Blue Blood Noble Family House Saleyaal


Staff member
May 9, 2016
Reaction score
United States



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House Name
Family Type
Regalian Court Family​
Main Heritages
Life Isldar, Dramarys Dragonkin​
Minority Heritages
Anglian Ailor, Solvaan, Some Others​
Spoken Languages
Common, Altalar, Anglisch​
Dominant Religion
Political Stance
County of Leisarannaar in Anchal, Solleria​
Current Matriarch
Countess Mereya Saleyaal of Leisarannaar​
Wealth and Trade
Medicinal Alchemy, General Alchemy, Taxation​
House Colors
Cornflower Blue, Midnight Blue, Amethyst Purple, Black​
House Symbols
Wyverns, Stars, Moons, Mountains​
Family Motto
"Born of scales and snow."​



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  • Brief Family Summary
    The House of Saleyaal is a blue-blooded family of Life Isldar hailing from the County of Leisarannaar, a mountainous and misty region in northern Solleria. For centuries, this family has closely honored the traditions and practices of their forebears, serving the Regalian Empire as dedicated healers, soothsayers, soldiers, and guardians. The Saleyaals have been adherents of the Draconism faith for as long as their family history has been recorded, and are driven by the duty to protect and preserve Alorian life. Although hundreds of years have passed since the House of Saleyaal splintered off from its origins in Ellador, they are still wholly invested in ensuring the Bene Vixit triumph in the brewing Civil War―and many family members have taken to the Regalian Capital in an effort to propel this ambition forward.​

  • Family Religion
    Loyalty to the Dragons has been a cornerstone of House Saleyaal's century since long before its official founding. Though they historically began as Aurora worshippers, the family experienced a gradual shift towards Regulus worship following their migration to the Regalian Archipelago. Even while the Dragons were thought to be gone from the world, the Saleyaal family's faith remained steadfast, and their loyalties were only strengthened when the Dragons made their return. All members of House Saleyaal are raised into the Draconist faith, and those who turn their backs on the Draconic cause are outcast from the family.

    Regulus is often chosen as the Patron Dragon for many family members, though preferences in Patrons can certainly vary. Because of House Saleyaal's generally progressive views regarding the Occult, most members tend to support either the faction of Consolidation or the faction of Succession, depending on individual preferences. While all members of the family are raised into Draconism, it is not unheard of for family members to explore other faiths through religious syncretism, largely due to the exposure of many different cultures and heritages occupying the lands of Leisarannaar―though the majority of Saleyaal members are exclusively Draconists.​

  • Tradition
    House Saleyaal has always considered it deeply important to pass on the customs and traditions of one's ancestors, and they have been carefully preserving Isldar culture long since they left Ellador behind. From stories of Isldarrin history, to lessons in the art of Lifesinging, to the skillful practice of Wyvern riding―the Saleyaals have always done their best to honor their origins, and refuse to allow their Isldarrin culture to wash away in the Regalian Empire's cultural melting pot.​

    All members of the family are expected to provide service to the Regalian Empire, to their House, and to the Life Isldar as a whole. Having the fortune of being born into comfortable luxury is no excuse for incompetence and laziness, and each family member is expected to demonstrate their capability and worth in one form or another. Honing one's skills―whether that be in combat, medicine, diplomacy, or something else―and applying them to a cause greater than one's own self is encouraged from a young age.​

    House Saleyaal is a blueblooded family of the peerage, and its members are expected to act like such. Family members should do their best to follow noble conduces and carry themselves with dignity and grace, especially in public settings. Dressing appropriately, speaking professionally, and behaving graciously are all components to maintaining the family's reputation.​

    It is likely no surprise that religiosity is considered one of the keystone family values of House Saleyaal. Anyone fortunate enough to be born with the Saleyaal name will surely be taught that adhering to the tenets of Draconism is the most virtuous way to live. Family members ought to reflect on each choice and decision they must make, and how it may earn or lose the approval of the Dragons. Connecting with other Draconism faithful is encouraged, and efforts should be made to foster a welcoming and inclusive community amongst local Draconists.​

  • Wyvern Bonds
    When a new Saleyaal is born, the infant is given a Wyvern egg that will eventually hatch and mature alongside them as lifelong companions. Family members deeply treasure the bonds created with their Wyverns, using these creatures both as means for travel across difficult terrain, and as mounts to ride into battle.​

    Archon Affinity
    It is not uncommon for members of House Saleyaal to become Archon―especially among those who pursue roles as soldiers or guardians. The Warden lineage is a popular choice among family members due to House Saleyaal's associations with the Grey Witches of Anglian culture. Some of these Grey Witches live in Saleyaal territory, and are said to have helped the family develop some of their alchemical medicines.​

    Aelrrigan Supporters
    House Saleyaal is known to particularly favor the Aelrrigan Order over other Knight Orders, which may be partially due to the cultural significance of the Order in Solleria. Multiple members of House Saleyaal have joined the Order, with the Hechiceros and Llynburh Chapters being the most favored due to their close representations of House Saleyaal's values.​

    Enchanted Greenhouses
    While Solleria is known to have mountainous lands and a lack of arable soil, the Saleyaal family works around this by growing alchemical ingredients in greenhouses enchanted by magic to create suitable growing environments. These greenhouses act similarly to the facilities used by the Isldar in Ellador to successfully grow their fruits in the frigid weather conditions.​

    Ellador Expeditions
    All Isldar of House Saleyaal are heavily encouraged to journey to Ellador so that they may reconnect with the Clan of Elyraal and experience the customs of the native Life Isldar firsthand. These pilgrimages can last from months to years at a time, and all family members typically make their first visit when they come of age. Some members of the Saleyaal family offer their services on the battlefield, volunteering in the wars against the Vampires and the Death Isldar who also occupy the frozen continent.​



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  • ━━━ Chapter I | Founding ━━━​

    94 BC - 37 AC
    House Saleyaal traces its beginnings back to the Clan of Elyraal, a clan of Isldar and Dragonkin living in the Meyranlēy region of southern Ellador. This clan had formed towards the end of the Dregodar-Dwarven Wars in 94 BC, where the first Isldar were created and the Dramarys Dragonkin first fell upon the continent following the death of the Purple Creation Dragons. This clan came together out of necessity to survive and rebuild after Ellador had become frozen in a powerful cold snap, and the faction became locally recognized as skillful Wyvern riders and breeders. They carefully bred Frost Wyverns for their strength, speed, and endurance, creating lineages of Wyverns suitable for the constant conflict that brewed over the vast, snowy plains. Equally, the riders of these Wyverns were well-trained in aerial combat, forming especially close bonds with their mounts.​

    As the centuries came and went, some members of Clan Elyraal grew curious about the world beyond their isolated home, while others were motivated by the hope of a more comfortable life being discoverable elsewhere. A short time after the Cataclysm, a group of these Isldar and Dragonkin took to their Wyverns and flew south, ultimately stopping in the misty and mountainous regions of northern Solleria in the Regalian Archipelago in 37 AC. They had come to land in Leisarannaar, a place primarily populated by Solvaan and Anglian Ailor, with a significant Dragon-Worshipping population. In this place, the members of Clan Elyraal settled as migrants, adopting the surname Saleyaal.​

    37 AC - 100 AC
    At first, the newly-arrived Saleyaal family was viewed with suspicion and thought of as unwelcome outsiders, believed to be some strange variety of Teledden or Fin'ullen. However, the family integrated into the community over the ensuing years, finding solidarity with the other native Draconists while also carefully preserving the family's ancestral traditions and customs. The Saleyaals took their knowledge of alchemy, healing, and Lifesinging that had been commonly practiced in Ellador, and introduced new remedial techniques to their new Sollerian neighbors, eventually establishing themselves as reliable caretakers.

    In the many years that followed, these skills were employed at local clinics and apothecaries. In due time, the family was able to open up a business of their own, one that would steadily grow beyond their city, and even beyond Leisarannaar. The family founded an alchemy business, the Moonlight Apothecary, which provided medical services and alchemical supplies to surrounding communities. As a single business grew into a renowned company, House Saleyaal would soon find itself providing medicine to hospitals, markets, and Regalian armies.​

  • ━━━ Chapter II | Claim to Fame ━━━​

    100 - 122 AC
    House Saleyaal's name grew to be known as one associated with alchemy and medicine. Their production and distribution of medicinal and recreational alchemy began to spread beyond the province of Solleria, even opening a location for the Moonlight Apothecary in the Empire's capital city to expand their reach. The current Matriarch of the family during this time, Reyana Saleyaal, had moved to the City of Regalia to oversee the operation of this company, and she gradually proved herself to be an especially talented physician.​

    122 AC - 124 AC
    In 122 AC, Reyana Saleyaal was employed by the Imperial Palace as a court physician due to her success in the medical field. Just two years later, in 124 AC, she was credited with saving one of the Imperial Family members from a grave illness that would have otherwise brought certain death. As a reward for her lifesaving service, she was ennobled by the current Emperor, Blessed Henri III, being titled the Countess of Leisarannaar in exchange for continued service to the Empire.​

    124 AC - 201 AC
    In the decades that followed, House Saleyaal sought to establish peaceful relations with both the inhabitants of their land, and the rulers of surrounding regions, and locally became known for their benevolence towards commoners, their progressive worldviews, and their appreciation for the existing cultures and traditions of the land. It was not uncommon for the locals to refer to the Saleyaals as "miracle workers," and citizens would regularly travel to Leisarannaar from surrounding regions to receive exceptional medical care.​

  • ━━━ Chapter III | Recent History ━━━​

    201 AC - 308 AC
    The seat of Leisarannaar was passed down from generation to generation, with the eldest child of the previous Matriarch or Patriarch ascending to the head of the family after the death or abdication of their parent. While each ruler of Leisarannaar could claim to have had a fruitful and long-lived career through the scope of a typical Ailor's lifetime, the truth rested in each Count or Countess being dethroned through an untimely, violent death after reigning for decades at a time.

    For hundreds of years, the existence of the Isldar was not widely known―though House Saleyaal had always offered their support to the Life Isldar still living in Ellador, regularly sending family members to the frozen wasteland to provide resources or provide service in the wars against the Death Isldar and the Vampires of Dorkarth. As more Isldar have branched away from Ellador in recent years, the Saleyaal family has been more vocal at court in encouraging other members of the peerage to directly aid the Life Isldar.​

    308 AC - Present
    The current Matriarch of the family, Mereya Saleyaal, rose to power after the recent passing of her mother, Elana Saleyaal, in 308 AC. Elena was well-loved, both at court and by the local commoners as a charitable and merciful woman―and for all her kindness, she was afforded an untimely and violent end during a visit to Ellador, slain at the hands of the Death Isldar. In the following years, many family members have ventured beyond Solleria, with a sizeable number of them arriving to the City of Regalia to take advantage of the ever-changing political climate, to secure new alliances, and to help ensure the Life Isldar win their Civil War.​



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  • Town of Veleïa
    Veleïa is a serene, mountaintop village overlooking a sea of mist and clouds rolling beneath the peaks. Featuring elegant, spiraling structures of pale stone that are designed to seamlessly incorporate the surrounding trees and flora, the architecture of this scenic town seems to have been heavily inspired by old Allorn designs. Several breathtaking waterfalls cascade down the sides of the mountains, and various monasteries, temples, and hospitals dot the town. Due to its remote location and difficult surrounding terrain, the village is almost exclusively inhabited by the Solvaan who are accustomed to navigating the magical mists.​

  • City of Leisalaan
    Leisalaan is the capital city of Leisarannaar that is situated upon the eastern coastline of the region. It is the center of trade for the County, with ships entering and exiting the harbor on a daily basis to transport goods. A significant portion of House Saleyaal's alchemy is produced and distributed from this city, and the County's largest hospital is also located here. Stone walls and towers protect the borders of the city from the dense, mist-shrouded woodland that can be found further inland, and opulent spires rise up and disappear behind low-hanging clouds. Leisalaan is a center of cultural diversity; while Solvaan still make up the majority of the population, there are sizeable minorities of Anglian Ailor, Fin'ullen, and Kathar who live in and around the capital.​

  • City of Rosalya
    Rosalya is another major city located on the eastern waterfront. While many other settlements in Leisaranaar have stood for several centuries, Rosalya is a somewhat modern settlement that was constructed within the last hundred years. Its development was primarily overseen by House Saleyaal, intended to be a beautiful and gracious center for the Draconism faithful. The graceful architecture of the city was inspired by the Spire-Cities of Ellador, and it has served as a refuge for migrating Isldar in more recent years. The ancestral home of House Saleyaal, the Moonstone Castle, is located at the top of a hill that overlooks the city.​



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124 AC - 212 AC
Reyana Saleyaal, Countess of Leisarannaar
Daughter of Vylan Saleyaal
Born in 22 BC | Died in 212 AC

212 - 273 AC
Vasilaan Saleyaal, Count of Leisarannaar
Son of Reyana Saleyaal
Born in 115 AC | Died in 273 AC

273 AC - 308 AC
Elana Saleyaal, Countess of Leisarannaar
Daughter of Vasilaan Saleyaal
Born in 204 AC | Died in 308 AC

308 AC - Present
Mereya Saleyaal, Countess of Leisarannaar
Daughter of Elana Saleyaal
Born in 276 AC



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Members will be added to this page as they are created.

  • Mereya Saleyaal | 36 | @Saaber
    As the eldest child of the late Elana Saleyaal, Mereya was next in line to assume the title of Countess of Leisarannaar after her mother's passing. She's described as a patient and benevolent Wyrmblood Isldar who offers aid and guidance to those in need. She is a Dragon Priestess of Regulus, having sought the approval of the Central Matron in Anglia.
    Alarys Saleyaal | 36 | @KitchenRefugee
    Hailing from a wealthy family in Ellador, Alarys is the husband to Mereya and the Count-Consort of Leisarannaar. He's known as a Wyrmborn swordsman and soldier who fearlessly rides into battle upon his trusted Wyvern, bringing down his blade against those who would threaten Alorian life.
    Lyana Saleyaal | Age | @Gabigailll
    Description TBA.
    Daelor Saleyaal | Age | @Mystiluu
    Description TBA.​

  • Velrahn Saleyaal | Age | @_Pebs
    Description TBA.​

  • Relevaan Saleyaal | 32 | @5eaweed
    Relevaan is an Orion who fell from the stars and landed in the countryside outside the city of Rosalya, where he was found by the late Elana Saleyaal and taken back to her castle to be raised as one of her children. Despite not being of noble status, the family still treats him as one of their own. He's currently an Aelrrigan Knight of the Llynburh Chapterhouse.​



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  • Recruitment for House Saleyaal is selectively open.
    If you are interested in playing a member of House Saleyaal, do not reply to this thread. Instead, you should DM me through Discord (username: saaber) if you wish to join the family, and we can discuss character concepts and eligibility together. You are also welcome to reach out if you wish to work as an employee of House Saleyaal, or have any general questions about the family!​

    Requirements for Eligibility
    In order to join the family, I must first be familiar with your roleplay conduct and reputation on the server. Somebody who regularly breaks server rules or has a negative attitude will not be accepted into the family―and those who do exhibit poor behavior on an OOC level after being accepted into the family may be removed. It is encouraged to only apply if you are serious about playing a Saleyaal; I do not want this family to be filled with a bunch unused and shelved characters.​

  • Mainline Family Members
    All members of the main family line (siblings to the Countess) must be full-blooded Life Isldar and Dramarys Dragonkin. All mainline family members must be below the age of 35.
    Cousin Family Members
    All first-cousins, aunts, and uncles must be at least half Life Isldar, though a variety of other heritages can be picked for a secondary heritage. Being a Dramarys Dragonkin is optional for those outside of the main family line. Extended family members do not have to be Isldar at all, though it is still recommended. Viable options for secondary heritages can be discussed in DMs. There are no age restrictions to extended family members.
    Character Affinities
    Archon are a viable choice for players who wish to play an Affinity. Daiana Godborn are an excellent choice for those who wish to play a Godborn that is adopted into House Saleyaal. Being an Arkenborn can be discussed as an option for extended family members, but mainline family members cannot be Arkenborn.
    Character Religion
    All Saleyaal members should be Draconists. If your character is discovered to have abandoned the Draconism faith, they will very likely be expelled from the family and treated as a traitor. Religious syncretism is possible with other religions, with Unionism and Estelley being the most viable options based on the family's geographic location.
    Character Behavior
    Your character would have been raised to follow courtly protocol, and will be expected to act with a basic level of decorum in public. Generally, characters should avoid acting immature, petulant, or unprofessional, especially when in the company of other members of the peerage. Characters are also expected to be loyal to the Emperor and generally interested in following the law.​


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