
Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by SouthernAmity, Apr 11, 2020.

  1. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Basic Information

    Full Name: Li-Lang or M'ie'ha'ku
    Age: Twenty-Five
    Gender: Female
    Race: Sihai | Common Dynasty
    Sexuality: Homosexual - Possible Biromantic
    Preferred Weapon: Fists

    Skill Information

    Total Points: Thirty + Five = Thirty-Five

    Combat Proficiencies
    Eastern Unarmed |+9|

    Knowledge Proficiencies

    Historical Knowledge |+6|

    Eastern History
    Dragon History
    Maritime Knowledge |+5|

    Magic Proficiencies
    Elemental Sorcery |+8|

    Arts Proficiency

    Dancing Arts |+5 Hobby Points|
    Threads Arts |+5 Hobby Points|

    Ritualism Proficiency
    Soul Dragon Ritualism |+7|

    Body Stat: Twenty
    Body Shape: Athletic
    Body Fat: Average


    Wa’an |Native Language|
    Common |Fluent Spoken - Partly Written|


    Soul Dragon Mutations

    Soul Dragon: Draconic Shine
    Soul Dragon: Draconic Disc

    Elemental Sorcery: Magma
    Elemental Slide
    Elemental Orb

    Visual Information



    Eye Color: Chestnut Brown
    Hair Color: Black
    Hair Style: Down, brushes evenly down to her waist
    Skin Color: Lightly Tanned; Yellowed Complexion
    Clothing: Traditional Sihai Dress; she often threads her own outfits
    Height: 5’5

    Personality Information

    Character Alignment

    Neutral: Li-Lang used to have everyones best interests in mind. However, when people started making decisions for her she realized that she has to take care of herself first. It is difficult to get her to discern between right and wrong in recent times due to the life that she has lived. The one rule she has for herself is to not cause unnecessary harm onto anyone around her. Though, she is unafraid to fight for what she believes is right.

    Character Personality

    The Campaigner: It is hard to put her into a foul mood. In every situation Maemi will find a silver lining to everything and share it with those she believes needs to hear it. At times, it can be almost demeaning how positive she is at the worst times. Though, at the same time it can be inspiring that she never loses her hope despite it all.

    Character Faith

    Loong Dragons - 9/10: Since she grew up in the Sihai Empire, the woman was raised knowing of the Dragons. It was so practical and logical to her as a child. The Dragons did not concern themselves in each individual life but instead helped the general population when they were needed. This made her seek out the big picture in life and tried to see it as they did. Maemi began her studies of Dragons and soon became a priestess at age fourteen, honing her faith all the way till age nineteen. She worked in hospitals and blessed the sick and dying or conducted prayers.

    Life Story



    Li-Lang was the born heir to the wealthy Li family within the boundaries of the Sihai Empire. Her mother was Li-Mai, and her father Li-Zhang; her father was a man of the military and her mother resided over their companies. It was their hope that their heir would be a symbol of faith and hope in their family and thus raised her with the knowledge of her people and their history with the Loong Dragons.

    Her training began at age six. Many different tutors were brought through the home to teach Lang the disciplines she needed to learn in order for her to be successful.
    Li-Mai had a tutor by the name of
    Ki-Bao; he was an Elemental Mage and taught young Li-Lang two sorcery spells, she wished to learn no more after the two because it took too much time away from her other studies. The one she remembers in the dearest light was the swordswoman Zhen who stayed in the young girl's life all the way up to age twelve. Zhen taught Li-Lang the discipline of Eastern Blades and made certain the girl would be able to protect herself and her family. When she had to leave, Lang was as devastated as a child could be as she had felt like the woman was her friend and mentor. The devastation did not last for long; as life swept in and ushered the young girl along in her studies and daily life. Zheng-Wei from the Noble family Zheng, a swordsman that was sixteen at the time, took an interest in Li-Lang when she was age fourteen. After talking with her father, Zheng-Wei promised wealth and honor to their family should he be able to take the girl for his wife when she comes of age. Her beauty and her spirit was what drew him to her. Lang refused but her parents told Zheng-Wei that she agreed and thus an arranged marriage was prepared in five years' time.

    Li-Lang despised the situation she had been forced into. So, she spent her time in the city and temple settlements that she felt that she could be herself in. Often, she dressed simply to not expose herself as being one of wealth. When she was fifteen she met another girl named Da-Xia and the pair became fast friends. Li-Lang confided in the girl and told her about her personal life and her arranged marriage. She promised Lang that she wouldn’t let that happen to her if she did not want it.

    Time passed, Da-Xia left and joined a crew of pirates and became a renowned blades woman and thief. It broke Langs heart that her friend had moved onto such a hard life. It was time for her marriage and the young priestess had no interest in Zheng-Wei and prayed for another life far away from this one. Where she wasn’t destined to be a quiet heir in a one-sided marriage. Soon it was the day of her wedding as all five years since that promise the families had made, ticked by. Li-Lang stood there in her red wedding gown and Zheng-Wei in his uniform - he was a successful warrior; they had just began to exchange their promises when Da-Xia walked up to the pair and announced herself, before telling Zheng-Wei that Lang did not belong to him. She grabbed Lang’s hand and walked her out, cutting down any Guards that tried to stop them until they at last reached the ship.

    They were married at sea. Da-Xia had taken the name Chun and Lang took upon the name Dai as their new names. For a time, Lang gave up her discernment of right and wrong so she could be happy with her wife. Da-Xia adorned Lang with jewelry and expensive clothing that she could afford from her crew’s success. For years they lived on the ocean and stopped in ports where they weren’t wanted as criminals, enjoying their life of thieving and partying as much as they could. Trouble came in the form of other pirates; and, Da-Xia was slaughtered on the deck during an invasion. Lang was taken onboard the other ship, and eventually escaped after stealing back her blade, Guan-yin. They hadn’t been too far off the shore of the Regalian Archipelago and she took a life boat to shore. From there, she made her way to the city of Regalia in hopes she could start a new life there. She was given a vial by the Puppet, and in hopes of such a new life, she drank it and has been given the Sanguine Curse. Her ritualism was made invalid and she has been granted abilities she’d never thought possible. However, not long into it her friend brought her to be cured; she is now mundane once more and her Ritualism has returned to her.


    • Powerful x 2
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    • Thank You! x 1
    #1 SouthernAmity, Apr 11, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2020
  2. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Hello! I'll be claiming this for aspirant review. Expect it shortly.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Thank you!
  4. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Here is my review:
    • This is a solid application, but please keep in mind the naming customs for Sihai are either in Wa'co or in line with Han Chinese naming customs. I'd like you to change her name to fit with one of these two.
    Make this change and I'll mark you approved.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    So what I did was I made her birth name line up with those naming customs, and when she became a pirate her and her wife took on new names and that is how Li-Lang got the name Maemi Tanaka. Is that alright?
  6. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Assuming her wife was also Sihai, their language doesn't have the letters/syllables to really be able to sound out "Maemi Tanaka". I'll still hold that you change the name to something in line with Wa'co or Han Chinese.
  7. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Oh okay! I’ll make her name officially Li-Lang then
  8. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Approved! Don't forget to edit the name of the thread as well.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  9. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Done! Thank you so much
  10. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    @apath if I did a rework for her to be a sanguine? Would it drop all of her ritualism points
  11. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Vampires may only use Haunt or Void Ritualism.
  12. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    Alright! I will make some edits and get back to you
  13. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    @apath changed have been made in blue.
  14. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    @apath she was cured before she was done transforming; app has been returned to as it was before but with the story still expanded.
  15. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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  16. SouthernAmity

    SouthernAmity dumb blonde

    Jun 4, 2015
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    @apath Made her a complete unarmed martial combatant. Aged her up to thirty, the years still fit in the life story. I added elemental sorcery to her list of skills; her tutor was a man hired by her mother back within the Empire. She only knows two elemental spells. All edits are made in blue.
  17. booette

    booette liar and milf lover Staff Member Lore1

    Jan 6, 2018
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