Archived Voting Items

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Chopper Gunner
May 31, 2013
Reaction score
United States
This is my 3rd idea... so many

In my opinion, being able to vote and receive Massive Armor is basically... terrible. It's allowing lazy players to tap a button and get stuff that can basically make them invincible against someone else that doesn't have it. This is why I propose having RP items only for voting. Doing this would at the begin the self-removal of Massive Armor (It breaks easily), and continue to keep players voting for RP items like cool and fancy guard armor or pink pajamas with funny yet useful enchants.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Did you do balanced testing before coming to the conclusion that Massive Armor makes one invincible, or did you just jump the popular train bandwagon in assuming things.
Did you do balanced testing before coming to the conclusion that Massive Armor makes one invincible, or did you just jump the popular train bandwagon in assuming things.

I think, like stated in a previous post about the Removal of Massive Armor and Re-Adding God Apples, that Massive Armor makes it a pay to PvP server, because the FACT that non premiums cannot wear this armor. Also, since ANYONE can get it at the push of a button, its now going for 5 SILVER, which brings up that you basically do not have to vote. One can simply slay a few mobs for copper until they get the little amount of silver needed to purchase A GOD SET OF ARMOR. So in short, no, I do not believe Im jumping the ban wagon, I think I've found enough evidence that removing Massive Armor is what is best for the server. No disrespect intended, just trying to get the point out.

EDIT: Massive Armor is creating unbalance
I do not know much about this "Massive Armor" but I do understand why they are perks for premiums in away; but I am not here to disagree on changing voting items, or to even agree. At this moment I think the voting reward system is perfect., with the different Tiers and such.

Anyways, to the point as of why I am typing this, and disagreeing with your post, is simply because you keep saying it is EASY to get this armor. Massive Armor sounds like a really high tiered item in the voting system, so, to me, it is VERY rare of getting. And if one person does get this armor and can't use it, so they decide to sell it, you again, are saying that it is EASY to get because SILVER is EASY to get by just saving up copper to get FIVE SILVER. This isn't so. It took me a long, long while of slaying monsters to get just ONE silver. And yes, I know, premiums get more money for slaying monsters (double I think it was?), but I can still imagine it being a pain getting five silver.

Now, off to wait for night to try and get more silver for supplies >>
I do not know much about this "Massive Armor" but I do understand why they are perks for premiums in away; but I am not here to disagree on changing voting items, or to even agree. At this moment I think the voting reward system is perfect., with the different Tiers and such.

Anyways, to the point as of why I am typing this, and disagreeing with your post, is simply because you keep saying it is EASY to get this armor. Massive Armor sounds like a really high tiered item in the voting system, so, to me, it is VERY rare of getting. And if one person does get this armor and can't use it, so they decide to sell it, you again, are saying that it is EASY to get because SILVER is EASY to get by just saving up copper to get FIVE SILVER. This isn't so. It took me a long, long while of slaying monsters to get just ONE silver. And yes, I know, premiums get more money for slaying monsters (double I think it was?), but I can still imagine it being a pain getting five silver.

Now, off to wait for night to try and get more silver for supplies >>

i can tell you right now, i have gotten a whole set of massive armor in two weeks of casual voting, and they only sold for 5s, compared to a random player skull for 8s.

I repeat.
The impossible to get massive armor sells for less silver then the skull of a random player.

And you think the economy and pvp is balanced with this?
Also, since ANYONE can get it at the push of a button, its now going for 5 SILVER, which brings up that you basically do not have to vote. One can simply slay a few mobs for copper until they get the little amount of silver needed to purchase A GOD SET OF ARMOR.

All false. In my experience with trading, it usually goes for 15-35s a piece.
EDIT: On top of this, it's extremely hard to get.
  • We probably have about 400 players who vote.
  • They get 3 votes each.
  • MassiveArmor being found is 2.5%
  • There are four pieces of MassiveArmor.
  • 3 x 400 x 5 / 40 / 4= Around 40 pieces of MassiveArmour being found a day.
  • Divide that by four again and that means 10 sets are found a day.
  • MassiveCraft has about 66900 players (according to /mctop)
  • 66900 / 10 = 1 in 6690 chance of having MassiveArmor.
  • Of these, about 1200 are active.
  • 1200 x 1/6690 = About 0.2 in 6690 chance of having one piece of MassiveArmour. Simplified, that's 1 in 33450.
Maths FTW.
All false. In my experience with trading, it usually goes for 15-35s a piece.
EDIT: On top of this, it's extremely hard to get.
  • We probably have about 400 players who vote.
  • They get 3 votes each.
  • MassiveArmor being found is 2.5%
  • There are four pieces of MassiveArmor.
  • 3 x 400 x 5 / 40 / 4= Around 40 pieces of MassiveArmour being found a day.
  • Divide that by four again and that means 10 sets are found a day.
  • MassiveCraft has about 66900 players (according to /mctop)
  • 66900 / 10 = 1 in 6690 chance of having MassiveArmor.
  • Of these, about 1200 are active.
  • 1200 x 1/6690 = About 0.2 in 6690 chance of having one piece of MassiveArmour. Simplified, that's 1 in 33450.
Maths FTW.
....."MOM?!" Can he be my math teacher?"
All false. In my experience with trading, it usually goes for 15-35s a piece.
EDIT: On top of this, it's extremely hard to get.
  • We probably have about 400 players who vote.
  • They get 3 votes each.
  • MassiveArmor being found is 2.5%
  • There are four pieces of MassiveArmor.
  • 3 x 400 x 5 / 40 / 4= Around 40 pieces of MassiveArmour being found a day.
  • Divide that by four again and that means 10 sets are found a day.
  • MassiveCraft has about 66900 players (according to /mctop)
  • 66900 / 10 = 1 in 6690 chance of having MassiveArmor.
  • Of these, about 1200 are active.
  • 1200 x 1/6690 = About 0.2 in 6690 chance of having one piece of MassiveArmour. Simplified, that's 1 in 33450.
Maths FTW.
Ähm, as far as I can tell there is tiny error , totally throwing off your calculations.
  • To get vote rewards you have to be on the server at that time, (implying at least some kind of activity)
  • Therefore it is a bit unlikely that non active players have a set
  • 10 sets a day/1200 players -> After 120 days every "active player" can have a set of it.
Now to reduce that number of 1200 a bit more. (Warning, involves some semi huge asumption on my side which are NOT facts)
  • Lets say 1/3 rd of those players are prem (REALLY generous asumption) and the rest is not . Those people Vote, but sell it instead of using it, cause they cant use it. That leaves 400 people left.
  • Then the roleplayers, who dont pvp much (Yes, I know that there are people who both roleplay and pvp) or at all. Lets say this gets about 1/5th of people (again, this is purely an asumption). Now after that are 320 active, prem pvpers a.k.a people who want it.
  • 320 active, prem ,pvp, players/10 Massive Armor sets per day = 32 days untill every of 400 people voting untill every active, prem, pvp, player has 1 set of it (on average).
Ähm, as far as I can tell there is tiny error , totally throwing off your calculations.
  • To get vote rewards you have to be on the server at that time, (implying at least some kind of activity)
  • Therefore it is a bit unlickely that non active players have a set
  • 10 sets a day/1200 players -> After 120 days every "active player" can have a set of it.
Now to reduce that number of 1200 a bit more. (Warning, involves some semi huge asumption on my side and which are NOT facts)

  • Lets say 1/3 rd of those players are prem (REALLY generous asumption) and the rest is not . Those people Vote, but sell it instead of using it, cause they cant use it. That leaves 400 people left.
  • Then the roleplayers, who dont pvp much (Yes, I know that there are people who both roleplay and pvp) or at all. Lets say this gets about 1/5th of people (again, this is purely an asumption). Now after that are 320 active, prem pvpers a.k.a people who want it.
  • 320 active, prem ,pvp, players/10 Massive Armor sets per day = 32 days untill every of 400 people voting untill every active, prem, pvp, player has 1 set of it (on average).
I *knew* someone would bring up days.
Imagine how many sets are broken by PvPers per raid. About 2 for a long one, correct?
This may not sound like much, but;
  • There are usually raids on most days by 1 or 2 of the biggest PvP factions.
  • 2 x 32 x 2 = 128
  • This means that over 1/3 of PvPers have no MassiveArmour after day 32.
  • Adding in repairs and replacements, that's probably an extra 50 gone, given from others
  • 320 - 50 - 128 = 140 players.
  • Factor in that some would sell these to people who can't use them, possibly for further (unsuccessful) trading, that's about 90 players who have MassiveArmour.
  • Think that's many? That's only 3 average-sized factions.
  • At an estimation, there are well over 20 average sized factions who PvP
  • 30 x 20 = 600 players who PvP
  • 600 / 90 = 1 in 6 of these players
  • Back to the above numbers of overall active players, 1200 / 90 = 1 in 13 every month
  • This is 92 every month, under 1/4 of the value you came to
  • This is about 1/16 of overall active players
  • This is probably even less than that value, since your assumption was so generous, according to you yourself
If someone could give me a rough amount of premium players, that would be nice, for more accurate of numbers.
Regardless of which calculation is correct, the assumption that massive armor will fall out of the sky with the push of a button is a gross exaggeration and a straw man's argument.
Although your maths may prove that Massive Armor is rare, it doesnt change the fact that you can obtain it by doing close to nothing or by getting a few pieces of silver to buy some.

If you cant find pieces of Massive Armor for 5 silver, your not looking hard enough
Although your maths may prove that Massive Armor is rare, it doesnt change the fact that you can obtain it by doing close to nothing or by getting a few pieces of silver to buy some.

You must kill around 2000 skeletons, or 200 creepers, to achieve 25s, the lowest price I can find. As for doing close to nothing, due to my calculations, it takes 16 months to definitely have a set by voting.

If you cant find pieces of Massive Armor for 5 silver, your not looking hard enough

If looking hard enough isn't spending constant hours sifting through trade chat, and searching nearly every market, I don't know what looking hard enough is.

Please refrain from tempting flame. The numbers don't lie.
You must kill around 2000 skeletons, or 200 creepers, to achieve 25s, the lowest price I can find. As for doing close to nothing, due to my calculations, it takes 16 months to definitely have a set by voting.

If looking hard enough isn't spending constant hours sifting through trade chat, and searching nearly every market, I don't know what looking hard enough is.

Please refrain from tempting flame. The numbers don't lie.

Albatross, I really respect you and your math (Swear to god that isnt sarcasam), but in my opinion, Massive Armor is much to easy to come by, especially if before the voting system came out you were slaving away creating God Armor

Also, I got 4 pieces of Massive Armor on my first week of voting, your math may have some flaws (Although you are INSANELY smart, once again, Im not being sarcastic, your math skilled are really spectacular)
I *knew* someone would bring up days.
Imagine how many sets are broken by PvPers per raid. About 2 for a long one, correct?
This may not sound like much, but;
  • There are usually raids on most days by 1 or 2 of the biggest PvP factions.
  • 2 x 32 x 2 = 128
  • This means that over 1/3 of PvPers have no MassiveArmour after day 32.
  • Adding in repairs and replacements, that's probably an extra 50 gone, given from others
  • 320 - 50 - 128 = 140 players.
  • Factor in that some would sell these to people who can't use them, possibly for further (unsuccessful) trading, that's about 90 players who have MassiveArmour.
  • Think that's many? That's only 3 average-sized factions.
  • At an estimation, there are well over 20 average sized factions who PvP
  • 30 x 20 = 600 players who PvP
  • 600 / 90 = 1 in 6 of these players
  • Back to the above numbers of overall active players, 1200 / 90 = 1 in 13 every month
  • This is 92 every month, under 1/4 of the value you came to
  • This is about 1/16 of overall active players
  • This is probably even less than that value, since your assumption was so generous, according to you yourself
If someone could give me a rough amount of premium players, that would be nice, for more accurate of numbers.

1. That '"knew"' was probably due to the fact that its only one step away from your first result, which was 1 in 33450
after 1 day, which would mean 33450 days (roughly 90+ years) till every player had one.

2. I have to argue about the "repair and replacements", since massive armor contrary to popular believe is indeed repairable with a normal minecraft anvil (meaning 0 loss rate there). I do recognize the unsuccessfull trades+lost from thise non prem which dont sell etc. Rest=

3. I think that 2 full armor sets lost for EACH of the ones who pvp is a bit harsh. If god apples where still there I would no doubt agree that at around 2 broken massive sets are standart for each raider/defender.

4.Even asuming 2 armors break per long raid and at least 2 factions do said long raid daily. It would lead to 320-128=192 players at day 32 and would reach 320 players in (320/[10 (daily vote armor)-4(daily destroyed)-~1.5(not traded+in non prem hands)=4.5]=71.111~72) days (I rounded up)

5. I have ask why you brought the 20 average sized pvp factions in this , as this would change the base im calculating on (aka the number of people who want it), which I established to be around 320 people).
Also note that most of these average pvp factions have a higher prem content then normal factions, lets say 1/2 of people there ( again on AVERAGE, some factions are 90% prem, other 10% and another is 40% and so on.) are prem. Even that means that 600*50%= 300 of those 600 have no interest in massive armor (pvp interest not commercial interest). leading together with 4. to:
300 (pvp mass) / 192 (existing sets after 32 days) = 0.64 (a bit below 2/3).
And we are at twice your calc again.

Note 1: Epic Calc Battle if Historyyyyyyyyyyyy
Note 2: Hope I didnt forget somthing or mix something up, longass posts are tiring to make -.- .
Note 3: Ball is in your court again :) .

Edit 1: omg, I got ninja´d by 2 people while writing this -.- .
Massive Armor was removed today. All pieces will be refunded to 10s when attempting to click or use it.

Locking thread as it has served it's purpose.
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