The Nestled Nook Inn

IGN: OliverOnly
IC Letter:

Dear Nook Owner,
My name is Molly Zhatnni' and I've been looking into applying as a bouncer for your inn. I have over 40 years of combat training and has served as a soldier and mercenary during several conflicts, keeping the peace within your inn should be no problem for me. I am also well acquainted with quite a few of your employees, if a voucher is needed. I look forward to working with you all!


Position: Peacekeeper/bartender
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: Nah
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: OliverOnly
IC Letter:

Dear Nook Owner,
My name is Molly Zhatnni' and I've been looking into applying as a bouncer for your inn. I have over 40 years of combat training and has served as a soldier and mercenary during several conflicts, keeping the peace within your inn should be no problem for me. I am also well acquainted with quite a few of your employees, if a voucher is needed. I look forward to working with you all!


Position: Peacekeeper/bartender
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: Nah
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
Approved. No trial needed.
IGN: zuziee
IC Letter:
Dear Innkeeper,
Hello, my name is Savannah Valvik. I have been to your establishment a couple times for drinks while in my stay in Regalia and heard you are hiring people. I am in need of a job due to the taxes in this new city and me running very quickly out of the Regals my family sent with me. I am good at remembering orders and can make a drink fairly quickly. I hope you consider me for the position if there are anymore that are free. Thank you!
Sincerely, Savannah Valvik​
Position: Inn Maid
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: Nope!
@Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: zuziee
IC Letter:
Dear Innkeeper,
Hello, my name is Savannah Valvik. I have been to your establishment a couple times for drinks while in my stay in Regalia and heard you are hiring people. I am in need of a job due to the taxes in this new city and me running very quickly out of the Regals my family sent with me. I am good at remembering orders and can make a drink fairly quickly. I hope you consider me for the position if there are anymore that are free. Thank you!
Sincerely, Savannah Valvik​
Position: Inn Maid
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: Nope!
@Nixces @skullpanda90
Approved. DM me your Discord.
IGN: Monkeydog13
IC Letter: Dear Inn Keeper,
My name is Aila Leoxalim and I would like to work for you. I want to help the patrons and make them happy with my baking or music. I love to make people happy with my music or baking but I will take any job you offer me. I also have worked in my family's bakery for most of my life. I will try my best in the workplace. Thank you for your time.
Position: Cook or performer
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: None
@Nixces @skullpanda90
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IGN: Monkeydog13
IC Letter: Dear Inn Keeper,
My name is Aila Leoxalim and I would like to work for you. I want to help the patrons and make them happy with my baking or music. I love to make people happy with my music or baking but I will take any job you offer me. I also have worked in my family's bakery for most of my life. I will try my best in the workplace. Thank you for your time.
Position: Cook or performer
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: None
@Nixces @skullpanda90
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to Reject this application. If you have any questions feel free to DM myself or @skullpanda90
IGN: MrHasagi
The letter was written on a piece of paper torn from a journal, and the handwriting was legible and in ink.
"To whom this may concern,
My name is Milo Jay Shinseki. I am a pretty common visitor at the Nook Inn and have decided to apply for a job here. I am familiar with some of your other employees and have been recommended that I work here. Any position will do, but I will prefer to be a peacekeeper/bouncer as I have been trained to fight ever since my youth, and I have also been playing the flute for 20 years now, so a job as a bard will also be very nice. I completely understand if I am denied work here. For now, I hope you consider adding me to your team.
Position: Peacekeeper/Bouncer, Performer
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: None, unless being imprisoned by Julius (IC) counts (broke into Mercenary Keep to visit a friend).
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
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IGN: AWildSheeple
IC Letter:
To the lovely innkeepers of the Nook,

I am Alannah Lupenzi. I've been off on vacation and have returned to Regalia with not much to my name. I've been to your establishment a handful of times and have fallen in love with its quaint little charms. The last time I was there, I mentioned to one of your bartenders that I played the violin. He did not suggest employment, but after playing once on your little stage, I felt right at home. If you would even grant me a small trial, I would be more than happy to play for the customers.



Position: Performer.
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: None! I've got a clean slate.
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: _Owlet
IC Letter:
Hello! Lovely tenders at the Nook!
I am Gweyr, a violinist seeking a venue and establishment to work at. I overheard about your business and I would be extremely interested in taking upon an entertainer position. I am very visually impaired, and by very I mean totally blind. Therefore I had my friend write this letter! I do hope you consider me.

Spirits Bless!


(Underneath the signature there would be a little scribble from the lady herself to acknowledge the letter)


Entertainer - Violinist
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: Nope
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: AWildSheeple
IC Letter:
To the lovely innkeepers of the Nook,

I am Alannah Lupenzi. I've been off on vacation and have returned to Regalia with not much to my name. I've been to your establishment a handful of times and have fallen in love with its quaint little charms. The last time I was there, I mentioned to one of your bartenders that I played the violin. He did not suggest employment, but after playing once on your little stage, I felt right at home. If you would even grant me a small trial, I would be more than happy to play for the customers.



Position: Performer.
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: None! I've got a clean slate.
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: _Owlet
IC Letter:
Hello! Lovely tenders at the Nook!
I am Gweyr, a violinist seeking a venue and establishment to work at. I overheard about your business and I would be extremely interested in taking upon an entertainer position. I am very visually impaired, and by very I mean totally blind. Therefore I had my friend write this letter! I do hope you consider me.

Spirits Bless!


(Underneath the signature there would be a little scribble from the lady herself to acknowledge the letter)


Entertainer - Violinist
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: Nope
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
Owlet_ is accepted with no trial needed.
Sheeple has been accepted on trial.

Please DM me your discords or message me if you already have it.
IGN: MrHasagi
The letter was written on a piece of paper torn from a journal, and the handwriting was legible and in ink.
"To whom this may concern,
My name is Milo Jay Shinseki. I am a pretty common visitor at the Nook Inn and have decided to apply for a job here. I am familiar with some of your other employees and have been recommended that I work here. Any position will do, but I will prefer to be a peacekeeper/bouncer as I have been trained to fight ever since my youth, and I have also been playing the flute for 20 years now, so a job as a bard will also be very nice. I completely understand if I am denied work here. For now, I hope you consider adding me to your team.
Position: Peacekeeper/Bouncer, Performer
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: None, unless being imprisoned by Julius (IC) counts (broke into Mercenary Keep to visit a friend).
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
Accepted on trial. Totally missed this bro.
IGN: AlysaPotato
IC Letter:

To senora Maria Valnet,
Hola, my name is Paloma Florez. I'm writing to you in hope of working at the Nook Inn. Ive visited several times, and everything about the place feels like home. I've have skills in cooking, cleaning, and body care training. Thank you for considering.
,Paloma Florez ◇

Position: Inn Maid
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: none
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: Artemis_Hanzo
IC Letter: Dear owners of The Nestled Nook Inn. My name is Bakari Nasir I am writing to you to apply to be a peace keeper. I have skill in how criminals act. So I can help you prevent them from causing trouble. I visit your establishment quite a bit. I will defend it and the people of it from any that wish it harm. If you need somebody to be a reference on my skill and who I am. My sister is Fathiyaa Nasir a guard for the city. I am available for interviews to show my skill and ability.
Position: Peace keeper
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: No.
@skullpanda90 @Nixces
IGN: AlysaPotato
IC Letter:

To senora Maria Valnet,
Hola, my name is Paloma Florez. I'm writing to you in hope of working at the Nook Inn. Ive visited several times, and everything about the place feels like home. I've have skills in cooking, cleaning, and body care training. Thank you for considering.
,Paloma Florez ◇

Position: Inn Maid
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: none
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: Artemis_Hanzo
IC Letter: Dear owners of The Nestled Nook Inn. My name is Bakari Nasir I am writing to you to apply to be a peace keeper. I have skill in how criminals act. So I can help you prevent them from causing trouble. I visit your establishment quite a bit. I will defend it and the people of it from any that wish it harm. If you need somebody to be a reference on my skill and who I am. My sister is Fathiyaa Nasir a guard for the city. I am available for interviews to show my skill and ability.
Position: Peace keeper
Bans/Jails/Mutes?: No.
@skullpanda90 @Nixces

Both accepted on trial! Please PM me your discords!
IGN: _Breakshot_

Hail, Keeper of the Nook Inn.

I offer my services of keeping the rowdy folk quiet and even rowdier folk out of your establishment. As I understand it, arguments and brawling are bad for business. My years spent as a sailor, followed by further years of mercenary-work and house guarding should be plenty of experience to help keep the peace.
Regards, Victor Eustice Decker.
Position: Peace Keeper
Bans/Jails/Mutes: None
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90
IGN: _Breakshot_

Hail, Keeper of the Nook Inn.

I offer my services of keeping the rowdy folk quiet and even rowdier folk out of your establishment. As I understand it, arguments and brawling are bad for business. My years spent as a sailor, followed by further years of mercenary-work and house guarding should be plenty of experience to help keep the peace.
Regards, Victor Eustice Decker.
Position: Peace Keeper
Bans/Jails/Mutes: None
Tag @Nixces @skullpanda90

[The letter would be in sloppy handwriting]

Dear mister Decker,

Hi I am Gwel. I am currently drunk off my ass but... I am a manager. Yes. I am the best manager. And you know what good managers do? Know when someone is good for the job of course! So I've decided to accept you. Yes. You are accepted.

Gwelurin'ümerie Venphyra'relínni
OOC Note- PM me your discord.

Page updates galore! Take a gander!
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  • IGN: HodlinG
  • Character Application:
    • Relevant proficiency: +13 Rogue Training. He can Juggle! Probably!
    • IC Letter: So, uh. To whom it may concern. This little Kathar boy just randomly ran up to me asking if I could write and deliver this message, Says his name is Joey Lamb, and he apparently wants a job at your Inn.
      Can't read or write worth a damn though, and with a grin like that... I'm not sure if I'd trust him, But I've a big heart, so thought I'd at least indulge him this much.
      But, as I've mentioned, the little Munchkin can't read, so he's requested that if you send something back, to only communicate with either a checkmark or a big X, I'm sure you can guess which signifies which.

      Yours Truly, A good Samaritan.
  • Activity out of 10: Just recently returned to the server, So it's hard to say. I'm hoping it will be up there though.
  • Position: Bartender/Entertainer. (Couldn't find a list of the positions, so, playing this my ear.)
  • Bans/mutes/jails?: None whatsoever!
  • IGN: HodlinG
  • Character Application:
    • Relevant proficiency: +13 Rogue Training. He can Juggle! Probably!
    • IC Letter: So, uh. To whom it may concern. This little Kathar boy just randomly ran up to me asking if I could write and deliver this message, Says his name is Joey Lamb, and he apparently wants a job at your Inn.
      Can't read or write worth a damn though, and with a grin like that... I'm not sure if I'd trust him, But I've a big heart, so thought I'd at least indulge him this much.
      But, as I've mentioned, the little Munchkin can't read, so he's requested that if you send something back, to only communicate with either a checkmark or a big X, I'm sure you can guess which signifies which.

      Yours Truly, A good Samaritan.
  • Activity out of 10: Just recently returned to the server, So it's hard to say. I'm hoping it will be up there though.
  • Position: Bartender/Entertainer. (Couldn't find a list of the positions, so, playing this my ear.)
  • Bans/mutes/jails?: None whatsoever!

After a very quick glance over, the Velheim would smile, and mark a giant, sloppy checkmark with over the paper with black ink. Sending it back from whence it came.

Accepted with no trial needed. I'll be sending you an invite!
  • IGN: nursies
  • Character Application: Here!
    • Relevant proficiency: None. (However, she's got +10 Visual Arts.)
    • IC Letter:
      To whoever it may concern,
      Hello! My name is Aurienne Colleen, I'm around the Nook a lot & I want to be apart of the establishment! I don't have many skills, but I can draw & I have a medical background. I am willing to learn about anything, and I hope I can be apart of the workforce! Thank you very much for giving this a read.

      Aurienne Colleen
  • Activity out of 10: 9/10!
  • Position: Bartender (or Entertainer(?) because of her art skills.)
  • Bans/mutes/jails?: None
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  • IGN: nursies
  • Character Application: Here!
    • Relevant proficiency: None. (However, she's got +10 Visual Arts.)
    • IC Letter:
      To whoever it may concern,
      Hello! My name is Aurienne Colleen, I'm around the Nook a lot & I want to be apart of the establishment! I don't have many skills, but I can draw & I have a medical background. I am willing to learn about anything, and I hope I can be apart of the workforce! Thank you very much for giving this a read.

      Aurienne Colleen
  • Activity out of 10: 9/10!
  • Position: Bartender (or Entertainer(?) because of her art skills.)
  • Bans/mutes/jails?: None

Dear Miss Colleen,

Hello! You are accepted as both an entertainer and bartender.

Gwelurin'ümerie Venphyra'relínni

Send me your discord username please!
  • IGN: Artemis_Hanzo
  • Character Application:
    • Relevant proficiency: +40 Food & Drink Sciences
    • IC Letter. Hello my name is Y-na'gi or Yana. I heard about you at the festival from some people. I wanted to apply to work as a chef for you. I am good at most things especially with a recipe. If you allowed me to work in your establishment I would make my familys Sarinuma sauce. I have included my special dish, its garlic buttered pork and beef ramen with fried onions, grilled peppers, topped with an egg mixed with my secret spice blend and topped with my family's pepper sauce called Sarinuma. Thank you for the time.
      ((Included with the letter is a box filled with Ramen))
  • Activity out of 10: 8
  • Position: Chef/Barstaff
  • Bans/mutes/jails?: None
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  • IGN: Artemis_Hanzo
  • Character Application:
    • Relevant proficiency: +40 Food & Drink Sciences
    • IC Letter. Hello my name is Y-na'gi or Yana. I heard about you at the festival from some people. I wanted to apply to work as a chef for you. I am good at most things especially with a recipe. If you allowed me to work in your establishment I would make my familys Sarinuma sauce. I have included my special dish, its garlic buttered pork and beef ramen with fried onions, grilled peppers, topped with an egg mixed with my secret spice blend and topped with my family's pepper sauce called Sarinuma. Thank you for the time.
      ((Included with the letter is a box filled with Ramen))
  • Activity out of 10: 8
  • Position: Chef/Barstaff
  • Bans/mutes/jails?: None
IC Name: Dusk Waters
IC Letter:
Dearest innkeeper,
My name is Dusk Waters, and I have recently found myself in need of a job. I visit your establishment often and find it such a lovely place to work. I love to interact with people, make people happy, or sing so I feel the position of barkeep or entertainer would be best although I will take any open position you have! I'd prefer to work with pay but if you see fit to have me work without then I'm fine with that as well. Thank you so much for any consideration and I wish you every blessing.
From, Dusk Waters

Position: Performer, Bartender
Bans, Jails, Mutes: None!
Tags: @skullpanda90 @Nixces @PapidaCarrot @Ded Jok @HereticTakao
IC Name: Dusk Waters
IC Letter:
Dearest innkeeper,
My name is Dusk Waters, and I have recently found myself in need of a job. I visit your establishment often and find it such a lovely place to work. I love to interact with people, make people happy, or sing so I feel the position of barkeep or entertainer would be best although I will take any open position you have! I'd prefer to work with pay but if you see fit to have me work without then I'm fine with that as well. Thank you so much for any consideration and I wish you every blessing.
From, Dusk Waters

Position: Performer, Bartender
Bans, Jails, Mutes: None!
Tags: @skullpanda90 @Nixces @PapidaCarrot @Ded Jok @HereticTakao
I've accepted this under trial! Please dm me your discord!
  • IGN: xXRainboRaygunXx
  • Character Name: Xiao Yue Jing
  • Character Application:
    • Relevant proficiency: Food and drink sciences
    • IC Letter: Dear Inkeeper, My name is Xiao Yue Jing and after recently arriving from Sihai a few of your patrons and bartends welcomed me and referred me to work here despite not having a regal to my name. I would be very happy to work here if you were to allow me to do so.
  • Activity out of 10: 6
  • Position: Cook, Bartender
  • IGN: xXRainboRaygunXx
  • Character Name: Xiao Yue Jing
  • Character Application:
    • Relevant proficiency: Food and drink sciences
    • IC Letter: Dear Inkeeper, My name is Xiao Yue Jing and after recently arriving from Sihai a few of your patrons and bartends welcomed me and referred me to work here despite not having a regal to my name. I would be very happy to work here if you were to allow me to do so.
  • Activity out of 10: 6
  • Position: Cook, Bartender
Hello! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to reject this application, under the grounds of lack of initial experience and faith. We also have a lot of employees, and as such, we have a very tight space. Since your character is Sihai, I suggest applying for the Jade Dragon.
"Good day to you, who I hope to be my future employer. My name is Phillion Deredda, current hero and instructor of the Spriggan's Heart and avid enjoyer of the Nestled Nook Inn. I find the establishment to be a joyous place to spend my time and would like to work within its walls, as both a conflict deterrent and servant of fellow drinkers. I have experience in both of these positions, but I find words to be worth little compared to actions- I hope to be given the opportunity to showcase these actions.
With Respect,
Phillion Deredda​
Activity out of 10: 5 (Mostly on the weekends, college boy)
"Good day to you, who I hope to be my future employer. My name is Phillion Deredda, current hero and instructor of the Spriggan's Heart and avid enjoyer of the Nestled Nook Inn. I find the establishment to be a joyous place to spend my time and would like to work within its walls, as both a conflict deterrent and servant of fellow drinkers. I have experience in both of these positions, but I find words to be worth little compared to actions- I hope to be given the opportunity to showcase these actions.
With Respect,
Phillion Deredda​
Activity out of 10: 5 (Mostly on the weekends, college boy)

Dear Phillion Deredda,

Hello! I am Gwelurin Vaell'aer, and I'm sending this letter to say you are hired as a trial employee! Your words truly convinced me you love the Nook and would like to keep it safe. You can start whenever you receive this letter.

Gwelurin Vaell'aer
Message me on Discord so I can add you to the Nestled Nook discord. HereticTakao#0184
IGN: Bayonettarded .
Character App: (Check my Profile)
Relevant Proficiencies: Food and Drink sciences- 15
Dear Nestled Nook,
Hello, I am Vincient, or call me Vinny. I have been joyed that there were so many jobs available! I would love to work here, for my love of food, obviously.. but, to make others happy, even if it isn't, I'd love if you would hire me!
Sincerely, Vincient El R.
Position: Barmaid
Bans/Mutes/Jails?: One mute, months ago, though.
@HereticTakao <3
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@Naganadel_ I'm sorry to say that your application has been rejected.
(pm me in the future if things change with your character, though!) I reccomend you try applying to the Willow instead.
  • IGN: AWildResi
  • Character Application: Literally just posted!
    • Relevant proficiency: 4 Culinary arts!
    • IC Letter
"Hello! I'm not good at letters, so I'll make this quick. I'm new to the city, moved here to settle down with my brother and I need a job to help him pay rent. I've hung out around your bar mostly and I do quite love it. If I could work here it would be such an honor! Annd, it would also be a nice way to pay the bills. I hope I'm taken into consideration! I've picked up a few bartending jobs in the past for some quick money while traveling about, so, I do have a little experience.
~Signed, Ahtah Kamran."

Just realized this wasn't the right thread! So sorry y'all.
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