• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Work Needed!


Who am I? I'm the magical Mandy!
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score
your local trash.

The words written looked oddly neat, the poster was hung up in the Willow for
all to see.

Looking For Work!
Odd jobs, Messenger, Maid, Handmaiden, Bar-tending, Babysitting and more!


Brief Interview with the girl looking for the job!

Poppy Cuffburt, 18, and that girl who needs coin! I've had experience with being a maid and handmaiden for the d'Vaud's. Also lot of experience with babies and stuff. Basically just need a job that doesn't require lot of muscle work! Hire me now!

A letter would arrive to Poppy.
It would be poorly written, as if a toddler had scribbled on a sheet of paper.

are yu lITerat e? - A U G u S t A
The letter would be in a sort of cursive, translated into D'Ithanie, Dressolini, and Common

Dear Poppy,

I, Azelgio Valetta, head of The Order of Valetta, am looking for women like you to aid in my house. If you wish to work for I, I will pay you handsomely.

Best Wishes, Azelgio Valetta, High Valetta of Order of Valetta.
"Always looking for help at my lil restaurant in the Habour District!"

The small note was written on one of the posts, giving the address of the Brambling Pantry.
A letter would arrive to Poppy.
It would be poorly written, as if a toddler had scribbled on a sheet of paper.

are yu lITerat e? - A U G u S t A
A letter written back shortly later, after the fact she had been waiting in anticipation.

Yes, I am-- I mean obviously, since I'm writing this.

Poppy Cuffubrt
The letter would be in a sort of cursive, translated into D'Ithanie, Dressolini, and Common

Dear Poppy,

I, Azelgio Valetta, head of The Order of Valetta, am looking for women like you to aid in my house. If you wish to work for I, I will pay you handsomely.

Best Wishes, Azelgio Valetta, High Valetta of Order of Valetta.

Written back in a more nice and proper way a letter would make their way to this person.

Dear Mister Azelgio Valetta,

It'd be a great honor to help serve aid your house in anyway you'd like, in reason matters! Contact me further for more detail!

Spirit Blessings,
Poppy Cuffburt
A letter written back shortly later, after the fact she had been waiting in anticipation.

Yes, I am-- I mean obviously, since I'm writing this.

Poppy Cuffubrt

Written back in a more nice and proper way a letter would make their way to this person.

Dear Mister Azelgio Valetta,

It'd be a great honor to help serve aid your house in anyway you'd like, in reason matters! Contact me further for more detail!

Spirit Blessings,
Poppy Cuffburt
Another letter would arrive shortly afterwards. Since Zoe didn't want to do all the font size and style changes, just imagine it being almost indecipherable.
I'll pay you 25 regals to write letters for me.
Another letter would arrive shortly afterwards. Since Zoe didn't want to do all the font size and style changes, just imagine it being almost indecipherable.
I'll pay you 25 regals to write letters for me.
Swifty wrote back in the same cursive style.

Its a diddly-darn deal! Find me around mainstreet, or contact me further for a meet up!

Spirit Blessings,
Poppy Cuffburt

Find me online or msg me on the forums!
A letter written back shortly later, after the fact she had been waiting in anticipation.

Yes, I am-- I mean obviously, since I'm writing this.

Poppy Cuffubrt

Written back in a more nice and proper way a letter would make their way to this person.

Dear Mister Azelgio Valetta,

It'd be a great honor to help serve aid your house in anyway you'd like, in reason matters! Contact me further for more detail!

Spirit Blessings,
Poppy Cuffburt

*Written in reply to her message to him.*

Dear Poppy Cuffburt,

I am thrilled! I am in need of staff of any kind, excluding chef. I am in need of maids, guards, advisors, accountants, and anything you can think of. I pay 100r a week for house services, and 150r a week for "guard" services, whether it be just escorting me and helping me in public or bringing weapons along with you and defending me in trouble.

Best Wishes,
Azelgio Valetta