Crown City Sawbones

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Technologic Witch Doctor
Staff member
Jul 20, 2014
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Art by @Tracenator1
Their inception was a quiet one. Doctors, surgeons, alchemists, and clerics alike, once indistinguishable from the masses were now distinct, proudly wearing green and silver lapels upon their breasts and gravitating around a singular building. It was set alongside the infamous guillotine, a stark juxtapose of purpose, for aside an instrument of death was a workshop of life. Within the white-brick building, these healers conducted their work, the sick and injured slowly streamed in to quickly file out, poultices in hand and bandages on their limbs. Only days after the clinic's appearance were singular posters put up, bearing the sigil of its union, a mask of plague set over crossed sawbones, trimmed in the silver and green. Its message was bolded as such:

Man deserves better. He is burdened by forces outside of his control, by strings that he cannot see. Man should not be powerless against the bite of beasts and the hand of plague. Man should not fall ignobly, helpless against maladies he cannot control, against animals he cannot tame. He should not fall before his time, caught on demon-damned curses that rob him of life's opportunity. Life should not be burdened with senseless, purposeless death.

We say no; Man has a right, an obligation to fight back. He has an obligation to stave off sickness, to mend injury. He has a duty to spit into the Void and shout that he will not fall to its pestilent embrace. He has a responsibility to his country to fight and claw with tooth and nail for his life, and if not alone, with help.

We announce to you the formation of a new order. One built not for the accumulation of coin or the furthering of politics, but for the betterment of our society, our Regalia. Our mission is to keep every man, woman, and even beast alive so that they might further aid Humanum in its ever noble goal. It is to train hopeful healers, help them in their own struggles so that one day they might eclipse us in prowess. It is to administer proper treatment to those in dire need, so that perhaps one day the eyes of the insane might be opened, and brought to reason. Our mission is to bring order to this society through our noble cause, our noble purpose of healing.

We demand that this city shall not suffer under the malpractice of the incompetent, or by the mistreatment of the unorganized. We decry those fools who dare stain the art of medicine with their failing hands, causing needless death with their reckless bravado. We denounce those criminals, those fiends, and brigands who so malevolently use their knowledge of healing not to heal, but to destroy. And finally, we dare to say that we will crush any beast or scoundrel who impedes our mission to save.

Blessings of good health be upon you all.


The Crown City Sawbones

Organization Goals:

To provide a secure place of healing and medicine.
To provide philopatric aid to those in need through charity missions.
To keep Regalia up to date on threats to their health through weekly heralds.
To expand current knowledge of Man's anatomy.
To expand current knowledge of beastial anatomy.
To expand current knowledge of non-Ailor anatomy.
To document, classify, and eventually destroy disease.

Board, Staff, & Hands

The Crown City Sawbones is divided into three branches; the Board, Staff, and Hand. Generally, the Board sets overarching goals, the Staff sets commands, and the Hand carries out those commands to meet the goals. The specifics are enclosed within the spoiler below.
The Board

Head de jure of the organization, he is appointed through the will of the last Overseer, or barring that, a majority vote consisting of all sworn members. Must be of Humanum. Must be male.

-Overarching authority.

A regent appointed by the Overseer, operating with as much authority as the latter and granted great independence. De facto leader when the Overseer is absent. Must be a First Citizen. May be male or female.

-Overarching authority as granted by the Overseer.

The Staff

First Physician
Chief of Surgeons, he oversees their training and behavior. He is responsible for holding classes pertaining to his field. He is elected through the unanimous votes of the Overseer and Director. His appointment relates directly to emergency aid and disaster recovery. Must be a Citizen, that is, not an Outsider. May be male or female.

-May dismiss physicians from their posts and derank them to probationer.
-May lead medical ventures throughout the city without Board clearance.
-May hold mass, educational classes.
-May access contraband and alchemic storage.
-May access Writ records.

First Alchemist
Chief of Alchemists, he oversees their training and behavior. He is responsible for holding classes pertaining to his field. He is elected through the unanimous votes of the Overseer and Director. His appointment relates directly to plague control and contraband destruction. Must be a Citizen, that is, not an Outsider. May be male or female.

-May dismiss alchemists from their posts and derank them to probationer.
-May lead medical ventures throughout the city without Board clearance.
-May hold mass, educational classes.
-May access contraband and alchemic storage.
-May access Writ records.

Captain of the custodians, he is responsible for their training and control. He is elected through the unanimous votes of the other Staff, who elect him from the ranks of the guard.

-May train custodians in discipline and combative skill.
-May access contraband and alchemic storage.
-May lead custodians in self defense of organization assets, by any means necessary.

The Sawbones

Rank and file surgeons. Reports to the First Physician. Appointed from the Dressers through the will of the F.S. Expected to be well versed in emergency aid and have a base understanding in the other two fields, alchemy and magic.

-May administer proper medicine as they see fit.
-May lead medical ventures throughout the city provided they alert the Board or Staff of their going.
-May access alchemic storage without Board or Staff clearance.

Rank and file alchemists. Reports to the First Alchemist. Appointed from the Dressers through the will of the F.A. Expected to be well versed in disease control and potion creation, and have a base understanding in the other two fields, surgery and magic.

-May administer proper medicine as they see fit.
-May lead medical ventures throughout the city provided they alert the Board or Staff of their going.
-May access alchemic storage without Board or Staff clearance.

The Hand

Aspirant practitioners, these are men and women who have little experience but are eager to learn. They elevate from the ranks of probationers upon the administration of the Philippian Oath.

-May learn how to administer medicine through their seniors.


The very lowest rank, it also serves as a punishment rank for unruly members. This is where all new inductees find themselves prior to the administration of their Philippian Oath. They are formally recruited by the Board, though they generally either apply or are recommended by another member.

-May not learn until they take their Philippian Oath, or in the case of dishonored members, fulfill their sentence.

The guard of the organization's assets, custodians are simply practitioners with combat practice. They follow the orders of the Warden, and are appointed from the ranks of all sworn members.
➣The right to operate a Chapter House within the City of Regalia.
➣The right to handle, confiscate, and use alchemical contraband
➣The right to declare the quarantine of an area for pestilence, contraband, and disease control.
➣The right to experiment with otherwise illegal substances in designated laboratories
➣The right to experiment upon particularly treasonous criminals and prisoners of the State
➣The right to detain individuals deemed to be sick, contagious, insane, or a medical threat
➣The right to treat, heal, and provide medical assistance to the public
➣The right to create and experiment with alchemical weapons.
➣The right to wear concealing masks within places of disease.
➣The right to declare individuals clinically insane given overwhelming evidence.


Skype is a requirement, and will be requested upon acceptance.
Please Direct all OOC questions into PM at either @Dekuras

Character Name:
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet):
Short In-Character Letter:
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Character Name: Noelle El Tawwadri
Character Sheet: N/A
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): 4'8" black Varran, 15 years old. If Magic is usable, she's going to be a light mage, if not, she's just got some knowledge in medical stuff. Oh yeah, female.
Dresser, Plagueman, or Financier?: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter: The letter is written with words scratched out, as if she kept misspelling, and using the wrong language to write with. The handwriting is neat with curly letters. To whom it may concern, I, Noelle El Tawwadri, wish to work under you. I've recently arrived in Regalia, and wish to be helpful, working to help heal people who require it. Though I am a Varran, a first class citizen who has been called anything but, I hope to be of some use. Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully, Noelle El Tawwadri
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Noelle El Tawwadri
The letter in reply was actually a bit of contrast, done quickly and somewhat illegible despite being neat.
To Noelle Tawwadri
We are willing to Accept you into our ranks in our quest to heal Regalia of its injuries and illness.
Do come by the clinic when I, Jamison, or the ever helpful Driscoll, are around as to further evaluate your skills and clear up what we'd expect of you.
Jocelyn Jamison Duerr.
@Dekuras @ItsNotMarkus

( Silvian is writing this letter while posing as Mae Draylas.
Jamison can probably recognize Silvian's handwriting.
Probably. )
IGN: Lumiess
Character Name: Mae Draylas
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet):​
  1. Red dress.
  2. Cool-colored sashes.
  3. Black hair, blue eyes, very weird skin color.
Dresser, Plagueman, or Financier?: Dresser, definitely needs to learn the ropes.
Short In-Character Letter:
To Jamison Duerr,
I am Masuyo Draylas, rather known as Mae, and I am interested in working for your clinic. I may not know the basics so well, but I see that your clinic may be willing to teach me how to do so, and eventually gain skills from working here. While I may be of a rather unique heritage, I will not let either you or any patient down. I consider myself to be charismatic and outgoing, along with some quirks, I guess. I hope to recieve a letter back soon. Silvian says I'm a nice person, if you needed references.
Masuyo Draylas.​

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  • IGN
    • Donnarumma_.
  • Character Name
    • Kamaya Adderwal Banerjee.
  • Character Sheet
    • N/A.
  • Short Character Description
    • Female Benor Dakkar.
  • Dresser, Plagueman, or Financier
    • Dresser.
  • Short In-Character Letter

To the Crown City Sawbones,

My name is Kamaya Banerjee. I've met with the owner of the establishment before, Mr. Jamison Duerr, and he said to pen a letter concerning employment. After training many years in fixing and healing people up the conventional way, with even more years of experience doing such for citizens in my own private home, I found out about the Sawbones Clinic and I knew I had to apply. Please consider my application, and thank you.
Kamaya A. Banerjee,
কামায়া এডেরাল বানরজি.​

A letter in quickly written nearly illegible yet neat writing would find it's way back to the Dakkar.
To Kamaya Banerjee
You're welcome in for an interview, as well as negotiations on a topic I am pretty sure I brought up in our brief talk.

Jocelyn Jamison von Duerr
IGN: Rochelle_
Character Name: Siena dei Orazio
Character Sheet:
Dresser, Plagueman, or Financier?: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:
To the Crown City Sawbones,
I show great interest in learning medicine how to care for my fellow man, I do hope you take me into consideration. I have little qualifications, needing to be taught a great deal, though I hope even one of your members remembers me from the Sellsword competition, where I was attempting to be involved in helping the clinic.

Spirits blessings, Siena dei Orazio
(Amazing Crest BTW!)

To the honorable Siena dei Orazio,

We would be more than happy to induct you within our medicinal ranks. Please come in to the clinic during regular working hours for a formal orientation.

Ossian Driscoll
CCS Director

((Please send me your Skype details in a private PM here on the forums.))
IGN: jsmalls1324

Character Name: Weber Buchanis Auberden

Character Sheet:

Dresser, Plagueman, or Financier?: Dresser

Short In-Character Letter:

To those of the Crown City Sawbones,

Salutations and good morrow to you well established persons. My name is Weber Buchanis and I wish to partake in the works that you provide for this fair city of ours. While I may not know my way around the medical field, I am always eager to learn and ready to work my way up in the work area. I hope that you would have the courtesy of taking me in and letting me be a part of your work.

Best Wishes,
Weber Buchanis Auberdeen
IGN: DizPanda
Character Name: Ida
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet):
Position: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:
Dear Jocelyn von Duerr,
I am interested in helping your clinic with my set of skills that you have witness time and time again. I would also like to discuss further treatments and various ones to you in the means of furthering education and providing an easier way to the patient's well being as well. I do care about the health of others, even the ones who are not the best of clients. I hope together we can accomplish many things and help many people.

Lady Ida d' Vaud
IGN: HeyoFreyo
Character Name: Frida Haagenvig
Character Sheet: Link
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

Dear Jocelyn Jamison von Duerr,

Hello, I'm writing to you regarding the surgeon position within your clinic. I've been studying and practicing the discipline of medicine since I was fourteen. I do hope you consider this letter of application, as I am a skill surgeon. Thanks you.

Spirit Bless, Frida Haagenvig

IGN: DizPanda
Ida d' Vaud
To Lady Ida D'vaud
As I've seen your work and competence, it's with ease that I can accept you into the Sawbones, just don't sit at my desk, we'll get chairs eventually.
Jocelyn Jamison von Duerr
IGN: HeyoFreyo
Frida Haagenvig
To Frida Haagenvig,
Given you studying medicine since you were fourteen doesn't really give much information when I don't know your age, I request you come in for an interview.
Jocelyn Jamison von Duerr.
IGN: Hezzus
Character Name: Martina Cortez
Character Sheet:
Positionresser or Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:
To the Board of Sawbones,

My name is Miss Cortez and I heard from a friend, Adub Sayadin, that you are a very great clinic. I hope to apply my healing skills and help around the clinic whatever I can. If you need assistance at Fresiholdner Clinic, Adub said he would trust me with the work.

Thank you for considering me,

Miss Cortez
IGN: Wolfiecat940
Character Sheet: Here
Position: Herbalist
Short In-Character Letter:
The letter was written very neatly and in a beautiful cursive handwriting, with a slight smell of herbs.
To those who own the Crown City Sawbones,
After reading over the poster, that caught my eye with more so the picture, I couldn't help but get intrigued by such a bold statement. I agree with how easy death seems to come along , ruining so many lives. I write this letter in hopes to be accepted into such an establishment. Though I am for writing more then an interaction, I will be reluctant to meet you. I do warn, I am in a multitude of organizations that I would prefer not to name off. Let that help you make your choice of rejection or acceptance.
May your day be filled with care,
Nyllazza J. Arbusto

To Miss Arbusto,

Please come into the clinic during normal business hours for a secondary interview. We would like to evaluate your skill as a physician before making a decision.


Director Ossian Driscoll
IGN: Skeletennessee
Character Name: Naio
Character Sheet:
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): N/A
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

To the director of the Crown City Sawbones,

I write this letter today to express my interest in becoming 0ne of your surgeons. I've eight years of formal education at the Medical Academy of Theron's Hand, and another ten working in a clinic. By no means am I a stranger to a scalpel nor surgery. I'm more than willing to submit to any tests or examinations to determine my mastery.


Physician Naio,

We at the CCS would like to formally invite you to an interview regarding possible employment within our establishment. Come in during normal working hours and request of either myself or Overseer Duerr.


Director Ossian Driscoll

(Message either ItsNotMarkus or Dekuras for a meeting IG.)
IGN: Drahydra
Character Name: Vlu'xilkik
Character Sheet: Here. I've been waiting for re-review, but it's taking a while. I thought I'd apply regardless.
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:
Written in a deep violet ink is the thin lines of a pen, the parchment folded exactly in thirds. Were it not for how organic the writing looked, and the hair-thin lines of ink connecting the letters, one could think it came off of a press.
To the Menders of Regalia~
I am aware of the stigma that follows my kin, and yet I find myself wanting to join your ranks. While I possess no formal education in the ways of making whole the broken, I can assure you that over half of my eighteen years have been spent healing others, under several banners. I do possess a fundamental understanding of alchemy (in the school of Mizntha) and in fact craft much of my own medicine. While here, I have done service as a medic of a guard charter, and a year later also found myself among the group at Kronau - perhaps Jocelyn remembers me. I hope this letter finds your desk soon.

<X> Vlu'xilkik, Steward of Z'hka
<C> "Vlu"
IGN: WalnutNinja
Character Name: Darcinne Dubois
Character Sheet: N/A
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): 5'8", 34, Female, Scholar level in School of Biology: Discipline of Medicine.
Position: Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:
To the Director of the Crown City Sawbones,
I write to you concerning of the possibility of myself joining your ranks after having a very brief conversation with Jocelyn Van Duerr about the establishment itself. I attended the Medical Academy of Theron's Hand here in Regalia for eight years and wish to use the knowledge I gained while studying there to assist in helping the injured people of Regalia. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
Spirit's Blessings,
Darcinne (Darcie) Dubois
IGN: MugQueenGhosta

Character Name: Mordric Naesax

Character Sheet: Link

Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): It's in the character app.

Position: Custodian (wot i can be gaurd yes?)

Short In-Character Letter:

The letter that would find its way, somehow, to the Sawbones clinic, would be slightly crumbled but mostly neat. When the letter was opened, it would reveal a (normal style of handwriting) with a few of the A's and P's scratched out and replaced. Some scribbles here and there but it wasn't all to bad to read.

Dear, SawBones Clinic Director

I am writing to you, to apply for a guard-like position in your clinic, where an odd plant told me they were in desperate need of a guard at your clinic. I would like to be that guard protecting the small plants and other creatures working there to help the financial issues of property damage and aiding your nurses when they are harmed when such the event occurs.

Mordric Naesax
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IGN: WildRoze
Character Name: Sibeal O'Hanigan
Character Sheet: Link
Position: Dresser working up to Surgeon
Short In-Character Letter:

Dearest Sawbones Clinic Directors(s)

-----It hasn't been long since I have lived in this city but I can't say the same for my passion and skills as a healer.
-----I have spend about five years training and being tutored by my family and would love to expand my skills more.
-----Provided I can bring my own work clothes and am willing to work late hours to help the people of Regalia
-----I have to hear from you soon

----------Sibeal O'Hanigan
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IGN: Catachrestic
Character Name: Victor Scheu
Character Sheet:
Position: Alchemist
Short In-Character Letter:
To the Crown City Sawbones,
My name is Victor Scheu, and I would like apply to your group as an alchemist. I spent six years studying alchemy at none other than the school of Mizntha in Hadar, and I have spent many years in Calemberg serving as a doctor. Though I am a Slizzar, I wish for nothing more than to help and aid the people of this city in the way that I know best. Thank you for considering my application.

Victor Scheu

Driscoll was particularly lazy this time about, sending off the same letter to the two applicants.

To Slizzar Scheu and Miss O'Hanigan,

Report to the CCS Clinic during normal working hours for an interview, request for myself once you arrive.

--Director Ossian Driscoll.

(Message ItsNotMarkus in-game for meetings.)
IGN: Sebbysc
Character Name: Mathias Cailloux
Character Sheet:
Position: Alchemist
Short In-Character Letter:

To the Crown City Sawbones,
As I approach a decade's worth of studying I believe that it is a perfect time for me to seek out new employment. I have been told of this organization and of its practice within the city. It is because of this that I wish to join your group's ranks. Most of my career has been spent as a practitioner and an alchemist for a family in Ithania before the Bone Horror Crisis, so I am not ignorant of an alchemist's role within a clinic. Though, I'm sure there are a few details that I will have to pick up on within your clinic. I'm looking forward to hearing from your directors soon.

Best Regards,
Mathias Cailloux

These letters in particular were hardly legible, or personal.

Congratulations [Applicant],

You have been selected for a primary meeting at the CCS. Request for myself (ItsNotMarkus) in the clinic at your leisure.

-Director Driscoll
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IGN: HodlinG
Character Name: Ssanil Afaal
Character Sheet: Nope, not yet!
Short Character Description (If lacking sheet): An Al-Allar. Detrimentally paranoid and prone to Delusions, he has no actual medical knowledge.
Position: Probationer if the Phillipian Oath is an IC thing I can experience. But if not, Dresser.
Short In-Character Letter:

To Jocelyn Von Dewyer

I.. Hope that was the right spelling. Hello! You know me, I think. I hope. If you've any memory to you, you probably do. I'm that one Allar you met, outside of the Golden Willow. The one you told should send a letter. Well, Here I am with that letter. It would be a great enough thing if you didn't burn it on sight.

Even though you are probably gutting yourself over how I wrote your name. Please stop that!

With high hopes,
Ssanil Afaal
IGN: Fazai
Character Name: Osonia Keysys
Character Sheet:
Position: Dresser
Short In-Character Letter:

Dear Sawbones Clinic,

This letter, I was told to send to the clinic's address, by a few people who know about my interest in helping the general population of Regalia. I was told, that with my confidence, I could be able to join in the works of a clinic. I have tried to help out at the clinic, and most of the time i am denied, which i wish for to change. My skills in the medical field revolve around physical injuries like cuts and broken bones, in which i should also add, that i have begun to study herbs.

I only wish to help the people of regalia, and learn to do it properly. "If it hurts to help, keep helping."

Osonia Keysys.
Character Name:
Raina Wodenstaff
Character Sheet:
Short In-Character Letter:

To the owner of the Crown City Sawbones Clinic,
I write to you wanting to assist in aiding those in the city who need it. I have gone to one of the medical schools but only very recently and I wish to expand my knowledge of medicine. I can only hope that you find my letter acceptable and let me join your charter's ranks. Seeing how you've helped so many and reached charter rights I can only hope that I am sufficient enough to assist the group.

Spirit Bless,
Raina Wodenstaff
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