Victoria's Valiant | Violet Order Chapter


elf appreciator
Jun 6, 2016
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under your bed


Victoria's Valiant, named for the heron of nurses, is one of the many chapters of the Violet Order, serving as first aid for wounded guards and civilians alike. Established in 307 AC by the Lord Commander William Howlester, the chapter was a response to an increasing need for for medical attention and to end the outsourcing of doctors for vampire curing. Currently, the commander, or Grand Matron of the regiment is Lady Dianne Black.

Unlike the other chapters, Victoria's Valiant is not combative. The regiment is dedicated to the care of others, not harm, and seeing as the bulk of its members are doctors and surgeons, most operate under of oath of no harm. Battle medics would do better to seek employment in an alternative chapter should they like their blade to see the light of day.


Apply below this thread with this template. If refused, there is a two week waiting period between allowing re-application.
Character Name:
Character Application: (Preferred.)
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: (Sanguinology is plus, but not mandatory.)
Do you have Discord?: (Don't put your discord name, will pm if accepted.)
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black: (Mandatory.)
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meredith losesauerr
IGN: JoanOfArc
Character Name: Ophelia Tyrannian
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: +10 Medical Sciences (+10 from Points)
Do you have Discord?: Yep
Letter to Grand Matron Meredith Lessauer:
To the Grand Matron,

Greetings. I have prayed for many nights and many days, asking the Spirit above if I should become a medic within the Violet Order, and behold, your great proclamation has been ushered to me. Dear Grand Matron, I humbly request you accept me into your fold. I have much to learn in the ways of a medic, but I have more than enough knowledge to serve the populace of the Crown City. I do hope you will interview me. May the Spirit bless you forever and ever regardless of your decision.

The Knight of St. Montagaard, Ophelia Lucia Tyrannian.
IGN: Dekuras
Character Name: Jocelyn von Duerr
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 45
Do you have Discord?: ye
Letter to Grand Matron Meredith Lessauer:
To the Grand Matron Lessauer,
I write to inform you that I wish to join the ranks of the Victoria's. My skill and experience are well known throughout the city, and I feel it is appropriate that I place myself among the Order to provide the guards and citizens with the best possible care. I am willing and able to help teach and recruit new members as well. I hope to assist in taking the Victoria's further and improving the skills of the cities medics. May the Spirit bless you and all those within the Order.
Best Regards,
Jocelyn von Duerr
Baron of Duerrstein
IGN: Dekuras
Character Name: Jocelyn von Duerr
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 45
Do you have Discord?: ye
Letter to Grand Matron Meredith Lessauer:
To the Grand Matron Lessauer,
I write to inform you that I wish to join the ranks of the Victoria's. My skill and experience are well known throughout the city, and I feel it is appropriate that I place myself among the Order to provide the guards and citizens with the best possible care. I am willing and able to help teach and recruit new members as well. I hope to assist in taking the Victoria's further and improving the skills of the cities medics. May the Spirit bless you and all those within the Order.
Best Regards,
Jocelyn von Duerr
Baron of Duerrstein
Accepted. finally someone,,
IGN: AWildResi
Character Name: Kara'välÿna Hállëvandëia (Simplified: Kara Haaven)
Character Application: Here you go!
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 10 Medical Sciences
Do you have Discord?: Yes!
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Hello! I am not all that well with letters, but, I shall try my best to keep professional in this one. I'm an aspiring Yanar Medic, and I've always wanted to do my part towards helping people. I feel with a position in your charter, I can better help the people of Regalia. I have never gone to any medical school, but my family is very familiar with the profession, so I was, one could say, taught by experience. If you need a demonstration of my skills I will be glad to go through a test. Anywho, I feel as though I've written far to much already. I hope you will consider accepting me and allowing me to further help Regalia and its people.

Sincerely, Kara Haaven.
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Dianne Black is the new Grand Matron of Victoria's Valiant. All applications should be addressed to @darkarely rather than myself, as I have stepped down.

@MrLionHardt @AWildResi
Just changed one part of my letter as it should p much be the same either way! Unless there's somewhere else you want me to post it. In which case please link me to where ^~^
IGN: EdnaMode_
Character Name: Löriellá Hállëvandëia
Character Application:
Small note: Kinda outdated now, but I am currently re-writing it. The proficiency points will be relatively the same.
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 5 Points in Medical Sciences. - +30 Points in Alchemy (Thought this would be useful as she could produce swamp blood in emergencies and other products on the spot if needed.)
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
To the esteemed Grand Matron Dianne Black,

I'm reaching out to you today as I would like to join your chapter. As you might know, I have great experience in the field before when the Alchimia was still about. I have missed those days of giving a helping hand to those in need. In fact, my sister,
Kara is already in your ranks and because of her, I've grown further interest to apply.
Please reach out with any updates.
Best blessings,

Löriellá Hállëvandëia
IGN: KrakenLord01
Character Name: Relveth Vinthracia
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +20 Medical Knowledge
  • +10 Nature Care Sciences
  • Sanguinology Info (Magical Knowledge)
  • Afflicthism Info (Magical Knowledge)
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:

Dear Matron Black,

In light of recent events for Regalia, I've found it best that I contribute my talents to this charter. I previously served in the Sawbones and Medical Union as a doctor, while also having aided in the recent war effort against the Dread Empire by taking care of Regalian soldiers. If my race may be a detrimental factor, I can cite, if necessary, those who are able to attest to my character as someone dedicated to the prosperity of Regalia.

Best wishes,
Relveth Vinthracia
IGN: KrakenLord01
Character Name: Relveth Vinthracia
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +20 Medical Knowledge
  • +10 Nature Care Sciences
  • Sanguinology Info (Magical Knowledge)
  • Afflicthism Info (Magical Knowledge)
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:

Dear Matron Black,

In light of recent events for Regalia, I've found it best that I contribute my talents to this charter. I previously served in the Sawbones and Medical Union as a doctor, while also having aided in the recent war effort against the Dread Empire by taking care of Regalian soldiers. If my race may be a detrimental factor, I can cite, if necessary, those who are able to attest to my character as someone dedicated to the prosperity of Regalia.

Best wishes,
Relveth Vinthracia

Actually, I'll be rescinding this application due to conflict of interest. Sorry about that!
IGN: Shibani
Character Name: Elizabeth Typhonus
Character Application: Her app
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
+15 Medical
+10 Alchemy
+04 Nature care

Do you have Discord?: Yes
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Dear Countess Black,
As shown during previous conversations we have had, I wish to join the regiment. I'm not a master of every trade but I intended when I was young for my knowledge to be diverse as I saw it more useful in the field of medicine. I don't have much previous experience in the field as an occupation, but I do have the knowledge I've learned from tutors and self studying in the library of the estate, as well as the School of Alchemy. I hope my skills prove as an asset to the chapter and I look forward to your response.

IGN: mcmann
Character Name: Noelle Peirgarten
Character Application: Boop
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: She's got a +10 in Medicine, I'm hoping to reapply with +17 soon.
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Grand Matron Dianne Black,
After a number of days of consideration and weighing of the pros and cons, I'm confident in my own decision to seek acceptance into your regiment. To keep this rather brief in writing, I'd like to offer a meeting in person if you need additional information aside from what I provide below. Here is some information about my medicinal credentials.

My medical knowledge has been gained throughout a number of various mentorships and through experience within many charters of yesterday such as Morbus Imperium, the Alchemia Order, and the Crown City Sawbones. All of my learning began when I was 10 years old, I simply grew fond of the idea of helping others; so rather than focusing on a combative ability I instead chose to focus on medicinal studies. I was fourteen when I had my first mentorship as a Sawbone under Doctor Jocelyn von Duerr. In that time, I had learned to perform small stitching operations and was eventually given the higher title of Surgeon. After I was a Sawbone, I further sought mentorship through the now-deceased Ida Krupp, the founder of the long-disbanded Morbus Imperium and an important figure towards my childhood. I'm well aware that there were some shady practices within the Morbus Imperium, all of which I was unaware of at the time. I have always treated my patients with much care and good intent. Finally, I had begun to learn more about the different herbs and medicines through Zaan Haaven a short while before I chose to join the Alchemia Order, leaving it once it had merged with the Sawbones forming the Medical Union.

Since then, my medical knowledge has remained stagnant and I have yet to take the Healer's Oath. Should this be a requirement for acceptance into your regiment, I have convinced myself to be more than willing to take the oath of doing no harm promptly and with little prior notice. Though my learning has been stagnant, I'd like to further assure you that I have, in fact, acted as a healer for those who come to me seeking aid; this has been ongoing at a consistent pace.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Spirit bless,
Noelle Mira Peirgarten
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IGN: mcmann
Character Name: Noelle Peirgarten
Character Application: Boop
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: She's got a +10 in Medicine, I'm hoping to reapply with +17 soon.
Do you have Discord?: Yes
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Grand Matron Dianne Black,
After a number of days of consideration and weighing of the pros and cons, I'm confident in my own decision to seek acceptance into your regiment. To keep this rather brief in writing, I'd like to offer a meeting in person if you need additional information aside from what I provide below. Here is some information about my medicinal credentials.

My medical knowledge has been gained throughout a number of various mentorships and through experience within many charters of yesterday such as Morbus Imperium, the Alchemia Order, and the Crown City Sawbones. All of my learning began when I was 10 years old, I simply grew fond of the idea of helping others; so rather than focusing on a combative ability I instead chose to focus on medicinal studies. I was fourteen when I had my first mentorship as a Sawbone under Doctor Jocelyn von Duerr. In that time, I had learned to perform small stitching operations and was eventually given the higher title of Surgeon. After I was a Sawbone, I further sought mentorship through the now-deceased Ida Krupp, the founder of the long-disbanded Morbus Imperium and an important figure towards my childhood. I'm well aware that there were some shady practices within the Morbus Imperium, all of which I was unaware of at the time. I have always treated my patients with much care and good intent. Finally, I had begun to learn more about the different herbs and medicines through Zaan Haaven a short while before I chose to join the Alchemia Order, leaving it once it had merged with the Sawbones forming the Medical Union.

Since then, my medical knowledge has remained stagnant and I have yet to take the Healer's Oath. Should this be a requirement for acceptance into your regiment, I have convinced myself to be more than willing to take the oath of doing no harm promptly and with little prior notice. Though my learning has been stagnant, I'd like to further assure you that I have, in fact, acted as a healer for those who come to me seeking aid; this has been ongoing at a consistent pace.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Spirit bless,
Noelle Mira Peirgarten
It has occurred to me that I might have forgotten to mention @darkarely
IGN: SnashuuPomaymay
Character Name: Freya
Character Application: Here!
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +18 Alchemy Sciences
  • +2 Medical Sciences
  • +3 Nature Care Sciences
Do you have Discord?: Yes. SnashuuPomaymay#9291
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Dear Countess Black,
After much consideration and a few reccomendations, I've officially decided I wish to apply my skills to your order. I've spent years practicing Alchemy and learning to concoct the various brews and salves used in the healing process, and I've recently began studying more medically involved knowledge to boot. I'd like to put my skills to better use, however, and this is a prime opportunity to do so. I wish to be recognized for what I do for people, and have a place to actively work with alchemy and health with more purpose behind it- As well as to have the help of the other medics and alchemists around me so I may learn more in the process of working. I hope you do take me into consideration, and am excited to receive a reply.

Freya E. Grey Krier
IGN: SnashuuPomaymay
Character Name: Freya
Character Application: Here!
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +18 Alchemy Sciences
  • +2 Medical Sciences
  • +3 Nature Care Sciences
Do you have Discord?: Yes. SnashuuPomaymay#9291
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Dear Countess Black,
After much consideration and a few reccomendations, I've officially decided I wish to apply my skills to your order. I've spent years practicing Alchemy and learning to concoct the various brews and salves used in the healing process, and I've recently began studying more medically involved knowledge to boot. I'd like to put my skills to better use, however, and this is a prime opportunity to do so. I wish to be recognized for what I do for people, and have a place to actively work with alchemy and health with more purpose behind it- As well as to have the help of the other medics and alchemists around me so I may learn more in the process of working. I hope you do take me into consideration, and am excited to receive a reply.

Freya E. Grey Krier

Message me on discord. I'm currently out of town but I'll reply as soon as I can.
Hello! I'll be applying on behalf of @MolagBallin and their char as Azel is doing it for them IC.

Character Name: Caëllorëan Hállëvandëia
Character Application: Not on the forums yet but pretty much done once he wakes up!
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: +5 Medical with a good +10 Alchemy
Do you have Discord?: Yes he does!
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Hello! To the good Commander of the Victoria's Valiant I write to you on behalf of my grandson to send an application so that he might join your number along with their mother Loriella Hallevandeia and Kara'valyna Hallevandeia! My grandson, like their mother, is very well versed in alchemy and seeks to learn more about the arts of healing. He has had some exposure to the work that your good chapter performs as he's followed my two daughters and I about on the field to learn from time to time.

I cannot recommend him enough! And thank you for your time and in reading this letter! Also my apologies for the disruption earlier with that random merc guy. Just doing what I was told was all! Spirit bless!

Signed, Azelloa Hallevandeia.
With consent of, Caellorean Hallevandeia.

IGN: nursies
Character Name: Aurienne Colleen
Character Application: Here you are!
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: +10 Medical Sciences
Do you have Discord?: Yes!
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
This letter was written in rather decent penmanship!

Dear Grand Matron Dianne Black,

Hello, my name is Aurienne Colleen. I'm looking to join the medical regiment as I have seen the devotion, the courage, and the willingness that they have when I was infected with Sanguinism. I want to join them, I want to thrive with them and I want to help others. I have had previous medical experience with a (now outlawed) guard, and I'd like to help more people rather than hurt. I hope you'll accept me despite my previous infection, because I'm willing to use my knowledge to help others.

Aurienne Colleen.

IGN: sinhai
Character Name: Zhi Ruo
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: (Sanguinology is plus, but not mandatory.) +20 Medical Sciences
Do you have Discord?: (Don't put your discord name, will pm if accepted.) Yes - it's amoua#5093
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black: (Mandatory.)

*The letter came in a fairly neat condition and was written in black, fancy handwriting*

To the Grand Matron, Dianne Black,

Madame Dianne Black, I am Zhi Ruo, a Sihai medic, whom is looking to work at your esteemed place for the greater good of all who live in Regalia. My duty is to help secure, protect, and aid the injured and ill at all costs, even if I'm injured myself. My devotion, love, and gratitude for the sake of others in Regalia is high and I wish to be at your service and aid those who need it the most. I am willing to work in the battlefield or in the city of Regalia whenever you need me. I wish you all the hope that the Spirit can give you. May the Spirit Guide you, Madame Black.

Zhi Mai-Zaun Ruo
IGN: Goldifish
Character Name: Tel'ella Avalorn
Character Application: in review
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: +23 in medical sciences, sanguinology and shatterology, and light sorcery for extra healing
Do you have Discord?: Hit me up.
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
To the Grand Matron of the highest honor who so selflessly helps others,
I am Lady Tel'ella Avalorn of the House of Avalorn, youngest cousin of Sol Vivana Avalorn. I have extensive medical training and would love to be apart of your charter as your cause is very close to my heart. There doesn't seem to be a day going by that my cousin isn't hurt by some sort of aberrant or other and I hate to see this violence on the street go untreated. For the common man or guard, I too should be expected to do my part in this city.
I hope you can consider me for a position where I can further help the citizens of Regalia.
Lady Tel'ella Avalorn
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IGN: Goldifish
Character Name: Tel'ella Avalorn
Character Application: in review
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: +23 in medical sciences, sanguinology and shatterology, and light sorcery for extra healing
Do you have Discord?: Hit me up.
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
To the Grand Matron of the highest honor who so selflessly helps others,
I am Lady Tel'ella Avalorn of the House of Avalorn, youngest cousin of Sol Vivana Avalorn. I have extensive medical training and would love to be apart of your charter as your cause is very close to my heart. There doesn't seem to be a day going by that my cousin isn't hurt by some sort of aberrant or other and I hate to see this violence on the street go untreated. For the common man or guard, I too should be expected to do my part in this city.
I hope you can consider me for a position where I can further help the citizens of Regalia.
Lady Tel'ella Avalorn
It's quite lovely to see a member of the Avalorn family applying to our chapter! I already can tell you'll do great among us. However I would very much like to set up an interview whenever you're ready. Pass such and consider yourself accepted.

~Signed, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia.

(Pm me on disc for interview set up)
IGN: Shibani
Character Name: Elizabeth Rote
Character Application: Link
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
*20 Medical
*12 Alchemy
Do you have Discord?: You have it. :D
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
"Dear Grand Matron Dianne Black,
After taking some time away from Regalia in the new home for House Rote, I have returned to work with the regiment once again. My first day back was quite interesting so it took me some time to write this letter, but I have found the time now to compose it. During my time away, I found time to practice my medical technique so I did not become out of practice. With my replenished motivation I plan to do as well as I did before and perhaps even better. I hope you will allow me to return to the regiment and resume the work I am so proud of.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Erline Aileas Rote."
IGN: Shibani
Character Name: Elizabeth Rote
Character Application: Link
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
*20 Medical
*12 Alchemy
Do you have Discord?: You have it. :D
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
"Dear Grand Matron Dianne Black,
After taking some time away from Regalia in the new home for House Rote, I have returned to work with the regiment once again. My first day back was quite interesting so it took me some time to write this letter, but I have found the time now to compose it. During my time away, I found time to practice my medical technique so I did not become out of practice. With my replenished motivation I plan to do as well as I did before and perhaps even better. I hope you will allow me to return to the regiment and resume the work I am so proud of.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Erline Aileas Rote."
My oh my, one of my medics has returned! A joyous day, this is. One that surely calls for celebration. With that being said, consider yourself re-accepted. With that being said however I would still like to call you in to refresh you on our rules and such, whenever you're free. I'll then return your uniform and you may continue working amongst our ranks!

~Signed, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia
(PM me on disc for rule review set-up.)
IGN: Spookenn
Character Name: Elethina Hallevandeia
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • Shatterology
  • Sanguineology
  • 20 Medical Sciences.
Do you have Discord?: Night#2827
Letter to Kara'välÿna Hállëvandëia:

To whomever this may concern,

My name is Elethina Hállëvandëia, and I've written this letter to you today as to offer my assistance in the Medical Regiment of Regalia. I'd like to think of myself as quite skilled in healing others, and even have Sanguinology and Shatterology to deal with those pesky aberrations. And with those odd, invisible creatures lurking about, I imagine there will be more people in request for healing. As such, I offer to you my serivces.

May I hear from you soon,
Elethina Hállëvandëia.
IGN: Spookenn
Character Name: Elethina Hallevandeia
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • Shatterology
  • Sanguineology
  • 20 Medical Sciences.
Do you have Discord?: Night#2827
Letter to Kara'välÿna Hállëvandëia:

To whomever this may concern,

My name is Elethina Hállëvandëia, and I've written this letter to you today as to offer my assistance in the Medical Regiment of Regalia. I'd like to think of myself as quite skilled in healing others, and even have Sanguinology and Shatterology to deal with those pesky aberrations. And with those odd, invisible creatures lurking about, I imagine there will be more people in request for healing. As such, I offer to you my serivces.

May I hear from you soon,
Elethina Hállëvandëia.
More last names I recognize by the week, it seems. Well, dear family of mine, I'd like to schedule an interview whenever you're free, although I don't think most of it will be needed It's still nice to be formal.

~Signed, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia

(pm me on disc to set it up)
IGN: Amayfay
Character Name: Amy Poliwag
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 7 Medical care
7 animal care
9 nature care
Do you have Discord?: yes I do
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:

Grand Matron Black, I am in interest of working in the Victoria's order. I have some limited knowledge of medicine but can dress wounds and many other simple tasks. I feel I may assist the more knowledgeable medics and doctors in the care of patients.
May the spirit bless you and you work ,
Sincerely Amy Poliwag
IGN: baellaa
Character Name: Celianna Howlester
Character Application: Here
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +15 Medical Science
  • +7 Alchemy Science
  • +5 Natura Care
Do you have Discord?: Yup.
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
To the esteemed Grand Matron Dianne Black,
I write to offer my skills to the Victoria's Valiant for the opportunity to work under your guidance and the guidance of all other skilled physicians I hope to serve beside. I would love nothing more than to have the chance to serve the city as best I can and I look forward to hearing from you.

Spirit blessings,
Celianna Howlester
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IGN: Amayfay
Character Name: Amy Poliwag
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 7 Medical care
7 animal care
9 nature care
Do you have Discord?: yes I do
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
Grand Matron Black, I am in interest of working in the Victoria's order. I have some limited knowledge of medicine but can dress wounds and many other simple tasks. I feel I may assist the more knowledgeable medics and doctors in the care of patients.
May the spirit bless you and you work ,
Sincerely Amy Poliwag
My my, many eager-to-learn medics lately! I'd love to help teach you if you do come to join our regiment, however first I must set up an interview with you at your earliest convenience.

~Signed, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia

(Shoot me a pm on disc! Feel free to find me on the roleplay community discord.)
IGN: baellaa
Character Name: Celianna Howlester
Character Application: Here
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:
  • +15 Medical Science
  • +7 Alchemy Science
  • +5 Natura Care
Do you have Discord?: Yup.
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:
To the esteemed Grand Matron Dianne Black,
I write to offer my skills to the Victoria's Valiant for the opportunity to work under your guidance and the guidance of all other skilled physicians I hope to serve beside. I would love nothing more than to have the chance to serve the city as best I can and I look forward to hearing from you.

Spirit blessings,
Celianna Howlester
My apologies in that you are not hearing back from my Commander, as the Officer I've taken over handling recruiting for now. However, I would like to imagine It'd be nice to hear back from me as well! I'd love to have you amongst our ranks, much as I'd love to have all of the lovely medics applying lately. The next step would be to set up an interview with yours truly, which I'm sure you'll easily pass.

~Signed, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia

(Shoot me a pm on disc! Likely through the roleplay community discord.)
Character Name: Adriana Merca'
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 6 -Specifically Psychology.
Do you have Discord?: Yes.
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:

Matron Dianne Black,
I'm looking into my options to study and treat ailments specifically of the mind. I've spent the last eight and half years working under a Medic specializing in mental ailments. Would love to share my knowledge as well as learn from others in my area of study. If you feel I would benefit or have a place in Victoria's Valiant, I'd be happy to meet with you.

Adriana Merca'
Character Name: Adriana Merca'
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency: 6 -Specifically Psychology.
Do you have Discord?: Yes.
Letter to Grand Matron Dianne Black:

Matron Dianne Black,
I'm looking into my options to study and treat ailments specifically of the mind. I've spent the last eight and half years working under a Medic specializing in mental ailments. Would love to share my knowledge as well as learn from others in my area of study. If you feel I would benefit or have a place in Victoria's Valiant, I'd be happy to meet with you.

Adriana Merca'
Ailements of the mind? Well! We've a few eager beavers already working on such with our patients, but another more experienced individual is always more welcomed! Why, you could all teach each other things. With that being said, I'd love to set up an interview whenever you're able.

~Signed, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia

(shoot me a pm on discord. I can't find you but I think Caelamus has us both added, so, nab me from him!)
IGN: SlyChungg.
Character Name: Amelie Belrose.
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:

  • +15 Medical Sciences.
  • Healing Grace spell. (Registered Sorceress).
Do you have Discord?: Yes.
Letter to the addressee below:

To Kara'valyna Hallevandeia, recruiter and Grand Matron of the Victoria's Valiant Violet order chapter,
Good day Kara, as we have already conversed this face to face, I am penning in hopes of being offered around two weeks worth of trial in this Chapter to see if I am a fit to such a new job fit for my skill set, or even a permanent settle should I adapt well. I would be glad to broaden my knowledge in Sanguinology and Shatterology with you, and would be pleased if you offered me the opportunity to offer my services of healing to those in need who visit the building. I believe I could be a helpful addition, with most of my time being available to serve the chapter, and I would love nothing more than guiding newer physicians.
Hope you come by for another cup of tea,
IGN: SlyChungg.
Character Name: Amelie Belrose.
Character Application:
Medical Knowledge Proficiency:

  • +15 Medical Sciences.
  • Healing Grace spell. (Registered Sorceress).
Do you have Discord?: Yes.
Letter to the addressee below:

To Kara'valyna Hallevandeia, recruiter and Grand Matron of the Victoria's Valiant Violet order chapter,
Good day Kara, as we have already conversed this face to face, I am penning in hopes of being offered around two weeks worth of trial in this Chapter to see if I am a fit to such a new job fit for my skill set, or even a permanent settle should I adapt well. I would be glad to broaden my knowledge in Sanguinology and Shatterology with you, and would be pleased if you offered me the opportunity to offer my services of healing to those in need who visit the building. I believe I could be a helpful addition, with most of my time being available to serve the chapter, and I would love nothing more than guiding newer physicians.
Hope you come by for another cup of tea,
There's just the letter I was expecting! A two week trial sounds lovely, but I'll still need you to come by the medical building whenever you're free to conduct a bit of an interview.

~With best wishes, Kara'valyna Hallevandeia, Captain of the Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment and Grand Matron of the Violet Order

(Stop by whenever, I'll be waiting around for a bit!)