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An Explanation Of My Departure From House Kreiburg


The Messiah
May 7, 2017
Reaction score





To the general public, this letter addresses in full why I disowned myself from Noble House Kreiburg,

When in the course of a man's life it becomes obligatory to dissolve the familiar and political bands which have connected them with another, a decent deference to the opinions of the peerage requires that one should declare the causes which have compelled his decision.

Thus, in this missive to the general public, I seek to fully and thoroughly explain my reasoning for revoking all of my ties to the Noble House Kreiburg.

Much of the following information has already been revealed to the Imperial Lord Vhilomir Kade and has been kept secret and silent until this publication. Reading the rest of this missive to the end is sufficient enough to understand the latest secrecies of a noble family, even if there is much to read.

I first became affiliated with House Kreiburg in Genevaud during my early adolescence. As early as I could afford to swing a blade, I provided my martial skill and loyalty to House Kreiburg, and for the defense of my homeland, Genevaud. During this time, Theopold, the current Baron of Kreiburg, was not the patriarch of the family, but rather, his father Diepold Kreiburg was. As to such, in the past and in the current time, there is no greater purpose to me than the protection of my homeland, and the protection of my fellow people.

Into my adulthood, I came to hold a leadership position within the Kreiguard, a Genevaud mercenary company that was centerfold during its rise to prominence in Regalia. As the Kreiguard merged into the Inquisition, my ties to House Kreiburg remained unbreakable and my position developed to become the High Inquisitor. In spite of my commitment to Kreiburg, I soon saw the first signs of it being unreciprocated. Theopold Kreiburg accepted a bribe from a treasonous Noble House in order to end an ongoing investigation related to them. Offering to end the inquiry for cheaper wine prices in the Wunderbar, corruption charges were expected to unfold. To show the truth that the Inquisition had no say in this, Theopold Kreiburg was immediately expunged from the Inquisition's ranks. Furthermore, the contract was revealed to the Lord Chancellor Delmotte by the Inquisition leadership.

Following the dissolving of the Inquisition, I continued to hold a number of respected positions, namely Captain of the Noble House od Albion House Guard and Commander of one of House Harhold's retinues. During this time, Theopold Kreiburg came to me, questioning my allegiance to House Kreiburg and Genevaud. When I reasserted my undying loyalty to Genevaud, and House Kreiburg, Theopold demanded I immediately resign from all positions I held and work for him. I refused initially, and was soon met with a pathetic attempt at bargaining for my allegiance. Theopold promised me the moon and the stars, and seeing the man's desperation to have me on his staff, I eventually caved. I gave up my positions for Theopold, and joined his staff, hoping that the family would retain its conservative atmosphere that I had known for so long. This is one of my life's greatest regrets, that I was unable to identify the multitude of obvious signs in front of me, and was instead beguiled by Theopold's promises.

In truth, the signs had existed for some time. Were I to list them all, this would be a few novels rather than a long letter. Nonetheless, I shall strive to name a few quickly in summary form. To begin, as known to many, Theopold warded Isidoro Playero, a man charged with high treason against the Empire, a man who would later be once again charged with treason and executed. This scandal led to the first inquest against House Kreiburg, a time in which all Kreiburg family members were sent to Krakenburg for treason. At another point, a scandal came to light of the family Kreiguard holding vampires within its ranks. In another instance, Amory Kreiburg was known to have engaged in sadistic, masochistic relations with the Captain of the Kreiguard. Clarisse Kreiburg engaged in intimate relationships with non-noble Nelfin, and considered the Lich Lord to be a friendly face.

As Theopold brought me into his House Staff, I became Palest for a Kreiburg woman. Theopold soon deemed her too conservative, simply for her efforts to maintain modesty, in high contrast to her family. She was placed on house arrest and returned to Genevaud, never to be seen again. I was soon after re-assigned as Captain of the Kreiguard, at the recommendation of the Family. What I was met with was a worse sight than I could have ever imagined. The family House Guard was a rabble, entirely incompetent of even the most basic tasks. As it was seen and noted, had they been tasked with guarding a Kreiburg from a group of beggar children, they likely would have surrendered and fled. Naturally, I did what I knew how to do, and I did my duty. I reformed the Kreiguard to the best of my ability, and attempted to make them an even remotely organized armed force.

In recognition of my decades of faithful, unending, unquestioning service to House Kreiburg, Theopold made the decision to adopt me, much to the ire of some family members.

Afterwards, I brought a handful of good men onto my staff in the Kreiguard in order to continue the necessary reformations. These men and these changes, particularly the introduction of proper discipline, were immediately met with absolute disrespect by the members of the Kreiguard. Rather than allowing me to handle this situation as I was entrusted to as Captain of the Kreiguard, Theopold took it upon himself to micromanage nearly every aspect of the Kreiguard, forcing me to grow some sort of suspicion.

Things worsened soon when I learned of the scandalous behavior of Clarisse Kreiburg, the sister of the family patriarch, Theopold Kreiburg. Far from behaving as a Noble Woman should, began to involve herself in the world of the sewers, aberrants, criminals, and Kathar. Due to her past conversations and enjoyment of Xilthruum the Lich Lord, this was even more so concerning. Clarisse, I found as a result of this, surrounded herself constantly with a group of people so unsavory that they could be nothing but a detrimental influence to the young Noblewoman, most of which were scoured from the deepest depths of the underground. Noticeably, around the same time as this, the Lich Lord began to bomb the borders of Genevaud near enemy Drachenburg lands, which I found to be rather odd given the circumstances. It could not be random.

In an attempt to curtail this unacceptable behavior, I assigned a trusted Kreiguard Officer to monitor Clarisse around the clock, to which Theopold authorized. She promptly found a way to escape him, and fled to join her criminal and aberrant 'friends'. Following, I received reports that Clarisse had been abducted upon her escape, and assembled the Kreiguard for a city-wide manhunt. Clarisse was found after several hours, in the company of a particularly chaotic and lawless Sihai, Arien Pavise, with Clarisse wearing Sihai apparel. Upon the Kreiguard's attempt to recover Clarisse from this wretched woman, both Clarisse and Arien assaulted the Kreiguard.

Theopold then authorized Clarisse being placed on house arrest, which was cut short by her release from the Kreiburg Estate by other members of House Kreiburg, and Theopold subsequently lifted the house arrest with no further action. The day after her release, Clarisse returned to her gang of misfits, turning the entirety of the patrons of the Wunderbar against a loyal Kreiguard officer and driving him out under threats of reporting him to the Guard for fabricated crimes. The Guard ignored her cries. Some days later, I found myself at a Noble Estate with Clarisse, when she was witnessed by myself, members of the Kreiguard, and other members of the Peerage conversing with an enchanted mirror. This mirror responded to her questions as if there was a person on the other end, though at the current moment, the identity of who exactly is unknown.

Before I could even bring the latest issues of Clarisse to Theopold, she had falsely accused a member of the Kreiguard of assaulting her. Immediately, Theopold was at Clarisse's side, until I was able to point out the blatant lies in Clarisse's accusation. Soon enough, the entirety of the Kreiguard attested to Clarisse's heinous behavior, and Theopold ordered her under house arrest, stating that she would be disowned if she left the Estate grounds. In response to this, Clarisse attempted to jump from the Estate window and flee. Soon enough, Arien Pavise emerged from the body of Clarisse, having possessed the girl for the duration of the meeting. Clarisse then tossed a paper out of the window from her own free will, Arien now out of her body. We found that Clarisse had been consulting with Arien during the meeting by using the paper, showing the possession did not alter her inappropriate behavior.

While on house arrest, Clarisse at one point came to my office to meet with me. During the meeting, Clarisse moved behind my desk to violently attack me, outraged that I had been the one discovering her criminalities. A Kreiguard Initiate non-violently removed Clarisse from myself and my office, followed by Clarisse then authorizing her Palest, an aberrant Sihndar, to strike the Kreiguard in the head with a metal gauntlet. This strike, having broken the self defense laws already, resulted in the death of the Kreiguard Initiate, an act which Clarisse, her Palest, Theopold, nor any Kreiburg showed any remorse for. Oddly enough, in response to this, Theopold let Clarisse off of house arrest out of the dear love that his sibling would repent to the Spirit.

After this, Theopold came to speak with me privately. We discussed in depth my concerns, and he promised action to rectify it. Promising that loyal members of the House such as I and the Kreiguard would never be met with any backroar from him, I was left with a feeling that Theopold was at last coming to his senses. I assumed he finally wanted to protect his House from Imperial Punishment, but indeed, I was wrong. The next day, Theopold called together the entirety of the Kreiguard, including members I had previously suspended for horrible incompetence. Theopold, taking full control of the Kreiguard, stated that I was no longer Captain, and that I was under house arrest. He ordered the Kreiguard to remove the armor from those loyal Kreiguard Officers who had served faithfully before a crowd of onlookers, including Arien Pavise and other such hooligans.

In response to this, I realized that Theopold and the rest of the family cared not for the Empire, but for their own family ties. Nobility are served their right due to the sole reason that they are the ruling figures for House Kade's behalf. Onto this note, days before the disownment, Theopold had approached me, speaking of his plans to withdraw from Genevaud. He wished for me and my cabinet to prepare plans to invade Slumberwood and abandon the burning wreck he had made of Genevaud. However, after the rest of the story's detail, I disowned myself from the family. Seeing this, Theopold decided to return to Genevaud, hoping that these words would not unmask the incompetence of Kreiburg leadership.

Only two days after my self-disowning, and my founding of the Ivory Company alongside other loyal former Kreiguard, Theopold penned me a letter requesting I meet with him. In response, I rallied my men and took to this meeting. As he spoke to me, he described the state of Genevaud, noting that he required Genevaud mercenaries to back him against House Drachenburg and some form of dragon. Desperately, he asked me to uncover my sense of patriotism, and forget about all of his offenses against me and my cabinet in order to help him. He then offered land on behalf of the Emperor, saying that if he made it through the war, that my company would have its own land in Regalia. We made our stance clear. We would not hire out our mercenaries to him unless he resolved the rampant issues within House Kreiburg. Immediately, Theopold took note of this and it was apparent he had almost given in. However, after pondering, Theopold decided that his family's internal relations mattered more than the standing of the House and Genevaud, to which I called my men to depart for after.

Theopold then knew that he would never meet our conditions for allowing him to hire my loyal men, and so went behind my back to speak to individual members of my Ivory Company. He attempted, and was nearly successful, in convincing a number of my Officers to mutiny against me. Ironic, seeing as mutiny is the same false charge he had formerly accused me of. In a desperate effort, he attempted to persuade my men to leave me with empty promises of money, land, and patriotism in the "country" of Genevaud.

To conclude this methodically, it is best to state that incompetent rulers in Regalia's foothold should not be given the right to rule, and that Theopold is one such ruler. That, this man is of unfit mind, susceptible to the most deceptive of words from any within his family, willing to turn a blind eye towards and even be complacent in the criminal and heretical actions of his family members. House Kreiburg, for all its claims of Nobility, behaves as commoners, and as such are incapable of governing their land, a land they threatened to abandon in time of revolution.

I do not write this letter out of backlash, but to show the incapabilities of House Kreiburg in its current standing. I was a loyal man to Diepold Kreiburg and the family, but as the family began to form over newfound liberalism and criminality, this information was best to be given to the rightful citizenry of Regalia.

May the Spirit provide a capable and worthy leadership to Genevaud. May the Emperor and the Spirit have mercy on House Kreiburg.

Spirit's Blessing to all,
Alaric Keen of Genevaud,
High Oberst of the Ivory Company

William walked along the streets, enjoying the night as he'd stop with the notice. His heart raced with anger and rage, slowly noticing that Theopold was no longer the same. After a few minutes, William rushed home to grab a quill and ink in hand, writing to an old friend.
Silas scoffed as he read the article, followed by a chuckle at the man's tenacity.

"Alaric, you hypocrite.. Theopold might've been complacent with the criminal actions within his family, but you were complacent in the criminal actions of your favorite guard, Mufasa.. promoted him despite his lengthy criminal record, and encouraged his behavior. You are no better."
Gerard looked to the man handing him the public address given by Alaric and laughed a bit as he passed it back. "No I do not need to read it I believe its quite alright."
Sylvi squinted at the long paper that stood out among the notice board that day.
She sighs loudly to herself as she had spent most of the evening glancing over it.
"Shouldn't this belong in an autobiography? Good gods, does no one know how to summarize anything?"
Argo grabbed a copy of the public address, going to take a look at its author to see what it was about. Upon seeing what it was, he simply grabbed his pen and said to himself, "Welp, let's see how much the man sugarcoated this.", before starting to read through it.
Fen'nan Solaveira scoffed, side glancing the other Nelfin woman beside her as she gestured to the post, "Critical for a man that had a young girl whipped, starved, and ears clipped for his own errors of mistaking a kidnapping, " she remarked dryly, peering back to the notice with distaste.
Dymphna Brown had turned at Fen's remark, before turning to the notice with a slight sneer- a rare sight, "God he was a prick ta' work under...made an adult be treated like a teenager locked in their own home."
She got out a writing utensil and drew the tiniest and most graceful of doodles- and yes, it was a man's...thing.
On main street, outside a new establishment an old man sat reading through the latest missives. On the small table beside him was a cup of tea and a few biscuits which the man had been making his way through for around an hour. He finished up a report before moving on, seeing the missive from Alaric Keen he would begin to read. The man would read and re-read the missive before he chuckled remarking. "I do love to see when two idiots collide and accuse the other of being the bigger idiot. Truly Theopold Kreiburg is a man of hypocrisy. Than again this does come from Allaric Keen, a man with sour cheese for his brain, and a small waterlogged sausage between his legs. No doubt the truth is they are in-fact both inept and incompetent. Yes I think that will be it, although at least Theopold will hopefully prove otherwise, and seek to better himself. I have no hope for Alaric Keen." The man said as he threw the missive aside, not really caring for it as he returned to more pressing matters.
A Kathar perked a brow as he read upon the post. "Wow, that sure is interesting," he started, before simply pulling out his flask and splashing his drink all over it, before waltzing away.

"But I sure don't care. Props to Clarisse for fighting. I owe 'em a drink."
A Qadir's green eyes narrow He puts his own message left.

I am no noble,
But as a doctor and a person who cares for the reputation of a fellow scholar such as Dame Kreigburg. I must now do what I watched this man fail to uphold my duty to the dame. I watched the disgusting excuse for a Guard he so defends insult the dame several times. He even at two points went forward as if to physically assault the dame or another patron both times he was meet with credible mercenaries and citizens who refused to allow such blatant disloyalty to escalate to violence.

We all asked the dame to take her Noble right and have man struck for both his comments and his belligerent atttitude, but she remained steadfast she wanted him to be charged and dealt with yb the house. She looked to her then family member to provide reconciliation for this man and what did he do chastise her. Arresting the aforementioned sihia likely because he still has some warped idea any of these corrupt actions, more suitable to the depths of the Daen underworld. I almost had flashbacks it was such a agregious display of two men instantly agreeing we shall get you our of this like a Rich land owner bribing his judge with his loyalty.

The Guardsmen Alaric Keen even when his fellow guards were disgusted and angered that he was letting such a man get away with all he did. Never once did he give pause do all but stating his insistence he and his companion were above the Law and the higher titled dame.

He allowed a family member he professes to care for be denigrated but some low ranked guard with no sense of manners and no care for the supposed privilege which even allowed him to be employed. He is nothing but a corrupt disgrace like any other common criminal.

I speak to this disgusting man now, You and those corrupt abhorrent family members who have caused your own family such pain as to try to jump from windows. Are the reason many of her actual friends have begged her to just leave your family and all your harmful ways. But she loves her family even as you harm and imprison her but I can see now you are no family member Alaric but a over zealous street thug. Who has caused the Dame nothing but pain to such an extent she has forgone the extensive restraint she showed against your cronies to combat you directly.

Stop your interference, the Dame is a grown women not some child or charge for you to vainly try to force your ideals and wishs on.

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Edrick Black released a sigh as he looked over the wood crate and vase across the table.

"Margarethe, we don't have any packing paper," Edrick uttered as he was then brought an Explanation of My Departure from House Kreiburg.

"That'll do," he said.
Amory chuckled, wheezing and spluttering as he brought a goatskin glove to his mouth and his tired gaze flickered from the final page. "Historians collect notable history I'm afraid, the truth is far from what is written here."

He tossed the parchment aside, letting it rest with other various letters as he set about a vial of poppy milk and unwillingly swallowed the liquid. "At least they're free of him."

Of course, in the following few hours, posters had been strung about Regalia. Posters of a certain Non-Noble Edition Numpty.

A deadpanned one eyed Dressolini read over the Address carefully as he spoke to his elder, "I remember torturing him. I think I may have hurt him too much, seems he has lost his mind."
The Mustached General peered over to his Brother with a glass of wine in hand as he chuckled lightly, "The only thing I found interesting was mention of this Ivory Company. Perhaps the disgruntled wish for proper employment now?"
The Pavisa would nod singular before moving to stand, "I will acquire the necessary Information."
"As you do, as you do."
Osira's hues jotted the page from beginning to end, tediously reading each and every word and by the time he came to the end, he could only say:

"The man isn't as bad at writing as I would have thought."
Haeddi Harhold took the liberty of reading through the whole thing, not once, but twice. She stood there with a rather unsure expression, listening to the comments of those who passed concerning the flyer before finally stating, "We're talking about Alaric Keen and the Kreiburgs- I don't understand why he thinks anyone would think either of them honorable."
Fraidh Mac Conall, unlike those gathered around the printed letters, appeared stone-faced. He passed the parchment over to the next with a certain lackluster before straightening himself. The Highlander made sure to smooth out the fabric of his plaid kiltache before dispersing with a low whistle, "Noted".
Arien reads over the notice once, then twice. Her face turns bright red as her eyes flare an unusual purple. "... I try to speak the truth, but it gets nowhere. Why do I even try anymore? I want to go home, to Dexai." She falls to her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks, plopping onto the ground. The Sihai usually does not cry often, but it seems like today is a special occasion. "Father... Sib... what am I supposed to do?" She turns to the two, fueled by venom and guilt, the tears never coming to a stop.

@KingdomKnightz @Sujitation
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"Oh keen, you poor fool." The large Cro-Allar shook his head barely even reading over it before moving to March off, sipping his tea.
Violetta perked her brow at the paper, she tossed it aside. "I do not have the interest nor the patience to read over something so unproductive." Violetta crinkled the paper and tossed it to her sister. "You like to read. Read it over and give me the summary- only the important parts. But if none of it is important don't talk to me about it." (@LilBeast_24 )

Olivia unfolded the paper as she chewed on the lower part of her lip. "Spirit.. what have I missed in Regalia for these past few months?" Olivia took a minute to think before saying out loud. "Oh- This was the man I made poor from ordering to many teas.."

Fiona was confused as to why she had this paper. "Who? Oh- That bloke. He was kinda weird and mean anyways."
A peculiar little Halkrran had somehow gotten her hands on the notice, reading it over with a puzzled look she'd look to the closest person and inquire - ".. Who's Alarric Keen?.."

An elven man looked down at the notice, peering their blue eyes over the paper before gripping it with their pinchers and skimming it over. It was only moments before the man tossed it aside, barely taking the time to read it in full "Just another blue blood clutching their pearls and having an eloquent little temper tantrum, trying to gain sympathy from the mindless masses. Best you could do is just ignore them and let them eat their own.."
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Hanz looks at this and smiles from his cozy chair with his wife and children around himself. He looks at this quietly whispering to himself in Genevaud Dialect

"Spirit Keep Keen, mein treuester Freund. Ich werde dir folgen, bis wir in einem glorreichen Kampf sterben."
"Spirit Keep Keen my most loyal friend. I will follow you till we die in in a glorious battle."
A Url looks at this fielding a question from his youngest as to its contents with "bit if theater Ailewyn, Mr.Keen does love to spin a story. Now if its true is another matter entirely. By Handrin's crown, I believe the Gods would deem the Baron and his former Family equally inept and corrupt usually."
Who the fuck is this guy???!!!! @HeyitsNano is the worst massivecraft player ever!!! I'd be a far better roleplayer!!

@Jalapeno690 I can't tell if you're joking or just being that toxic.

But anyone who actually knows Nano knows he's nothing like his character, which speaks volumes to his ability to roleplay. It's very hard at times to play a character who is so entirely unlike yourself.
I've spoken to him on a number of occasions, and while, yes, lots of characters think Alaric is an idiot, Nano is fully aware of this and uses it to his advantage, which is something I still haven't figured out how he does. But the dude has my respect.
@Jalapeno690 I can't tell if you're joking or just being that toxic.

But anyone who actually knows Nano knows he's nothing like his character, which speaks volumes to his ability to roleplay. It's very hard at times to play a character who is so entirely unlike yourself.
I've spoken to him on a number of occasions, and while, yes, lots of characters think Alaric is an idiot, Nano is fully aware of this and uses it to his advantage, which is something I still haven't figured out how he does. But the dude has my respect.
Thank you Pakk. It means a lot.

I'm assuming Jalapeno is likely joking. He is a faction player, not a roleplayer. We should try to limit OOC responses as per the forum rules.
Greer and Greer the dog were walking quickly to the nearest pub when Greer (the human) saw a corner of a paper sticking out from the snow. Curious, she'd pull it up. The ink was faded by now, and bits of the paper had been torn off, but she'd take the remains of the paper with her to the Willow where she could read whatever she could make out. When she was finished, she looked to Greer the dog with furrowed brows.

"Huh. So that's what that Keen guy was talking about."

She'd shrug and return to her whiskey, crumpling up the paper and shoving it in her pocket.