her time learning to properly care for all sorts of animals, but through her status is confined to officially only caring for lap dogs and songbirds. This does not, however, keep her from bringing everything from various jarred insects to field mice into the house as 'pets'.
  • A few months after her 15th birthday, her parents finally send her off to the capital to enter high society and join her elder sister, aunt, and the patriarch in the Imperial court.
Accepted, @DeusVidet

We've discussed the character a bit already and I know you've had experience with nobility so I'm going to put you on a two week trial to see how things go with this character/your inclusion in the family. I also know you currently have a character in another noble family so use this time to work out a suitable balance or to fully transition if that suits you instead.
@Bertramqaz Sorry for the late reply, been kept busy with uni work and a broken computer.

Thank you for taking an interest in Ravenstad but for the moment I'll be denying you. This is mainly due to not having had much experience with you myself and would like to see you gain some more experience in the noble scene where you aren't running a family first. I encourage you to apply again in the future though and like the character design alot.

OOC Info
@Mooffins @Tibertastic
Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience?: Back when I first joined the server I was a part of the old noble system as a member of Beauveret, but as the years have gone by I've garnered experience through some of the other Houses that I served under and in. A few of these being Red, Ravenstad, von Duerr, and my own noble family back when I tried my hand at it.
Activity?: I've been roleplaying on Mineman since 2013, and I tend to have a good schedule so far. The only issue we'll come across is when school starts again, but that'll be several months from now.
Roleplay Description: The main purpose of my roleplay is to experience something that is meaningful to a character, and that will add something to the long list of influences on other characters. I dislike the idea of tossing in a random arch that holds no weight to it, and I believe every roleplay has its potential to bring something new and wonderful to experience to the table.
Any Punishments/Infractions: No.
Reason for Applying?: I've always seen House Ravenstad as a creme of the crop family on Massive, and have aspired to reach this level of roleplay for sometime. With recent pushes from friends to go for it I thought it'd now be a good chance to see what the family is all about from an insider's view. I believe this experience will help me with both current and future roleplay I participate in.
Able to use Discord?: Yes.
Are you Community Active?: Yes.
Do you have a good grasp on lore relevant to nobility?: Yes.

IC Info
Character Name:
Jean-Luc Percival Ravenstad
Character Age: 25
Physical Description:Jean-Luc follows many of his father's physical features, but does have traits that stray away from the main line's genetics. He layers of strawberry blonde hair that comes from his mother and a pair of pale blue eyes to match. Many of his facial features are young as he boasts a face without a strand of hair poking out from it. He stands at a height of 5'11" and has an athletic body type that matches his outdoors nature.
Proficiency Points:
+ 10 Light bow Combat
+ 10 Hunting Knowledge
+ 10 Food & Drink Sciences
+ 5 Unarmed Combat Skill
Personality: In public settings Jean-Luc follows his father's personality well as he upholds a stoic personality whilst having a caustic twist to it. He's ambitious in what he does, and keeps an determined outlook upon his goals. Though, this does not mean that he is without an amicable nature, and those in right standing with the man can experience a more cordial side of him. There are several individuals that push at his buttons, however, and that cause him to show his bitter insides to the public. For those who support his bitter resentments for these individuals then they'll be brought into a different light compared to the average person, and by far experience some of the best qualities of Jean-Luc. Otherwise he tries his best to avoid causing trouble for those of authority as he sticks to a heavily traditional mindset that is in support of conventional practices.
@Sebbysc Because I know you're an experienced RPer and can vouch for you myself, I'll be accepting you for the family. However, I'll be putting you on a 2-4 week trial because I know you also have your von Duerr so this should give you time to work out a balance or realise if one character suits you over the other.