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An Address To House Kreiburg


Hiding In The Lockers
Aug 18, 2018
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His Lordship Marceau Delmotte, Baron of Isere and Master of Finances, issues this denouncement to the Jacobin sympathizers of House Kreiburg, who brazenly spit upon their recent ennoblement by vindicating criminals that endeavor to undermine and subvert the rights of nobility.

On the 19th of June, less than a week past his ennoblement, His Lordship Kreiburg exercised his noble privilege to vindicate the contemptuous and traitorous Isidoro Playero, who was recently found guilty for Treason by the Regalian Judiciary against the Regalian State through an admission by his trial maker. Even more recently, as recent as the day of this publication, was the detainment of Isidoro Playero for the attempted murder of Caska Ise and the honorable and dignified Erwin Braunschweiger, the latter of whom is the personal guard to the newly elected Chancellor, his High Eminence von Drachenburg. These acts of attempted murder were coupled with further acts of Jacobinism, no doubt from the deplorable vitriol that had been recorded in publications such as 'The Playero Files,' 'The War on Daen,' and 'Merit and Stratification,' all of which are thinly veiled anti-noble and anti-government propaganda, and other repugnant schemes.

All of this was first revealed to me after an encounter between myself, his Lordship Kreiburg and Isidoro Playero, who explained to me that their reasoning for being in the cells of Greygate was due to the latter being questioned by his Lordship Latimer about the kidnapping of his sister and that the former was going to offer services of tutoring. Reputable witnesses ensure me that this explanation was no more than an audacious lie in an attempt to obscure House Kreiburg's wardship of Isidoro Playero, the purposes of such undoubtedly being to attempt to escape the shame of vindicating an individual of such ill-repute. The fracture between House Kreiburg and House od Albion, and more recently the fracture between House od Albion and House Playero, make this allegation all the more credible.

Regardless of whether House Kreiburg were exercising their noble privilege, any sensible member of the peerage should feel distraught by the fact that one of ours peers, elevated by his Imperial Holiness to nobility no more than a week ago, has decided to permit the spread of such an abominable disease

House Delmotte has always maintained the fact that it is a stalwart defender against the vile ideology of Jacobinism, and as a consequence of such, we of House Delmotte do declare that the Jacobin sympathizers of House Kreiburg are our enemy and that they will remain as such until his Lordship Kreiburg comes to his senses and openly proclaims the end of House Kreiburg's wardship over Isidoro Playero.

Signed by,
His Lordship
Baron of Isere
Master of Finances
Marceau Delmotte
"These bloody revolutionaries are all in the same boat, one could only hope it sinks soon."
"Damn it Theo...make the right move or your entire fucking family will suffer the consequences." Claudio muttered to himself after reading said notice.
"The 'honorable and dignified Erwin Braunschweiger', is that right. I will slap the wrinkles off of his grandmother, he is a fibbing snake in the grass. He has enabled that gold shitting leper Delmotte to talk a great amount of shit. Erwin that beetle munching peon, he blabbed horseshit the first chance he got, and got master Delmotte to include his name in his insult paper, the lamb that he is..."

Worse and worse was spoken as Urijah rambled on in his home.
Albert stared at Sigvard blankly as he paced back and forth rather nervously and grumbled, "It seems that Theopold's greatest challenge is yet to come." Albert took a deep breath then said in a commanding tone, "Brother, stop shouting and bring that tea yourself."

"Damn it," the Half-Breizh uttered as he peered out the window to the shimmering rain cracking on the pavements below. "I oathed the day I agree with the words of a Delmotte is the day I eat my hat," he exclaimed to himself sadly as he began to utilise his silverware to cut up his own red beret.
Oscar simply stares at the paper 4th time they have been arrested I believe...And now it is getting worse...ugh...just what we needed.
An audible and persistent knock could be heard for quite some time, the creak of a door followed behind soon after. "Uncle!" The young loud mouth Breizh would shout; the clacking of heels became louder and louder as she approached the kitchen. Peering in with an arched brow, she'd open her mouth to speak. However she'd fall silent, continuing to stare at Wolvard with an expression of pure shock. "Has old age caught up to you? Have you lost your damn mind?" She'd purse her lips for a moment. "Holy-- do you need to be exorcised? Do I need to call a priest? Where the hell is Tyrael!" Marianne ran off with that, frantically searching for help.

With the earlier notices, Maikel Playero had come around to each board within the New and Old Town every so often. The next day, he'd find this notice along with others. "Wardship? What in the Void... And now I'm being told that my cousin was in prison? Ulley protect this family.." And off he went, now trying to figure out what to do next.
"What is with all this spam mail recent--" the man cut himself off as he looked down at the paper within his hands, frowning for a moment. He'd read over it, before calling out through his estate. "Eigoth! Burch! Quick, rally the paperjockeys! While they're looking away, we can pass legislation which oppresses aberrants in Hellaria!"

@Sozzer @12wolfen15_
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"Kreiburg? Truly?" Novellia Fristadvlom facepalmed. She lowered the paper onto the table as she made preparations for events today. "No wonder he was talking so much with Playero during those assemblies and the like. Spirit, he should know that Playero isn't to be trusted. He is getting fooled left and right by people. First, od Albion as he claims and now, this?" She shook her head with a frown. "Come on, newbloods… Realize that acting like this brings about trouble and shame for you all. Our duty and loyalties are to the Emperor and our councils. No matter what kindness and relief we can afford, let such to the degree of wardship be given sparingly and refuse to give such when met with a criminal of repeated ill repute."

"Saffrona, make sure the food is ready for later! And Magda, make sure to prepare as well. I may need to sit down after reading this."

@SleepyIsVerySlep @Doeelk
The cook Saffrona Fristadvlom chuckled as she heard her cousin's reactions. She promptly asked in her smug tone, "Aren't we also technically newbloods? We've only been nobility for some six months!" With that, she slid the cake into the oven and got to work making a light and fluffy frosting. "Granted, no other families have half a good a cook in their family."

@CrimsletMonarch @Doeelk
Aelianna slapped her hand on her knee, doubled over into hysterical laughs. "They don't even know! The panic! Everyone's pointing, 'You're a Jacobin, and YOU'RE a Jacobin, and you're a sympathizer!' Aha! Ohoho," She straightened and wiped a tear from her eyes. "Just look at them go over it all. Oh politics, and don't get me started on the Kreiburgs. Someone should take their writing utensils away before they use them to dig their graves further tsk tsk," she remarked with a grin.
The Url groans giving a small smile to his daughter. "It pains me, I have to agree with him for once" he turns to his wife giving a laugh "More proof Handrin has Abandoned our peerage, but seems the Delmotte has finally spoken sense." @Naganadel_
"Who?" The crimson Cro-Allar questioned as he read over the statement tilting his head to the side for but a moment, before giving an unamused huff, eyes rolling as he moved to stalk off.
The cook Saffrona Fristadvlom chuckled as she heard her cousin's reactions. She promptly asked in her smug tone, "Aren't we also technically newbloods? We've only been nobility for some six months!" With that, she slid the cake into the oven and got to work making a light and fluffy frosting. "Granted, no other families have half a good a cook in their family."

@CrimsletMonarch @Doeelk

"Of course, I know we're newbloods. It's an undeniable fact. I make no attempt to hide that fact. Yet, it is also undeniable that we've been here for a while longer." Novellia shook her head in dissatisfaction. "To deny either would be stupid. Issue is there are newbloods like this who aren't doing well and bringing ill to the status. Also, curb your sass, cousin. Remember, you have barely been home at all to be here for us. Good as a cook you are, I do not like your attitude right now."

Saffrona chuckled as she dumped some sugar into a large mixing bowl. "Relax, cousin. I apologize for leaving, but after learning I really WAS nobility, I had to learn new recipes that the other nobles would be more.. fondue of." She gave a wide grin in Novellia's direction, knowing the sin she just commited.

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