Archived Dynmap Edit

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Jun 27, 2013
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I'd like there to be a command for officers + in a faction to type /dynmap hideland so it reverts the dynmap to look like how it was before people settled in. This way medieval warriors can't use their satellites to locate other people's bases but still find suitable places to settle down. I hate how everybody has access to Google Maps on the server in MEDIEVAL times. For all you people disagreeing, you can go play on a PVP server for all I care.
Suggestions are welcome.
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False Information? Psshhh, I will look through my screenshot folder. I have learned not to take bullshit on this server anymore and back it up with visual evidence. 6 God weapons of 3 axes and 3 swords demanded by members of your faction. The so called "War" was a battle between us and Aurora because of Dawnstars false information and accusations. If anything Chronikatr should stay out of this. I am not asking for any more contact between Sicarius and Chronikatr. All you guys are is PvP loving raiders, which not everyone is. If your faction is willing to RP something and not just pvp and threaten for weapons then go ahead. But other than that Snake just leave us alone will you? Its starting to become harassment from your members of the faction.
Since when did this thread become a hateforthewaryoustarted thread?
This idea was suggested before in a post about dynmap and actually got alot of positive feedback, im surprised its getting such large amounts of negativity now.
I prefer the idea that the 200 silver that you use to make a faction is the fee for a Regalian chartered settlement, and the Regalian authority keeps tabs on that settlement's progress, and expansion.
I prefer the idea that the 200 silver that you use to make a faction is the fee for a Regalian chartered settlement, and the Regalian authority keeps tabs on that settlement's progress, and expansion.

So Regalia rules the world? I prefer the idea that factions are separate countries/city-states, seeing as you can conquer other peoples land in the plugin. Not to mention that if Regalian keeps tabs why don't they just stop all the fighting and peace can be throughout the land?

Since when did this thread become a hateforthewaryoustarted thread?

Since Chronikatr found our secret valley by using the dynmap. After we built many nice houses. There really isn't a point to building anything worthwhile on the surface with dynmap and people like them around.
So Regalia rules the world? I prefer the idea that factions are separate countries/city-states, seeing as you can conquer other peoples land in the plugin. Not to mention that if Regalian keeps tabs why don't they just stop all the fighting and peace can be throughout the land?

Since Chronikatr found our secret valley by using the dynmap. After we built many nice houses. There really isn't a point to building anything worthwhile on the surface with dynmap and people like them around.
Ah. Well, I've had a castle that I've lived in for a while, and even when I challenged people to raid it, and when we are at war, and I know it was visible on the dynmap.
So Regalia rules the world? I prefer the idea that factions are separate countries/city-states, seeing as you can conquer other peoples land in the plugin. Not to mention that if Regalian keeps tabs why don't they just stop all the fighting and peace can be throughout the land?
I will quote whomever said that Regalia has a weak ground force. Being mediators in provincal affairs would probably be deemed as "unnecessary" in the Regalian authority's eyes. As well, they probably could if it were needed. Such as someone asks the moderators to intervene in a case of breaking the harrassment rules of PvP. That could be viewed as the Regalian authority intervening in that regard.

The main point is, you can't really count on Regalia to care about anything but their immediate lands. Provinces are probably going to get screwed wherever politics come into play.
Please don't be a hypocrite. We asked Dawnstar (BraveHeart) to join our empire/alliance without telling us they were in Aurora's empire/cliche. Aurora attacked us first and we defended ourselves. We never raided Aurora. Aurora started the war. You asked for 3 Sharpness 5 Swords and 3 Sharpness 5 Axes along with maximum tribute (530 Silver). It's kind of funny hearing "Don't spread false information" from the biggest liar and backstabber on the server.
Yeah yeah, your leader should have kept his mouth shut. You started the war dont cry on the forums. I dont know who told you we want god weapons because we dont need them. Pay the silver and let the war be over.
wait couldn't this be solved with peaceful factions? if you want to be up and big about war then you should be on a map because your enemies are spying on you, not to mention under watch because your starting wars.

If your peaceful it doesn't matter if your mapped because no one can do anything to you or your faction land. so the way i see it we wait for the staff to create peaceful factions as they have said they would and then turn peaceful when they do.

i agree with this idea but once peaceful factions come around it becomes pointless.
False Information? Psshhh, I will look through my screenshot folder. I have learned not to take bullshit on this server anymore and back it up with visual evidence. 6 God weapons of 3 axes and 3 swords demanded by members of your faction. The so called "War" was a battle between us and Aurora because of Dawnstars false information and accusations. If anything Chronikatr should stay out of this. I am not asking for any more contact between Sicarius and Chronikatr. All you guys are is PvP loving raiders, which not everyone is. If your faction is willing to RP something and not just pvp and threaten for weapons then go ahead. But other than that Snake just leave us alone will you? Its starting to become harassment from your members of the faction.

Last time I checked, raiding wasn't against the rules. If you don't like it, surrender. It isn't harassment if they raid you everyday, that's them simply keeping on the pressure.
Last time I checked, raiding wasn't against the rules. If you don't like it, surrender. It isn't harassment if they raid you everyday, that's them simply keeping on the pressure.

it is if you have no valid reason or if you have a strictly role play reason then meta game to try and win faster last i checked. Or you demand a war for a invalid reason, for example: "give me 40 silver or i raid you" like some people. (you know who you are.)
False Information? Psshhh, I will look through my screenshot folder. I have learned not to take bullshit on this server anymore and back it up with visual evidence. 6 God weapons of 3 axes and 3 swords demanded by members of your faction. The so called "War" was a battle between us and Aurora because of Dawnstars false information and accusations. If anything Chronikatr should stay out of this. I am not asking for any more contact between Sicarius and Chronikatr. All you guys are is PvP loving raiders, which not everyone is. If your faction is willing to RP something and not just pvp and threaten for weapons then go ahead. But other than that Snake just leave us alone will you? Its starting to become harassment from your members of the faction.
1. I never asked for weapons. Not my problem if someone else did but they are not the leader of Chronikatr, I am. But of course you can continue to use this as a weapon against me I dont care.
2. Us killing you isnt harassment. Surrender and let it be over.
3. You dont tell me what to join and what to stay out of.
4. Now stop crying please. If you cant stand being killed then go play Sims.
What can I say... Im evil. Oh god I played that game for years..

not as evil as the Sims. yes you can remember it now... calling you... Promises of "just one more minute" temping you to forget your social life as the Sims traps you again... You must play it again! -evil laughter-
1. I never asked for weapons. Not my problem if someone else did but they are not the leader of Chronikatr, I am. But of course you can continue to use this as a weapon against me I dont care.
2. Us killing you isnt harassment. Surrender and let it be over.
3. You dont tell me what to join and what to stay out of.
4. Now stop crying please. If you cant stand being killed then go play Sims.

Shaneski101 asked us for the god weapons. You automatically assumed we are crying. This is probably caused by your lack of distinction between reality and games. You aren't making us cry, you are an annoyance to me and nothing more. I can't tell if you are trolling or stupid, because we don't have the money to pay you. So you are just wasting your time.
I don't, and you can bet a lot of other people don't either. And yes you can enderpearl over, but same with my castle, in fact, you can use trees to get over right now. (northwestern Ithania, at the top of the swamp, if you want to take a look on the dynmap at what I'm talking about.)
1. I never asked for weapons. Not my problem if someone else did but they are not the leader of Chronikatr, I am. But of course you can continue to use this as a weapon against me I dont care.
2. Us killing you isnt harassment. Surrender and let it be over.
3. You dont tell me what to join and what to stay out of.
4. Now stop crying please. If you cant stand being killed then go play Sims.

1. Why surrender? What did we do to YOU. Your faction was the one that took it fucking to far.
2. No, its not harrassment, but the things your friendgots, HeartAched and Shane say are.
3. I could not give a shit about your personal opinion snake. You are the one wasting your life grinding levels, maybe you should step outside or meet friends at school.
4. Wasn't crying, I was pursuing a strong argument. And you went low enough for the Sims? I expected more out of a "Leader" of a faction. Leave Sicarius out of this. Im not even gonna be with them anymore.
First off, **** you. It was not a hate war. I did not say it was. 2. We did not start this. 3. I am not complaining you retarded cunt.

1. Why surrender? What did we do to YOU. Your faction was the one that took it ****ing to far.
2. No, its not harrassment, but the things your friendgots, HeartAched and Shane say are.
3. I could not give a shit about your personal opinion snake. You are the one wasting your life grinding levels, maybe you should step outside or meet friends at school.
4. Wasn't crying, I was pursuing a strong argument. And you went low enough for the Sims? I expected more out of a "Leader" of a faction. Leave Sicarius out of this. Im not even gonna be with them anymore.

can't tell if idiot hypocrite or bad troll...
How is it hypocrite? Open your eyes! **** this server. Never a real RP community anyways. No wonder you guys cant keep a stable community.

well... lets start with "not a hate war" then you go of swearing and hating on people. Along with "not complaining" then you go off about how your being harassed and swearing about that to. If we have a horrible community then you definitely one of them and not helping the community.

Though i generally agree with you saying it's not a real RP community, because it really is just a server that has role play added on with few fans and everyone else are just immature pvp nuts who demand diamond armor for premiums and mcmmo grinding all the time rather then role-playing if you want to enjoy pvp without getting insta-killed. Why else would we constantly contradict the old role-play massive craft saying of "fair"?

case in point: read that and tell me we haven't pulled a total 180 with the new voting for "massive" (god) armor?
well... lets start with "not a hate war" then you go of swearing and hating on people. Along with "not complaining" then you go off about how your being harassed and swearing about that to. If we have a horrible community then you defintly one of them and not helping the community.

Well then, if expressing anger towards the treatment of other players is considered hate then yes, I hate Snake. If him and all of his faction wouldn't involve itself in matters that did not concern itself this would have never happened. The "Complaining" was not about swearing and such, but Chron therefore after demanding a tribute of silver which we could not afford.
Well then, if expressing anger towards the treatment of other players is considered hate then yes, I hate Snake. If him and all of his faction wouldn't involve itself in matters that did not concern itself this would have never happened. The "Complaining" was not about swearing and such, but Chron therefore after demanding a tribute of silver which we could not afford.

your old news man, people have been demanding tributes of silver that were "unfair" or "not affordable" for a long time now. No one who does pvp cares anymore, which is sad. But we few role-players remain to pick up the mess of a unbalanced pvp server and try to help the staff make massive craft something fun to play rather then something you constantly swear over in forums because war's are abused.
First off, **** you. It was not a hate war. I did not say it was. 2. We did not start this. 3. I am not complaining you retarded cunt.
Ok, I object to you calling me names, especially foul ones that are anatomically impossible. Second, I never said you said it was. I said it was. If you have a problem, state it in a clear and concise manner, with logic involved and not language that makes people want to get you banned. Third, you are acting like a 10 year old with a high command of bad language. People here do have lives outside of massive craft. Half of them have gotten their levels not through 10 hours a day for a week of grinding, but out of half an hour a day for a few months. Pursuing a strong argument is not whining, it is logic. If you want someone to listen to you, then act like they should listen to you. There is nothing wrong with sims, even though the last time I played it was Sim city 2, I believe. This is a stable community, or would be if not for idiots who complain about virtual life with bad language and inability to cope with their situation, or to not insult this server with foul language.
Ok, first things first. I would like to point out the major reasons for the Dynmap(i likez bulletz listz):
  • For the admins to check on the worlds and restore them, they will most likely use the Dynmap to monitor for it. Furthermore, if anybody wants to start up a grief searching group, they will be seriously hindered. However, I'm currently working on a secret project to help this effort.
  • The Dynmap is an out-of-game thing. Don't bring these kind of things in and conflict them with lore. Kind of like how I could argue that the magical voice communicator that people use to talk on the Internet is totally non-RP. As well as stuff like Global chat, in which one person can hear every single person on the server, even if they are on a different continent.
  • The Dynmap is used by admins and players as well to monitor faction claims and houses. It would be significantly harder for them to commence this valuable function of life.
  • Going to state that this is also to show people the general world texture and where everything is. Because some people want to build in a lush jungle, while another wants to create in a frozen tundra. His/her friend wants to run around a harsh desert. It would be seriously difficult for them to find the locations.
Now, let's see here. Before suggesting to remove something that has been here for a long time, I would ask yourself these questions(Bullet list):
  • What effect will this have on the server's players?
  • What effect will this have on the server's admins?
  • What effect will this have on the server itself?
  • Is this even possible?
  • What benefits, overall, does it possess?
  • What losses, overall, does it possess?
  • Finally, who else agrees with your suggestion and why do you and them agree with this?
My, hopefully constructive, input on stuff like this.
Ok, I object to you calling me names, especially foul ones that are anatomically impossible. Second, I never said you said it was. I said it was. If you have a problem, state it in a clear and concise manner, with logic involved and not language that makes people want to get you banned. Third, you are acting like a 10 year old with a high command of bad language. People here do have lives outside of massive craft. Half of them have gotten their levels not through 10 hours a day for a week of grinding, but out of half an hour a day for a few months. Pursuing a strong argument is not whining, it is logic. If you want someone to listen to you, then act like they should listen to you. There is nothing wrong with sims, even though the last time I played it was Sim city 2, I believe. This is a stable community, or would be if not for idiots who complain about virtual life with bad language and inability to cope with their situation, or to not insult this server with foul language.

Well then, since you wish for me to more civilized with my speech upon the world wide web, then so be it. I understand that players have spent over a year playing on the server as we know of MassiveCraft. I also recognize the matter of foul language and how it may get me banned, I am very much sorry for that as well. I did not mean for it to become as intense as it did Cruallassar, I normally never get angry at such matters unless they keep picking at them. I do expect to be banned by the admin of MassiveCraft for my bad behaviour upon the forums as well, or at least of them to give me a temporary ban as a minor punishment. No, there is nothing wrong with the Sims games as you say, It just is not my cup of tea and our "friend" Snake did use it as a insult. The inability to cope with the situation was indeed poor to say the least and I needed to blow off some steam to say the least. If it is complaining you all see from me, then I will drop the matter entirely and move on from it and let it stand how it is. I do expect retaliation from the administrators of this server and consequences for my actions. I wish to say, I intend to move on, change my play style, and stay away from members of the MassiveCraft community that I dislike to say the least. But this is not the forum for arguing on the matter it has turned into.
your old news man, people have been demanding tributes of silver that were "unfair" or "not affordable" for a long time now. No one who does pvp cares anymore, which is sad. But we few role-players remain to pick up the mess of a unbalanced pvp server and try to help the staff make massive craft something fun to play rather then something you constantly swear over in forums because war's are abused.

I apologize for my previous actions, Patrickdxs. I do intend to continue playing, helping the community grow and learning from my mistakes. I know I acted like a selfish player complaining about what is unfair and what is not, and I do expect consequences from the administrators. But, for now, I will intend to move away from this matter at hand, and pursue a new path upon the server. The current faction I stand with I shall leave and leave it to its matters with Chronikatr and Sicarius.
Imsowright Wow someone must be butthurt. Calm down with the language. We can clearly see who is taking the game more seriously. I think it is you who needs to go outside. Go play in a sandpit or something.

EDIT: Oh and if you dont like the server just leave. Not like anyone is asking you to stay.
Imsowright Wow someone must be butthurt. Calm down with the language. We can clearly see who is taking the game more seriously. I think it is you who needs to go outside. Go play in a sandpit or something.

EDIT: Oh and if you dont like the server just leave. Not like anyone is asking you to stay.

Whatever dude.
Well then, since you wish for me to more civilized with my speech upon the world wide web, then so be it. I understand that players have spent over a year playing on the server as we know of MassiveCraft. I also recognize the matter of foul language and how it may get me banned, I am very much sorry for that as well. I did not mean for it to become as intense as it did Cruallassar, I normally never get angry at such matters unless they keep picking at them. I do expect to be banned by the admin of MassiveCraft for my bad behaviour upon the forums as well, or at least of them to give me a temporary ban as a minor punishment. No, there is nothing wrong with the Sims games as you say, It just is not my cup of tea and our "friend" Snake did use it as a insult. The inability to cope with the situation was indeed poor to say the least and I needed to blow off some steam to say the least. If it is complaining you all see from me, then I will drop the matter entirely and move on from it and let it stand how it is. I do expect retaliation from the administrators of this server and consequences for my actions. I wish to say, I intend to move on, change my play style, and stay away from members of the MassiveCraft community that I dislike to say the least. But this is not the forum for arguing on the matter it has turned into.
The wise man admits he is a fool, while the fool shows his foolishness through his wisdom. I doubt that you will be banned, or at least further then reprimanded for this occasion. As long as you see your error and correct it, and you shall be all the wiser for it. I am unfamiliar with the situation you have shown displeasure about, however I'm sure it has a solution, as does everything. In the meantime, I at least, say, forget it. (Not in the literal sense you understand)
Imsowright Wow someone must be butthurt. Calm down with the language. We can clearly see who is taking the game more seriously. I think it is you who needs to go outside. Go play in a sandpit or something.

EDIT: Oh and if you dont like the server just leave. Not like anyone is asking you to stay.
And he did apologize, without any language. Please recognize this fact, and not continue on the path to moronhood that this post implies. (Notice I did not use any foul language, or call him any names. :))
And he did apologize, without any language. Please recognize this fact, and not continue on the path to moronhood that this post implies. (Notice I did not use any foul language, or call him any names. :))
Oh after I read his first cuss reply I stopped reading his messages. My bad.. well not really but whatever.
Imsowright Wow someone must be butthurt. Calm down with the language. We can clearly see who is taking the game more seriously. I think it is you who needs to go outside. Go play in a sandpit or something.

EDIT: Oh and if you dont like the server just leave. Not like anyone is asking you to stay.

I was going to say you treat him younger than he seems, but...
I agree with you on this one. He does seem a bit angered...
And worse than me, which you already know breaks the laws of the world...
Don't get me wrong, but him cursing and calling people a cunt was pretty high a step, knowing this is a Dynmap faced suggestion. Let's try to keep it Dynmap. .___.
It is possible in Massivecraft lore but not possible for any actual players to do so because it would promote god rp'ers.

So it could be used to explain the Dynmap

Sounds pretty neat, a single Mage could be doing it that is working in the Regalian Government, perhaps
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