I *knew* someone would bring up days.
Imagine how many sets are broken by PvPers per raid. About 2 for a long one, correct?
This may not sound like much, but;
- There are usually raids on most days by 1 or 2 of the biggest PvP factions.
- 2 x 32 x 2 = 128
- This means that over 1/3 of PvPers have no MassiveArmour after day 32.
- Adding in repairs and replacements, that's probably an extra 50 gone, given from others
- 320 - 50 - 128 = 140 players.
- Factor in that some would sell these to people who can't use them, possibly for further (unsuccessful) trading, that's about 90 players who have MassiveArmour.
- Think that's many? That's only 3 average-sized factions.
- At an estimation, there are well over 20 average sized factions who PvP
- 30 x 20 = 600 players who PvP
- 600 / 90 = 1 in 6 of these players
- Back to the above numbers of overall active players, 1200 / 90 = 1 in 13 every month
- This is 92 every month, under 1/4 of the value you came to
- This is about 1/16 of overall active players
- This is probably even less than that value, since your assumption was so generous, according to you yourself
If someone could give me a rough amount of premium players, that would be nice, for more accurate of numbers.
1. That '"knew"' was probably due to the fact that its only one step away from your first result, which was 1 in 33450
after 1 day, which would mean 33450 days (roughly 90+ years) till every player had one.
2. I have to argue about the "repair and replacements", since massive armor contrary to popular believe is indeed repairable with a normal minecraft anvil (meaning 0 loss rate there). I do recognize the unsuccessfull trades+lost from thise non prem which dont sell etc. Rest=
3. I think that 2 full armor sets lost for EACH of the ones who pvp is a bit harsh. If god apples where still there I would no doubt agree that at around 2 broken massive sets are standart for each raider/defender.
4.Even asuming 2 armors break per long raid and at least 2 factions do said long raid daily. It would lead to 320-128=192 players at day 32 and would reach 320 players in (320/[10 (daily vote armor)-4(daily destroyed)-~1.5(not traded+in non prem hands)=4.5]=
71.111~72) days (I rounded up)
5. I have ask why you brought the 20 average sized pvp factions in this , as this would change the base im calculating on (aka the number of people who want it), which I established to be around 320 people).
Also note that most of these average pvp factions have a higher prem content then normal factions, lets say 1/2 of people there ( again on AVERAGE, some factions are 90% prem, other 10% and another is 40% and so on.) are prem. Even that means that 600*50%= 300 of those 600 have no interest in massive armor (pvp interest not commercial interest). leading together with 4. to:
300 (pvp mass) / 192 (existing sets after 32 days) = 0.64 (a bit below 2/3).
And we are at twice your calc again.
Note 1: Epic Calc Battle if Historyyyyyyyyyyyy
Note 2: Hope I didnt forget somthing or mix something up, longass posts are tiring to make -.- .
Note 3: Ball is in your court again
Edit 1: omg, I got ninja´d by 2 people while writing this -.- .