❈ The Regalian Brawlers ❈

Sep 18, 2016
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The Regalian Brawlers' Organization is back, and better than ever! Renamed The Regalian Brawlers, the purpose of this group is to provide entertainment to the public, both brawler and spectator. With the lack of entertainment in these trying times, we endeavor to bring those able bodied and yearning for action together to brawl through legal means. It is leisure. With enough members, the club aims to supply the general public with matches, allowing those who wish to witness to do so. While this club is purely for fun and entertainment, all members must sign a waiver when signing up, as there are risks of bodily harm, and we will not be liable for any injuries caused by training or matches.

I, -INSERT NAME-, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.


OOC Information

The primary function of this club is to provide others with a chance to work on their fisticuffs, swordplay, and combat rp in general. We plan to host events, small groupings, or simple, friendly spars. Regalian Citizens of any race or gender are able to join. However, Outsiders are not permitted to join. In order to become a member, each character must sign the waiver mentioned above.


The top fighters will be listed here.


Club Hierarchy

The select few who take lead of all ranks below. The Head's typically will make up the judges of an ongoing match, decide it to be an all out brawl (use of all limbs to fight, lesser rules) or a standard match, and/or are the ones to assign judges to one. All public matches are to be run through with one of the Heads, so they can relay it back to the rest to approve it.

Main Head: Frejnir Viduggla

Lower Heads: Siselle Viduggla​
Fawzi Kra'zzla​

Those of peerage, and a select others who are trusted to the rank. Uppers have the ability to deny a fight, and will have a much higher chance at judging in events, and impromptus. Uppers also carry the ability of first pickings in their boxing partners.

Current Uppers:

Valkari Lothgard
Torhilde Ulster

The standard make-up of the organization.



Organization Rules
  • By joining the organization, you join with the knowledge and full consent of bodily harm towards your person, potentially for the enjoyment of the public. You will sign a waiver to confirm this.
  • Regalian Laws are to be followed wholeheartedly, and violations of these laws may result in expulsion from the organization and a report to the Regalian Guard.
  • All public bouts must be handled with at least one Head.
  • Those with a criminal background have potential to be denied permission into the organization.
Rulings of the Roster
  • Those of noble peerage, and first class status will get to decide whether or not they will fight against their chosen opponent. Said specifics also get first say in who they pick for opponents- Though, those of peerage first.
Rulings of a Boxing Match
  • Betting will be settled on the official result immediately after the fight.
  • A match may be decided as an all out brawl.
    • Use of all limbs allowed, alongside lesser, lenient rulings.
  • You cannot hit below the belt, hold, trip, kick, knee, headbutt, wrestle, elbow, or bite on your opponent in a boxing bout.
  • A floored fighter has up to ten seconds to get back up before losing the bout by knockout.
  • If you "floor" your opponent, you cannot hit them when they are on the ground.
  • A boxer hit with an accidental low blow has up to five minutes to recover. If they cannot continue after those minutes, they are to be considered knocked out.
  • Bouts can be stopped at will by the judges of it.
  • When the referee breaks you from a clinch, you have to take a full step back; you cannot immediately hit your opponent--that's called "hitting on the break" and is illegal.



Discord (Required for communication):
Character Name:
Character App:
IC Crimes:
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):

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IGN: ColinRedstone
Discord (Required for communication): DaBamboy#2518
Character Name: Ailwin Kudaglel
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/ailwin-kudaglel.76417/
IC Crimes: N/A
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: N/A
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
To Viduggla,
I wish to join the Regalian Brawlers. I am quite skilled in unarmed combat, and I believe myself to be honorable in combat. My reason for joining is simply to entertain: if my hobby can be used to bring joy to others, I should wish to do so to the fullest extent. I hope I may be of some use thus.
Ailwin Kudaglel
Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Ailwin Kudaglel, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Valorist
Discord (Required for communication): Valor#9163
Character Name: Valkari Lothgard
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/valkari-lothgard.77034/#post-945559
IC Crimes: Vigilantism & assault of a guard
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: N/A

Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
The addressed letter would be written with a far fancier cursive than the Velheim was truly capable of creating, and perhaps included more than Valkari had originally asked of the mysterious writer, but it would be sent in to the noble before Valkari could object.
"Frejnir Viduggla,

Allow me into the ranks of this brawler organization and I will bring about more entertaining fights for the people to watch and enjoy. I will serve to demonstrate how real Northerners treat their brawls and pledge an honorable and fair match for anyone who challenges me.

Safe travels and Gods protect,
Valkari Lothgard"

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Valkari Lothgard, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
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IGN: Chapstxcks
Discord (Required for communication): Chap#8915
Character Name: Vakgu Yaghed
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vakgu-yaghed.82677/
IC Crimes: None
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
"Frejnir Viduggla,
I am a Nothorc of half Velheim blood, being raised by such community. I am a purely unarmed combatant and would love to prove my brawn in your organization.

-Vakgu Yaghed"

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Vakgu Yaghed, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: FarmerBlakeyBoy
Discord (Required for communication): I'm in your discord servers
Character Name: Rolf av Drixagh
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/rolf-of-drixagh.83109/
IC Crimes: None
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:

Rolf sent a letter in after hearing news of such club, although not knowing how write, he has been picking up on it but barely. He'd have a Axe Wax seal on the letter which entailed in very sloppy hand writing;

"Rolf, fight yes?"

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Rolf, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
Minecraft Username: Sathenia.
Discord Username: Sathenia#8853
Character Name: Torhilde.
In Character Crimes: Werebeastism.
Minecraft Punishments: N/A.
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
(The letter is all in Skodje.)

To the Viduggla I enjoyed guarding the most,

You know me. I'm the best unarmed fighter in
Regalia. I'll fuck up any of the other fighters.

- Torhilde av Kongehjem.

Signed Waver:
I, Torhilde av Kongehjem, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
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IGN: Bunemma.
Discord (Required for communication): Bunemma#9308
Character Name: Mal Practice.
Character App: [ x ]
IC Crimes: Being hot.
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None.
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
To Frejnir Viduggla,
I'm the best unarmed fighter in all of Regalia. You'd be a fool not to accept me.
Hugs and Kisses, Mal Practice.
Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Mal Practice, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
Minecraft User: JResurrected
Discord User: Apostle77#0756
Character Name: Duke Abez
IC Crimes: Pickpocketing, Disturbing the Peace. No convictions yet.
Punishments: N/A
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:

In barely legible charcoal pencil reads: "Im a tuf rat. Qwik n sharp. I like wachn fites n boxin som rounds. I wanna join The Regalyen Brallers."

Signed Waver:
I, Duke, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: TheSilverSpectre
Discord (Required for communication): Wonderboy Prime#1050
Character Name: Thalion Amlugonnen
Character App: Here
IC Crimes: None
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
Frejnir Viduggla,
"I am a local Palattu trainer that has been practicing the lightweight style for the better part of a century. I wish to learn, teach, and entertain."
Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Thalion Amlugonnen, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: SouthernAmity
Discord (Required for communication): ★southern★#9163
Character Name: Li-Lang
Character App: Lang
IC Crimes: Not Committed or Caught for Any -yet-
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
The letter was written in regular common but the lettering was uncertain; clearly, not a native to the written language.
Hi! My name is Li-Lang - I am fighter from the East, and this is good opportunity to put my skills to use.

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Li-Lang, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Mini_Daisy
Discord (Required for communication): Mini Daisy#5624
Character Name: Cyrus Liss Goodwin
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/cyrus-liss-goodwin-the-foolish-sihndar.82034/#post-958298
IC Crimes: Cyrus has had vampirism once before almost a year ago and was cured for it by the guards at Greygate.
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
"Dear Whomever this meets,
I seek out combat, a good brawl to take place in. I am a sihndar, a skilled combant one at that.

-Cyrus Liss Goodwin"

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Cyrus Liss Goodwin, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: SouthernAmity
Discord (Required for communication): ★southern★#9163
Character Name: Li-Lang
Character App: Lang
IC Crimes: Not Committed or Caught for Any -yet-
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
The letter was written in regular common but the lettering was uncertain; clearly, not a native to the written language.
Hi! My name is Li-Lang - I am fighter from the East, and this is good opportunity to put my skills to use.

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Li-Lang, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Mini_Daisy
Discord (Required for communication): Mini Daisy#5624
Character Name: Cyrus Liss Goodwin
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/cyrus-liss-goodwin-the-foolish-sihndar.82034/#post-958298
IC Crimes: Cyrus has had vampirism once before almost a year ago and was cured for it by the guards at Greygate.
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
"Dear Whomever this meets,
I seek out combat, a good brawl to take place in. I am a sihndar, a skilled combant one at that.

-Cyrus Liss Goodwin"

Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):
I, Cyrus Liss Goodwin, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: FilicidalIdeals
Discord (Required for communication): Vaultboy ♣#2675
Character Name: Deldrax Dri'alatran
Character App: Purple.
IC Crimes: I got arrested and beat for standing in the Nook. (Deldrax violated no rights, if that counts.)
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None.
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla: "I wanna fight, what else do you need to know?" - Deldrax
I, Deldrax, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: FilicidalIdeals
Discord (Required for communication): Vaultboy ♣#2675
Character Name: Deldrax Dri'alatran
Character App: Purple.
IC Crimes: I got arrested and beat for standing in the Nook. (Deldrax violated no rights, if that counts.)
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None.
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla: "I wanna fight, what else do you need to know?" - Deldrax
I, Deldrax, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: AlysaPotato
Discord (Required for communication): AlysaPotato#9321
Character Name: Manuel Florez
Character App: bam
IC Crimes: None
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla:
The letter would be written in harsh Common.


Mi Llamo Manuel, love fight, honor join brawl!

Gracias, Manuel Florez
Signed Waiver (Put in spoiler):

I, Manuel Florez, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN | Gwyndo
Discord | Gwyndo#6639
Character Name + App | Mánus of Bhacstair
IC Crimes | One noise complaint from blasting mad bag-pipes at like 8 pm
Jails/Mutes/Etc. | None
Letter to Frejnir Viduggla |
Hello Viduggla!

I only recently got back to Regalia but I've heard about what you lot are setting up and love the look of it. I've been a coach and fighter for years now and want to get involved again.

I'm not the best at writing these things, so I'll come down sometime and we can have a chat whenever suits you.

Mánus of Bhacstair​
Signed Waiver |
I, Mánus of Bhacstair, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Timetotalk
Discord (Required for communication): Kuma#0667
Character Name: Eivind Frisfjell
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eivind-frisfjell.82716/
IC Crimes: None that are listed in records.
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None.
The Letter's contents would be entirely written in Skodje!

To Frejnir Viduggla,

It is nice to see an organization for those that truly enjoy the 'sport' of fighting amongst one another, yet not in the way of hatred or anger. Yet, one for the entertainment of fighting by itself! So, I would enjoy joining your organization for just that kind of reasoning! I enjoy the blood, sweat and tears that goes into a good fight against an opponent that is such worthy of that stage! I would also happily take on any kind of opponent that is thrown at me.

Eivind Frisfjell

I, Eivind Frisfjell, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Bwmwags3
Discord (Required for communication): bwmwags#1271
Character Name: James Larkson
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/james-treji-larkson-the-pagan.81373/
IC Crimes: None that can be proven or have been Investigated IC
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: N/A

Good Day Frejnir,
As both an Url and a Ritualist of our most glorious Basthur it is a honor and a duty to submit myself for such things as this organization. Though an Url my fighting is exclusively with sword and dagger mostly sword. My Performance at the last Viduggla Tournament should speak for itself on that account. I am fully ready to sing the waiver but make it known that as I'll soon be getting married, I may need to take a leave of absence to visit my Blood Kin back in Gallovia with my Fiance and step daughter. Other then that I will fight unarmed if I must but ask if I would be allowed to observe the Rites to Basthur before my Fights as the faithful should when offering him proper sacrifice.

James Larkson
Beserker of Basthur
Wolf of Alu
Ritualist of the Eight Old Gods

I, James Treji Larkson, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Timetotalk
Discord (Required for communication): Kuma#0667
Character Name: Eivind Frisfjell
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/eivind-frisfjell.82716/
IC Crimes: None that are listed in records.
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: None.
The Letter's contents would be entirely written in Skodje!

To Frejnir Viduggla,

It is nice to see an organization for those that truly enjoy the 'sport' of fighting amongst one another, yet not in the way of hatred or anger. Yet, one for the entertainment of fighting by itself! So, I would enjoy joining your organization for just that kind of reasoning! I enjoy the blood, sweat and tears that goes into a good fight against an opponent that is such worthy of that stage! I would also happily take on any kind of opponent that is thrown at me.

Eivind Frisfjell

I, Eivind Frisfjell, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
IGN: Bwmwags3
Discord (Required for communication): bwmwags#1271
Character Name: James Larkson
Character App: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/james-treji-larkson-the-pagan.81373/
IC Crimes: None that can be proven or have been Investigated IC
Jails/Mutes/Etc.: N/A

Good Day Frejnir,
As both an Url and a Ritualist of our most glorious Basthur it is a honor and a duty to submit myself for such things as this organization. Though an Url my fighting is exclusively with sword and dagger mostly sword. My Performance at the last Viduggla Tournament should speak for itself on that account. I am fully ready to sing the waiver but make it known that as I'll soon be getting married, I may need to take a leave of absence to visit my Blood Kin back in Gallovia with my Fiance and step daughter. Other then that I will fight unarmed if I must but ask if I would be allowed to observe the Rites to Basthur before my Fights as the faithful should when offering him proper sacrifice.

James Larkson
Beserker of Basthur
Wolf of Alu
Ritualist of the Eight Old Gods

I, James Treji Larkson, approve of my full, complete consent of bodily harm towards my person. For if I am to get injured legally in my time in The Regalian Brawlers, I will press no charges against the Organization nor the person responsible, alongside the organization will not be charged for medical issues caused by the physical injuries.
Both approved
[! bumping because this is being revived and ran by my velheimer]