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Work in Progress Nueor, Mad Prince of the Depths

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.
Apr 3, 2020
Reaction score
"When men see my flags, they pray. I hope that catches the attention of their gods- I despise a show without an audience."

Character Information
  • Full Name: Nueor Graajoi Bel-Sol Vas-Rohul

  • Titles: Deep Crowned, Desprince of the Dark Depths, Captain of the Currents of Blood, Head of House Graajoi, Warmaster of the Deep Crusade.

  • Heritage / Culture: Mixed Heritage Isldar (Recessive Fin'ullen) / Fin'ullen Culture

  • Age: 268

  • Gender / Pronouns: He / Him

  • Religion: Deep Will [Xeradon] (Syncrethised with Broken Gods [The Covenant])

  • Occult: Xeradon Godborn, Valhersir Greater Sanguine

  • Character Occupation: Corsair, Raider, Outlaw
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Crimson (Formerly blue)

  • Skin Color: Pallid White

  • Hair: Black

  • Height: 5'8

  • Body Type: Slim, yet defined.

  • Additional Features: Silver fish scales cover most of his body. Through Bodymodding, a crown resembling shark's teeth lays on his head. Intermixed seemlesly with his body, chemtech lays infused.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Alchemy, Technology [Chemtech], Athletic / Magic

  • Mechanics:
    • Mixed Heritage:
      • Isldar hold power over the passage of life and death. If they are near a person who is about to die, they can either ensure that the soul passes into the afterlife and is not stolen by other entities or prevent it from even detaching from their body, thus turning that person into an Undead forcibly (keep in mind, doing either has moral weight and is judged by Religions). Additionally, Isldar can see the Soul Rivers, the natural pathways souls take to reach the afterlife, and can tell if a person has died if they know their true name.

      • Isldar who do not follow the Evolism Religion can put security incantations and prayers on their homes, making them naturally impervious from being spied upon, or broken into. With the OOC consent of other players, they can also use spy equipment to discover what is happening in their Rental Regions.

      • Isldar have natural suppressants in their own mind against interference and meddling from the outside. Even with OOC consent given, Isldar minds have stronger protection against any form of Mind Control. Their emotions are also not readable by those who can read and change emotions, unless they specifically let their mind be entered. Finally, Isldar minds also hold strong protections against the prying of Spirits. While they are not immune to a Spirit's influence, Spirits cannot easily detect their vices and ambitions to seduce them.

      • Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

      • Fin'ullen can use Persuasion /Dice on Spirits even without Charisma Proficiency, and gain a +2 Bonus while doing so.
    • Xeradon Godborn Mechanics

    • Common Vampire Mechanics
  • Languages: All (Due to Valhesir Lineagr)

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Strength 1d17
Defense Stat: Magic 1d15
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Stance
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Flurry
    • Bruiser Agony
    • Bruiser Rampage
    • Bruiser Feint
    • Bruiser Tackle
    • Weapon Throw
    • Technique Parry
  • Constitution: 0
    • Breather (Free Fin'ullen Pack)
  • Wisdom: 1
    • Chem Hyperfocus
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 5
    • Monstrous Invocation
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Summon
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Resist
    • Magical Variant (Mind Control Pack)
  • Charisma: 1
    • Hazardous Presence
Plot Hooks:
  • A Merry Band of Horrors: The crew of the Currents of Blood is composed of several diverse groupings of people, but they have all have four things in common: They are fearsome, ruthless, and loyal to their captain,... and they all must be Occult!
  • [*]
    • Undead: For the last two hundred years, Norueor has sacked and pillaged many ports and coastal towns all around. Those non-Occult who wish to join him must either first die, and then be raised by his hand as undead, or become Marken. Regular undead are more than welcome on his crew.

    • Mortisphage: Mortisphage who don't serve the Malefica's will are more than welcome.

    • Other Vampires: Any vampire is more than welcome to be a part of Nueor's Coven (therefore earning better privileges if anything). Those who join the crew must acknowledge Norueor as their Desprince.

    • Mages: All Mages are more than welcome to join Nueor's Crew, as long as they can pull their own weight.

    • Spirits/Demons: Due to his innate abilities, Norueor oftem has an slighy advantage over these beings– And so these are the most welcome beings on Nueor's ship, encouraged to unleashed their darkest natures.

    • Arkenborn: Arkenborn are welcome equallg, but it tends to be rare to see any Exist ones joininb tge crew.

    • Marken: Marken are, surprisingly, granted access to become part of the crew! They, however, they must accept a Wolfbane Ward placed by Nueor, to ensure they do not turn rampant all of a sudden.

    • Priests of Xeradon, Broken Gods Believers, some Vola Faithful: The only non-Occult people allowed on board are priests of Xeradon. Since Nueor has the Covenant as a Patron, those of the Broken Gods are welcome onto his crew, though of the three, Nueor only plans to spare the Covenant.

  • Children of the Deep Crowned: Nueor took up piracy over a hundred years ago, and as such has had many broods over the century, who tend to join his crew.

  • Victims of the Deep Crusade: It is often said that Nueor is the maddest of them all, a creature of dark renown. The survivors of his pillaging that do not manage to escape are forced to become Non-Occuly crew (NPC) under Nueor's mind control, until they die. All temples are burned to the ground, priests placed under horrid blood rituals, before released to the depths. As such, those who have managed to survive might be after him desiring.

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