The Regalian Gladiator’s Guild, Hús Bardagans


The finest Pasty
Staff member
Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
⫘ The Regalian Gladiator's Guild, Hús Bardagans ⫘

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The Hús Bardagans, established by the Furyborn, Siobhan in 312 AC, is a proposed formation of Regalia's Strongest, presenting the public with an opportunity to display their might before the people. Guild members will be tasked with the completion of challenges and tournaments to progress within the ranks, collecting 'tears' to display their success.
  • The Banner of Arms | Hús Crest
    • The Hús is represented by an eclipse, usually depicted as an overlap of one white sun and one black sun on top, both with 16 sunrays.
    • Surrounding the eclipse are three separate symbols. The sun and moon, representing the willingness to participate in violence, day or night, beaded with sweat and skill of the strongest warriors. The pierced moon, representing the rangers of the guild. The last symbol is an interlocking of a sword and Morningstar, representing the Hús Bardagans armaments, as well as themes of the founders home crest.
    • The border of the crest is black, donned with walls of flame, representing the strength and endurance of the Hús Bardagans as a fortress.
  • The Eternal Battlefield | Guild Location
    • As it presently stands, the Guild will be utilizing the gift of Fury, The Eternal Battlefield. It is located within the countryside North-West of the city. (When exiting the Crookback stables, follow the road out the back. The next available left is the underground road to the arena.


⫘ Internal Ranking:
  • Champion of Fury | Administrator
    • Administrator and Overseer of the Guild. Champion is tasked with organization of the guild events, as well as keeping track of members, installing rules and ensuring Gladiators have access to facilities. The Champion of Fury may assign Superior's to organize events depending.
      • Ximara 'Siobhan' Payne Vazhiirn
        • Furyborn Warrior
  • Superior Gladiator or Gladiatrix
    • Combatants that have successfully aided in the organization of tournaments and training sessions with the guild and or the public. This rank is also given when shown great feats of success in combat, such as winning streaks, acquiring a full set of tears upon their breastpin, etc.
      • Vicelin of Praag
        • Furyborn Warrior
  • Gladiator or Gladiatrix | Fighters
    • Combatants that have successfully proven themselves to participate in the Gladiator's Guild Tournaments and Events. Rank is Granted upon proxy of participation as an Initiate.
      • TBD
  • Initiate
    • New blood, first ranking for all new members. Initiate's undergo a process called 'Kąm hᴀr ą hią'; A period of time for confirmation and suitability before joining the guild and participating in events. Initiates can however, participate in unofficial fights and training.
      • Fenric
        • Half-Eronidas Warrior
      • Gehrman Gahan
        • Fin'ullen Duellist
      • Isidora 'Isa' Cemehal
        • Ailor Warrior
      • Namari Anikara Singhanel Bel-Avela
        • Holy Spellblade / Mage
      • The Jean Saint-Jean
        • Beautyborn Warrior
      • Antonello Agua
        • Rejectionborn Spellblade
      • Titus
        • Asha Warrior
      • Maddox Vaughn
        • Godborn Spellblade
      • Svend Hjelmskærer av Drettlefjord
        • Furyborn Warrior
      • Yoel Maldonado
        • Ailor Hunter
⫘ Facilitators:
  • Ribbon | Gladiator Sponsors
    • Parties, such as members of the peerage, can sponsor a chosen fighter. In doing so, a fighter will be able to dedicate more of their lifetime to the entertainment of others through acts of violence.
    • Sponsors may also don their Gladiator with a symbol of their sponsorship. This may be a piece of coloured 'ribbon' that hangs from the Guild members ranked breastpin or medal with an aligning crest or symbol embroidered within.
  • Rainwell | Guild Croupier
    • The Croupier is in charge of collecting bets from spectators and organizing finances. This may be assigned to a member of the guild who isn't in participation of a competition, or assigned externally by the Administrator or Superiors.
      • Son Se-jeong
        • Sihai Swordsman
  • Doomfodder | Guild Suppliers
    • Doomfodder is what the Guild refers to when speaking of relationships with organizations, businesses, etc, that can aid in replenishing the Guild's stock. For example, the armoury, its armaments and food for the fighters.
  • Bloodletter | Guild Medics
    • Bloodletters are medics that are either members of the Guild, or sanctioned external aid. Administration will register Bloodletters from clinics and organizations as 'trusted assistance'. Gladiators will be able to label themselves as a Bloodletter, aiding on standby.
      • Tamara Mijatovic
        • N/A
      • Henry the Feka
        • N/A
      • Asim-Sadiki Taskhtali
      • Asha Holy Warden (External Aid)
  • Blood Maggot | Guild Cleaner
    • The Cleaner is in charge of preparing the arena for event hosting. This entails that they will need to ensure that the environment is presentable after each use.
    • A Blood Maggot will typically be an assigned Guild member, through Arm Wrestling or in rank of Tears. Blood Maggots are utilized to aid Guild members in upkeep, or they will be made to mop.
    • If a Blood Maggot is a non-combatant or external aid, they will be paid for their assistance by the Administrator.

⫘ Tournaments and challenges:

Through Honour
"We allies are honourable, fair, and disciplined."
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  • Grand Tournament | 2v2, 4 Rounds
    • A Grand Tournament is sanctioned by the Champion of Fury.
    • Participants will be able to pick their team of two.
    • Participants will engage in pre-event match making. This may be organized fairly through randomization (Rollies), or through the Administrator's choice.
    • Participants will engage in Execution OR Temperance, rules are stated below.
    • Group 1 vs Group 2, Group 3 vs Group 4. Losing teams will compete for 2ND place, Winning teams will compete for 1ST.
  • Black Hole Sun | 1v1, Gambled Rounds,
    • Participants must fight unarmed, shield-less and devoid of magic, but may utilize abilities depending on these factors.
    • Participants must land a successful hit upon their opponent to progress to the next round / challenger. Participants must cause the depletion of their opponents HP, this does not include AC or BT from armour, wardrobe pack, etc.
    • Victor can choose to gamble, challenging another opponent. With each succession, they gain a stack of 'Persistence' upon their Gladiator's title.
      • If a participant chooses to deny the next challenger, they end their Black Hole Sun.
        If a participant is challenged by the same opponent they must both remain as if it were the same combat scene (HP, AC, BT, Cooldowns, etc).
      • If a participant stands with no further challengers, they automatically double their 'Persistence' and end their Black Hole Sun.
      • When a Black Hole Sun ends, the participants total is reset upon the beginning of the next Black Hole Sun or renewed with each lose. (Resetting HP, AC, BT and Cooldowns under the circumstances of the Black Hole Sun.)
  • Execution Duel | 1v1, Until K.O,
    • Normal CRP 1v1 rules, participants fight until 0HP.
    • For each successful Execution, a guild member may add a 'Tear' to a segment within their breastpin (16 total). For each 'Tear' gained, is a step towards becoming a Superior. If a member of the Guild is already a Superior, they may also do this, but it does not award them with Administration. (Reward Pending for Superiors)
  • Temperance | 2v2, Timed,
    • Participants have 1 hour, until the match is called.
    • The team that deals the most amount of damage to HP (Not BT), wins.
    • Participants have no restrictions on their choice of combat.
  • Jackal | 1v1, Until Prone,
    • Participants must utilize a padded club or unarmed combat.
    • Participants must stay within a designated arena, 5x5 blocks wide.
    • Attacker: One successful roll / hit = Defender is knocked to a knee.
    • Attacker: Two successful rolls / hits in a row = Defender is knocked prone.
    • Defender: Successful roll after Attackers successful roll / hit = Rise from a knee.
    • Fight continues until a participant is prone or forced from the designated arena.
Through Reality

"Life isn't fair. Nor are our rules. You must prepare for everything, and be willing to overcome."
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  • The Eternal Battle | Free for all, Last Man Standing,
    • Participants are allowed to use live weaponry, but may not knock other participants unconscious. (No less than 1 HP)
    • Participants may yield by exiting the arena.
    • Participants that have left the arena or yield upon reaching 1-2 HP, cannot re-enter until a victor is found.
    • Participants are allowed to join the fight at any point.
    • Teamwork up to three participants is allowed, but there must be a single victor.
    • The Eternal Battle is concluded once a victor is found; No other fighters join, everyone within the arena reaches 1 HP, etc.
    • The victor will be titled 'Einherjar', until the next Eternal Battle.
  • Arm Wrestling | 1v1,
    • Three rounds. A participant must roll two successes to win.
    • Participants may utilize outside of CRP strength rules.
    • Participants may utilize Persuasion instead of Combat rolls to distract or sway their opponent.
    • Onlookers may interfere physically or verbally, but must roll successfully against their chosen target. The former two rules apply.

⫘ Guild Application:

Applicable for Initiate, Rainwell, Doomfodder, Bloodletter and Blood Maggot roles. Gladiators privately may assign Sponsors, but must communicate such to the Administrator for documentation.

Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord:
  • Character Name:
  • Guild Role:
  • Character Combat Style:
  • Character Application:
  • Timezone:
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional):
Guild Discord:
For a link to the discord, please message @Patsie through discord DMS! If not, invites will be in Thursday Club / RP Com.

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  • IGN / Discord: TheWonderOfYou
  • Character Name: Gehrman Gahan
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Duelist
  • Character Application: X
  • Timezone: PST
  • IGN / Discord: ellereller
  • Character Name: Isa
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Warrior
  • Character Application: X
  • Timezone: PST
  • Character's letter of Application:
    > A haiku has been attached.
    'Volleyball was fun. I enjoy sparring and stuff. Pleaseletmeinthanks.'
Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord: it me Errrrrrrrrraaaaaaa
  • Character Name: Namari
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Holy Spellblade/Mage
  • Character Application: x
  • Timezone: CST
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional): A simple letter with a name printed in bold at the bottom is sent.
"If you wish to draw my blood so badly, then let's do it the right way. I'll be waiting.

- Namari"
  • IGN / Discord: TheWonderOfYou
  • Character Name: Gehrman Gahan
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Duelist
  • Character Application: X
  • Timezone: PST

  • IGN / Discord: ellereller
  • Character Name: Isa
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Warrior
  • Character Application: X
  • Timezone: PST
  • Character's letter of Application:
    > A haiku has been attached.
    'Volleyball was fun. I enjoy sparring and stuff. Pleaseletmeinthanks.'

Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord: it me Errrrrrrrrraaaaaaa
  • Character Name: Namari
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Holy Spellblade/Mage
  • Character Application: x
  • Timezone: CST
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional): A simple letter with a name printed in bold at the bottom is sent.
"If you wish to draw my blood so badly, then let's do it the right way. I'll be waiting.

- Namari"
Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord: xx_OliverOnly_xx
  • Character Name: Son Se-jeong
  • Guild Role: Rainwell | Guild Croupier
  • Character Combat Style: Swordsman
  • Character Application: Link
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional):
    • Administrator Siobhan, if you are still in need of a croupier, I would be more than happy to extend my services. If you wish to meet me regarding this application, you can reach me at The Lucky Lounge, located beneath Arenacourt.
      • [Below, his name would be signed in both Common and Wai-lan lettering.]
Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord: xx_OliverOnly_xx
  • Character Name: Son Se-jeong
  • Guild Role: Rainwell | Guild Croupier
  • Character Combat Style: Swordsman
  • Character Application: Link
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional):
    • Administrator Siobhan, if you are still in need of a croupier, I would be more than happy to extend my services. If you wish to meet me regarding this application, you can reach me at The Lucky Lounge, located beneath Arenacourt.
      • [Below, his name would be signed in both Common and Wai-lan lettering.]
I'll come meet with you IC, can be fun!
IGN / Discord | Gwyndo / Gwyndot
Character Name | Frang Callister
Guild Role | Initiate
Character Combat Style | Warrior
Character Application | Link
Timezone |
London, GMT
  • IGN / Discord: Rowet / rowet
  • Character Name: Antonello Agua
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Spellblade
  • Character Application: yippee!
  • Timezone: CST
  • Character's letter of Application:
Adminstrator Siobhan,

I am a Bloodcast Knight & an illusionist Mage. Let me in. I want to fight more people.

IGN / Discord | Gwyndo / Gwyndot
Character Name | Frang Callister
Guild Role | Initiate
Character Combat Style | Warrior
Character Application | Link
Timezone |
London, GMT
Rejected! I haven't seen / met this character so I suggest we meet IC when I'm available.

  • IGN / Discord: Rowet / rowet
  • Character Name: Antonello Agua
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Spellblade
  • Character Application: yippee!
  • Timezone: CST
  • Character's letter of Application:
Adminstrator Siobhan,

I am a Bloodcast Knight & an illusionist Mage. Let me in. I want to fight more people.

Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord: You alr know son
  • Character Name: Yoel Maldonado
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Hunter - (Kickboxing)
  • Character Application: Link
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional):
    • I already beat one of you damned Arkenborn. You're next, blonde n' ugly.
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Application Template -
  • IGN / Discord: You alr know son
  • Character Name: Yoel Maldonado
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Hunter - (Kickboxing)
  • Character Application: Link
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional):
    • I already beat one of you damned Arkenborn. You're next, blonde n' ugly.
Accepted, because you threatened me for the last timmeee...
  • IGN / Discord: JarofDust1035
  • Character Name: Jaro
  • Guild Role: Initiate
  • Character Combat Style: Axeman
  • Character Application: N/A
  • Timezone: UTC+08:00
  • Character's letter of Application (Optional): N/A