
Here have a snickers
I once knew a man from Peru
Whose limericks stopped at line two

There was an old maid from Verdun

(I know one about the late Emperor Nero but I can't tell you that one)
Smh no posts for over twelve hours?
Am I supposed to wake up and start the day with a lack of Stuff posts?
Well time to start some controversy. If anyone can guess my favorite number you will be gifted a dank prize of 23 regals, Yeahs thats right, Anyways just guess the number and add your IGN, This will end in 1 hour and 23 minutes. OH and also you have one guess, so make it count.
Well time to start some controversy. If anyone can guess my favorite number you will be gifted a dank prize of 23 regals, Yeahs thats right, Anyways just guess the number and add your IGN, This will end in 1 hour and 23 minutes. OH and also you have one guess, so make it count.
Well time to start some controversy. If anyone can guess my favorite number you will be gifted a dank prize of 23 regals, Yeahs thats right, Anyways just guess the number and add your IGN, This will end in 1 hour and 23 minutes. OH and also you have one guess, so make it count.
--Drags him self in to the thread in the ye old black and white jail uniform with a ball and chain attached to his leg... the ball and chain being Linux Elementary OS-- Hi guys -.- ... Any of you guys know any games that can run on linux?

Also, here's a personal story.
>Never used greentext form but this should be fun
>Dorky me, was 10
>Had to move across the country
>I was told to pick out a single shoe box of stuff and we were leaving the rest behind
>Saddest thing I ever had to do
>Never thrown away any of my stuff before
>After a good two hours of crying and trying to decide what of my most prized possessions to take, I ended up with
>My deck of Bat Man playing cards, a swiss army knife my grandpa gave me before he died, a G.I. Joe, and a pop cap revolver.
>Everything else was hauled outside to get dumped
>I tried to keep from crying, but couldn't
>Sorta felt like a baby, and had to go inside
>Just looked around at things, like the railing on the stairs, and felt tons of nostalgia
>Of all the things that upset me, the worst was having to leave our old dog buried in the back yard
>He was my best friend, and my only friend
>Never would be able to forget him
>Couldn't go talk to him when I was sad, now
>Every time I thought of his death I just remembered the man that beat him to death
>Nobody believed me, but I saw him do it
>All I remember is the first letter of each line
Here's a nother personal story. I got linux Elementary OS installed on my laptop in stead of my Windows 10 with out me agreeing to it, a quote "Effort to set my life strait" which is BS with vanilla on top