Archived Dynmap Edit

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Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
I'd like there to be a command for officers + in a faction to type /dynmap hideland so it reverts the dynmap to look like how it was before people settled in. This way medieval warriors can't use their satellites to locate other people's bases but still find suitable places to settle down. I hate how everybody has access to Google Maps on the server in MEDIEVAL times. For all you people disagreeing, you can go play on a PVP server for all I care.
Suggestions are welcome.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I read the first 10 or so posts, skimmed the rest of the first page, then made this post... don't judge me.

I think that this idea has valid backing - I don't know HOW McMuffin55 found my only 2 days old town of Docktown, but he not only found it he showed up WHILE I WAS THERE (and how would he know this, eh?) for the sole purpose of making his demands against my faction. He didn't send a mail "Hey, when you're available next can you meet me in Regalia?", no, he showed up at my town that, by all forms of logic, very few people should have known about. I traveled by boat most of the way, so no tracks, and I only told my faction about it, so no way for him to know (trust me, not one member of my faction would talk to him). So how did he get there? By using the magical skymap of course.

Nope. Maybe you should secure your portals.
honestly i am really getting tired of this rage and flame war that doesn't even relate to the dynmap suggestion... i would respectfully like a mod to check this to see if it still has any value as a feature and idea thread and if not lock it please.
Nope. Maybe you should secure your portals.

Meh. The only insecure portals I know of are the Docktown Portal (wooden door, usually open) and whatever portal you built that's keyed into my network. And since we're making a whole set of new portals I don't think it really matters. Also, they're almost all self-contained.

Anyway, this thread is going no where, bye bye.
Oh the hypocrisy... is that why sollomon surrendered to me for 300s? We havent even been in war for a month you stu.... actually from now on im ignoring this thread. Its starting to really piss me off.

It was that time when you said that you wanted the money in our faction bank or you would pay us a visit.
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