Archived The Nerfing Of Fishing

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Jul 16, 2012
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Viva La Republic!
WARNING: This thread is for the discussion and proposals for the recent nerf to fishing. If you're just here to complain, please leave.


As you know if you read the main page, fishing has been nerfed. No longer can we fish up items from fishing. Only fish and XP will be rewarded for fishing.

A step to ensure people don't solely fish to gain ridiculous amounts of resources, but I have a counter proposal.

Fishing up the odd magical item, at low levels is just that, the odd magical item. It was far rarer to catch a piece of armor or a weapon. To keep it short, what I suggest we do is come to a middle ground: fishing up items is still possible, but the chance to fish up an item is lessened considerably. I would cap it at having a 10% chance to fish up an item, and that's at Level 1000. At Level 100 it's 1%, level 200 it's 2% etc. I imagine this can't be that difficult to code, just lessening the catch rate for items being fished up.

In the end, fishing should have some interest attached to it. Perhaps only allowing leather armor to be caught, perhaps only ender pearls and blaze rods, I don't know. This thread is for people to discuss what they think should happen, but do try and give some detail and not "i tink we shuld not nerf fishies lawl".

-cough- Anyway, yes. Discuss.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
(Not complaining, Imagine this in a polite voice >_<)
Dang, I've been spending ages getting my fishing up :S
And now it's gonna get nerfed :(
I hope its still going to be worth getting it to such a high level :l it took forever...

I like the nerfed system.

Why in the world would you get all these cool things, armor, weapons, etc, from fishing. What sort of idiot drops that much in the water anyway? ;)

This way it's more realistic, has it's rewards but fewer, and the value of items like Gold and Diamonds will eventually change.

And I'm not just saying this because I'm a greedy Dwarf who wants to be rich as mining is now 'one' of the only ways of getting these items.;)
Some would argue the game is called "minecraft" and not "fishcraft" or "doanythingbutminetogetstuffcraft"
Although I do like the idea of this suggestion, I think 10% is too high of a cap, as that would be easily a treasure a minute, for those who have fishing machines. Also, for the people who said fishing is useless without treasure, I disagree completely. Fishing is still, by far, the quickest way to get XP and in turn, enchants.
Screw treasure, salvaging all that shit was a pain! Not to mention the lag it caused from fishing storage devices as well as people throwing tons of items on the ground.
@Jared4242I believe instead of removing items all together they can just nerf the bite chance that way you can still get items but not as fast.
Auto fishing is a hack. You can go AFK and be fishing IG. Its one the the few types of hacking that is legal. Or at least it was legal I dunno if it is now.

Yeah AutoFishing is not allowed. People get banned for AutoFishing all the time, so.... Yeah....

Nevertheless, I agree with Cowboys. The fact that you could actually fish up the items in the beginning was rather silly. As Prestatamore said, with 1k fishing you could easily fish up a few stacks of diamond blocks a day, let alone knowing what Cowboys fishing level and bite chance was.... Dem diamonds...

Anyway, it was a good thing that Fishing was nerfed. In real life, you could not fish up a chestplate of pure diamond with a fishing rod. You should get from fishing what you'd expect: Fish. Nothing more. Hopefully the diamond prices will raise again now.
Yeah AutoFishing is not allowed. People get banned for AutoFishing all the time, so.... Yeah....

Nevertheless, I agree with Cowboys. The fact that you could actually fish up the items in the beginning was rather silly. As Prestatamore said, with 1k fishing you could easily fish up a few stacks of diamond blocks a day, let alone knowing what Cowboys fishing level and bite chance was.... Dem diamonds...

Anyway, it was a good thing that Fishing was nerfed. In real life, you could not fish up a chestplate of pure diamond with a fishing rod. You should get from fishing what you'd expect: Fish. Nothing more. Hopefully the diamond prices will raise again now.

He didnt even need to fish, the diamonds would hop out of the water to his pocket o-o
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