Commoner Family Clan Grofsmid


Dwarves are my Roman empire
Aug 1, 2019
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General Information

Grofsmid family, despite not being known by many, is one of the older families of Regalia. Family's history dates back to ancient times, when a clan Grofsmid was one of many less powerful clans in Ruin-Khuur, clan of smiths, labourers and miners, never managing to reach any great influence in the hold. Sadly this quite mundane life ended with invasion of Dakkar, rapid militarazation affecting everyone in dwarven empire. The clan found themselves supplying their men into meatgrinder, slowing Dakkar progress. But despite the best efforts of the empire and Ruin-Khuuramman hold, Dakkar were not yet to be stopped, Ruin-Khuuramman was the last of dwarven holds to fall into their claws. Clan Grofsmid was forced to flee, choosing to escape for the growing Regalian empire, in fear that demise of all of dwarvendom was nigh.
The family had settled itself in Regalia, attempting to once again establish itself in these exotic lands, but having spent their savings on their escape from Ellador, they had to move into Regalian slums. Forced to live amongst gangs, rogue mages and vampire covens, the family stayed true to their Eilli beliefs, not falling to temptation of magic. Over years this family would produce many mercenaries, seeking to gain wealth to escape the slums, but also many Helbane members, seeking to bring Dáuw's justice upon those spreading influence of Arken and spread magical corruption. Participation in Helbane would pay off eventually, when Helbane became part of Lothar order in 311 AC, knightly wages finally elevating the clan out of poverty

Naming conventions:
The family, having lived in over hundred years in Regalia, had taken quite inspiration from fellow slum dwellers. It is not uncommon for a Grofsmid to have first name of Anglians, Heartlanders or Daendroquins, more traditionalist parts of the family keeping to only using dwarven names
Family members:

Blue = Played, Green = Playable, Orange = Playable under special circumstances

Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid (65) - with death of previous patriarch Wulf as the oldest direct descendant had to take over the family, taking the burden of having to keep it alive.
Wulf's siblings, cousins of all varietys, nieces and nephews - Make whatever you will enjoy.
Wulf's bastards - keep them 47 and younger. No half Isldar, no Feka

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Description:
Any notable rp experience:
Discord name including numbers:

  • No scottish accent
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IGN: BabkendAxper
Previous character app: You know it
Character Name: Patir Grofsmid
Character Age: 62
Character Description: You know it
Roleplay ability references: You have literally all this info
Discord name including numbers: You have it
IGN: The73rdNerd
Previous character app: hreid
Character Name: Lyngheid
Character Age: 17
Character Description: A young, brash Dwarfette.
Roleplay ability references: You've RPed with me a few times.
Discord name including numbers: You have it.
IGN: Mini_Daisy
Previous character app: N/A
Character Name: Ravura Manslayer (Bastard to Wulf)
Character Age: 40 (Said u were aginging Wulf up to 60 in DMs but it says 30 on the post :EYES:)
Character Description: Ravura is a bard with chaotic energy.
Roleplay ability references: I'm decent at roleplay. I've lately been trying to do even more detailed emotes.
Discord name including numbers: U got it <3
IGN: MrNoot1
Previous character app: N/A
Character Name: Amura Manslayer (Bastard to Wulf)
Character Age: 40
Character Description: Order Sorcerer & Great Oak Knight, who is a skilled huntswoman and bladeswoman. Twin Sister of Ravura Manslayer.
Roleplay ability references: We haven't RP'd too much, but I know we have RP'd before.
Discord name including numbers: You have it, good sir!
IGN: Diaprit
Previous character app: you know them all
Character Name: Ava Georgette Grofsmid
Character Age: 20
Character Description: optimistic, adventurous
Roleplay ability references: You know me
Discord name including numbers: You have it
Character Name:Nanette Edtoil Grofsmid Ruin-Khuur
Character Age:56 [Before Death] 256 [Currently]
Character Description:The Elder, the Ancient, the former Head
Any notable rp experience:I play a Yanar named Filaurel, though I don't know how much I've interacted with you I know I've healed Wulf prior
Discord name including numbers:Honestly Sassy#3108
Character Name:Nanette Edtoil Grofsmid Ruin-Khuur
Character Age:56 [Before Death] 256 [Currently]
Character Description:The Elder, the Ancient, the former Head
Any notable rp experience:I play a Yanar named Filaurel, though I don't know how much I've interacted with you I know I've healed Wulf prior
Discord name including numbers:Honestly Sassy#3108

You are in
Character Name: Rorik Grofsmid (Wulfric bastard son.)
Character Age: 31
Character Description: A half-dwarf cleric, willing put himself at risk to protect his family and others.
Any notable rp experience: Currently participating in the Bralona Occupation.
Discord name including numbers: DEUS VULT#6617
IGN: Dellrosa
Character Name: Feilan Hulda
Character Age: 18
Relation: Child / Daughter
Character Description: Soft orange hair and periwinkle eyes
Any notable rp experience: A few years running in massivecraft
Discord name including numbers: simochii
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