Worst Thing That Happened To You On Massive.

A few bad things have happened to me on Massivecraft.

The first, and by far the worst, was trying to log in one day and being stopped by a message of: Permanently banned, alt of OctoberGwen. It took like two weeks to get unbanned.

The second was logging in after the above event, only to find that Osai's land had been reset, meaning that all of my chests FULL of stuff like dia armor, dia blocks, my godbow, countless stacks of iron blocks and gold blocks were gone with it.

The final worst thing was joining TaxConsumption's faction when it was in the height of war, nothing sucks more than BeeRando and his cronies door glitching into your house and slaughtering you for hours on end. (Other than that, I really enjoyed Tax's factions)
Woah, woah. OctoberGwen was banned!? And Osai reset!? I was in the faction ages ago, before I had a break from Massive. What happened?
Woah, woah. OctoberGwen was banned!? And Osai reset!? I was in the faction ages ago, before I had a break from Massive. What happened?
Let sleeping dogs lie. <3

As for me... 5 days after I joined Massive, I spent 28 of my 30 silver on a god bow. I then went into the SilverEdge sewers and accidentally fell into the lava. That devastated me for months; no joke.
Some how :? discovering the deadbolt glitch and some how stealing from one of gethelps chest >.< (I might have caused the lwc plugin to be implemented) I met my demise by being banned for about 4months
Worse thing I've done was taking a donation from Vikingman a long time a go, only to find out he told a a staff and some other members later on that it was a "trade" and I hadn't lived up to my half. The outcome? I was raided non-stop until I gathered enough cash to pay him back. This was during the days that around 750 Regals (75 silver back then) was a lot.
I remember stalking Omnom 24/7, and then either James took upon himself, or Omnom requested it. But, soon I was threatened with having my heart ripped out by James. :I
Hmm.. worst thing never happened to me, but I know that I'm worst thing what happened to most of my enemies :P
Let sleeping dogs lie. <3

As for me... 5 days after I joined Massive, I spent 28 of my 30 silver on a god bow. I then went into the SilverEdge sewers and accidentally fell into the lava. That devastated me for months; no joke.
Actually, similar thing happened to me. When I first joined, I went and bought a diamond sword for 12 silver, then due to a bug some guy ran up to me in the safezone, disarmed it, and ran off with it.
Worst thing that happened to me? Joining the server.
You mean ,it screwed over your social life? Mehehe.
The worst thing that happend, I guesse getting banned, but what happend after was so much worse. My city that @Satisarah builded, perfectly placed and beautifully build. Got griefed =(. Now i see it sometimes on the map totally broken :'(
Probably it was when I'd run all over the place as a vampire when I first joined the server, not even trying to hide my vampirism. And yes, I'll admit it, I was one of those vampires who'd ask people for blood in the middle of a crowed area. ._.
Long time ago in a faction called Insurgo I was eager to raid so my friend that faction we were raiding were weak, lets just say that raid let to daily raids until the faction kinda went inactive :/
Forgetting that my Month of premium had run out then going outside my faction with a large amount of valuable stuff thinking it was all safe... then i died. Couldn't find my stuff either. My anger meter was at an all time high.
I've got quite a few, but I'd have to say the worst time was when I was in the middle of role-play with @Darkoskar and I said something derpy in general chat only to be muted for 30 minutes! lmao, it was kinda the perfect timing though, because right as I was muted, my character had passed out! We tried using a book for me to try and speak somehow after Dark found out I had been muted...but...nope...didn't work. XD

....And then there is one of the many wonders of traveling that ALWAYS seems to get me somehow...with a diamond sword & axe; a whole bunch of carrots with potatoes and chicken..traveling...the wonders of the city...I think we all know where this is going LOL!
Whenever I log on... not so sober and act a fool and spend the next day or so on damage control
Running a large faction for 6 months, and watching as what used to be your most trusted and active officers slowly go inactive, then watching as well-known players fade into obscurity and become effectively nonexistent on the server. Makes me feel like an old man as well as depressing me. Aside from that, there's getting raided for 4 hours and then spilling Coke over your keyboard.
Worst thing? Probably listening to these kids raging after i caught them engaged in erp :I
Or one time i was rping a vespid, and this girl tried to -mate- with me in the tavern, don't ask me why
I got an iron sword called "Old Naga Sword" from a quest, went out to fight some mobs in the desert, died, and lost it. It was my favorite thing at that time (on MassiveCraft).
Having to deal with the people's Hate to Osai while I was in it, and people downtalking me when I almost did nothing to give people the incentive to turn against me. I couldn't turn a corner without being degraded.

Also- Dealing with skin stealers. My character Seransic Faitoshi wears a dark cloak, gray leggings, and a skull mask. Others like it, and they stole it. They join Massive, and roleplay horribly. Me being Non-Premium and being the ORIGINAL owner of the skin, I look like I could be a terrible roleplayer, which most obviously is not the case, I have a decently hard time finding a good roleplay. But I enjoy the character too much to give him up.
That happened to me as well, whenever I get a skin that I made, that was actually good, someone thinks "Oh the guy will never notice if I just, oh, steal the skin."
The worst (but funny) thing to happen to me was when I was quite new to the server and I was a recruit of Sentinels, BloodBaron (High ranked officer), Illogicalleaf314 (TheOldMan), freckledew, some Alamut guys and Brettgoss decided to check out the new cannon plugin that had just been added, they started to try it outside of Sentinels and for an hour they used me as a test subject, Blood had made me set home so I was constantly spawning in the way of the cannon (At that time massive used to make you spawn at your bed instead of the world spawns) and if I tried to run away, Freckledew would come after me with his sword.
Running a large faction for 6 months, and watching as what used to be your most trusted and active officers slowly go inactive, then watching as well-known players fade into obscurity and become effectively nonexistent on the server. Makes me feel like an old man as well as depressing me. Aside from that, there's getting raided for 4 hours and then spilling Coke over your keyboard.
I vote this for most depressing.
Being perm banned, trying to protect GoldHeart, killing a prem in Arakdan due to me slipping on my mouse.
Trapping a slime ancient in a river, and waiting for it to drown. I waited around for an hour or 2, after the slime had been close to death, I closed in for a kill. Then I was shot by an xyatujin archer and was killed.

Or maybe that one time I mistook @Cruallassar for a cow and shot him
Beyond the times of Osai... -shudder-

As many older Regalians will know, I usually dump lava on people whom break into my house. "Just exploring" is no excuse for breaking and entering, in my book. There was once time where I dumped lava on an intruder, enjoying his screams, and then proceeded to dump lava on myself, while still yelling and cursing about thieves.

Fell on my own sword... made of lava, and humiliation.

-COUGHS- And the day you got a canon inside your house and fired at peoples - Hides inside his cave-