-=[ The Society Of Natural Preservation ]=-

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Sir Honeybear the chronic druid main
Nov 20, 2013
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Where ever the wind blows, literally sometimes.
Roleplay Guilds
I like to wander around a lot. Yep.

-=[ The Regalian Society of Natural Preservation ]=-


"Hear ye, hear ye!" Cried the herald, only oversung by the jangling of his crier bell above the rabble of Regalia. "A public announcement at the Golden Willow speaker stand, by Mr. Zaan of the Haaven family! Gather around!"

Those who decided to stop and observe would see a richly groomed Yanar ascend to the speaker stand, clad in a silver-lined robe of cyan and green. To his left followed the Principal Secretary of the Black Hand, and to his right came an indigo-tinged Seedling armored in gambeson and mail. Each of them possessed a silver ribbon knotted about their upper arm.

"Loyal citizens of Regalia, it is from the bottom of my heart that I thank you for gathering today! My name is Zaan Haaven, Patriarch of the Haaven family, and I speak today to address all those with a thought for the earth on which we build our livelihoods!"

"For as long as archaeologists have records, there have been wars; and from wars come the decays of disease and famine. When the Regalian Empire is called to defend its territories from foreign occupation, and spread its wings to conquer new lands, it is the natural world that suffers the most. We have seen it during the occupation of the Qadir, the rise of foul usurper Andrieu Anahera, and most recently during the false reign of Deathling Freya Lo; when Regalia's attention is diverted to matters of hostility, our fertile land is frequently forgotten, burned, and destroyed. Even more worryingly, during the periods in which our connections to the faithful Kade Consortium and trade supplier have been cut, the Crown Isle has been left woefully short on the necessary produce to feed its people."​

"It is for these reasons that I humbly announce the formation of The Regalian Society of Natural Preservation! An organization that aims to prevent and combat the blight of famine by encouraging agriculture and gardening among the general populous."​

"With frequent educatory talks and planting sessions in the Regalian park, my humble family and I intend to bring more care to the natural world, and protect our green spaces from the depressions of war. We aim to expand the limits of agriculture, and experiment on Aloria's rich bounties to create new species that may feed and heal its citizens in greater quantities, ensuring that never again will we experience a famine or loss of control over our environment!"

"Those of you that have an interest, I urge you to pen a letter to the Haaven Family house, where I will be most enthusiastically waiting to accept any initiates. Even the wealthy members of peerage, busy workmen, and soldiers of war can contribute by growing windowsill herbs and educating their servants on the necessity of home produce. Gardening is a venture that can be enjoyed by all!"​

"And with that, faithful citizens, I relinquish the stand. Thankyou kindly for your time this afternoon, and may the Spirit guide you well.

As the now-beaming Yanar stepped down from the speaker stand, so too did his wife and child. The small clan of green offered a generous penny to the herald for his work, before strolling off towards the public herb house with a spring in their step.


-=[OOC Information]=-

The Regalian Society of Natural Preservation is a newly established organization dedicated to educating the public on matters of herbalism and agriculture. Through the preservation of Regalia's green spaces, educating of the populous on how to care for gardens, and the experimentation and propagation of Aloria's native flora, the Society of Natural Preservation aims to expand knowledge of the natural world and protect Aloria's agricultural landscape.​

The organization is lead by Zaan Haaven, Patriarch of the Haaven Family, and collectively run by the enthusiastic gardeners and herbalists of Regalia. All law-abiding Regalian citizens are welcomed to join, with no restrictions of race or occupation. Legal and respectful conduct is however expected of all members.​

The charter currently has no official base, but frequently congregates in the Kade Herb Conservatory and the Crown Apothecary on main street, where most of the experimentation and public growing takes place.​

-=[ IC Goals ]=-

. To educate the public on the importance of preserving the natural world.
. To educate the public on agriculture; teaching citizens how to grow and care for their own gardens.
. To research the natural world of Aloria and expand our knowledge of the delicate ecosystem.
. To experiment with existing plants and natural resources in pursuit of new herbalist uses and alchemical properties.
. To engage in plant propagation; finding ways to hybridize, domesticate, and graft to create new species.
. To protect Regalia's green spaces and manage the growth of the Regalian park.
. To create a more self-sustainable Regalia at large

To become an approved charter! We are shooting for the following rights:
The right to grow and manage the vegetation in the Regalian park.
The right to experiment with restricted flora in designated botanical labs.
The right to experiment with restricted alchemies in designated botanical labs.
The right to quarantine areas within and surrounding the Regalian park to prevent infection and outbreak.
To fill a niche of peaceful and humble roleplay, and provide domestic scenarios to engage in away from the bustle and conflict.
To form a community that has a friendly, open environment, and to help others to meet new people.
To encourage more alchemical and experimentation roleplay, hopefully resulting in new species added to lore or micro-progressions in the charter system.
To influence world progressions by participating in adventures with a theme of discovery, and hopefully unlocking some of the many secrets of Aloria.
To bring more roleplay and interaction to the Regalian Park; especially after the refurbishment is complete.
To host frequent events available to all roleplayers; current ideas include educational seminars, park festivals, hosted games and parties, and plantation events.


-=[ Application Form ]=-

There are no limits as to who or what may join the Society of Natural Preservation, all races, ages, and occupations are allowed! The only rejecting factor is if your character is known to the guards as a wanted criminal. We are willing to teach new players the ropes, so newer roleplayers are encouraged to apply. You should however possess a fair knowledge of the roleplay rules and etiquette first, so be sure to read the rules before applying!​

IGN: (In-game name.)
Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Age:
Prior Skills:
(Any attended schools or talents.)
Character Application: (Not necessary, but encouraged.)
Do you have Skype?: (Not necessary, but encouraged.)
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?:
Have you received any IG punishments?:
Roleplay References:
(Make sure to ask them first, we may contact them.)

-=[ We look forward to hearing from you! ]=-
written by @Eccetra
my sweet.
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-=[ Ranking System ]=-
Ranks are still also undergoing adjustments while we iron out our ranking system. So members may be bumped around the place until we get it nailed down.

The title given to the current leader of the organization. The Grandmaster oversees all divisions of the group, and approves new members as well as large-scale changes to the society's control areas. Consequently, the Grandmaster is also in charge of providing activity for the group and delegating tasks to the different ranks.
Current Grandmaster:
Zaan Haaven​

The Hierarchs are individuals who have shown a deep knowledge of natural preservation, and a motivation to help manage the society on a larger scale. Hierarchs are permitted to host events at their leisure, as well as delegate tasks to lower members, call for experimentation or plantation groups, and close off charter areas where needed. They are expected to provide roleplay for the society and help with direction.
Current Masters:
Nadina Haaven
Asterion Fellmirr

The Mentors are the higher ranking Officiates of the society whom possess an extensive knowledge of agriculture, herbalism, or alchemy. The Mentors are often the ones who Students will go to for training and advice, as well as look up to for guidance on immediate matters. Mentors possess all charter rights and may lead group efforts in certain areas when needed, as well as host small events without executive permission. They must show good activity within the society to maintain this rank.
Current Mentors:
Estyne Eikos
Ke'wince Gavenmore
Alak'aer Iethos

Officiates are the average ranking for most members of the society who show good activity and participation. They consist of agriculturists, scholars, and alchemists with a fair level of knowledge and an urge to learn more. Officiates are granted all charter rights, and are encouraged to assist Students and Initiates in expanding their knowledge, as well as lead small gardening parties and groups. Officiates may propose ideas for events and group-wide efforts to the Mentors or Grandmaster, who may then approve or deny them.

Associates are the members of the society whom are just beginning to get more involved. They typically follow orders given to them and participate in training sessions with the Officiates and Mentors, expanding their knowledge in agriculture and joining in study and experimentation. Sometimes new recruits are placed in this rank purely to understand the agenda of the Society as a whole rather than learn more of their craft. Associates possess all charter rights aside from the right of quarantine, unless instructed to perform so by a Mentor or higher.

When applying the Society of Natural Preservation without prior knowledge, most will start off as an initiate. The initiate stage often lasts no longer than two weeks, and simply consists of getting to know the other members and engaging oneself with the society. Initiates carry no charter rights, but may follow other members on tasks and participate in events. In order to rank up from initiate one must participate in a single meeting.


-=[ Events & Announcements ]=-
[5/9/17] - "How to Grow Vegetables." A quaint pamphlet on how to grow simple vegetables, written by agricultural Hierarch Asterion Fellmirr.

[6/2/17] -
"Alchemy for Dummies! - Session 1" A class hosted by Nadina Haaven regarding introduction into alchemy, available to the public via letter to Nadina.
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IGN: svnflower
Character Name: Astera Il'Deae
Character Race: Yanar (Talar Seedling)
Character Age: 19
Prior Skills: Taught herself everything she could possibly learn about plants, has taught a few others lessons about plants already. (Also, taught herself to read and write.)
Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/astera-ildeae.53416/
Do you have Skype?: I do! If needed, I'd prefer to PM it rather than display it to the world.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: No
Have you received any IG punishments?: No
Roleplay References: @Miss_Confined @MysticFenyck
IGN: Emkalou
Character Name: Ra'ilia Yinvi
Character Race: Yanar, Rashaq Seedling
Character Age: 24
Prior Skills: Ra'ilia is very good with words and persuasion in general. Her small size allows her to get into small spaces and be underestimated and unnoticed by foes.
Character Application: In progress, rewriting because of the magic lore rewrite and new lore knowledge.
Do you have Skype?: Not yet, but it's a possibility in the future. I also have PyromanicLlama to keep me updated, if need be.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Ra'ilia was a member of the Nenyarina, but with the char app rewrite, I will have to re-apply.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope.
Roleplay References: @PyromanicLlama :D
IGN: Belgrade
Character Name: Gwynn (Gavoril) Wysahice-Lewo.
Character Race: Cielothar.
Character Age: 26.
Prior Skills: School of Rangers, with a notable training in animal care and husbandry.
Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/gwynn-wysahice-lewo.54597/#post-680362
Do you have Skype?: u got me bby.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Yes, but not with this character.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope.
Roleplay References: @MolagBallin @Caverly @Rhuyne @Jugswe - @Caelamus I was gonna @ you but then you said wat so I bailed cos I wanted it to be a surprise

- Important Update! -
Due to how convoluted it is and tedious to go through each application with a follow up IC meeting we will just be addressing approval straight up here on the forums. Whomever is overseeing the Approval process will be required to reply with an IC letter to the applicant instead.

For those whom are accepted and presently waiting for a meeting are hereby already initiated into the Society!
@svnflower @Emkalou
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IGN: Reaperess5066
Character Name: Talila Selmer
Character Race: Yanar (Slizzar Seedling)
Character Age: 20
Prior Skills: Has an /extreme/ knowledge of flowers, flower planting, flower tending, and has read 12 books on the subject. Is an adamant gardener, learning through books and other reading materials.
Character Application: Magic/Lore rewrite making me change a bit, but will be coming along soon
Do you have Skype?: Indeed, as you already know.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Not with this character
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope, fortunately :D
Roleplay References: @MysticFenyck @svnflower
IGN: Goddess_Athena1
Character Name: Mariona Iseo
Character Race: Yanar (Isldar seedling)
Character Age: 23
Prior Skills:
Has a few ever-growth spells which she was taught by her mother. (3 solur (Rootling, Garden and Forestdream)). She has a knowledge of flowers, though she tends to just like to look and comment about the appearance, so she knows how to take care of common flowers
Character Application: N/A at the current moment. Working on something
Do you have Skype?: Wobbawobba2
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Yes, One such is "The Order of Isla Fox". This character is not in any other groups
Have you received any IG punishments?: None of the current moment
Roleplay References: @Reaperess5066 @TheWildCard19 @Walle_Fan @MysticFenyck
IGN: (In-game name.)
Character Name: Mason O'Cein
Character Race: Ailor
Character Age: 36
Prior Skills: Attended the Academy of Medicine, expert level
Character Application: I'll fill this in when I get home
Do you have Skype: Yes'm
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Not as of current
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope
Roleplay References: I'll get to it :)

The applicants would each find a letter addressed to them in their mail.

Hello! Thank you for taking an interest in the Regalian Society of Natural Preservation, we appreciate the time you took writing your application and applying. Upon reviewing the information which you have provided I see no reason why not. I officially approve you for membership in the Society, congratulations! We look forward to seeing you in the near future.

Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
IGN: ActuallyAmerican.
Character Name: Ella Birkwood
Character Race: Ailor
Character Age: 23
Prior Skills:
She's quite nice, and knows how to apply basic first aid and plant things.
Character Application: Not currently
Do you have Skype?: Yup! Please, pm me for it.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Ella, no. My other characters, yes. Chichi, Variona, and Ra'Varaan are technically all in gangs down in the sewers.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Just a few warnings for trolling in trade chat, etc. nothing on /seen
Roleplay References: @memeosupremeo @daNofficial @Gabauchi @NeilAucoin

Hello! I have received your letter and reviewed the information you've provided on your application. I see you are studying the basics of first aid and herbalism? We certainly have tutors in our ranks whom could help teach you and further your knowledge. I see no reason why not so I officially approve you for membership. We look forward to seeing you in the near future!

Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
IGN: Doc_Cantankerous
Character Name: Garren of Revalan
Character Race: Altalar
Character Age: 106
Prior Skills: Surgeon
Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/garren-of-revalan.55426/#post-682113
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Confessors of Volckamar
Have you received any IG punishments?: Yes, I once ran around spamming "Ni" and got muted.
Roleplay References: Lore 2? Can I pull that card? (Otherwise I summon Eccetra as a witness)

Hello again Garren of Revalan! Good to see that you are doing well since we last spoke during the meeting yesterday. I hope we certainly had a good first impression, I would assume so. Upon reviewing over your application I officially approve you for membership. Welcome to the Society of Preservation, I personally hope to see more of you in the near future as we begin to get the ball rolling, and I hope that you have a good day whenever it is you receive this letter.

Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
IGN: (In-game name.) avemechanicus
Character Name: Rerik V.I.T. Ulster
Character Race: Orcblood Ailor
Character Age: 51
Prior Skills:
(Any attended schools or talents.) Machinist, numericist, with some minor alchemical/herbal knowledge, noted hunter of large beasties. Shipboard skills. Friend of small beasties including nervous allar, purple justice elves, the eldest of shrubs and a glass eyed yanar.
Character Application: (Not necessary, but encouraged.) In progress of update
Do you have Skype?: (Not necessary, but encouraged.) Aye
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Stormcrows, albeit at distance.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nay
Roleplay References:
(Make sure to ask them first, we may contact them.) @deadfoe51

Well hello Rerik! I certainly did not anticipate your application but I am pleasantly surprised. It's good to hear that you're doing alright since the whole mess at Kronau and the Lo Occupation. So you have some minor knowledge of herbs and alchemy? You could certainly advance either of those skills here amougst the Society. I see little reason why not so therefore, I approve you for membership in the Society of Preservation! Welcome aboard we will be looking forward to seeing you soon.

Signed, Zaan Haaven, Locke.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.

Hello! We have received your letter, thank you for taking the time to apply. I see you were mostly a warrior prior? Unfortunately I don't believe much of your warrior skills will be of much use to you here in the society but if you wish to learn herbalism and other things such as first aid we can certainly provide it to you. Given you wish to join our humble Society I certainly take it that you wish to learn. Though the most important concept about the Society is its goals to preserve, serve the great way and benefit the city as a whole. I would personally suggest that you attend a few of our events to see what the Society is all about and how we operate and I would like to see you in person before I arrive at a conclusion. You're welcome to attend anything we do even without membership, everything we do is aimed towards educating the general public. For now I formally set you as pending for membership. Please feel free to arrange a time or date in further correspondance. I look forward to meeting you in person!

Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.

IGN: Springheel
Character Name: Violetta Coen
Character Race:
Character Age:
Prior Skills:
Studied flora in Daenshore in her early twenties.
Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/violetta-angelique-coen.53130/#post-649265
Do you have Skype?: Yes.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Nope, free for your bidding, mom.
Have you received any IG punishments?: One, from when I first joined. A mute, but it was more of a joke.
Roleplay References: @BillyTheScroofy @Ryria

Hello Miss Arietta Capecci we've received your letter and appreciate your time in applying. I see you wish to learn more about gardening and alchemy, this is certainly the place for it. We also have upcoming lesson regarding alchemy hosted by my wife Nadina Haaven, I will be participating as her assistant. You're very much so welcome to attend if you wish to begin those studies. I see little reason why not therefore I officially approve you for membership in the Society of Preservation. Welcome, we will be looking forward to seeing you soon!

Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
Included in the letter was the announcement and flier for the alchemy event.

Hello Lady Coen! We've received your letter regarding your interest in membership. I'm aware you use to lead a charter organization in the past that ran a clinic? We appreciate your application, your experience will prove to be valuable in the Society of Preservation. I've no reason otherwise so therefore I officially approve you for membership in the Society of Preservation! We look forward to seeing you soon. There will also be an upcoming session regarding alchemy hosted by my wife, Nadina Haaven whom you may certainly know prior as Niantha Heiwynn. You are very welcome to attend if you wish.

Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
Included in the letter was the announcement and flier for the alchemy event.
IGN: Rhuyne
Character Name: Rinaedith Rhuiviel
Character Race: Altalar-Cielothar Nelfin
Character Age: 19 years
Prior Skills: No noteworthy talents or previous skills, though has a lot of general knowledge surrounding flora, geography and medicine. She does love to learn though. She finds alchemy interesting and has begun dabbling into that as well. She's currently being tutored by some of the apothecary employees.
Character Application: I'll get to that once the magic rewrite comes along.
Do you have Skype?: Yup!
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Yes, I also have a Confessor.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Muted almost 3 years ago for rude behavior in general. (Good cookie now though)
Roleplay References:
@TcareyIsTaken @ShipIt @Lumiess @Chiruda @Scribbe @TheBioverse
Hello and thank you for taking an interest in the Society of Preservation. I see that you have a general knowledge of flora, that talent will prove to be much appreciated in our ranks. If you have any desires to learn other skills such as alchemy, healing and so forth feel free to attend any upcoming classes. My wife, Nadina Haaven whom owns the Apothecary will be holding an upcoming Alchemy class event in which you're welcome to endeavor attending. The flier will be pinned to our local notice board with the public roster. Upon further review, I see little reason why not so I officially approve you for membership in the Society of Preservation. We will be looking forward to seeing you soon.
Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
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This seems super fun! <3

IGN: HoshiChomp12
Character Name: Mama Yahdga
Character Race: Cielothar
Character Age: 178
Prior Skills: She has knowledge in lower level alchemy and medicine, but her primary studies reside in husbandry. She is also a passive lepidopterist (a person who studies butterflies and moths).
Character Application: *boop*
Do you have Skype?: I think you have me?
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: The Frontier Armada
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope
Roleplay References: @quasiff, @AtticCat
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Ah yes hello again Lady dei Orazio. I see you've taken the time in applying for the Society of Preservation? I hope to kick things off with a few events over the course of the weekdays and weekend and raise some awareness to the new house in the park. I see very little reason why not and knowing you personally myself, I officially approve you for membership within the Society of Preservation. We look forward to seeing you very soon.
Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
Hello and thank you for taking the time in applying. Is your first name, Mama? That's a rather interesting one. My own mother was a sweet old Cielothar lady. I see you're even around her age too. Your skills in husbandry will definitely come in handy and you may feel free to tutor any students within the Society of Preservation. If you wish to advance in either alchemy or in the field of medicine you're welcome to attend the upcoming classes I have in mind. I see little reason why not therefore I approve you for membership within the Society of Preservation. We look forward to seeing you shortly!
Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
IGN: Dewstrider
Character Name: Periwinkle
Character Race: Lampar Seedling Yanar
Character Age: Young Adult? Who knows?
Prior Skills: (Any attended schools or talents.)
Character Application: Nothin' yet!
Do you have Skype?: Yep!
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Nope.
Have you received any IG punishments?: Yes, but that was from long long ago when I was a new player.
Roleplay References: @Caelamus *finger guns to my dude* @Ruby_Raptor

Peri! It's been a long time since I've heard or seen you. I've missed you. Awh how have things been since the last time we spoke? I think it was some time during the winter during the Lo Crisis. Everything has calmed down so much since then. I think you'd be happy to know I kept your recipe for bonbons alive and well. We'll be hosting an upcoming passive seed handout event tomorrow on the opening of the Summer Festival! I look forward to seeing you there hopefully. I see absolutely no reason why not so therefore I approve you for membership within the Society of Preservation. Also Peri if you need a place to stay you're welcome to stay in the Haaven house if you like.
Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.
IGN: HobblingHobbit
Character Name: Sonia dei Orazio
Character Race: Ailor
Character Age: 30
Prior Skills: Studied Law and potentially the School of Griffer, but nothing alchemy or botany related.
Character Application: NA
Do you have Skype?: Sure do, you have me.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Nope!
Have you received any IG punishments?: All of them
Roleplay References: I've roleplayed with you guys quite a few times, but if that isn't sufficient you can have these two nerds. @Kihle @Empaul
Oddly enough, Sonia's response letter smelled of freshly made herbal tea mixed with some wormfern herb. It had a small spot on it where a droplet of tea had been made.

Hello and thank you for taking an interest in the Society of Preservation. I've reviewed over your application, interesting. So I take it you want to partake in the school of Griffer? I saw Gaspar flaunt his Mariposa knowledge the other day in the Mercenary Stronghold. If you wish to learn herbalism or take up gardening as a hobby you've certainly come to the right place. The Society is dedicated to raising awareness of the natural environment and the usage of herbs and having ones own garden. I see little reason why not so, therefore I approve you for membership within the Society of Preservation. We look forward to seeing you soon. I actually have an event planned for tomorrow on the opening of the summer festival to passively distribute seeds to the public with some wholesome home grown summertime flowers to raise the spirits.

Signed, Zaan Haaven.

Grandmanster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.

P.S Sorry for the tea stain. I decided to write a response in the kitchen.
IGN: Snore
Character Name: Nuralg Porliss
Character Race: Mu-Allar
Character Age: 75
Prior Skills: Alchemy - Discipline of Magicamy. Expert
Character Application: Writing in Progress
Do you have Skype?: FringedMushroom
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: No
Have you received any IG punishments?: None
Roleplay References: @Belgrade
Hello and thank you for taking an interest and applying to the Society of Preservation. I see you practice the alchemy discipline of Magicamy? I hear that's a pretty rare one to encounter, I've seen few much less even fewer experts of the field. I see little reason why not therefore I approve you for membership within the Society of Preservation. Though for now I would encourage that some experimental alchemy be kept to a minimum and magic usage be kept to a minimum unless you have a collar and so forth. Most of what we do involving alchemy is more so herbalism and remedies, so forth. We have a lab in our public green house in the park that you're welcome to use or improve depending.
Signed, Zaan Haaven.
Grandmaster of the Society of Preservation.
Patriarch of the Haaven Family.

IGN: Ruby_Raptor
Character Name: Llyakie Aveal 'Llyak'
Character Race: Yanar - Allar Seedling.
Character Age: 31
Prior Skills: Llyak is a trained guardian, has an excellent knowledge on fauna. She can also draw and paint rather well and is a little above average as a cook.
Character Application: None, currently, it may be a WIP in the future.
Do you have Skype?: Yep! Made a new one so I could possibly join, I'd prefer to PM it.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Nope! I use to be, but not anymore.
Have you received any IG punishments?: None.
Roleplay References: @InktoberGlow

A small note read, 'Friend of Peri, She sent me. -Llyak'
IGN: HeyoFreyo
Character Name: Caithel Ullothel
Character Race: Drowdar
Character Age: 19
Prior Skills: Gardening [4/10], and student in the School of Griffer.
Character Application: link
Do you have Skype?: Yeup! HeyoFreyo
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: No
Have you received any IG punishments?: Nope!
Roleplay References: @Betel_ @Jouster
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IGN: Wolfiecat940
Character Name: Nyllazza Jhessu Arbusto
Character Race: Al-Allar Seedling
Character Age: 54
Prior Skills: Expert in both Alchemic Theory and History, and Alchemic Philosophy
Character Application: Linky!
Do you have Skype?: Yes, it's my IGN.
Are you a part of any other Groups or Charters?: Yes, though some have yet to respond back which greatly discourages the thought that I'll be accepted.
Have you received any IG punishments?: No
Roleplay References: @GrimDeValhalla @CRASHIR @Emperor_E @Gartono @NovaFlameveil

Dear Mr. Zaan of the Haaven household,
Your speech was magnificent and quite brilliant indeed, to which it caught my attention from where I stood so far away. After hearing you address the public with such articulate, I couldn't help but follow after each word spoken and want to sign up right away. Though I am not much for one to one person interaction, I write to you hoping to be accepted into your organization. Please note that I am in other jobs as a means for stable income to help myself and family, I hope this information doesn't make your decision change any less. Now, onto the importants, I am well near 55 and know both The Alchemic Theory and History, and the Alchemic Philosophy to the point I'm exceeding scholarship. My race is Al-Allar mixed with a yanar, making me the Al-Allar seedling, which I hope I do not stick out to much. This should be all the basic information needed, except my address which is {Insert house address for Parkroad12} that you will need to write back with your lovely response.
May your day be spectacular,
Nyllazza J. Arbusto
Sorry if the letter is missing some more grammar or has errors, it's night and I rushed a bit!
Edit: Forgot another tag!
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