I have an idea, lets all post in a huge font size from now on...
oh, and also, guys I challenge yall to decode this
>ᚺ <ᚢᛘᚠ ᚢ< >ᚺ <ᛜᛟᛘᚠ, >ᚺ ᚴ>ᚢᛘᛚᚺᚫ ᚢ </\ᛘᚠ.
>ᚺ <ᛜᛟᛘᚠ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᚹᛏᚺᚴᛁ<ᛁ/\ᛘ, ᚺᚴ<ᚹᚺᛏᛁᚺᛘᚴᚺ, ᛏ>ᛋᛚ>ᛒ,
<ᛜᛁᛘᚠᛁᛘᚠ >ᛁ< >ᚢᛒᛒᚺᛏ /\ᛘ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛁᛏ/\ᛘ ᛅᛁᚴᚺ ᚢ ᚠ/\ᛘᚠ,
ᚢᛘᚫ <ᛁᛘᚠᛁᛘᚠ /\ᛩ /\ᛅᚫ ᛚᛁᛒᚺ<: /\ᛩ </\ᛏᛏ/\ᛜᛩᛟᛅ ᚹᚢ<ᛚ >ᛁᛒ.
>ᚺ <ᛚᛏᛟᚴᚴ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛁᛏ/\ᛘ, ᚺᛒᚱᛏ/\ᛁᚫᚺᛏᚺᚫ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᚠ/\ᛅᚫ,
ᛁᛘ ᚱᚺᚢᛟᛚᛁᛩᛟᛅ <>ᚢᚹᚺ<, ᚹᛁᚺᛏᚴᛁᛘᚠᛅᛋ ᚱ/\ᛅᚫ.
ᛋᚺᛚ ᛩᚢᚫᛁᛘᚠ ᛁᛘᛚ/\ ᚢ <ᛟᛘ<ᚺᛚ ᛋᚺᛅᛅ/\ᛜ
ᚢᚱ/\ᚮᚺ ᛒ/\ᛟᛘᛚᚢᛁᛘ< >ᛁᚠ>ᚺᛏ 'ᛘ ᛅ/\ᛜ
ᛚ>ᛏᚺᚺ ᛚ>ᚺᛏᚺ ᛜᚺᛏᚺ, ᛚᛜ/\ ᚢᛏ/\ᛟᛘᚫ /\ᛘᚺ
ᛚ>ᚺ <ᛟᛘ ᚹᛁᚺᛏᚴᚺᚫ ᚱᛋ ᛚ>ᚺ >ᛁᚠ>ᚺᛏ'< ᚹ/\ᛁᛘᛚ;
<ᛟᛘ<ᚺᛚ ᚺᛘᚠᛟᛅᛩᛁᛘᚠ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛚ/\ᚹᛒ/\<ᛚ ᛏᛟᛘᚠ
/\ᛩ ᛏᚺᚫ ᛚᛁᚺᛏ /\ᛩ ᚴᛅ/\ᛟᚫ, ᚺᚢᚴ> >ᚢᛒᛒᚺᛏ-<ᛚᛏᛁᚴᚺ ᚠᛏ/\ᛜᛁᛘᚠ ᚱᛏᛁᚠ>ᛚᚺᛏ.
ᚢᛅᛅ ᛚ>ᛁ< ᛁ <ᚢᛜ, 'ᛩ/\ᛏᚺ >ᚺ ᛜ/\ᛟᛅᚫ ᚢᛘ/\ᛁᛘᛚ
ᛚ>ᚺ ᚹᛏᛁzᚺᚫ /\ᛩ >ᛁ< ᛩ/\ᛏᚠᚺᚫ, ᛁᛘ ᚴ/\/\ᛅᛁᛘᚠ ᛜᚢᛚᚺᛏ
ᛜ>ᛁᚴ> ᛒᚢᛏᚴᚺᚫ ᛚ>ᛁ< ᚱᛅᚢᚫᚺ ᚫ/\ᛘᚺ, ᛏᚺᚢᚫᛋ ᛩ/\ᛏ ᛜᚢᛏ
ᛏᚺᚢᚫᛋ ᛚ/\ ᛩᛁᚠ>ᛚ ᛩ/\ᛏ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛅᛁᛩᚺ /\ᛩ ᚴᛏᚺᚢᛚ/\ᛏ.
>ᚺ ᛅ/\/\ᚴᚺᚫ ᚢᛚ ᛒᚺ, ᛜᛏᛁᛘᚴᛅᚺ< ᛜᛁᛚ> ᚺᛋᚺ<
ᛩ/\ᛏᛒᚺᚫ ᛅᛁᚴᚺ ᚢ <ᛚ/\ᛏᛋ ᚢᛅᛅ ᛜᛏᛁᛚᛚᚺᛘ ᛁᛘ ᛅᛁᛘᚺ<
/\ᛩ ᛚᛏᚢᚮᚺᛅ<, /\ᛩ ᛜ/\ᚺ<, /\ᛩ ᛅᛁᛚᛚᛅᚺ ᛕ/\ᛋ<
/\ᛩ ᛚ>ᚺ </\ᛏᛏ/\ᛜᛩᛟᛅ ᚱᚺᚢᛟᛚᛋ >ᚺ <ᛟᛘᚠ ᛁᛘ >ᛁ< ᚮ/\ᛁᚴᚺ.
ᚢᛘᚫ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᚢ <ᛒᚢᛅᛅ ᛚᚺᚢᛏ, >ᚺ <ᚢᛁᚫ "ᚴ/\ᛒᚺ ᛋ/\ᛟᛘᚠ /\ᛘᚺ"
"ᛜ>ᛋ ᚢᛏᚺ ᛋ/\ᛟ <ᚢᚫ?" ᛁ <ᚢᛁᚫ ᛁᛘ ᛏᚺᛚᛟᛏᛘ
"ᚢ ᛅᚺ<</\ᛘ ᛩ/\ᛏ ᛋ/\ᛟ" >ᚺ <ᚢᛁᚫ "ᚹᚺᚫᚫᛅᚺᛏ'< </\ᛘ"
"ᛚᛏᛟᚺ ᛅ/\ᚮᚺ ᛁ< ᛁᛘ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚹᚢᛁᛘ< /\ᛩ ᚴ>ᛁᛅᚫᚱᛁᛏᛚ>"
>ᚺ ᛒ/\ᛚᛁ/\ᛘᚺᚫ ᛚ/\ ᛜ>ᚺᚺᛅ, ᛏᚺᚴᚺᛘᛚᛅᛋ ᛒᚺᛘᚫᚺᚫ
"ᛘ/\ᛜ ᛏᛟᛘ ᚢᛅ/\ᛘᚠ, ᛋ/\ᛟ >ᚢᚮᚺ ᚢ ᛕ/\ᚱ ᚢ>ᚺᚢᚫ"
ᚢ< ᛁ ᛏ/\ᛅᛅᚺᚫ ᛁᛚ ᚢᛜᚢᛋ, /\ᛘᚺ ᛅᚢ<ᛚ ᛚ>ᛁᛘᚠ >ᚺ ᚫᛁᚫ
>ᚺ <>/\ᛜᚺᚫ ᛒᚺ ᛚ>ᚺ <ᛜ/\ᛏᚫ, ᛘ/\ᛜ ᚢ ᚴ/\/\ᛅ ᛏᚺᚫ.
/\ᛘᚴᚺ ᛒ/\ᛏᚺ ᛜ/\ᛟᛅᚫ ᛁ <ᚺᚺ ᛁᛚ ᛚ>ᚢᛚ ᚴ/\ᛅ/\ᛏ ᚢᚠᚢᛁᛘ
ᛜ>ᚺᛘ ᚹᚺᚢᚴᚺ ᛜᚢ< ᚢ ᛚᛁᛒᚺ ᚢᛅᛒ/\<ᛚ ᛩ/\ᛏᚠ/\ᛚᛚᚺᛘ.
ᛚ>ᚺ ᛒᛁᛘᚺ< ᛜᚺᛏᚺ >ᛁᛚ ᛩᛁᛏ<ᛚ, ᛚ>ᚺ ᛩᚢᛏᛒ< ᚴ/\ᛒᛁᛘᚠ ᚢᛩᛚᚺᛏ.
</\/\ᛘ ᚢᛅᛅ ᛚ>ᚢᛚ ᛜᚢ< ᛅᚺᛩᛚ ᛜᚢ< ᛚ>ᚺ ᚴᛁᛚᛋ /\ᛘ >ᛁᛅᛅ.
ᛚ>ᚺ ᛏᚢᛁᚫᚺᛏ< ᛜᚺᛏᚺ /\ᛏᚴ<, >ᛟᛘᚠᛏᛋ ᛩ/\ᛏ <ᛅᚢᛟᚠ>ᛚᚺᛏ.
ᛜᚢᛏ >ᚢᚫ ᚴ/\ᛒᚺ ᛚ/\ ᚫ/\ᛏᚢᛅᚢᛚᛁᛅ
<ᛚᛏᛁᚫᛁᛘᚠ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᚹᛟᛏᚹ/\<ᚺ, ᛚ>ᚺ ᛒᛁᚠ>ᛚᛋ ᚫᛜᚢᛏᛩ ᚴᚢᛒᚺ
ᚴᛅᚢᚫ ᛁᛘ ᚢᛏᛒ/\ᛏ ᛩ/\ᛏᚠ/\ᛚᛚᚺᛘ ᛩ/\ᛏ ᛋᚺᚢᛏ<
>/\ᛅᚫᛁᛘᚠ >ᛁ< <ᛜ/\ᛏᚫ, ᛒᚢᚴᚴᚺᚱᚢ ᛁᛚ'< ᛘᚢᛒᚺ
>ᚺ <ᛚ/\ᚹᚹᚺᚫ ᚢᛚ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚠᚢᛚᚺ, <ᚹ/\ᚴᚺ ᛁᛘ ᚠᛟᚢᛏᚫ'< ᚺᛅᚮᛁ<> ᚺᚢᛏ<.
ᛚ>ᚺ ᚠᚢᛚᚺ ᛜᚢ< /\ᚹᚺᛘᚺᚫ ᚢᛘᚫ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚫᛜᚢᛏᛩ <ᛚᚺᚹᚹᚺᚫ ᛁᛘ.
ᛩ/\ᛏ >ᛁ< <ᚴᛁᛅᛅ ᚢᛘᚫ >ᛁ< ᚠᛁᛩᛚ<, ᚴᛁᛘᚠ ᛜᚢ< ᛩᛏᛁᚺᛘᚫ-ᛅᛁᚴᚺ ᛚ/\ >ᛁᛒ
ᛘᚺᚴ<ᛚ ᛁ >ᚺᚢᛏᚫ, >ᚺ ᛜᚢ< ᛩᛁᚠ>ᛚᛁᛘᚠ ᛩ/\ᛏ ᚴᛁᛘᚠ
ᛚ>/\ᛟᚠ> ᚢᛅᛅ ᚢᛏ/\ᛟᛘᚫ >ᛁᛒ ᛜᚺᛏᚺ ᛩᚢᛏ ᛩᛏ/\ᛒ >ᛁ< ᚴᛁᛘ
ᛒᚢᛘᛋ ᚴᚢᛒᚺ ᚴᛟᛏᛁ/\ᛟ< /\ᛩ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛜᚢᛏ'< ᛚᛁᚫᛁᛘᚠ
ᛁᛚ< <ᛟᚴᚴᚺ<< 'ᛚᛏᛁᚱᛟᛚᚺᚫ ᛚ/\ ᛘ/\ᛜ-ᚠᛏᚺᚢᛚ ᚱᚺᛏᚴᛁᛘ
ᛘᚺᛜ< ᚴᚢᛒᚺ ᛚ>ᚢᛚ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛜᚢᛏ >ᚢᚫ ᛚᚢᚴᚺᛘ ᛘᚺᛜ ᛚᛟᛏᛘ<.
ᛘᚺᛜ< ᚴᚢᛒᚺ ᛚ>ᚢᛚ ᛚ>ᚺ /\ᛏᚴ-ᚴᚢᛒᚹ< >ᚢᚫ <ᛚᚢᛏᛚᚺᚫ ᛚ/\ ᚱᛟᛏᛘ.
ᛚᛁᚫᛁᛘᚠ< ᛜᚺᛏᚺ /\ᛩ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚢᛏᛒᛁᚺ< ᚢᚫᚮᚢᛘᚴᛁᛘᚠ.
ᛁᛘ ᛚ>ᚺ >ᚢᛅᛅ< /\ᛩ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚴᛁᛘᚠ ᛚ>ᚺᛏᚺ ᛜᚢ< ᛩ/\ᛏ /\ᛘᚴᚺ ᚫᚢᛘᚴᛁᛘᚠ.
ᚱᛟᛚ </\/\ᛘ, ᛁᛚ <ᚺᚺᛒᚺᚫ, /\ᛟᛏ ᛅᛟᚴᚴ >ᚢᚫ ᛏᛟᛘ ᚫᛏᛋ,
ᛏᚺᛁᛘᛩ/\ᛏᚴᚺᛒᚺᛘᛚ< ᚴᚢᛒᚺ ᛩ/\ᛏ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚺᛘᚺᛒᛋ.
ᛚ>ᚺ /\ᛏᚴ-<ᛜᚢᛏᛒ ᚹᛏᚺ<<ᚺᚫ /\ᛘ, ᛜᛁᛚ> >ᚢᛏ<> ᚱᚢᛚᛚᛅᚺ-ᚴᛏᛋ.
ᛜᚺ </\/\ᛘ ᚴᚢᛒᚺ ᛚ/\ ᚴᛘ/\ᛜ ᛜᚺᛅᛅ ᛒᛁ<ᚺᛏᛋ.
ᛘᚺᛜ< ᛜᚢ< ᛚ>ᚢᛚ ᚱᚺᛏᚴᛁᛘ ᚹᛏᚺ<<ᚺᚫ /\ᛘ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᛘᚺᛜ <ᚹᚺᚺᚫ.
ᛚ>ᚺᛋ <ᚢᛋ >ᚺ ᛒᚢᛏᚴ>ᚺᚫ /\ᛘ ᛟᛘ>ᛁᛘᚫᚺᛏᚺᚫ ᛁᛚ <ᚺᚺᛒᚺᚫ.
ᚢᛘᚫ ᛚ>/\ᛟᚠ> >ᚺ ᚠᛏᛟᛘᛚᚺᚫ, ᚢᛅᛚ>/\ᛟᚠ> >ᚺ <ᛜᚢᛋᚺᚫ
ᛚ>ᚺ ᛜᚢᚮᚺ< /\ᛩ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚺᛘᚺᛒᛋ ᛜᚺᛏᚺ ᚴᚺᚹᛚ ᛏ/\ᛟᛘᚫ >ᛁᛒ ᚢᛚ ᚱᚢᛋ.
ᚢᛩᛚᚺᛏᛜᚢᛏᚫ ᛚ>ᚺ </\ᛅᚫᛁᚺᛏ< <ᚢᛁᚫ ᛚ>ᚺᛁᛏ >ᚺᚢᛏᛚ< ᛕᛟᛒᚹᚺᚫ ᛁᛘ ᛩᚺᚢᛏ
ᚢᛅᛁᚴᚺ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᛚ>ᚺ /\ᛏᚴ< ᛜ>ᚺᛘ >ᚺ ᚴᛅᛁᛒᚱᚺᚫ ᛩᛏ/\ᛒ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛏᚺᚢᛏ
ᛟᚹ ᛚ/\ ᛚ>ᚺ ᛩᛏ/\ᛘᛚ ᚢᛘᚫ ᚠᚢᚮᚺ /\ᛟᛚ ᚢ ᚱᚺᛅᛅ/\ᛜ,
ᛏᚢᛁ<ᛁᛘᚠ >ᛁ< <ᛜ/\ᛏᚫ ᛜᛁᛚ> ᚺᛘᚠᛏᚢᚮᚺᚫ <ᛟᛘ<ᚺᛚ ᛋᚺᛅᛅ/\ᛜ.
ᚱᛟᛚ ᛚ>ᚺ ᚴ>ᛁᚺᛩᛚᚢᛁᛘ /\ᛩ /\ᛏᚴ< ᛜᚢ< <ᚢᛁᚫ ᛚ/\ ᚱᚺ ᚮᚺᛚᚺᛏᚢᛘ
/\ᛩ ᛒᚢᛘᛋ ᚱᚢᛚᛚᛅᚺ<, ᚢᛘᚫ ᚺᛘᚺᛒᛁᚺ< ᛩᛏ/\ᛒ >ᛁᛒ ᛏᚢᛘ.
(ᚢᛅ</\, ᛁᛚ <ᚺᚺᛒᚺᚫ, ᛚ>ᚢᛚ >ᚺ ᛜᚢ< >ᚢᛅᛩ ᚠᛁᚢᛘᛚ)
ᚢᛘᚫ ᛒᚺᛏᚴᛋ ᛚ/\ ᚹᛏᛁ</\ᛘᚺᛏ< ᚴᛘ/\ᛜᛘ ᛘ/\ᛚ ᛜᚢ< ᚠᛏᚢᛘᛚ'.
ᛚ>ᛟ< ᛁᛚ ᛜᚢ< </\ ᛚ>ᚢᛚ ᛜ>ᚺᛘ ᚱᚺᛏᚴᛁᛘ ᚴ/\ᛘᛩᛏ/\ᛘᛚᚺᚫ
ᛚ>ᚺ /\ᛏᚴ-ᚠᛁᚢᛘᛚ ᚱᚢᛚᛚᛅᚺ, ᛩ/\ᛏ ᛚᛜ/\ ᚫᚢᛋ< ᛁᛚ ᛅᚢ<ᛚᚺᚫ.
ᚢ ᛚ/\ᚺ ᚢᛘᚫ ᛚ>ᛏᚺᚺ ᛚᚺᚺᛚ> ᛜᚺᛏᚺ ᛚ/\ᛏᛘ /\ᛟᛚ /\ᛩ ᚱᚺᛏᚴᛁᛘ
ᚱᛟᛚ /\ᛟᛚ /\ᛩ /\ᛏᚴ-ᚠᛁᚢᛘᛚ ᛒᚢᚴᚴᚺᚱᚢ ᛜᚢ< ᛚ/\ᛏᛘ,
ᚢᛘᚫ ᛒ/\ᛏᚺ ᛚ>ᚢᛘ ᚢ ᛚ/\ᚺ ᛜ/\ᛟᛅᚫ ᚱᚺ ᛅ/\ᛘᚠ ᛒᛁ<<ᚺᚫ ᚱᛋ >ᛁᛒ.
ᛜ>ᚺᛘ ᚫᛟᚢᛅ ᛜᚢ< /\ᚮᚺᛏ, ᛚ>ᚺ ᚢᛏᛒ/\ᛏ ᛜ/\ᛏᛘ.
ᚱᛋ ᚠᛁᚢᛘᛚ ᛜᚺᛏᚺ ᛏᚢᛁ<ᚺᚫ /\ᛘ ᚢ ᚹ/\ᛅᚺ ᛚ/\ ᛜᚢᛏᛘ
ᚺᛘᚺᛒᛋ /\ᛩ ᚫ/\ᛏᚢᛅᚢᛚᛁᛅ, ᛘ/\ᛘᚺ ᚢᛏᚺ ᛜᚺ ᛜᚺᚢᚴ /\ᛏ ᛩ/\ᛏᛅ/\ᛏᛘ.
ᛁᛘ <ᚴᛜᛟᚢᛏᚺ /\ᛩ ᚴᛁᛚᛋ ᛁ <ᚢᛜ >ᛁᛒ ᛏᚺᛚᛟᛏᛘ.
ᚱᛟᛏᚫᚺᛘ /\ᛩ ᚢᛏᛒ/\ᛏ ᛘ/\ ᛅ/\ᛘᚠᚺᛏ ᚱ/\ᛏᛘ
ᚱᛟᛚ <ᛜ/\ᛏᚫ >ᚺ <ᛚᛁᛅᛅ ᚴᚢᛏᛏᛁᚺᚫ, ᚢᛘᚫ ᛚ>ᚺᛘ >ᚺ ᚫᛁ<ᚹᛅᚢᛋᚺᚫ
ᛚ>ᚺ ᚴ/\ᛅ/\ᛏ /\ᛩ ᚱᛅ/\/\ᚫ /\ᛘ >ᛁ< ᛚᛏᛟ<ᛚᛜ/\ᛏᛚ>ᛋ ᚱᛅᚢᚫᚺ.
he sang as he swung, he chanted a song.
he swung with precision, experience, rhythm,
swinging his hammer on the iron like a gong,
and singing of old times: of sorrowful past him.
he struck the iron, embroidered with gold,
in beautiful shapes, piercingly bold.
yet fading into a sunset yellow
above mountains higher 'n low
three there were, two around one
the sun pierced by the higher's point;
sunset engulfing the topmost rung
of red tier of cloud, each hammer-strike growing brighter.
all this i saw, 'fore he would anoint
the prized of his forged, in cooling water
which marced this blade done, ready for war
ready to fight for the life of creator.
he looked at me, wrincles with eyes
formed lice a story all written in lines
of travels, of woes, of little joys
of the sorrowful beauty he sung in his voice.
and with a small tear, he said "come young one"
"why are you sad?" i said in return
"a lesson for you" he said "peddler's son"
"true love is in the pains of childbirth"
he motioned to wheel, recently mended
"now run along, you have a job ahead"
as i rolled it away, one last thing he did
he showed me the sword, now a cool red.
once more would i see it that color again
when peace was a time almost forgotten.
the mines were hit first, the farms coming after.
soon all that was left was the city on hill.
the raiders were orcs, hungry for slaughter.
war had come to doralatil
striding with purpose, the mighty dwarf came
clad in armor forgotten for years
holding his sword, macceba it's name
he stopped at the gate, spoke in guard's elvish ears.
the gate was opened and the dwarf stepped in.
for his skill and his gifts, king was friend-like to him
next i heard, he was fighting for king
though all around him were far from his kin
many came curious of the war's tiding
its success 'tributed to now-great berkin
news came that the war had taken new turns.
news came that the orc-camps had started to burn.
tidings were of the armies advancing.
in the halls of the king there was for once dancing.
but soon, it seemed, our luck had run dry,
reinforcements came for the enemy.
the orc-swarm pressed on, with harsh battle-cry.
we soon came to know well misery.
news was that berkin pressed on with new speed.
they say he marched on unhindered it seemed.
and though he grunted, although he swayed
the waves of the enemy were kept round him at bay.
afterward the soldiers said their hearts jumped in fear
alike with the orcs when he climbed from the rear
up to the front and gave out a bellow,
raising his sword with engraved sunset yellow.
but the chieftain of orcs was said to be veteran
of many battles, and enemies from him ran.
(also, it seemed, that he was half giant)
and mercy to prisoners known not was grant'.
thus it was so that when berkin confronted
the orc-giant battle, for two days it lasted.
a toe and three teeth were torn out of bercin
but out of orc-giant macceba was torn,
and more than a toe would be long missed by him.
when dual was over, the armor worn.
by giant were raised on a pole to warn
enemy of doralatil, none are we weak or forlorn.
in square of city i saw him return.
burden of armor no longer born
but sword he still carried, and then he displayed
the color of blood on his trustworthy blade.