What's The Most Disturbing/creepy Thing That's Happened To You?

This happened about a month ago
I visited an old graveyard once with my friend. It was surrounded by a chain-link fence and it was in the middle of the woods. Some of the graves were overgrown, some of the graves had brand-new flowers and beer cans surrounding them, and some of them were actually buried yesterday. It was the first time I had visited a graveyard. ( Many of the old graves were related to each other, I believed it was a family grave. There were also many baby-graves.) As me and my friend walked around, my chest started feeling incredibly heavy, and I started sweating. My movements were incredibly slow and I asked my friend if we could leave. When we did leave I felt incredibly sick while inside of the car. It wore off eventually as we drove away, but, I never did tell my friend how I felt. The experience of visiting a graveyard for the first time was terrifying, and I didn't want for her to go back to try and investigate.
This happened when I was 5 or 8... I can't remember.
I saw a shadowy-wolf creature on the side of my house while I was in the backyard. My family did not own any dogs at the time and I started crying. My dad did a look-threw of the backyard and found no traces of any wolves or dogs. The creepiness of it was "powered" up due to my backyard being like a forest.
^ That graveyard story reminds me...
Does anyone else NOT DISLIKE graveyards besides me? I find them very peaceful, the ones that are overgrown and forgotten, concealed by a thick forest. They are so quiet, and calm.
I have about 3 different things that happened to me, the first one was mainly terrifying, and the other 2 are related, and both extremely creepy, and terrifying.
Story 1: I can't remember what exactly made me stupid enough to do this, but I decided that I would climb down a window of a house, from the top floor, and a person who was with me helped by lowering me down a bit, when they smiled, and laughed. They let go, and I dropped about 20ft down, my vision whited out, and I thought I was dead, until I woke up on the ground, I could barely breath, and I couldn't move for about a minute, then I regained feeling in my back, and it hurt like hell, which made me glad (That I wasn't dead, and wasn't paralyzed.). One of the most terrifying experiences of my life, along with the other two.
Story 2: Well it was a fine, and quite nice day, but eventually I got tired, and went to bed. I didn't dream at all, and I woke up in the middle of the night, choking on my own blood, and bleeding from both nostrils, I also heard whispers all around me. About 30 seconds past, and I was terrifed, even more so when a dark humanoid figure appeared at the end of my bed, it had red eye's, it didn't move, but just stared at me, whenever I closed my eyes I would see a swirling pair of eyes, this went on for about a minute. I ended up blacking out, and waking up a few hours later, very groggy.
Story 3: This is related to the second story (I believe it is anyway). I was having a good day, playing on massivecraft, when I got this VERY PAINFUL headache, I could barely even think it was so bad. I ened up gall off of my chair, and rolling around on the ground, when a very large dark shadowy figure entered my room, it had claws, and large red eye's. I tried backing away from it, and calling out for help, but found it too painful to do anything, it then approached me, and dug its claws deep into my skull, I felt searing pain unlike what I had ever felt before (And I have broken bones, and it was more painful than a broken bone.) I ended up passing out, waking up on my floor about an hour later.

Well this is it for me, and these are the most terrifying experiences of my life. I never knew what was happening in the stories 2, and 3, but it was horribly scary.
^ That graveyard story reminds me...
Does anyone else NOT DISLIKE graveyards besides me? I find them very peaceful, the ones that are overgrown and forgotten, concealed by a thick forest. They are so quiet, and calm.
I am not saying that I dislike them. I just so happened to have a creepy experience in one... I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway.
This happened irl. Once i was fighting with my older sister, and she pushed me into a second story window. It shattered, and i almost fell onto a truck.

This happened in a dream when i was 5 or 8. There is a hill that my house is on, and my dad told me to get a towel that was on the lower side. I went there, sat on it, and started sliding down the hill. I looked back at my dad and he was laughing maniacally. Then i was devoured by giant rat-spider hybrids at the bottom of the hill.

This happened irl when i was 9. The aforementioned older sister forced me to watch Paranormal Activity. Worst. Thing. Ever

Probably more to come.
Well, one time I heard the sink faucet dripping in the upstairs bathroom of my house, so I went and turned it off before returning to my room to watch anime and (Yup, you guessed it) drink raspberry tea. A bit later, I had finished the episode of anime (Black Butler, it was my first time watching it and I was at the part where they introduce Grell with his chainsaw) I had almost finished my tea, and I was listening to "Crazy Night," by the Vocaloids. By the time the song finished, I was done with my tea, and was heading downstairs to refill before watching more anime. As I left my room, I heard water running. I went to the source of the sound, (The bathroom) and the water was on in a steady trickle, more than before I had turned it off before. I was home alone. After I turned it off, I went downstairs and refilled my tea, then returned to my room. As soon as I shut the door behind me, I heard emergency vehicle sirens. When they faded, I heard the water running again.
That experience was really creepy to me, especially since it hasn't happened since. The faucets were in perfect repair, by the way.
I would say, when I've had dreams and they've actually happened.. but that's pretty normal for me..
I think Living With @Cyan Cats tops everything here :I
Well i haven't had a creepy RP moment (yet) so my irl creepy moment was this:
It was the last period of the day in my high school i had a great day i went to the male toilets and i opened the door lights were off weird i thought then i closed the door quite dark thedn suddenly the lights turn on and theirs a kid there by the light switch in a black hoodie. I jumped back and screamed "WTF!" He then said "did you see and teachers out there?" i said "No." He then says "good now you leave and don't tell anyone or I'll cut you." I nod to him and then he turns off the lights opens the door and pushes me out.
Alright, so my grammar is gonna be really bad probably as I am using a IPod to type this one, but I really want to share anothe dream thing that actually happened earlier this year. The dream was very similar to the first one I mentioned in which I was talking to a friend of mine, but this time it was in my bedroom instead of outside and I was talking to a female friend and not Mycin. With this one I again don't recall the exact subject matter, but what I do recall is that at a certain point dream me realized that she (who I will to refer to in the style of the internet as "Derpina") was really close to me, like touching my being, close. So dream me was like "lol wat are you doing Derpina" and she responded by smiling... And then proceeding to make out with dream me. Eventually dream me somehow gets pushed onto a reading pillow on the other side of my bed and "stuff" is about to go down when...
This is where it gets interesting, dream analyzer people have fun.
The dream stops.
As in it just freezes. With dream me on reading pillow in a very akward position with Derpina ontop of me. Somehow I could still move my eyes around and so naturally dream me was looking all around like "WTF dis" and so on.
That's when I noticed a figure in the opposite corner of my bedroom. As soon as I noticed it, I just kinda stared like "...the fuck..."
That's when it proceeded to walk casually up to me, and lean down.
And it was ME.
Like, "my face when I look into the mirror and what you all see of my face in real life" Me.
So naturally me-me was like "hrobrgianshdkr" by now. But all other-me did was simply look me-me in the eye, and say something that I really am still wondering about.
"Don't even try it. You don't have a chance."
Then I woke up in a cold sweat.
I literally have only told my most trusted friend about this, but even to him I left out this one detail of a email I got that day from stumbleupon, which lovingly suggesgted the two things. (wish I had direct links but I kinda deleted the email because I got so freaked out)
"How to tell the meanings behind dreams" and "What are Dopplegangers?"
For those who don't know, Dopplegangers are ghosts/spiritual beings that supposedly look exactly like you.
IG- Someone asked my character Valdimar if he'd like his rectum tickled; obviously Vald complied.
IRL- Went to the local pub with some school mates one night for a drink after exams, about 3 hours into the night i went out for a breath of fresh air. Some middle-aged drunk guy was p***ing against the doorframe so when I came out to get a breath of fresh air, he turned to face me and say hi.... He was still peeing.... ergo, peed all up my leg -_-
I have about 3 different things that happened to me, the first one was mainly terrifying, and the other 2 are related, and both extremely creepy, and terrifying.
Story 1: I can't remember what exactly made me stupid enough to do this, but I decided that I would climb down a window of a house, from the top floor, and a person who was with me helped by lowering me down a bit, when they smiled, and laughed. They let go, and I dropped about 20ft down, my vision whited out, and I thought I was dead, until I woke up on the ground, I could barely breath, and I couldn't move for about a minute, then I regained feeling in my back, and it hurt like hell, which made me glad (That I wasn't dead, and wasn't paralyzed.). One of the most terrifying experiences of my life, along with the other two.
Story 2: Well it was a fine, and quite nice day, but eventually I got tired, and went to bed. I didn't dream at all, and I woke up in the middle of the night, choking on my own blood, and bleeding from both nostrils, I also heard whispers all around me. About 30 seconds past, and I was terrifed, even more so when a dark humanoid figure appeared at the end of my bed, it had red eye's, it didn't move, but just stared at me, whenever I closed my eyes I would see a swirling pair of eyes, this went on for about a minute. I ended up blacking out, and waking up a few hours later, very groggy.
Story 3: This is related to the second story (I believe it is anyway). I was having a good day, playing on massivecraft, when I got this VERY PAINFUL headache, I could barely even think it was so bad. I ened up gall off of my chair, and rolling around on the ground, when a very large dark shadowy figure entered my room, it had claws, and large red eye's. I tried backing away from it, and calling out for help, but found it too painful to do anything, it then approached me, and dug its claws deep into my skull, I felt searing pain unlike what I had ever felt before (And I have broken bones, and it was more painful than a broken bone.) I ended up passing out, waking up on my floor about an hour later.

Well this is it for me, and these are the most terrifying experiences of my life. I never knew what was happening in the stories 2, and 3, but it was horribly scary.
I call sleep paralysis
^ Yeh you might want to check that out, does it feel like someone is sitting on your chest and hard to move then? I get that when im stressed and it can be really worrying; if you get this regularly i would go to check it out with your local GP and they can advise you with how to deal with it- It sure helped for me
Alright, so my grammar is gonna be really bad probably as I am using a IPod to type this one, but I really want to share anothe dream thing that actually happened earlier this year. The dream was very similar to the first one I mentioned in which I was talking to a friend of mine, but this time it was in my bedroom instead of outside and I was talking to a female friend and not Mycin. With this one I again don't recall the exact subject matter, but what I do recall is that at a certain point dream me realized that she (who I will to refer to in the style of the internet as "Derpina") was really close to me, like touching my being, close. So dream me was like "lol wat are you doing Derpina" and she responded by smiling... And then proceeding to make out with dream me. Eventually dream me somehow gets pushed onto a reading pillow on the other side of my bed and "stuff" is about to go down when...
This is where it gets interesting, dream analyzer people have fun.
The dream stops.
As in it just freezes. With dream me on reading pillow in a very akward position with Derpina ontop of me. Somehow I could still move my eyes around and so naturally dream me was looking all around like "WTF dis" and so on.
That's when I noticed a figure in the opposite corner of my bedroom. As soon as I noticed it, I just kinda stared like "...the ****..."
That's when it proceeded to walk casually up to me, and lean down.
And it was ME.
Like, "my face when I look into the mirror and what you all see of my face in real life" Me.
So naturally me-me was like "hrobrgianshdkr" by now. But all other-me did was simply look me-me in the eye, and say something that I really am still wondering about.
"Don't even try it. You don't have a chance."
Then I woke up in a cold sweat.
I literally have only told my most trusted friend about this, but even to him I left out this one detail of a email I got that day from stumbleupon, which lovingly suggesgted the two things. (wish I had direct links but I kinda deleted the email because I got so freaked out)
"How to tell the meanings behind dreams" and "What are Dopplegangers?"
For those who don't know, Dopplegangers are ghosts/spiritual beings that supposedly look exactly like you.
Doppleganger: Paranormal twin.

Anyway, I have a story. I was reading this thread a bit and I heard creepy things moving behind me when my mom and sister were asleep and my cat in my lap. I was freaked out...
Time for my creepy story.

When I was younger I used to have pretty regular Night Terrors. (For those who don't know it's nightmares to the max, over and over again.) I could go on and on about the different dreams I had, which still scare me to this day. The one that freaks me out the most, starts in the woods, like any woods anywhere really, and it's snowing. It continues pretty normally for a while until I find my whole family, including my dog, freezing to death, I always tried to save them and could never do it. For some reason, when in my dream, I was aware what was happening, but could only watch myself do the same thing every time. I probably had this dream 7 to 8 times, each time having to see the whole thing before I could wake up.
Oh, life with cats... something disturbing happens almost every day. Last night I came home from a nice weekend vacation and found half of a dead mouse in my bed and my sheets were splattered with blood. It looked like some sort of ritual sacrifice had been made to the cat gods...

Over a year ago, I was in my bed reading late at night with my cat laying on my lap. She was perfectly content for about an hour then suddenly sprung off the bed and dashed through a curtain into my closet. I got up, pulled the curtain to the side, and saw her just sitting on the floor. She looked up at me and meowed innocently. I closed the curtain going back to my book for about ten minutes before she darted out of the closet and jumped on top of my fish tank. Shortly after she got down and fell sleep in the laundry hamper. After putting my book on the floor, I turned out the light and fell asleep. About 2:30 in the morning, I woke up and slowly opened my eyes. My cat was sitting directly on my chest looking down at me, her orange eyes shining crystal blue reflecting the moon light which was filtering in through the window. That moment, I was more terrified than I had ever been before in my entire life.
It was like the beginning of a second rate SciFi/horror film.
Once I saw Freddy Kruger in my Dreams. And I swear I think I saw Slenderman around my house once.
Time for my creepy story.

When I was younger I used to have pretty regular Night Terrors. (For those who don't know it's nightmares to the max, over and over again.) I could go on and on about the different dreams I had, which still scare me to this day. The one that freaks me out the most, starts in the woods, like any woods anywhere really, and it's snowing. It continues pretty normally for a while until I find my whole family, including my dog, freezing to death, I always tried to save them and could never do it. For some reason, when in my dream, I was aware what was happening, but could only watch myself do the same thing every time. I probably had this dream 7 to 8 times, each time having to see the whole thing before I could wake up.
Dam and I though my dreams were messed up. o_o
I was about 9 or 10 years old changing in my bed room and it was rather cold so I went to the window to close it. I saw this dark gray van parked on my street in front of my home and once I saw it, it drove off.
Well, I don't know but I always have weird coincidences. Like talking to someone I imagine what they are going to say and then they repeat it word for word. This has happened a few times. And some times I'm randomly like, "Hang on, where is this person I'm looking for?" And they would literally round the corner or show up a few seconds later.

I haven't had many disturbing experiences, but few of them would have to be visiting my family in hospital as a child. It's really heartbreaking seeing some of my family in there.
Well, before I start explaining the dreams, I will ask-
Has anyone here killed people (or just one person) in their dreams? I have on numerous occasions and I don't know if that is weird or not...
Well, before I start explaining the dreams, I will ask-
Has anyone here killed people (or just one person) in their dreams? I have on numerous occasions and I don't know if that is weird or not...
A lot. Usually it's not really killing them but more bashing them or fighting them. It's never been someone I care about, only people that bother me.
When I was in Massivecraft, buying a diamond pick and someone was selling one so I bough it, turns out the Diamond pick was a wood pick renamed.
Well, before I start explaining the dreams, I will ask-
Has anyone here killed people (or just one person) in their dreams? I have on numerous occasions and I don't know if that is weird or not...
I've died in my dreams because of random mass genocide, if that counts...
I've died in my dreams because of random mass genocide, if that counts...
Yeah, I guess so. I have died in my dreams because of various causes, including drowning, being shot and being blown up. I have also killed in my dreams by stabbing, magical powers (very strange, I know), and poisoning. Probably a few more I don't remember.
Okay I shit you all not.

I dreamed about this stanky ass dog licking my eyes for a good ten or fifteen minutes.
This gif pretty much describes it.


A dog.

I dramEd

About a dog

Most teenage boys dream about girls

...I had a dream about a dog licking my eyes.
I have some very, very scary and horrible dreams. This was when I was seven, maybe eight.

In one dream, I was in a classroom, with this man as the 'teacher'. There were a fair amont of other pupils, none of which I knew. What he said left me so confused and creeped out at first.

''Raise your hand if you don't want to d i e.''

I obviously hesitated at first, because raising my hand would bring more attention to me. But several others had done it, so I did as he said. When pupils walked up, he nodded lightly to them all and said ''You can go.'' and similar stuff. When I went over, he simply shook his head, and because it was a dream, I somehow knew he was going to cut off my tongue, and kill me. I burst into tears, and begged him to let me say goodbye to my family. He shook his head, and for some strange reason, I asked if I could just go in the hallway for two seconds for some air, like you would casually. If I try, blink my eyes really hard, I wake up. But only if I'm okay to do it, and I wasn't there. He wouldn't let me leave, and eventually I was paralised as he moved this knife closer and closer to my mouth, then he took hold of my tongue, and just when he was going to remove it, I woke up. I was crying my eyes out when I woke up.

I used to have nightmares every single night. It got to the extent where I was afraid to go to sleep, and I always tried to stay awake. So I have a slight phobia of nightmares, I suppose.
Most nights, this doll would always be there. In the end, I was always murdered by the doll, and it scared me so much. I hated it. I wanted it to leave me alone so badly. I was incredibly scared of just having nightmares and going to sleep. I'm not sure people will understand, but for me it was terrifying.

I never have nightmares anymore, and rarely dreams. I'm glad about that, atleast.
IG- Someone asked my character Valdimar if he'd like his rectum tickled; obviously Vald complied.
IRL- Went to the local pub with some school mates one night for a drink after exams, about 3 hours into the night i went out for a breath of fresh air. Some middle-aged drunk guy was p***ing against the doorframe so when I came out to get a breath of fresh air, he turned to face me and say hi.... He was still peeing.... ergo, peed all up my leg -_-
That...is disturbing and mentally scarring.
Yeah on that random genocide dream, this is really the only thing here (for me at least) that I would classify as a Nightmare that has happened to me, and I did see some other better ones here, but anyways.
This one started off in my old school's science lab, and I was there and it all seemed normal in every way possible, except my teacher was in a haz-mat suit thing, like what you would see in a zombie apocalypse movie or something. Anyways he goes on about how the world evidently now has too many humans on it and now the government is forcing people to randomly gas people, and I was one of the unlucky ones as I got gassed in the face by him, and almost everyone else in there /excepting/ my friends. The Nightmareish part is when I'm told I will die peacefully in my sleep in the dream, and throughout the dream, I don't really know how else to explain it except I could feel myself decaying from the inside, and my vision was getting darker throughout, such like that. Then the dream ends when I go to bed, quite vividly crying myself to sleep in the dream. I remember when I woke up, I was in a cold sweat and actually thought to myself "...Am I dead...?" Because the dream just felt so damn real to me.
This happened like about two years ago, and on RP, I...Will get back to you all on that, as I have alot that is... Not appropriate for most.
And on a completely different note, WOW. Over 100 responses, Thank you all for sharing these random stories so that I can stay up all night.
I had a dream a couple of years ago where me and my friends were on a house and I fell off and hit my head. When I woke up it felt like that happened for realz....
The creepiest thing to happen to me was when it was the middle of the night at my friend's house during his birthday party and there was a thunderstorm going on outside. Well, I was playing this horror game on the laptop with my friends that entire night while the storm was going on. But little did I know that I would've had a severe prank happen to me later. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night thinking I saw something outside by the sliding door that led into the house. Then I stood up and walked over to the door to open it when I saw that the thing ended up to be my friend trying to pull a prank, but I ended up getting him in a head lock. But during that whole experience I was creeped out because I thought it was the thing that was in the game I was playing.
I do this quite often but when I sleep sometimes I get up (possibly stand up) and stare at the closest person to me. (with my eyes closed) So this ones time, at my grandparents house, I go to sleep. Note: I sleep downstairs and everyone else sleeps upstairs. They live in Minnesota and it was during the winter when this happened. So I sleep walk down a hallway, over to a sliding glass door, open it, walk out into the knee-high snow all the way around the house to the front door and I open the door. I walk in and start starring at my Grandparent's dog sleeping on the floor. I stood there all night sleeping, yet somehow staring at the dog. I know this is true because I woke up there, and both doors were left wide open. I find it weird that I am able to accomplish all this, many times, with my eye's closed as well how I somehow know that someone or something is in front of me so that I may stare at it. It may sound somewhat demonic, but it happens to me every so often and I don't even know I am doing it.
My turn for freaky dreams and life stuff, But I should say that when I was younger, around 4-6, I had the most awful, and creepy weird dreams

The first nightmare I remember (I don't remember all the details because you know 4 years old..)
I was at my house and we had family visitors so we invited them in, talked a bit, seemed like a normal dream, then for some odd reason... we decide to go into my grandparents room (I live them) And we noticed this weird mouse hole thing against the wall with a doorknob. All of us are like "wtf?" So we open it and there is a dark room thing in there, Which thinking back isnt possible because the wall led to a patio deck thing. But we reach inside, with the mouse whole seeming to stretch to fit the multiple pair of arms reaching in, and we pull out a coffin. OF COURSE A COFFIN. And then all the sudden the moon shined right in the patio door on the coffin, and it sprung open and this copy of me.....but a classic vampire looking me. Like a widows peak, black hair combed back, Paler and no freckles, and it revealed these fangs that let alone terrified me, And with superhuman speed, it jumped out and started to murder my family visitors,but it JUMPED off their chests onto the next victim. I'm sitting here in horror standing in front of my grandma, and since I have the closest bond with her, I want to protect her most, Then the vamp me kills my grandpa the out of nowhere i see this Chinese rice worker hat, but it had a spike on the point.(like i said. WEIRD dreams) and I put it, on and just looked down at my feet pointing the sharp end at the vamp me. As soon as he hit, I woke up bawling my eyes out. I will never forget the dream.

Creepy life experience that I don't even remember, but my family has told me

I was about 3 this time. I don't remember it at all, but My mom was visiting and My grandma told us to get something out of my room, so we went upstairs and I start yelling at someone. the only ones upstairs were me, and my mom, so my grandma thinks my mom is messing with me since she doesn't see me to often, and calls for her to stop.
Plot twist: she stopped in the bathroom, and was in there the whole time I was yelling.
So we come down stairs, and my mom explains her side, then it comes to me. I said "the witch wouldn't leave me alone" or something along those lines. Instantly everyone thinks an intruder is in the house so they ask me what she looked like. I described my great-grandma perfectly. There isn't a picture of her in the house.

Thats all I remember of creepy stuff for now, if I remember more I'll write them down
Wow, I just had to read through all that didn't I...

I may as well share this creepy recurring dream I use to have a lot when I was about 4 or 5... (I think its the only recurring dream I have ever had) I remember it pretty well, unfortunately... Its probably the only dream I have properly memorized without writing it down. And the only dream I remember from when I was that young. And I apologize if some parts make no sense, my dreams are often way to odd to put into words.

So anyway, in the dream I would wake up up in my bed and stand up, I would then see an old man or something sitting by a campfire in the entrance of my room, I would approach him, and when I got about I think 5 or so feet away I think he would turn his head toward me, then this is where it got really weird and creepy, I always hated this part... I would start expanding like a balloon or something like that, but it felt really really odd, I dunno how to really describe it but it felt like my insides where compressing and I couldn't scream or move properly... After a while I would wake up, probably crying loudly in the darkness until my mum or dad came...

Now that I think about it, you know the part in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where that girl blows up like a balloon? I remember watching that when I was little and that part really scared me, either it reminded me of the dream or that's how part of the dream came, i'm not sure which came first.

I have plenty of other really strange dreams, I will find where I wrote some down on my computer and post some later.
Wow, I just had to read through all that didn't I...

I may as well share this creepy recurring dream I use to have a lot when I was about 4 or 5... (I think its the only recurring dream I have ever had) I remember it pretty well, unfortunately... Its probably the only dream I have properly memorized without writing it down. And the only dream I remember from when I was that young. And I apologize if some parts make no sense, my dreams are often way to odd to put into words.

So anyway, in the dream I would wake up up in my bed and stand up, I would then see an old man or something sitting by a campfire in the entrance of my room, I would approach him, and when I got about I think 5 or so feet away I think he would turn his head toward me, then this is where it got really weird and creepy, I always hated this part... I would start expanding like a balloon or something like that, but it felt really really odd, I dunno how to really describe it but it felt like my insides where compressing and I couldn't scream or move properly... After a while I would wake up, probably crying loudly in the darkness until my mum or dad came...

Now that I think about it, you know the part in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where that girl blows up like a balloon? I remember watching that when I was little and that part really scared me, either it reminded me of the dream or that's how part of the dream came, i'm not sure which came first.

I have plenty of other really strange dreams, I will find where I wrote some down on my computer and post some later.
Heh... When I was in preschool, I didn't really know what the hell was going on in it, but now I can officially say I had a dream where Thomas the Tank Engine murdered the gang from Scooby Doo, and Daphne kinda went like a ballon also.
Yeah, young me was a messed up motha trucka.