Criminal Guild Regalian Rogues' Guild


The oldest of all shrubberies
Jul 7, 2016
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Victoria, Australia
The Regalian Rogues' Guild


OOC Goal: To organize and promote crime RP and general Crookback/Sewers RP

The Regalian Rogue's Guild is a mockery of the powerful trade guilds operating within the city. In response to lessening factional influence over Crookback, the sewers, and other criminal areas of the city, the Rogue's Guild is a method to organize this new individualist paradigm of crooks and criminals through a series of contracts.

Due to Regalian Law making membership of a criminal organization illegal there are only a small handful of actual members of the Rogue's Guild. The vast majority of people or organizations interacting with them are classed as contractors with no affiliation with the Regalian Rogue's Guild, at least so far as the law is concerned. This makes the Rogue's Guild's role more facilitating and enforcing contracts between various individuals and organizations. As well as overseeing and maintaining the black market, facilitating smugglers, fences, forgers and all other illegal professions, and many other such tasks.


Members' Roles
Master/Mistress Of Contracts
The theoretical leader of the Regalian Rogue's Guild. The Master or Mistress of Contracts is responsible for the overall administration of the guild and ensuring it can effectively serve its purpose of protecting criminal enterprises.They are also specifically tasked with overseeing the contract listings, and creating contracts with the Enforces, seen below.

The Black Broker
The treasurer or the organization, as well as the individual responsible for overseeing and promoting the various black markets around Regalia. They also ensure the quality of forgeries, smuggled items and such. They may choose to set guidelines for bribes or contracts. Finally, they take a small fee from each contract over a certain price in regals posted, in order to allow the financial function of the Guild.

The Knightwatchman
The Knightwatchman is responsible for the security of the Guild, its contractors, and the locations it operates in as a whole. Their main purpose is gathering information on threats to any of the above, and ensuring defensive obligations are maintained. Finally the Knightwatchman may set out guidelines for how to deal with certain breaches of contract, threats to the Guild, or other such concerns. And they may act as a mediator or judge in such circumstances.

Contractors' Roles
Apprentices are only those who do not have existing contacts within Regalia or Tierravera criminal organizations, and have not proven themselves as criminals. They represent the untested individuals or organizations, new to the criminal underworld. Upon successful completion of a contract the Apprentice will graduate to Journeyman if no other members of the contract object.

The standard rank for most contractors. Journeyman are individuals or organizations that have proven themselves as reliable takers of contracts. Most individuals or organizations joining the Guild will find themselves here, assuming they do not have a complete lack of criminal experience.

Those given the role of Master are considered experts in their specific field, such as theft, forgery or smuggling. This role confers with it a level of prestige, as well as a signet ring used to confirm contracts are issued or taken by a Master of the Guild. Additionally, the Guild Masters act as a representative body and can pass votes. In order to achieve the rank of Master a 'masterwork' must be performed. A display of skill, within the chosen field. In order to have a masterwork approved the applicant must seek approval from either two other guild masters, or all legal guild members (see above).

Enforcers are those who have accepted a contract of a special nature, issued by the Master or Mistress of Contracts. Often demons or other spirits are sought out for this contract specifically, as their aptitude for pacts make them ideally suited for it. Enforcers are responsible for the placing and upkeep of the contract listings, such as confirming a contract as completed or accepted. Additionally, they are responsible for dealing with breaches and enforcement of a contract alongside the Knightwatchman.
