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A Public Address To House Black

Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score

His Lordship Kreiburg does hereby issue this official publicized address to House Black in order to remind Her Ladyship Black of her obligations clearly outlined in the Kreiburg-Black Defense Pact of the 11th of July, 308 AC and address why she is thus far in violation of the pact and neglecting her defensive ally.
See: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/black-kreiburg-defensive-pact-7-11-308.85604/


House Kreiburg states each point which House Black has either violated or ignored and refused to honor:​
  • Term 4. House Black will militarily come to the defense of House Kreiburg if House Kreiburg is attacked but does not need to aid them if they are the offender.
  • His Lordship Kreiburg has requested House Black honor the pact and send aid during the Viduggla-Kreiburg War and during the Warden Rebellion in Genevaud. Both wars Kreiburg fought as the defending party, with one ongoing.
  • During the Viduggla-Kreiburg war, House Black was hesitant to send any troops to Kreiburg's aid until House Kreiburg paid House Typhonus to sway them into agreeance.
  • With the Warden Rebellion ongoing, His Lordship Kreiburg has requested aid in some form from Her Ladyship Black twice only be told both times her troops were needed elsewhere. In the most recent meeting, Her Ladyship Black had requested aid from House Kreiburg's fleet in turn, which His Lordship Kreiburg accepted only to find House Black had no intention of honoring the pact that week.
  • Term 7. Both Houses will not send aid to the designated enemies of either House in times of war.
  • Term 8. Both Houses will not plot against or militarily act against one another for the duration of the pact.
  • House Black is coincidentally in violation of terms 7 and 8 given their actions taken in regards to handling the Wardens and their close political and military relationship with Baron Julius du Vicieux who has been funding the Wardens of Purity and has attempted to adopt them as a satellite state under him in stark opposition to House Kreiburg.
  • Her Ladyship Black has already expressed she is not interested in seeing the Genevaud Warden Rebels defeated. She took action on the 25th of August to escort or funnel the Wardens from her lands into Genevaud rather than deal with them herself, bolstering the numbers among the Genevaud Wardens.
  • When His Lordship Kreiburg requested Her Ladyship Black send troops to help in reclaiming Genevaud, Her Ladyship replied that she was not keen on seeing her troops enter Genevaud, and would rather have them sit on the border and purely bar the Wardens from entering her lands rather than aid the Kreiburg army, which she did. Her troops made no accomplishment and watched as hundreds of Kreiburg and Reinard soldiers died at the hands of the Wardens in order to push the line forward, which they miraculously had done.

House Kreiburg expresses they feel entirely neglected by their defensive ally who has refused to honor the terms of the Defensive Pact countless times, and has even crossed as far as to violate its content.

It is for these reasons that House Kreiburg offers House Black an inevitable decision:

House Black is to immediately transfer their total Standing Army under the temporary command of Baron Kreiburg and aid in the reclamation of the Genevaud Cantons, taking a step toward honoring their Defensive Pact.


In accordance with Term 9, House Black pays the penalty sum of 40,000 Regals to House Kreiburg immediately, ending their pact before its date of expiration.
[A missive is sent back, in foul mimicry of proper House Black coat of arms and seal. Nonetheless, the text written almost drips with pretension.]

A response, from the desk of Sir Bethlehem Black.
To the Prime Canton of Genevaud, the Baron Theopold Kreiburg,

As it currently stands, you are in no state of war. By definition of the treaty, you call upon the defensive pact which states the following.
  • House Black will militarily come to the defense of House Kreiburg if House Kreiburg is attacked but does not need to aid them if they are the offender.
There are two mental hoops, which you are attempting to jump through. Let us first address the first. You are attempting to quell your own citizenry, dear Lord of Genevaud. This is no war, rather a rebellion. From incompetent rule, no less. But, unless you are to say you are unable to even control your own population (which is a rather unbecoming trait of one entrusted to Feudal Contract), this is a revolt.

Secondly, the first to bear arms in this revolt would be the Genevaud military against its own citizens. Ergo, by term of the treaty stating "House Black will militarily come to the defense of House Kreiburg if House Kreiburg is attacked but does not need to aid them if they are the offender", there is no contractual obligation to aid you. Please pen a letter to the desk of House Black rather than baseless accusations made on the great honour of our Electoral House.

May you be guided wisely in your waning days,

Sir Bethlehem Black
Second Husband to the Countess-Electress Dianne Black
A dissenting voice.​
An addendum is added to the missive, following some apparent pause from the sender.

It has come to my attention I have not discussed your claimed 'defensive war' against House Viduggla. For this, let us point to the following treaty you signed with the Velheim Lord regarding your rather mischievous actions.

  1. House Kreiburg will relinquish its hold of the province of Ustyeurt to the House Viduggla the very week of this treaty.
  2. House Viduggla, in exchange, will transfer 13,000 regals to the House Kreiburg.
And as past actions dictate, you accepted the full payment the Lord Viduggla sent to you in good faith his de jure titleage of Ustyeurt would soon fall under their control. And rather, you stowed away the indebted House's treasury and forced one's hand to instead move to rightfully conquer the province he was supposedly sold. Our House is above such trickery, and it is a pitiable move for someone to flaunt the head of nobility, but the hand of a charlatan. It is a subject of irony to be postured as a treaty-violator by one and the same. It should be rather obvious we are not privy to, nor supportive of such underhanded tactics in order to paint oneself as a defender.

May your misdeeds be told from Ellador to Daenshore,
Sir Bethlehem
Prestigious Secondary Count-Consort of House Black​
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From The Desk of the Countess-Electress of Dragenthal
Response to House Kreiburg of Langthal​

I would like to thank you for making this matter public, this will help everyone see the situation as it is. I would first like to state that I have gone along with the treaty as you have requested. Seeing as during your defense in the north, my ships were there to help and defend against House Latimer's ships. However, you didn't have to pay House Typhonus as that was your own decision to make as you had already gotten my agreement for assistance. Despite my hesitation in the fight in the north due to the history the two ruling houses have, I had my ships assist you.

Now as you may be right that we are in a defence pact, it is under the clause that you are the defending party. Seeing as you were not the defending party due to the statement below where it shows an account of you attacking the Wardens:


Secondly, are we going to forget that you personally gave me the confirmation that Baron Julius du Vicieux was one of your allies in taking care of your rebellious Wardens in your Genevaud? Will you play oblivious to the fact that you gave me the choice to decide to place troops on your front or his? Now, I was not aware of the intentions of Julius wanting to take them as a satellite state. However, I will not sit here and be insulted by a man who just a few weeks ago did almost the same as he:


Along with this second instance:


Now, twice had you offered the Wardens a place at the table to negotiate to join you while some of us were trying to keep them out. I believe a military man such as yourself is aware of the funneling of the enemy to a closed-off location in order to slowly dwindle their numbers in a fight?

Now, if we are going to talk about someone owing someone, I believe that would be you owing me. Seeing as your inaction of handling the Wardens in Genevuad resulted in them flooding into Dragenthal. Shall we leave this for the judiciary to decide or would you like to speak in front of a non-bias party?

Countess-Electress of Dragenthal
Countess of Narlas
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" I believe that would be you owing me. Seeing as your inaction of handling the Wardens in Genevuad resulted in them flooding into Dragenthal."

Rodderick read to Genevieve; both of whom were enjoying their morning cups of caffee. Rodderick's brows furrowed. Continuing.

"....Shall we leave this for the judiciary to decide or would you like to speak in front of a non-bias party?"

He paused. "Wait. Wait what?"


@darkarely @SpunSugar